Chapter 2

Disclaimer: I do not own Percy Jackson

Warning: Contains blood, gore, sex, possible rape, sword fights, dark shit you will never be unseen, demons, angels, witches, wizards, medieval crap, and finally pure unadulterated badassery.


"Well you try and get some sleep as well." I said.

'I do not need sleep.' Said Gaia in an emotionless tone.

"Haaa…I was trying to be nice. Maybe as we stay together you might become more human. Hell you might even start to get emotions. Who knows?" I said as my consciousness slowly drifted to darkness. The first thing I was planning on doing was telling my mom about me getting my [Adventure Card] while keeping the secret about Gaia and all the mother skills. I had a feeling if I told her I would be hunted down and dissected by the wizards of this world. Or worse forced into a school and placed under surveillance.

In the end little did I know about how much my future would change at this point. The things that would force me into situations that would make me a monster. Things that would make that monster into something that even the powerful people of this world would fear. Even the part about how I was not alone in the world.

NOW: 2 years later

Right now I was on the most legendary quest that every true hero had ever been on. One so important it decided the fate of the entire multiverse and them that void in-between them. So important that if I failed I would not live to see tomorrow. This quest was the pinnacle of every RPG ever made and we all know of it.

Quest-Pick 10 Herbs

Progress-7/10 herbs collected.

Info— Collect the herbs for medicine that your mother requested. If completed this can become a continuous quest and be completed every day for a set amount of XP.


As I ripped yet another herb out of the ground I sighed contently. Nothing like a good old herb picking quest to get the whole RPG experience. But since my time in this world things have…gone smoothly…too smoothly. I mean I haven't had a single battle or anything since I have gotten here. The closest thing that I have come to actually battle is sparring with some of the people in my mercenary family.

I wasn't one to complain but these two years have been so boring and I mean that in a 'my current mother is super overprotective' way. I mean I was lucky to let her let me go gather medical herbs away from the camp. But besides the over protective mother much has changed since two years ago.

After the capture of the castle for the kingdom we were hired from we all were hired again too basically to start exploring the dungeon that was in the land that we helped seize for them. Also this so called dungeon was unexplored beforehand and just appeared a few years ago. Since war broke out between the two kingdoms for it you could so nobody had the time to explore it. So in turn it was a major source of income for them.

But the deal went like this, if we help explore this dungeon we can get half of all profit from monster drops and treasure chests. We also get to permanently live in the city that we captured and Jake was even named Lord of the city. I think it was kind of an insult seeing as the city in horrible condition due to the siege but it could be fixed in the end. So in essence our entire mercenary group has officially settled down in this city to act as explorers and defenders of the dungeon that it was close to. Many were happy to now have a stable source of income but some missed the mercenary style and move to the border to fight.

"Are you almost done?" Asked a voice as I turned to see my stepmom in a normal clothes. Well however normal medieval century clothes can get, but as I looked up at her slightly aged face I smiled as I showed her the basket of my now 10 herbs. Thanks to [Detect Analysis] or [Analysis] for short I made easy work of them. I even found a rare magic mushroom but I picked it in the wrong way and is shriveled in my hand.

"Yep!" I said as she looked at the herbs and smiled.

"These all are in excellent condition good job." She said.

Quest-Pick 10 Herbs (completed)

Progress-10/10 herbs collected.

Info— Collect the herbs for medicine that your mother requested. If completed this can become a continuous quest and be completed every day for a set amount of XP.


Alert-Quest is now available once each day

I stared happily at the quest which was now my second continuous quest I had access to, my first one in question is to fetch water from the river every morning but that was only 1xp reward. Still I did it, had to earn those levels somehow since my mom would barely even let me touch a iron sword.

Level up!

As I heard that I grew excited as I felt all my hard work pay off. Instantly I opened up my stats to take a look at them.

Name: Perseus Jackson

Age: 6

Title: Trista's Baby Boy

Race-human…ish (something like that)

Jobs/Class: (3/3)

Mercenary, lv-3 (70%) (DEX+1)

Delivery boy, lv-6 (40%) (No bonus)

Mommy's Boy, lv-MAX (100% affection with Trista)

Level: 10 Xp: 0/9300(1/5) =1860

Health 950/950

Mana 300/300

STR-6 + (1) =7


DEX-6 + (1) =7








MONEY— 0G 0S 10C (don't spend it all in one place-Trista.)

PERSONAL INFO— Perseus Jackson was the son of Sally Jackson and Poseidon but he is now the son of ? and ? his adoptive mother is Trista Knightdale and is thinks of him as her own son. Due to his new life he no longer possess his powers from Poseidon and is now as close to human as he has ever been.

STATS— Due to his birth #$$%1^^W%7%78#%72286# $%+5 $%# $%


[Shield] N/A

[Weapons] Simple Dagger: Damage 3-4


[Helmet] N/A

[Chest Armor] Simple Shirt: Defense 1

[Belt] N/A

[Legs armor] Simple Pants: Defense 1

[Boots] Simple Shoes: Defense 1

[Arm Armor] N/A


[Attacks] N/A

[Magic] N/A

[Movement] N/A

[Resistance] Physical Resistance lv-2. Magic Resistance lvl-1.

[Special] Gaia System lv-MAX. Bonus Skill leveling lv-MAX. Detect Analysis lv-5.

[Bonuses] XP increase 20%. XP Requirement Reduction 1/5.

[Mastery's] Swordplay Mastery lv-2. Spear Mastery lv-1. Botany lv-3.

[Titles] Current Title Trista's Boy (no bonus).

Water Boy (fetch water 5% faster).

Messenger Boy (deliver messages 10% faster).


Active Mercenary, lv-3 (DEX+1, STR+1).

Active Delivery boy, lv-6 (No bonus).

Active Mommy's Boy, lv-MAX (100% affection with Trista).

Herbalist lv-2 (WIS+1, INT+2)

As I read through my stats I felt satisfied with it. Most 6 year olds were at most level 3 but I was level 10 which in this world was just about nothing but for me it was a miracle that I managed to reach this high a level just with doing 1xp and 10xp quests. But as I looked over my stats quickly Trista tilted her head as she stared at me, just then a smile graced her lips as she seemed to figure something out.

"Oh my, did you just level up?" She asked me in a teasing voice as I blushed remembering the first time I leveled up. Let's just say I jumped for joy and Trista never let it go. Also if you must know I did tell Trista about me getting an [Adventurer Card] however I didn't tell her about my special things I could do. At first she was surprised but she did say some Noble sons and daughters get theirs younger than most. She says when a person is bound to live to at least 30 they earn theirs which means it was a happy moment for her.

"Sh-Shut up!" I yelled at her as she rolled her eyes and hoisted the basket full of herbs up to her waist.

"Don't worry I was like that each time I leveled up as well, still this is your 4th level, impressive for a 6 year old. But you are my child so I expect as much." She said proudly as I rolled my eyes at her. Still I could help me smile.

"Says the level 40 women." I said as I was slapped upon the back of the head as I glared up at Trista. Normally women wouldn't be that high a level so I basically called her a tomboy.

"Shush now come with me, you're late to your training with Jake." She said as I sighed and followed behind her. Not that I didn't enjoy a good training session with Jake it is just that Trista watches me like a hawk and if I am even close to being hurt or I am too tired then she pulls me out. Not that Jake has tried to stop her it is just that good old mama bear is a little scary when she is protecting me. Like throwing daggers scary.

"Alright but can you please let me actually fight him without you coming in and stopping it?" I asked her as she gave me a face that suggested she didn't know what I was talking about.

"What do you mean?" She asked me.

"Well you get a little…overprotective…when I am in practice." I said as she just stared at me like she didn't understand.

"I don't understand, shouldn't a mother be concerned for her son if he gets hurt?" She asked in a tone that made me shut up. At that she just smiled and patted my head as I looked up at her.

"I will try to hold back a little but I can't help but worry about you." She said in a sad voice as I continued to look up at her sad face. That was the face of someone who had lost someone close to them.

"Okay." I said as she smiled at me.

"Good now get going you know how Jake gets when you are late." She said as I cringed a little at the thought of what he would do to me if I was late. Thus I ran for it as I went towards the town. As I arrived many people looked towards me and waved as I waved back. Many were the mercenary people but some were the people from the city that we captured. Many were not so pleased with the capture of the city but they were happy since Jake said that all taxes were exempt for the next year.

Because of this many people grew to like Jake as the lord of this place, also I had hear that their pervious lord was sort of a…pig. At first I was confused but then I saw posters of the guy all over the place and now…I get it. From the pictures I saw he looked like a pig that had taken human form and that is putting it lightly. But beside the point it has been a year since everyone had grown accustomed and started to think of everyone as neighbors.

"Hurry up boy or the city lord is going to kick your ass." I heard as I rolled my eyes. It was well known that I was basically a son to Jake and honestly I thought of him as a father.

"Go get absorbed by a slime, Chuck." I said as the man coughed violently as he drank some alcohol.

"Shitty brat!" I heard him yell as I sprinted past the gate and towards the lord's manor. Thanks to many of the guards knowing me it was an easy task to enter the manor just in time to see Jake in the courtyard waiting patiently for me. As soon as I entered Jake looked at me as I stopped in front of him and caught my breath.

"You're late." He said simple as I looked up at him.

"I had to pick Herbs for mom." I said as he stiffened and quickly looked around as if waiting for a demon to pop out of the ground.

"W-Where is she?" He asked as I mentally sighed.

"She is delivering the Herbs to the guild. I guess she will be here later." I said as he didn't seem to believe me as he looked around some more until he turned to me. I guess you could say that hell hath no scorn like a woman's wrath.

"Well let's get started before she comes here." He said as I nodded as he tossed me an adult sized sword. What surprised me was that it was metal and not wood, I just gave him a puzzled look as he pulled out his own.

"Wood swords are okay but if you are planning on advancing at all in swordplay than metal is the way to go." He said as I nodded and picked up the sword. As I did I felt a familiar feeling come to me as I clutched the baled in my hand. The feeling of a sword was almost calming to me, like I was home. However just then something popped up in front of me.

Passive Skill: Muscle Memory lv-1 (0%)

This skills lets your body remember the weapon masteries and actions it has already performed. In time your body will remember all its actions and become more skilled.

2% chance of body remembering physical action and makes action easier in future.

1% chance of body performing lifesaving action in time of need.

Ding! A form of swordplay had been obtained!

Swordplay Style: Greek Swordplay lv-1 (0%)

This swordplay is not known in this world and will be thought of as a mysterious style if other see it. This sword play only allows one handed swords and dual wielding.

10% more damage when using a sword. (5% more each level)

5% more damage against mythical monsters. (2.5% more each level)

Wait? What in the world was happening? I slightly started to panic as I looked at the boxes before me. Sure I knew Greek Swordplay but how could I learn this without even practicing it? But then it slowly came to me.

My body might not be the same but my mind was so that would mean my sword mastery was all in my head. This was true since I was picturing all the moves in my head right now at light speed but as I did another notification popped up in my head.

Ding! Due to [Muscle Memory] [Greek Swordplay] has reached lv-10 and has ranked up to [Common Greek Swordplay]!

Ding! Due to [Muscle Memory] [Common Greek Swordplay] has reached lv-10 and has ranked up to [Uncommon Greek Swordplay]!

Ding! Due to [Muscle Memory] [Uncommon Greek Swordplay] has reached lv-20 and has ranked up to [Rare Greek Swordplay]!

Ding! Due to [Muscle Memory] [Rare Greek Swordplay] has reached lv-20 and has ranked up to [Epic Greek Swordplay]!

Ding! Due to [Muscle Memory] [Epic Greek Swordplay] has reached lv-50 and has ranked up to [Legendary Greek Swordplay]!

Ding! Due to [Muscle Memory] [Legendary Greek Swordplay] has reached lv-50 and has ranked up to [Ancient Greek Swordplay]!

'What the fuck!' I mentally screamed at it.

Ding! Due to constant use of [Muscle Memory] lv-1 it has leveled up!

Ding! Due to constant use of [Muscle Memory] lv-2 it has leveled up!

Ding! Due to constant use of [Muscle Memory] lv-3 it has leveled up!

I just stared blankly at the pop up boxes in front of me as my eyebrow raised up and my mouth twitched lightly. If there was one word to explain what has just happened I think I can do it.

'Cheats!' I mentally yelled in my head as I stared at the info before me.

Passive Skill: Muscle Memory lv-3 (50%)

This skills lets your body remember the weapon masteries and actions it has already performed. In time your body will remember all its actions and become more skilled.

6% chance of body remembering physical action and makes action easier in future. (2% more each level)

3% chance of body performing lifesaving action in time of need. (1% more each level)

'Good lord! This is ridiculous!' I mentally screamed at it.

Swordplay Style: (Level-187) (Rank-7) Ancient Greek Swordplay lv-27 (85%)

This swordplay is not known in this world and will be thought of as a mysterious style if other see it.

945% more damage when using a sword. (5% more each level)

467.5% more damage against mythical monsters. (2.5% more each level)

I could only sigh in emotional torment as my swordplay just reached a realm that seemed impossible and all I did was pick up a sword. It seemed like my life was a huge cheat and to be honest I kind of wanted to work for something as amazing as this. But I guess since I had been practicing Greek swordplay for basically all my old life something like this was bound to happen. Still I kind of want to go through the learning process once again.

"Hey you okay?" I heard as I was ripped out of my stupor as I looked up at Jake who was staring at me all funny like.

"Y-Yeah." I said lifting up the sword as he looked down at me and just stared.

"You okay with using an actual sword?" He asked me as if confirming something.

"Depends are you okay with giving me an actual sword with my mom around?" I asked him as his eyebrow twitched.

"Brat." He said as he slowly swung his sword at me. It was slow enough he could stop it on a dime but to me it was pretty fast. Just because I have the sword skills doesn't mean my body can use the. Still I was able to block the strike but in turn my body was thrown a few feet as I tumbled a little.

"Good you blocked it. Now here comes the next one!" Jake yelled as he lunged at me.


Ding! Due to constant damage [Physical Resistance] has leveled up!

Passive Skill: Physical Resistance lv-4 (19%)

Damage is reduced and Pain is reduced.

2% damaged (.5% more each level)

2% pain reduction (.5% more each level)

'Why now of all times?' I asked myself

Ding! A form of swordplay had been obtained!

Swordplay Style: (Rank 1) Medieval Swordplay lv-1 (10%)

Common sword style used in his word. Used for a single handed swords, shield sword combo, and two handed blades.

5% more damage when using a sword. (5% more each level)

2.5% more damage against humanoids. (2.5% more each level)

'Well that will be useful, plus it is something I can actually focus on.' I thought as I looked at it but as I looked at it another thing entered my mind that was pain.

I groaned painfully as I laid face up on the ground as Jake leaned up against wall to his left. He was simply chewing on a few sunflower seed and spitting the shells a few feet from me. Upon my body were multiple bruises from Jake slapping me with the flat of his sword, my little body could barely keep up with him.

"So how you feeling?" Asked Jake in a snarky voice as I looked towards him as I noticed the sun was already setting.

"I am so going to tell my mother about this." I said as he suddenly began to cough violently as he choked on a seed. He deserves it.

"Tell me what?" Asked a female's voice as Trista entered the courtyard and Jake shot me a glare. But as Trista saw the metal and very dangerous sword lying beside me and the one that Jake had she went into a rage. I didn't pay attention as Trista yelled at Jake as I slowly sat up and winced in pain. As I sat up I couldn't help but smile as my mom threatened to castrate Jake for abusing me in such a way. With a glanced they almost seemed like a married couple.

Jake Azul Lord of Hillburg

Age: 46 Race: Human

Job: Mercenary Lord


Trista Springwater (Azul) Wife of Jake Azul

Age: 44 Race: Human

Job: Common Mercenary


Thanks to [Appraisal] I knew that the two had eloped and gotten married under everyone's nose it has happened about a year after I was picked up. The two were close before but with a baby it kind of morphed into a happy family. But anyone that couldn't noticed the married couple aura around the two them when they were together was stupid. Still as far as I knew nobody knew about their secret marriage, not even the hooker who was very nosy.

"Hey mom I am fine." I said as I looked up to see Trista hold the blade dangerously close to Jake's crotch as he seemed to be shaking. In a second her entire demeanor changed as she dropped the sword and rushed to me as Jake stood then shaking as he let out a breath of relief as she ran to me and looked me over.

"Are you sure?" She asked me.

"Yeah I am sure." I said as she looked at me and nodded.

"Okay I will believe, but warn me next time." She said as I nodded.

"Don't worry I will." I said as I stood up as she glanced at Jake who didn't say a word.

"Well if you think you are find I will believe you, but please put off swordplay for a while." She said.

"I don't know if I can do that, I need to get stronger." I said as said as she saw the determination in my eyes.

"Haaaa…okay you can do what you want but you have to promise to do it in moderation. You are young and you can only do so much." She said as I nodded.

However just then a man ran into the courtyard as Jake and Trista both turned to him. But just as he reached right in front of them he collapsed forward as all of our eyes went wide. Sticking through his back and out his chest was a 3 foot arrow. However even as he Jake and Trista ran to him he somehow managed to stand up as he shrieked in pain.

"T-Tristan what happened?" Asked Jake as the man fell to a knee right in front of him. Trista quickly secured me as she was looking around like made as Tristan looked up at the kneeling Jake.

"D-Dungeon…a-army…bandits…surrounded…hundreds of t-thousands." He exasperated as the arrow was broken by Jake as he pulled it out of him and applied a simple Health potion to the outside of the wound.

"What do you mean?" Jake asked him.

"A-A army of bandits managed to hide in the dungeon's first floor. We think that the Kingdom of Trees hired them to hide in there. That is why the city was taken so easily, they had trapped us from the very start. W-Why do I feel so tired?" He asked himself at the end as suddenly his body slumped in Jake's arms as Jake was speechless.

"Poison." I said looking at the arrow tip which was covered in a green liquid. As I said it Jake grabbed the arrow tip and looked intently at it as he lowered the body of Tristan to the ground.

"Trista I need you to take you boy and get out of here. I will issue a command of retreat." He said as Jake's face showed one of pure anger and rage as he ran away from Trista before she could do anything. As he said that I slowly felt a crack forming in my life right now. My new life that I was reborn into was finally falling apart.

"Okay." Trista said as she watched the back of her lover disappear as his personal guards all began to flock around him. Even for a mercenary Jake held an aura of a king around him that much even I could tell.

"Come now we must lea-." But Trista was stopped as a whizzing sound cut through the air and made a sudden stopping sound. I just stared in horror as a 3 and a half foot pure metal arrow slammed right into her right breast. I could only watch this in slow motion as her wide eyes just stared at me in shock as her body slowly fell backwards. Her armor was not on her at this time so the arrow pierced her easily and nearly went all the way through as she landed heavily on the ground.

"Mother!" I yelled as my emotions got the best of me. I quickly ran to her fallen body as her warm blood seeped through my clothes and my fingers. Tears filled my eyes as I watched Trista gasp for air as her lung had been punctured. Her heart was missed but I knew this was nothing any magic our fellow mercenaries could fix.

"Run…Perseus." She said as I felt a shudder in my body, my name was finally given to me in her last moments. Her tearing eyes and her blood covered hands that rested on my cheek. But as she held my face with her hand and the life drained from her body I saw her smile. One that said she had lived a good life one that said I had nothing to worry about in the future. That I could fall asleep and not have to worry about tomorrow.

"Mommy." I said in a begging voice. I had truly come to love Trista as my mother as I did Sally. After losing my first mother in my last world I would have thought that I wouldn't ever have to worry about something like this again. Yet here I was crying as my second mother slowly passed away in my blood covered arms.

"I k-know you aren't old enough…but I think today is our last day together *cough*. Perseus is a strong name…one that was given to me in a dream *cough cough*." She said as blood splattered on my face from her cough but I didn't care.

"There were…three women knitting socks *cough*…they said it was a name of a Hero that lived long ago." She said as my soul shook once again as the fates came to mind. But what she said afterwards shook me even more as I held her close.

"Thank you." I said as she smiled one last time as her hand slowly drooped from my face and her body went limp as I could only listen to my own heartbeat and the sounds of slaughter around me.

"Touching." Said a male's voice as I slowly turned to see the pig of a man that used to rule this city. He wore purple cloaks that were lined with gold and had more rings than I could count. I could only stare at him as I felt my anger boil inside me as I watched the pig of a man before me.

Suidae Boar Lord of Fat

Age: 60 Race: Human (?)

Job: Slave Merchant


"My lord it is done. Also thank you for the magical bow." Said a new voice as a man at least 30 years old slowly strolled out from behind him with his bow and full metal arrows.

Riker Longwood Assassin of the Forest

Age: 385 Race: High Elf

Job: Master Assassin


I could only feel my anger grow more but suddenly the man dropped a head on the ground. As in a head I mean a head of a human and that head in particular was Jake's his eyes wide as an arrow protruded from his forehead.

"Ahhhh!" I yelled as I pulled out my dagger and charged the man only to receive a sharp kick to the gut that sent me sprawling to the ground as I vomited up my lunch. Still I got up slowly as the man looked impressed as I tossed my dagger in the air caught the tip and threw it as hard as I could. This surprised the bow and arrow man as the pig lord ducked behind a wall as the dagger was knocked away with ease.

"Still got some fight in you, huh." Said the man as the pig lord peaked behind a wall as I held my stomach in pure pain. But suddenly the man appeared before me and kicked me again as I vomited once more and flew in the air for a few feet before I hit a wall with a sickening crunch.

Health 215/950

Mana 150/300


You have broken 4 ribs and sustained addition damage

70% decrease in natural healing.

50% decreased in upper body movement.

50% decrease in max mana.

400% Increase in breathing pain.

45% Chance increase of major internal bleeding.

All symptoms will remain the same until medical attention is provided.

I could only gasp for air as I felt a stabbing in my chest as my anger was forced to subside as the pain nearly knocked me unconscious. Still as I gasped for air the elf just stared down at me with a thinking face.

"Do you want him dead?" He asked the pig lord.

"No I don't." He said as he came forward from his hiding place as I glared at him with all my hate. At this time the elf just laughed at my glare as he reached down and gripped me by my black hair and hoisted me into a sitting position. I could only spit some of my vomit at him but even then he was to fast as he easily dodge the vomit and didn't do anything in return. Apparently the elf knows if he hits me again I will die more than likely.

"What do you want with him?" Asked the elf.

"Children fetch high prices as slaves seeing as they can still be trained. Plus this boy seems to be a higher level than most." He said as the pig man came forward as the elf held me by my hair.

"Fair enough for me." Said the elf but you could see a look of disgust on his face but he didn't show it to the man. In the next second I was cuffed and forced to stand up as I felt pain erupt in my chest and back as I fell to the ground like a sack of potatoes. As I did I felt blood pool in my mouth but I swallowed it still I could barely move. Just then the pig man sighed and looked up at the elf.

"The injuries you inflicted upon him are too great he might now live to see tomorrow. If he does you will take responsibility." He said as the elf man grumbled as suddenly I felt a warm sensation overcame me for a minute.

50% of injuries healed

Health: 475/950

Negative Aliments still present and negative effects still active

It was basic healing magic as far as I could tell but as the warmth stopped I was hoisted up once again basically dragged by the collar of my shirt. Still I struggled to free myself but the man didn't seem to want to let go of me as I did.

"All of you clean up the corpses inside and feed them to my wolves will you." Said the pig lord as I started to struggle more as I stared at the head of Jake and the body of my mother. But in a second I felt something hard hit the back of my neck as my vision went blurry and the world of darkness consumed me.

I only saw flashes of scenes before me.

Dead bodies of my family of mercenaries being piled up and then set on fire. Even citizens weren't left out of the killing spree.

Women being raped in the streets and alleyways then after being beheaded and tossed on the fires.

Bodies on stakes that were raised 50 feet in the air as they bled to death.

Bandit's acting's like creatures from the dark.

Children being captured and tossed in wagons with cages on them.

Mountains of loots and armor that still had fresh blood on them.

Piles of gold and jewelry stacked together.

But these were only some of the things that I saw happen. My vision and consciousness fading form light to darkness off and on. I couldn't only feel the pain from my injuries as my broken ribs slowly poked and prodded inside my body. The feeling of lying on a rough wooden surface as the clopping of horse feet made it to my ear.

The sounds of crying children that ranged from 2 years old to 16 year olds. The sounds of cries of terror as the young women were raped. More and more children taken from each village we passed as our destination was far away. But every so often I would feel a warm liquid enter through my mouth, it tasted like bland soup but it was something.

Still each time this happened I would catch glimpse of a young female about my age of 6 feeding it to me. My immobile body not able to eat on my own as she forced the food down my mouth. I only remember seeing a shadow of the young female. No features present to me in my haze as my body went through stages of hot as fire and cold as ice on our journey. But I do know one thing on her back were small angel wings.

Dirtied from the travel to make them look black as mud, well that might have been my vision playing tricks on me but I was sure her small half foot long angel wings were fifthly. I had heard of some of the species from Trista before…Trista that name brought up a whirlwind of hate for the elf and the pig lord. Still I had heard of species that were full angels and demons, normally they secluded themselves to the skies and tunnels of the crust but it was amazing to see one.

Yet I was barely even conscious to see who my savior was as I passed out again and again. Not even able to ask her name.

LINEBREAK: 2 months later

'Good to finally see you are you once more, good morning Perseus.' Said Gaia in my head. I on the other hand could only open my eyes as I quickly looked around me to find my location still in the slave cart. As I awoke I blinked a few times and slowly sat up as many very malnourished children looked my way.

You have slept on an uncomfortable surface for 2 months all HP and MP restored and abnormal stats eliminated, 8% bonus XP for the next 4 hours.

As that popped up in my head I seemed to just blink a few times before I slowly looked around me to see multiple other carts following us ad farms and other things such as houses scattered throughout the land.

'Gaia?' I asked in my head as all the children seemed surprised that I was even alive.

'Yes Perseus?' She responded.

'What happened to me?' I asked her.

'Due to extensive damage on our body and soul your body went into a coma of a sort to replenish itself and heal all your wounds.' She replied back like that nothing out of the unusual.

'Okay Gaia I am going to be serious, if you learned sarcasm of something now is not the time for it.' I said back to her.

'I am still unable to use this sarcasm you are talking about and have actually began studying it. However I am 100% telling you the truth right now.' She responded like a machine as I sighed.

'Okay fine. For now I will believe you but tell me where I am and what is happening.' I said to her.

'You are current on the fastest route to the Capital of Slaves located in the Kingdom of Steel which is the rival to the Kingdom of Trees. You have been captured and are most likely going to be sold off to man or women.' She said as I felt my soul shake a little. Tears welling up in my eyes as I shut them down as I thought about my dead mother and father. Both of which were probably long dead by now.

'Anything else I should know about?' I asked her.

'Yes, currently in the Capital of Slaves there is a man looking for slaves to battle in his arena and act as sacrifices for his {empowering}." She said as I was confused.

'What is an {empowering}?" I asked her.

'Due to limitations in your power you do not possess the privilege to possess such knowledge. Think of this as a warning to keep out of the subject of the time being.' She said as I was awestruck.

'Are you actually worried about me?' I asked her as I was brought with silence for a minute.

'Due to you unlocking the [Gaia System] I am now only able to talk to you and if you perish I will lose the right to talk to anybody else in this form. I have just gained someone to talk to and I do not want to lose it now.' She said as I felt a little touched by that small speech.

'That's awfully nice of you, kind of touching.' I said.

'I am doing this because the data I can gain from talking to you can greatly influence my current communication and emotional barrier that I am experience. Even if you die I can form myself a body and travel this world with the knowledge you let me gather.' She said.

'And you ruined it.' I thought back to her.

'I do not understand.' She said as I mentally sigh. Just woke up from a 2 month long nap and I am already mentally exhausted.

'Nothing don't worry about it. Anyways so I am not powerful enough to learn about this {empowering} thing you are talking about. But form the information you gave me with the name needing slaves as sacrifices. It sounds like some sort of magical ritual to elevate someone's power.' I responded, 'ha' 20 intellect you are my baby.

'…That is close but I beg of you to try and not dig for any more information. If the people who possess this power find out that you are, you will not live to see tomorrow.' She said as I sighed.

'Fine but you owe me one.' I said.

'What does 'owing you one' mean?' She asked me.

'You're impossible.' I mentally said to myself.

'I do not understand how I am impossible if am here right now?' She said as I felt like suddenly removing the [Gaia System] from my skills all the sudden. But yet I held back as I glared fiercely at the floor of the cage as I imagined what I was going to have to go through with such a stupid AI.

"Umm are you okay?" Asked a voice as I turned to see a person that I didn't know. But with a glanced upwards with [Analysis] and I got my answer.

Henry Good Slave boy

Age: 4 Race: Human

Job: Slave


"Yeah I am fine just missing my parents." I said as he nodded as the others seemed to glance at one another. Just them I remembered the dirty angel in my dreams as I quickly looked around to find nobody that fit that description.

"If you are looking for that girl who took care of you during you fever riddled sleep she is no longer here. Her kin came by and force the pig man to turn her over, they didn't seemed to care about what happened to us though." Said new face.

Isaac Slave boy

Age: 16 Race: Demi-Human

Job: Slave


I don't remember seeing him before but as I stared at him I looked at him to find nothing off about him as he gave me a puzzled look. Still I shook my head at as thoughts of dog ears on the top of his head was just a silly thought. Sure I get the elf species but dog demi-humans? Come on Percy you're losing it here.

"Really…kind of sad she didn't bring us with her." I said as Isaac nodded.

"She tried but the two full grown angles with her wouldn't allow it. They said human's area a dirty species and they try to not get anywhere near them. Still kind of amazing that she would even consider taking care of someone who was dying." He said as I felt like he was trying to pick a fight. He might be a higher level but I would destroy him well as soon as I get [Analysis] up enough level to actually let me see other people's stats.

"Not like I asked for my family to be slaughtered in front of me and then have four of my ribs broken." I said as everyone seemed to share the same dead eyes I had as Isaac let out a 'tsk' and began to ignore me. So I decided to talk to Gaia again.

'So I heard from my…mother that she had a dream about my name. Something about it being from three old ladies knitting socks and that my name came from a Hero long ago.' I mentally told her.

'I see.' She said simple with no smart reply which mean one thing, she knew something and wasn't going to tell me.

'Gaia I want you to be honest with me. How many years has it been since I died on earth?' I asked her.

'Due to the loss of earth it is hard to determine the exact amount because each planet has a different base of a year. Based on the information taken from Earth's old location and the distance to its star old star…approximately 95,478 years and 285 days give or take a few days.' She said as my mind seemed to flat line for a second until I blinked a few times.

'W-What!' I yelled as I was stunned at multiple things. First of all it had nearly been 100,000 years since I was alive. Secondly she was talking about earth as if it was gone from this universe. That couldn't be right…right?

'Wait what is this pretense stuff about earth?' I asked her instantly as I pushed aside all the years after reincarnation aside.

'Approximately 71,852 years ago based on your earth year the earth was destroyed. It was because the humans used up all of earth's resources and depleted it of all its nutrients. In the end the air became so toxic that humans began to suffocate and all of the eventually died off. Afterwards by at least a year due to the loss of all humans all the gods began to die off due to the lack of worshipers.'

'Even the titans and primordials suffered the same fate as they all entered the grand reincarnation cycle of this universe. In the end many years have passed and earth without Gaia to protect it was bombarded by asteroids which eventually pushed it right into the sun. Your planet Earth is gone Perseus.' She said in simple words as I didn't know what to feel. All my friends and family even the gods who I grew accustomed to threatening me. All of them gone without a thought.

'But you are in luck Perseus.' I heard Gaia speak in a happy tone which confused me. This AI didn't know how to be happy.

'With the last power the fates possessed they made a law that now mandates the universe around us. And that is a date of convergence. This convergence is a small law in the great laws in the universe yet it is the one thing the fates could give you for what you did for them. This law is the law of revival, it mandates that anyone Percy Jackson knew will all be reborn on the same planet within 100 years of one another. '

'Yet this is for the mortals only for the gods you knew it is a 1000 year period of since they are bound to acquire life prolonging items. Still this cycle is only restarted after every last person you know has passed away as well as yourself. In essence as long as someone that you know is alive the cycle will not be broken and when it does it happens all over again. This is the first cycle of that law.' She said as I was astonished, the fates didn't seem like the type of people to do such a thing yet they did.

'So everyone I know is alive right now in.' I said to her.

'Not everyone but a few are currently living on this land making a name for themselves and if you are wondering, no they do not keep their memories of their past lives like you did. That is special and only for you but sometimes there will be a random person in your group who will also keep their memories. But most of the time they will remain the same person. So it won't be hard to find some.' She said as I thought about it for a second.

'Since you know all this does that mean you were that random person who kept their memories after the reincarnation?' I asked her.

'That is correct I am Gaia however due to the loss of my body during the war with you all I lost all my sense of being. After I was defeated by your friend Leo I was not force back into sleep but instead all my sense of reason and being was shattered which made me go into a sleep like state. But when the earth was destroyed and I was reincarnated here I was without a form so I reincarnated as this planet's [Gaia system] or the consciousness of magic that helps keep this earth alive.' She said as it seemed to make sense if you think about it real hard but I wasn't even close to Annabeth intelligence so I gave up.

'So does that mean you hate me?' I asked her.

'No I do not as I stated before my sense of being was destroyed so I hold no hate for any or your friends. In fact I like you Perseus." She said as I didn't know what to think about that.

'Why do you like me?' I asked her expecting the whole studying me thing again.

'Because you gave me a fresh start in which I can grow anew, something to start from scratch and make my own. My memories tell me that I was cruel in many ways and that made many people hate me. Since having people hate me is bad I do not want that so I will be good. But I do not know how to become good I need to learn from someone who is, that is you Perseus.' She said in a content voice as I kind of understood her a little more now.

'So let me get this straight the earth is destroyed and everyone I know is died. The fates made a law of the universe that makes it so all my friend and myself will reincarnate on the same planet within a 100 years of one another and 1000 for the gods I know. I keep my memories each time I revive and someone at random does as well.'

'The [Gaia System] is really just Gaia reborn with her memories as this planets will of mana to keep it alive. You don't hate me because you lost your sense of being and in doing so you want to become someone who is good so you are going to stick around me. Also you lack complete lack of any human traits such as sarcasm and things such as literalness.' I finished as Gaia thought it over.

'Yes that is correct.' She said as I nodded, go intelligence.

'Well it is nice to see you trying to change Gaia.' I said to her.

'As do I, Perseus.' She said as I cringed.

'Can you just call me Percy?' I asked her.

'Why?' She asked as I sighed.

'Perseus sounds like I am going somewhere fancy, if your memories of me are accurate then you must know I am anything like that.' I said to her.

'There are events that suggest you do not enjoy formalities…okay I will call you Percy.' She said as I sighed in relief.

'Well even if we were enemies in the past I don't mind, plus you're like the internet for me. Anything I want to know and boom it's there.' I said with an inward smile.

'I cannot tell if that is an insult or compliment…this will take me a while to figure out. In the meantime please stay safe.' She said to me as I laughed lightly.

'Alright.' I said to her as I thought to myself. I just made friends with Gaia and for some reason I have a feeling teaching her about humanity is going to be rougher than all those wars combined.