Spider Queen

"Oh," Turning to the rest of his group Jose couldn't help but ask, "Did you all get a new skill as well?"

The group nodded. From Jose's research, gaining a skill through use and not skill scrolls and completing missions is one of the hardest things to do. Even professional martial artists would struggle to gain skills through practical use entirely due to their class restriction.

In order to do that one must gain the unique class, Martial Artist, which is incredibly difficult to achieve until they reach major cities and it becomes a class one can train into. Granted, the difficulty is still extremely high with about 99.99% of people failing.

You can't have a tank learn magic, that just isn't how it works. Fortunately, intimidation was neither a physical or magic attack, it was a rare mental attack. Something which can't be blocked and only a skill few possess, usually possessed by actual killers and real-life combat experts. They just happen to be both.

"What the hell are you?" Poison Arrow muttered faintly as her whole body was drenched in sweat, she felt as though her body was placed in the mouth of a lion. Of head felt as though it was currently placed inside a guillotine, ready to lobed off at any moment.

"Oh, we're just a bunch of oldies here to teach you younglings what real strength is," Jose explained coldly as Adam appeared behind Poison Arrow's back, swiftly slicing through the back of her neck before moving down her body.

Harrison charged forward, his shield tore through the air as it rammed into the assassin by Poison Arrow's puff of glitter. The assassin, who was still in a daze didn't have anything to protect him from the attack and as sent flying into the air. Blake moved swiftly as he leapt beneath the falling assassin and held his sword up, piercing through the swordsmen body like a stake.

The assassin's eyes widened before he blew up into a bunch of experience and loot. Looking towards the last assassin they swiftly finished him off, Blake and Dylan appeared by the swords and tore through his beck and stabbed through his heart. Hitting two vital points there wasn't anything the assassin was able to do before dying.

"Alright, seems they were all bark and no bite as well, is it just customary to be all bark and no bite in this game?" Luke asked with a bit of disdain in his voice. "All these people would have had their personalities chewed up and shat on if they were to join the military."

"Yeah, just like you but look how you're doing," Hayley remarked from the back in a cold detached voice. "Seems the military's training doesn't change everyone's personality, no matter how much harsh training they go through."

"Yeah, just like yours, ice queen," Luke responded before shutting his mouth once he felt a cold gaze target his crotch region. It felt as though there was a knife hovering over his crouch once Hayley stared at him with her cold and sunken eyes.

"Stop fighting, let's hurry up and get inside. Once inside, immediately find some cover to hide behind," Jose commanded before sprinting in. He felt a tug on his entire body similar to when he transported to the Town of Beginnings.

Opening his eyes, Jose swiftly noticed the group of players not too far away. He analysed his position all the while surveying the area. He sprinted right of him, there were a few rough stones by the wall. Jose hid behind those before peeking over and looking towards the players.

They were currently in the middle of clearing out the lower levelled monsters, their formation held on strong with the Noob Killers guild leader, Beelzebub, at the front. It seemed he was fighting alongside the other players apart of his group.

He felt a sudden tap on his shoulder. Turning around Jose noticed that the rest of his group was there, hiding alongside the wall in a single file line. They each took turns to peek around the rock, staring at the players which were clearing out the cave.

"Should we go now?" Luke asked curiously. His eyes were focused on a couple of the tanks near the front, their large masculine bodies gained the attention of both Bald Bros. "I wish to compete against them in a battle of pure muscle."

"Idiot," Hayley muttered coldly as she lightly stroked her fingernails across Luke's back. "Unlike you, they probably won't want to compete in a fight of pure muscles. They'll probably gather together to gang up on you before finishing you off."

"What? That's cheating," Luke remarked in a loud voice. Hayley wrapped her hand around Luke's mouth, keeping it shut as she whispered in his ear. "Are you an idiot? Wait, don't answer that I already know the answer. Anyway, keep your voice down before I turn off your capsule."

"Ah," Luke sounded through Hayley's mouth, he slowly nodded before Hayley released her grip. Luke scratched his head embarrassingly. "Sorry, bit rusty on the whole sneaky part of the mission. But what can I say? I'm a man that specialises in explosives."

"Just keep it in your mind, we're going to wait for them to come across the boss before making our move. That way, we can make use of the boss' strength to distract all the players," Jose said before sighing deeply. He took another peek and noticed Noob Killers were on the move.

Jose waited patiently for the Noob Killers to move around the corner and deeper into the cave before making his move. Leading the way, he led the group close to the wall, hiding behind an offshoot bit of stone whenever they heard sounds.

It didn't take long for them to catch up to Noob Killers once again, their current opponents were completely surrounding them. Crawling on the ceiling, attempting to target the archers and mages at the back for a quick and easier kill.

However, Noob Killers, despite being quite low in the top 100 guilds, is still a high tier guild since it's in the top 100. A party of swordsmen swiftly dispatched from the front and defended the mages and archers, tearing through the spiders' carapace and slicing through their eyes.

The archers pulled back their bowstrings and fired simultaneously towards the spiders near the back of the enemy side; the arrows struck the spiders' heads, piercing through the eyes, cutting through the brain which caused a lot of vital damage.

The mages were next, raising their wooden staffs high into the air multiple balls of fire began to form. Similarly to the archers, the fireballs shot off at the same time, almost obliterating the leftover spiders that the archers either weren't able to hit or weren't able to finish off.

A party of tanks were split into two groups, one on each side of the formation. They let off a mighty roar that shook the ground, its power attracted the attention of all the spiders instantly. The group of spiders spit into two groups, halving right through the middle as they went after the group of tanks.

Another party of tanks were also split up and nearby, they swiftly replaced the tanks that taunted the spiders by getting in front of them. They each readied their shields, with their legs bent they stared at the spiders with malice.

Dashing forwards their shields tore through the air with their entire bodies pushing forward. It was the tanks' skill Mighty Charge. Their shields made an impact on the spiders which seemed to be in a frenzy of rage. The tanks pushed forward, sending the spiders flying through the air before they were all targeted by the mages and archers.

Finally, it was the assassins and swordsmen turn to finish things off. All the assassins simultaneously disappeared from the sides, they had all chosen the skill Stealth. The swordsmen, on the other hand, ran back to the forefront of the formation and started slashing their swords through the spiders. Some of them using their skills, Cross Slash. Another skill that some of them used was simply called Thrust.

Thrust was a skill primarily used with longswords, it enabled for a strong piercing effect as long as the sword's tip was sharp. It also allowed for deeper cuts which would in turn cause more damage, also having the possibility of giving the target a Bleed effect.

After a few seconds, the assassins started to appear as they did their first attack. Their small daggers pierced through the eyes of the spider before they swiftly retreated and hid within the darkness. The tanks would quickly gain the spiders' aggro again through the use of their skill, Mighty Howl.

This formation that the Noob Killers guild used was incredibly effective and they continued to use it through the entire cave. Unfortunately, healing spells could only be learnt later in the game through special classes. As such, injured players had to rely on HP potions.

The group of Skilful Noobs continued to follow behind the group of parties, silently sticking to the sides of the walls as they made their way through the dungeon without taking any damage or using up any mana either. Finally, a large door stood before the Noob Killers guild. The sides were made out of chiselled stone with unique designs of spiderwebs while the centre part of the door was made through thick wooden plants.

Beelzebub walked out and pushed the door, with the lightest of touches the door swung open furiously, tearing through the air which caused it to whistle. A spider web shot out of the darkness beyond the door, latching on to an aggro tank before dragging them in. His screams were heard from the darkness before finally the sound of his avatar exploding into light resounded through the cave.

Dozens of dark red eyes popped up from within the darkness, they darted across, taking a quick glance at each player in front of it. Even to the point of staring at Jose and his group as well.

"Charge!" Beelzebub shouted loudly as he led the charge of players into the spider's cave. Lachlan, on the other hand, was currently staring at the stats in front of him. They were certainly befitting of a boss, especially of one of the hardest difficulty bosses.


Name: Town of Beginnings Spider Queen

Class: Boss Mob

HP: 10000/10000

MP: 2000/2000


However, although Jose wasn't able to accurately determine the spider queen's actual strength and the amount of damage it'll do. Just from its health and mana points alone, it's bound to be beyond anything they've ever fought against. Including the large monster horde.

"Focus all your attention to the boss!" Beelzebub shouted loudly. "We need to kill it fast if we want to get out of here alive! Don't break those eggs either! If I see one of you break them, you're out of the guild immediately!"

Jose took another look around the cave. Alongside the cave walls and scattered across the ceiling were small pobs, glowing a purple hue. A dark figure was within the pobs, moving around ever so slightly as though it was currently sleeping.

It didn't take a genius to discover what they were. Unfortunately, his level of Analysis Eyes wasn't capable of analysing the eggs. However, judging by what Beelzebub shouted, it only takes a slight touch to hatch the eggs.

Jose turned to his party which were all currently huddled behind him. He gave them a cold and chilling smile. "Seems we've got ourselves an easy sabotage here. Luke, Harrison, the two of you charge along both sides brushing past the eggs, don't stop. Hayley, Maddy, and I will target the eggs along the roof while Adam, Blake, and Dylan use your skills to hatch open the eggs just slightly above Harrison and Luke's height."

With their plan set, they began to set it in motion.