"Jose, are you sure we should go out provoking such a large guild so soon?" Maddy asked with great concern as she rubbed her knuckles together nervously. "What if they decide to make our time here a living hell? After all, they don't need to kill us at all to do that. Just rinse through the forests leaving only the strong monsters, or even monster train attack us."
Maddy had got online yesterday afternoon once she got back home and began searching the internet to learn more about the game. So, unlike Jose when he first joined, Maddy already got the gist of just about everything related to playstyles and certain types of players and guilds.
Luke snorted loudly with a hint of disdain. "Huh, they can try but they won't be making this Mad Bull's time in-game hell. Hell, maybe I'll pull out the Uno reverse card and make them all rage quit. Then, we'll have the town all to ourselves not to mention the city after the town."
"He does have a point Maddy," Jose interjected. "After all, if we're able to get the guild Noob Killers to leave this Town of beginnings we'll have the city to ourselves. It'll provide a great opportunity for our growth as it'll remain unhindered. Not to mention we could start hunting bosses once we get to the next stage and maybe get our hands on some World Teleportation Scrolls."
"Hai, you really don't understand, do you?" Hayley asked coldly as she looked down on the rest of the group. "Those World Teleportation Scrolls are exactly the reason as to why large guilds don't necessarily go for high difficulty Town of Beginnings. Because once they get through and into the city, they just need to defeat a few bosses and get themselves a World Teleportation Scholl. Then, they can go wherever they want without having to go through the troubles of dealing with high difficulty dungeons."
"That's cheating!" Luke shouted loudly as he pointed towards Hayley with his index finger. "What's the point in defeating high difficulty dungeons then? If guilds are just able to proceed so easily as you just explained than what's even the point of choosing to stick to a high difficulty Town of Beginnings?"
"Because there's a low chance of a unique class change dropping from defeating the dungeon boss," Jose intervened with the conversation. "There's an incredibly low chance of a unique class change dropping from high difficulty dungeon bosses. These classes can be from anywhere to uncommon to legendary, apparently, there's even a chance of a mythical or ancient class dropping."
"Now those sound cool, what are some of them?" Luke asked with wide eyes filled with excitement. He was imagining the scene going through his head, turning into a mighty dragon as he sweeps his enemies away with an impenetrable defence.
"Well, if we're going by class than I suppose for tanks there's a small fraction of a chance of these classes dropping: Ancient Dragon Guardian, Beast God Guardian, Holy Angel Guardian, Elemental Tank, Furious Shield, and Nature's Shield. Those are the only ones to have dropped for the tank class," Maddy explained gracefully and elegantly.
"Whoa, so many, maybe there is a chance of me getting one," Luke said with a grain of hope before that grain was drowned by a cold Hayley.
"What are you talking about? There are 30 billion people on earth and over a quarter of them play the game. Now, seeing as how those are the only classes dropped despite billions of people defeating the boss do you really think there's a chance of you getting a unique class change?" Hayley explained coldly with disdain in her eyes as she stared through Luke's body and pierced his hope. "Also, why do you think it'll be a tank's unique class change, maybe it'll be an archer's, or assassin's."
"Whoa now, no need to kill the man with insults Hayley," Jose immediately interjected and interrupted Hayley's berating before things got too far. That was the only problem with Hayley, she was a good shot and strong team player but would insult someone till they cry if they just slightly tick her off.
"Hmph, then he shouldn't get so ahead of himself," Hayley said coldly before backing off as she felt Jose release a cold aura. It enveloped her body and threatened to crush her despite them being in a game, however, she would never forget that aura as it was something Jose constantly used throughout their days in the squad together as well.
"Anyway, let's get going. Adam, scout up ahead and determine exactly how many players there are, I would also suggest trying to estimate who amongst them is the leader," Jose ordered, getting Adam to give a slight nod before jumping up and disappearing into the trees.
"Let's go, I want to get into a good position to follow behind them before ambushing them," Jose said as he walked through the bushes that Blitz and his party burst out of. The rest of the group followed along close behind; it didn't take long for them to reach the destination.
It was a large cave entrance; the cave had a rough height of 6 metres while being 5 metres wide. It was created with stone, vines were growing alongside it along with some webs. It was pretty obvious already just from the name of the forest that the dungeon boss would be a spider-like boss.
Currently, out the front of the cave entrance was a large swarm of people, all in different groups with different classes. This is one of the challenges large guilds will face early game, as they can't create a guild yet different parties can attack each other. And, from the fact that there were roughly 7 parties, there's a high chance of one attack going astray and hitting a comrade.
"Jose, I estimate that there are currently 130 people with a high chance of more people coming to reinforce the group." Adam appeared on the tree branch above the group and whispered down to them. Jose clicked his tongue, it would certainly be an uphill battle if they were to not take this seriously.
In the distance, one more party burst through the bushes, they were heavily armoured with some of the best equipment someone could get at this stage in the game. It was obvious by the way that their item had a slightly dark grey outline to them that they weren't just common equipment.
Equipment all have grades to them, usually determined by the colour that outlines their shape. Dark grey represents uncommon equipment, something none of them had as of now. It could only be got by semi-boss monsters, something akin to the giant spiders that Jose fought against on his first time going into the forest. The giant spiders were semi-boss level monsters in this Town of Beginnings.
The ranks went up respectively as shown. White (Common), Dark Grey (Uncommon), Blue (Rare), Violet (Ultra Rare), Orange (Legendary), Red (Mythical), Azure Green (Ancient). That's all that's known as of now with a high chance of there being even high-grade items. Even the first server has yet to be fully explored despite being out for an entire year already.
There were also ways to upgrade items through the use of blacksmithing which add another outline to a piece of equipment. Usually going from white to red, the darker the red the higher number of times it's been upgraded. However, upgrading brings in the risk of losing the item entirely. Granted, it's a risk almost all high tiered players were willing to take.
"Alright! Seeing as how you're already we'll go into the dungeon right this minute and attempt to kill the boss! Remember, we're currently not in a guild so you have to be wary of your teammates' positions! Don't start firing your magic or arrows at random!" The one leading the new party shouted loudly. He was the leader of the guild, Noob Killers.
Jose looked towards him and cast his newly found skill, Analysis Eyes.
Name: Beelzebub
Class: Apprentice Swordsmen
Level: 5
HP: 50/50
MP: 30/30
Jose was slightly impressed, that despite being the leader of a large guild he appeared to be rather strong himself. Granted, a weak leader can't lead a horde of bulls no matter how intelligent they may be. So it made sense that he was able to take control of the guild himself.
The group of players formed a large formation outside the cave entrance with magicians and archers at the back, tanks and swordsmen at the front and assassins in the middle. Assassins would usually only come into play once they're in the dungeon, so it didn't matter where they were in the formation.
Marching proudly with their backs held straight they went into the dungeon entrance. One by one the parties began to disappear from the group's line of sight as they entered the dungeon. It didn't take long before the entire guild was inside and battling.
"Alright! Now's the time to follow them!" Luke said loudly as he was about to dash forward. But in the middle of his charge, Jose grabbed hold of Luke's arm and brought him back to the ground. An arrow narrowly grazed past Luke's check before sticking into the tree behind him.
[Player Poison Arrow has initiated the attack, allowing player and comrades to responded with force]
"Well, well, well, seems our leader was right, some stragglers were looking to ruin the dungeon advancement," An archer appeared on the other side of the clearance. By her side was a couple of assassins and one magician, they were equipped with some rather basic but still high-grade stuff.
"Oh, and you might be?" Jose stood up and asked politely.
"The name's Poison Arrow; remember it well since I'll be the one to kill you here now and get lavishly rewarded by my leader," The girl's eyes lit up at the thought of getting rewarded, to the point where she looked as though she was going to have an orgasm.
"I'll deal with her," Hayley said coldly as she took a step forward. "After all, her type is exactly the thing I disgust the most, always ass-kissing their leader to get themselves a better position. Tsk, so pathetic, you remind me of a prostitute on Hindley Street."
"Damn bitch, you'll regret ever saying that to me!" Poison Arrow shouted loudly as he whipped an arrow out her quiver and pulled back her bowstring. She had a cruel and twisted smile on her face, one that only psychopaths would have when torturing their victims.
"Ha, make me regret it slut!" Hayley responded similarly as she pulled back her bowstring. But when she did that her eyes constricted, releasing her arrow prematurely she twisted her body while ducking below an abrupt blade that seemed to come out of nowhere. An assassin had appeared right next to her before retreating back to Poison Arrow's side.
"Tsk, seems you have a bit of skill now don't you, but don't forget, the world inside Second World is cruel no matter who you are!" Poison Arrow shouted proudly as she released her bowstring. An arrow shot through the air before multiplying into a lightly spread out storm of 5 arrows.
Luke moved forward with ferocity, his shield in front of him as he blocked all the arrows. Fortunately, the attack Poison Arrow used was one which weakened the strength of the arrow in exchange for multiplying the number of them.
"Ha, you have a point there Ms Poison Arrow, so I hope you're ready to face a similarly cruel punishment for attacking my teammate and myself," Luke said coldly as he released a thick killing intent. Something the entire group has from killing hundreds, maybe even thousands of people.
The rest of the group took a step forward and brandished their weapons, their bloodlust overwhelmed the players on the opposition into shaking uncontrollably. Some of the weaker willed ones dropped their weapons in fear and took a step back.
*Ding!* A sharp sound pierced all their ears. Turning their attention to the notification screen they realised they managed to get themselves a new skill.
[New Skill Gained]
[Name: True Intimidation]
[Description: Strike fear into your opponent's hearts without making a move, force them to kneel by overpowering them with your intimidation and gain influence in their minds through fear.]
[Effect: Give's target the fear effect, time is dependent upon the target's real-life will power]
[Cooldown: 0 Seconds]