Do you hate me?

Fifteen years after…

"Mello, wake up. Mello~"

Lu Mello slowly opened his eyes and saw his beautiful wife, smiling sweetly at him. "Enxi…"

"How can you sleep this much when your wife is hungry? Go get me some food now!" She ordered as she sat up and crossed her arms.

A small smile appeared on his lips, "Alright, alright, let me get you some food." He sat up as well and instead of getting out of the bed, he ended up staring at his wife. He watched her walk towards the balcony to greet the morning sun. Once again, he couldn't help but be enchanted at the way the wind blew against her, making her hair sway beautifully.

Although his adoration for his wife was interrupted when a sudden knock was heard.

"Dad, breakfast is ready." A boy's young voice was heard outside.

"Alright, I'll be there in a moment." This time, he got out of the bed and head out of the room only to see his 18 years old son, Lu Xueren, waiting for him.