Swift Disposal

"Ha! What do we have here?" Someone said with a cocky tone as they burst from the bushes. "Seems we have the weakling that can't seem to even play for 6 hours. How pathetic, you shouldn't be playing old man, this era is for the younglings like me to dominate."

It was the swordsmen from Blitz's party, his tone was as cocky as usual. However, he wasn't surprised that the swordsman was able to guess that he was an old man. After all, when taking in the consideration of playtime there are only two groups of people that'll have a similar playtime to him. Oldies and children, and guessing from the way Jose fought, it was pretty obvious he wasn't some child.

"However, it seems you've paired up with people in your level huh. Probably the whole bunch of you are just a bunch of oldies wasting away at their lives," The swordsmen said with an arrogant tone along with a twisted smile. "Just go rot in your retirement homes, leave this world for people that are actually going to be living in it for another 10 years."

Everyone in the group felt the impulse to rush up and pummel the swordsmen to the ground, maybe even find where he lives and present him with some real military discipline. However, they were swiftly stopped by Jose who held out his arm.

"Provoking a bunch of oldies to turn into player killers, really, how pathetic is your life? Also, you should learn to respect your elders, after all, I'm probably old enough to have slept with your mother," Jose responded to the swordsmen arrogance with an arrogant voice of his own. It was a voice he practised for dealing with government officials, entirely for the purpose of ticking them off rather than getting to be friendly with them.

"What did you say!" The swordsmen asked as his face twitched nonstop. The rest of the ground faintly chuckled at Jose's response. But just like Jose predicted, the arrogant and hotblooded swordsmen dashed forwards and raised his head to cut at Jose's neck.

But with his swift response along with many years of experience, Jose narrowly ducked beneath the sword swing, allowing it to merely graze along his hair.

[Player Harem Lord has initiated an attack, allowing player and comrades to respond with force]

With Jose's newfound knowledge after researching, he knew full well that you didn't want to be the one to initiate an attack. After all, once you initiate the attack, the opposition can respond with full force with suffering any penalties.

Adam suddenly appeared behind the swordsmen and sliced through his through before cutting through his arms and legs a couple of times. Adam's attacks were so fast for a new player; unless one's agility was at a similar level or they had a special observation skill they wouldn't have been able to see Adam's attacks.

Harem Lord disappeared with a flash, dropping a couple of items. Which is the reason why most players would try to provoke each other into attacking first; since the one which attacks first has a chance of dropping their equipment should they be killed.

"Ha, he seems to be all talk but no bite," Luke remarked as he looked down disdainfully where the swordsmen died. Although the group couldn't see nor hear the swordsmen, he was currently in an astral form where he died, he had to wait one minute before he can respawn. However, in the meantime, he was hearing the group constantly berate and insult him after his death.

"Indeed, seems to lack the strength to support that backbone," Harrison responded similarly to Luke. Staring at the ground where the swordsmen died with disdain. "If he was here right now, I would probably go all out with insults, going after all of his family members."

"Dumbass brutes," Hayley muttered beneath her breath. Although it wasn't loud, the two tanks could certainly hear her. Even though they didn't need to hear the words, they just needed to see Hayley's facial expression and they could understand what she was thinking about them.

"No, it's not dumbass brutes, it's Bald Bros or Muscle Men, get it right," Luke responded as him and Harrison flexed their now youthful muscles. They made sure to make their character as muscular as possible, otherwise how else will people now that they're strong.

"My point is proven," Hayley responded before turning to look at the bushes. The whole group followed her line of sight as a few more players burst from the bushes, with Blitz leading the pack it was the rest of his party. Aside from the arrogant swordsmen that is.

"Oh hey, it's the weird magician again. How've you been doing? I can see you already have a party, suppose it'll be rude to ask you to join us now huh?" Blitz said as he walked up to Jose and pat his muscular hand on Jose's shoulder.

Luke and Harrison stared at Blitz with fire in their eyes, they dashed over before taking a closer look at Blitz's muscles. They began lifting up Blitz's arms, feeling the hardness and size of the muscles while Blitz stood there chuckling awkwardly.

"Mad Bull 1! Mad Bull 2! Stop that!" Jose shouted using Luke and Harrison's in-game name instead. That was how it usually worked, it was seen as weird when someone uses their real-life names. Especially when near strangers.

The two looked at each other before nodding and walking away silently. Blitz awkwardly chuckled before turning his attention back to Jose. "Well, it seems you certainly have some unique characters in your party. But anyway, have you seen the swordsmen of my team? We remember seeing him dash this way for some weird reason, have you ran into him?"

"No sorry, we haven't seen him, but we'll make sure to tell him that you're looking for him if we do," Jose explained with a composed face and tone. It was almost as though lying can naturally to him, it was useful though, with his abilities he can even trick lie detectors and fool anyone that captures him into believing the wrong information.

"Oh great, thanks. Also, just a friendly reminder from one strong player to another, I wouldn't suggest going that way," Blitz explained as he pointed towards the direction they were coming from. "There's currently a large group of players preparing to take on the dungeon. There are roughly 70 – 100 players all a part of the same team, they warned us and proclaimed the dungeon theirs."

"Ha, they sound pretty arrogant," Hayley remarked from the back of the group.

Blitz chuckled as he nodded. "Indeed, but they have the strength to possess that arrogance as they're one of the top 100 guilds, currently ranked at 78th on the first server they're known for their arrogance. They've got quite the arrogant name as well, Noob Killers. I would suggest avoiding them at all costs."

Blitz said his piece before leaving with the rest of his party in his wake. The swordsmen, Harem Lord was currently screaming and shouting in his astral form throughout the entire conversation. However, it came to no avail as his party leader left the group untouched. Grumbling angrily he sat back down and waited for his respawn time to finish.

In the distance, Blitz was currently talking with his party members when the other swordsmen brought up the matter they were all curious about. "Leader, although I trust your judgement, I'm curious as to why you didn't start a fight with those oldies? We know it was them that killed Harem Lord, after all, his stuff is still on the ground."

"For a very simple reason. Although they're old, they're extremely experienced in combat which is the reason why Harem Lord wasn't able to send a message before his death. And, because none of them have been marked as player killers it's likely Harem Lord's fault, probably got too cocky for his own good. This would serve as a valuable lesson to him," Blitz explained calmly as they made their way through the forest, killing a spider here and there.

"I can understand that, but even then, don't you always go for revenge when someone kills your party member? Isn't that how it's always been?" The swordsmen asked as he got more and more flustered by Blitz's calmness.

"MySwordIsLong, why do you think our leader informed the group of Noob Killer's presence near the dungeon?" One of the magicians asked coldly as he looked dead into the swordsmen's eyes.

"I don't know, you're all apart of that smart stuff, I'll just stick to swinging my sword around," MySwordIsLong replied as he brushed off the question. He wasn't all that smart, however, he was fairly good in terms of combat, far surpassing Harem Lord's combat abilities.

"You do you, but anyway. The reason behind our leader's move is to lure those players into a trap. After all, they do seem likely arrogant and also seem to dislike other arrogant people. By talking about what happened with us and Noob Killers, they'll like charge right into there and attempt to ruin that guild's raid," The magician explained as he held a hand up. "Now, do you understand the brilliance behind our leader's actions?"

"Whoa, I never knew you thought so far ahead," MySwordIslong replied with a sparkle in his eye, he marvelled at the brilliance of his leader.

"Yes, yes, you have to act like you have no idea what you're doing to confuse those that have an idea of what they're doing," Blitz responded as he held up a finger. In reality, he had absolutely no idea what the magician was talking about. He was just giving a friendly reminder to someone he's fought alongside to stay away from the guild Noob Killers. Not tempt them into going and attacking them.

Back with Jose and his party, Skilful Noobs. They were all looking towards each other with wide grins, they were waiting for the other group to get far enough before they start planning. Luke was the first one to step up. "We should 100% go in and ruin their dungeon attack. That'll certainly make them remember our name, not to mention it'll certainly set them back a bit."

"Indeed, calling themselves Noob Killers is basically asking for us to go in and attack them," Hayley said coldly. They had just named their party Skilful Noobs, now hearing that there's a guild whose name just so happens to insult theirs, how would they just sit down and let them go freely.

"Still hotblooded as always," Jose muttered loudly enough for everyone to hear, swiftly gaining their attention. "It's obviously a ploy from Blitz, trying to lure us into fighting against a top guild is quite a smart method. Unfortunately, we're not dumb enough to fall for it. So, what we're going to do instead is go and ruin their dungeon raid!"

"Leader, isn't that what you told us not to do?" Harrison asked with great concern. He wasn't prepared to fight against other humans; monsters and beasts he was completely fine with but humans he was not, they're apart of the same kind.

"What are you talking about Harrison? I said that we aren't dumb enough to fall for their ploy in attacking the guild Noob Killers head-on. It's much easier to just sabotage them," Jose explained as he raised a finger to his eye. "Then, once we're done ruining their dungeon raid, we'll go ahead and steal the boss kill from them."

"Haha! I knew you still had it in you boss!" Luke shouted loudly as he raised his arms in the air along with the shield.