Don't you blame me?

Lu Mello was surprised by the sudden question his daughter asked which made her look at her with wide eyes.

Lu Xuelan clenched her fists tightly as she forced herself to look at her father. Her eyes were filled with tears and pain. Just by seeing this room, she knew how much her father must have loved her mother. "D-do you blame me for mom's death?" It was a question she has always wanted to ask.

She has always thought that it was a mistake for her to have been born. Dad should have saved her mother instead of her since they could always have another child if they chose to abandon her.

"No, I never blamed you."

Her father's answer broke a dam of water inside the child as she ended up bursting into tears. "W-Why? D-don't you… don't you hate me… for taking away mom-"

She was cut off when she suddenly felt a pair of strong arms that hugged her.