Chapter 3

Disclaimer: I do not own Percy Jackson

Warning: Contains blood, gore, sex, possible rape, sword fights, dark shit you will never be unseen, demons, angels, witches, wizards, medieval crap, and finally pure unadulterated badassery.


'Why?' She asked as I sighed.

'Perseus sounds like I am going somewhere fancy, if your memories of me are accurate then you must know I am anything like that.' I said to her.

'There are events that suggest you do not enjoy formalities…okay I will call you Percy.' She said as I sighed in relief.

'Well even if we were enemies in the past I don't mind, plus you're like the internet for me. Anything I want to know and boom it's there.' I said with an inward smile.

'I cannot tell if that is an insult or compliment…this will take me a while to figure out. In the meantime please stay safe.' She said to me as I laughed lightly.

'Alright.' I said to her as I thought to myself. I just made friends with Gaia and for some reason I have a feeling teaching her about humanity is going to be rougher than all those wars combined.

NOW: (Please reach PS at end.)

"Shit this place is huge." I said as we entered in the city the city before us as I was amazed to put it simply. The walls towered nearly 40 yards high and battlements such as cannons and trebuchets were positioned on top of them. Soldiers in armor walked along the paths as some glanced at the slave trade carts slowly went into the city.

But as we passed through the wall what I saw was a city that was made of stone and wood. Chimneys had smoke coming up from many of them. Most buildings rose to about 4 stories in height and had waterways running along the stone brick roads. There was a slight incline in all the roads which lead a massive castle right in the middle of this city. My guess a magic well was constructed under the castle to provide water for everyone in the city. All in all it was an impressive city and its size had to be easily 15 to 20 miles across maybe even 30.

But as I looked around I noticed many people staring at us with greedy eyes. Most of the people starring at us like that we're adults dressed in fine silk robes and dresses, decked out in jewelry made of gold, and had maybe one or two men or women on their sides. Even fancy looking women had beefy males surrounding them as they flattered the women to no extent. Most men were shameless as they caressed the asses of the women clinging to them.

"This place is filthy." I heard someone say in disgust as I looked my Isaac, slowly I turned back to the scenes before us. Everything screamed this place was a slave trade capital just like Gaia had said. I saw many people with collars around their necks following people, even simple dressed people had at least one slave as they held groceries or carried other things for them. Children, adults, and even some elderly were all present in these slaves.

"He brats time to unload!" I heard as I turned my head to see a man holding a whip in one hand as he glared at us. People at each cage opened it up and started to pull our chain gang style of chains out the door as we were forced to come out of the cages. Still I could only glare at the people around me as the wound of them killing my family was still fresh.

"Come on move it!" He said the man with the whip as he cracked it in the air as most of the younger children hurried up as the older ones just glared at him and were forced to move as they were yanked forward.

"Where are we going?" Asked a younger 4 year old.

"My guess is the slave market, fresh goods need to be sold quickly before they rot." I said as the child seemed to tremble in fear as I said that.

"You two stop talking!" Yelled the man as he reared back his arm and let loose a whip as it hit the ground a few inches from my foot. Still I didn't move as the children around me jumped back a foot as I just glared at the man.

"βάλλ' εἰς κόρακας." I said to him as his face grew confused quickly as I told him to go to the crows in Greek.

Ding! You have discovered a dead language [Greek language]

Ding! Due to past memories of [Greek language] it has merged with current memories of [Greek Language]!

Ding! Due to merge of memories [Greek Language] it has leveled up and reached lv-100!

Language Skill: Greek language lv-100 (max level)

This skill allows you to speak the Greek language that was lost on earth long ago.

100% fluent of Greek language (max level)

"What was that evil language just now?" Asked confused man in an angry voice as some of the men around him didn't seem to understand it. Thankfully if I wanted to speak in a different language the auto translate wouldn't kick in. Still to reach max level in one sentence…well who cares it is just a forgotten language.

"What's the hold up!?" Yelled a man in fine robes as he came over to our chain gang as all the guards looked at me.

"This boy speaks words of the devil himself!" Said the guard I spoke Greek at. Just then man in fine robes looked at me.

"What are you talking about? This boy looks nothing like the demon tribe, you must have eaten another strange mushroom you bought from one of those prostitutes…Haaa." He sighed as the man with the whip face contorted and looked beyond angry. Still he did nothing as he glared at me, now in that moment if I had a forked tongue I would have stuck it out at him. Yet I did nothing but continue forward and into the large ass building in front of me.

"First things first all you will be washed from head to toe and then presented to the crowd. They will bet on you and the highest bidder will keep you for themselves. After you are bought you will receive a slave collar which is magically embedded to stop any actions you might have against your owner. You see if you disobey your owner more than twice…" He said as he took out a collar from his pocket. He just gave it a light tap as suddenly the collar began to shrink rapidly and in a second it was the size of a ring.

"You will die to say the least." He said as everyone shivered at the thought of being decapitated by the collar. As the man in fancy robes said all this he said it like we were going on a tour of this place. During the whole time I saw maybe 800 slaves all around us, many being forcefully scrubbed as they dumped cold water on the. Afterwards they were given simple plain white clothes and then force into a waiting line that their handcuffs were attached to so they couldn't escape.

May were trying but as they yelled and yelled for someone to save them some guards would come over and kill them on the spot. A simple stab through the chest and then their corpse was dragged away leaving behind a trail of blood. You could say they never washed the ground in the slave line because the ground was completely red from dried blood. Still as the man was killed the other slaves stopped shouting and shut up as the fear of death got to them.

"Now off you go." He said as he walked through our line of slaves but slowly he stopped and stared at me as I was looking around.

"Hmm…well I must say normally a child your age would be crying and pissing himself if he saw any of this." He said as I looked up at him and glared as he smiled.

"Oh my, those eyes. Haha I must say you are possess many traits of a fine warrior for someone so young. Put him in the special line after he is cleaned I bet he will fetch a high price for someone his age. Hell he is quite cute as well, I bet some of our maidens in the crowd would love to have him at their side." He said as I just glared at him as the men got me from my chain gang and forced me to undress.

In minutes I was scrubbed to the point my skin was red and my body ached, still I struggled the whole time and even managed to get a nut kick in. But I was simply too small as I was forced still and washed roughly, afterward they threw clothes at me forced me to dress myself. Wet hair sticking to my head and my body shivering slightly due to the constant use of freezing water. Still I kept a hard glare at the people in charge. Somehow they all reminded me of Gabe, that piece of trash.

Still as I looked around from the special line I noticed many pretty boys and pretty girls, many were human but under the watch of [Analysis] I actually found some were demi-humans. But to me they looked like normal humans. So that left two possible explanations, one they could hide their features of the demi-human race or two I just couldn't see them. But I paid that little mind as I looked at the children around me. Apparently this was this was the child only slave auction and we arrived just in time.

"Hey." I heard as I looked up to see a familiar face. Isaac was with me as I looked at him, his skin red like mine and some bruises just as well.

"Hey." I grumbled as I looked away from him as I ignored him. The things on my mind were how I was going to survive this. Sure I could make a run for it but I wouldn't get far, also once I was forced to wear that collar there wasn't much room to escape. For now I put the idea of escaping aside and turned back to see the carnage around me. Children crying and peeing themselves, little girls being madly groped by the guards for inspection. Murder of an occasional loud one all of it reminded me of Tartarus, still it could not compare to its misery.

"Next!" A voice shouted as I turned to see the next five people in my line go up some stairs to what I assume was a private venue of a sort. All the others were just shuffled out into an open venue that people shouted prices at.

"Isaac can I ask you a question?" I asked him as he nodded.

"What are the chances of us being alive for the next year?" I asked him as his face fell grim.

"Depends on the person that buys us, but I have heard the guards speaking about a man that buys children to fight in an arena. They say ne buys about 60 percent of the children at these auctions." He said as my face grew grim, my chances of survival were slowly dwindling.

"Is that so…" I said as Isaac stared at me.

"You seem different from the others, I don't know what it is but you seem older than you should be." He said as I laughed lightly and sighed.

"Maybe I am but after seeing my parent's murder I guess you could say I woke up to the light of this world." What I said wasn't wrong, I enjoyed being a child again but at this time I needed my adult side to figure stuff out.

"…" Isaac didn't respond as we listened to the shouting of the people around us, I could only watch as hundred of children were towed away to be sold. But after a time it was finally out turn as me and Isaac were pulled with 3 others into a special room with red silk curtain. The floor was waxed and smoothed to the point it was a little glossy.

"Stand here." Said the guard as I followed his orders. I just stood there silently as they chained out shackles to the ground. As all of us were locked in place I could only sigh as I stood in the very middle of everyone. Just then the curtains opened and a blinding light of day entered the area we stood on.

TIME SKIP: 6 years later

I stood quietly in the center of an on an underground elevator as the crowd roared at me in there malice. I could practically feel their want for blood as they screamed and screamed. Cheap wine and foods were being bought in the stands but currently most of it was being throw in the air as they waved their arms. I was kind of happy I wasn't someone in the first row because if I was then it would take me weeks to get those stains out. Still I paid them no attention as the elevator in the ground slowly brought me up.

"Perseus! Perseus! Perseus!" The jeered in their craze as the tip of my head was seen by them. But my vision was only focused on my only friend in this whole place. Isaac stood their calmly as his now 22 year old self as he stood to the side of the elevator and watched me go up.

He now longer looked like his former self, one arm was gone from the elbow down and one of his eyes was gone as well. Yet he looked like he could take on 50 men at the same time and still win. His tan muscles bulging out of the small outfit we were forced to wear. His demi-human traits all too apparent as I saw his pointed dog ears and sharp tail behind him. Apparently those traits didn't come in until a demi-human was at least 20, let's just say I kind of freaked out when I first saw them.

"You know you can apologize for what you did and none of this has to happen. There is still time." He said calmly as I sighed.

"Even if I did the crowd would burn this place down if they didn't get to see the fight. Plus Gabriel deserved it." I said back to him. He could only sigh. If you hadn't guessed Gabriel was indeed the Gabe's reincarnation. Not only did he smell 5 times worse but he also looked the same and had the same attitude as he did before. The only happy thing I could figure out about meeting him was that he didn't remember me from the past life.

Still it didn't keep him from acting like a complete bitch towards me. You see during the auction I was unfortunately bought by him to fight in this arena I was currently in. According to what Gaia said he should be the one that is going through the {empowering} still no clue what the means but I have a guess at what it means. The day he bought us he did something to us…something dark…darker than anything I have ever experienced. That is coming from a guy who trekked his way through Tartarus.


I sat quietly in my cell as my I glared at the floor hoping it would explode into a billion pieces. My anger at a new max as I thought back to that sickening face of Gabe as he wore his fancy robes and threw golden coins around like it was rice. His disgusting smell still lingered in my nose as me smelt like tobacco and wine, still I couldn't do anything as I was restrained by my handcuffs. But I guess you couldn't say this was much of an improvement for him. All he got was money he still had his disgustingness that I saw some of the people around him grimace at.

Yet I still remember the pain on my cheek as I glared up at him as he smiled down at his five new slaves. He didn't even give the others a chance to look at us as he wasted 20 gold coins on all of us. Apparently 4 gold coins for a child slaves is a high price, for an adult it could range to the thousands is what Isaac told me. Still as I glared up at him in my own spite he slapped me across the face just like he used to.

This time however there was an unknown power behind it as my body hit the floor like a rock as I blinked a few times as my cheek instantly swelled. His hand like hard iron as it struck me, this was not the hand of a human. That was when I began to think about Gaia's words about {empowered} people. Something was not human about him even back in my world but now it was physical. Still I remember his words as he looked down as my unyielding glare.

'Pitiful human. Keep looking at me like that and you won't live past tonight.' Is what he said to me and right then I saw an evil aura about him that made me shake in fear as I looked down away from him as my body shook. Old memories stirring in me that reminded me of the times he hit me and abused me. Yet that was only a day ago and I had not slept a wink that night, looking at that gaze that I had seen many times before.

One that said we were disposable and he didn't care about us at all. Like we were toys and he could play with us all he wanted. That was when I began to realize what being a slave really meant. To obey orders on a while, to be beaten and not complain, to have someone you hate control you for all your life. That was begin to manifest in my mind and to be honest my will kind of crumbled. I wanted to live past this place so I promised myself to not disobey any commands and to not get beaten until I had power behind me. Once I had power then I would free myself from this place.

'As long as I have power I can be free. As long as I have power nobody can tell me what to do.' Was my thought as I pulled my feet to my chest and stared out over the tops of my knees. My being slowly changing as an inner darkness I had never felt before slowly swelled inside me.

I stayed like this for a few hours until someone finally came and got me from my cage. My dark demeanor quickly hiding behind a mask of emotionlessness as I was dragged and roughly shoved down a hallway. I only listened to the sound of the metal guard's boots behind me as he pushed me along as I stared ahead of me. Soon I found myself at a large metal door. I could only stare at it as I felt a dark presence coming from the room.

"What is this place?" I asked the guard as he simply chuckled.

"Oh this is Gabriel's personal dungeon that all slaves get to go to on their second day." He said as I shivered in fear. Fear of what was to become of me in this place.

"Now move boy." He said as the door was opened by two guards inside the room wearing black clothes and hoods. Soon I was thrown together with the rest of the slaves that same age as me which number to about 30 or 40. Each of us wearing the slave collar that would snap our necks at any second.

"Now then since you all are there let's begin the marking ceremony." Said a hunchback old man that looked like a mutant freak. I assumed he was the main torture person seeing the way he looked, still I said nothing as my survival instincts were on follow all commands given to me. Yet I had no idea the pain that awaited us the next 24 hours.

Soon each one of us had to be strapped down to a table in the shape of a human with its arms and legs spread eagle so we wouldn't move. They tied the leather straps so tight I was beginning to lose feeling in my hands and feet as I struggled in the straps. Even on my survival setting at the moment I was in no mood to be tortured. I had enough of that in Tartarus. Yet as I struggled and screamed I was soon strapped down with one more strap on each arm and leg as well as my lower torso.

My shirt was disposed of revealing my chest as I heaved in mouthfuls of air violently as I thought of thousands of tortures that happened to me in my past life. Let's just say being the hero of Olympus that traversed his way through Tartarus wasn't what it was all cut out to be. Still as I struggled I noticed that there was no whip or insane looking metal knives all there were was small clay jars with dark symbols that looked like magic to me. Still each one was about the size an adult male's balled fist only a couple inches wide.

Beside it was paintbrushes and some sort of cleaning spot for the brushes and nothing more. Still even though it looked harmless that little jar of what I assumed was a sort of liquid gave me chills. So I paid it no mind as I stared up at the stone ceiling and prayed for something good to happen to me for once. Yet nothing happened as a one of the men dressed in the black clothes and pointy mask came forward.

He said nothing to me as he slightly opened the jar as a foul odor entered the air. It smelled like an old tuna sandwich left out in the sun to a couple days then wrapped in a dirty diaper then microwaved. All in all I almost vomited as I had to turn my head away from it. Unfortunately the others weren't as lucky as vomit flew out of their mouths and onto the ground which made the room only smell worse as I swallowed down the vomit threatening to come out.

Soon the man by my side slowly dip the thin tipped brush into the substance which revealed a rancid black liquid. The tip of the brush was about the same width as a crayon tip but that didn't matter as the man slowly reached over me and slowly started to run the paintbrush over and area right where my collar bone met the middle of my right peck. As he started I felt nothing at first but then I felt the burn.

It was like a hot iron being pushed against you but that hot iron was covered in spikes and it was ten times more painful than hydra venom. Actually I fainted after the first few seconds but the pain brought me back awake as I screamed bloody murder. However the man didn't stop as my body was completely immobile other than my head. Tear of pain streamed down my face as the pain was like nothing I had ever felt before.

But what felt like hours was only seconds as he finally pulled back but the pain was still fresh. I could only look down to see a perfectly straight line of flesh was gone from my chest. It sunk down right until the blood red flesh was then it stopped. But the black liquid seemed to integrate with that flesh as made the red flesh a dark black color. Yet as I looked at it in excruciating pain I noticed the man going back for another brush full.

Each stroke slower than the last, each eternity of pain lasting even longer, my mind going haywire from the pain alone as I throat cracked and blood started to come out of it. As that happened the still silent man motioned his hand as two guard came to the side of my head and force a thick cloth in my mouth and wrapped it around my head. I could only let out animalistic groans of pain as I continued fainted and woke up.

The others around me the same as the bodies convulsed under the black stinky liquid. Some eventually started to foam at the mouth but were drenched in ice cold water as they instantly woke back up. Nothing stopping the men slowly painting the liquid on our flesh as it dissolved and became black at the bottom of these canals of flesh. But soon after what felt like a millennia that pain finally subsided and I was released of my cloth as they did I saw something pop up in front of my head.

Ding! The [Mark of sacrifice] has been acquired!

Passive skill: Mark of sacrifice lv-MAX

This mark is what is branded on the people used as a sacrifice for those going through an {empowering}. With this mark when you pass away your life essence and all stats will be given to the one you have been claimed to. Any unclaimed branded ones stats will be given to any {empowered} that might kill them.

This also makes a physical connection with your body to the astral world and the world of the living. Ghosts and astral demons and possessed corpses will flock to you at night since the brand is like a torch for them, a light that they wish to have no matter what.

100% Astral world connection (MAX)

100% Physical world connection (MAX)

75% Probability of Astral encounter during nights. (±?% depending on location)

As I read through it I could only cry in pain as I closed the window in front of me and examined the mark on my chest.

The mark on my chest was now complete and looked like this. It was about 3 inches tall and maybe an inch and three fourths wide. At the bottom was a square but on one corner to make it look like a diamond shape. Above that was another square just like it with its corner touching the other corner. The bottom of the top diamond was complete but the top half was only half done so at the top the two lines didn't touch at the point in the middle but stop about halfway there.

In the middle was a line that went straight up as well right until it reached the point in which the top two lines stopped. At the top of that vertical line there were three tiny prongs spread out in all directions. It looked like a curse brand all right but I couldn't help but inwardly curse my own luck, even thought it was good on stats it didn't seem like that kind of luck was what I was talking about.

But I had no energy left in me after all this as I whimpered in pain as I still struck throughout my entire body. Yet it was nothing compared to what I had just experienced, I somehow felt changed after that like my body would no longer be the same. Yet I gave it no thought at this instant as I noticed the man in black slowly pull out a much smaller container. This one made of glass instead of clay inside it was a thick red liquid.

But as I stared at the liquid I saw faces of monsters inside it, like things from a deep evil were inside it as I saw the faceless demons inside the blood scream. I didn't even respond at this point as my eyes followed the man as he uncorked the vial of liquid. Slowly he tilted it above my brand and poured it on it as the disgusting liquid flowed into the crevices of the brand.

Alert! Blood claiming of {empowered} in process!

I didn't even care at this point as I felt my blood boil in pain as whoever's blood this is was trying to claim my brand. With this I knew that it was most likely Gabe so I had to fight back. I couldn't just let him take control over me, I was going to break out of the chains of destiny not let this happen.

So I fought back, I fought back against the burning inside my heart. I fought back against my looping destiny. I fought back against the blood trying to claim my power. I fought back with all I had for hours as the watched the others sub come to the blood and faint. I could not give up like them I couldn't live with myself if I did. My mind screaming in rage as nothing went the way I wanted it to.

No more begging no more following no more being scarred. I was done with it all. My mentality was breaking and reforming I was becoming someone who was darker and more cruel. I was not ever going to have some control me again, I was going to control it all. I was going to be the master of my own destiny so fuck everyone who wanted to control me. At this moment I felt like something in me snapped as I let out a roar.

Ding! You have met the conditions to make personal title! [The Dark Gamer] has been made! Title equipped!

Ding! Due to the title [The Dark Gamer] all forms of {empowered} control magic are hereby rendered useless against you!

Purge of {empowered} blood in process! Estimated time before purge complete, 30 minutes.

After that I saw my stat page opened up in front of me as I looked at it. Surprisingly the title [The Dark Gamer] was beyond impressive.

Name: Perseus Jackson

Age: 6

Title: The Dark Gamer (All stats increased by number of main lv of player.)

Race-Obviously not human but something close

Jobs/Class: (3/3)

Mercenary, lv-3 (70%) (DEX+1)

Delivery boy, lv-6 (40%) (No bonus)

Mommy's Boy, lv-MAX (100% affection with Trista)

Level: 10 Xp: 0/9300(1/5) =1860

Health 700/950

Mana 300/300

STR-6(+10) =16

END-12(+10) =22

DEX-6(+10+1) =17

VIT-11(+10) =21

INT-20(+10) =30

WIS-17(+10) =27

FAI-3(+10) =13

LUC-19(+10) =29



MONEY— 0G 0S 10C

PERSONAL INFO— Perseus Jackson was the son of Sally Jackson and Poseidon but he is now the son of ? and ?. Due to his new life he no longer possess his powers from Poseidon and is now as close to human as he has ever been.

As my body was purging the bad blood I felt a cool sensation finally overcome me as my mark began to glow a light red. After about an hour the bad blood was finally purged from my body as I felt a slight sensation overcome my body as I finally could relax since the bad blood was finally all gone. But as I looked around I noticed that the men in black clothes were no longer here so I was a little happy.

'Are you okay?' I heard in my head as Gaia talked to me.

'Fan fucking tastic. Glad you asked.' I said as my body ached in pure pain I couldn't even more from my spot as I laid there silently.

'I may not get many human emotions but I do understand insults to a certain extent. I am sorry for not being able to help you I was just worried about you." She said in a slightly angry voice as I was surprised a little.

'S-Sorry just a little tired, didn't mean to snap at you.' I said back to her as I heard her let out a little 'hmph'. I could only mentally laugh as Gaia responded like an actual human.

'Still I am happy to see you are okay now. I don't know what I would have done if your life was lost.' She said in a concerned voice as I wondered what she meant. Knowing her she probably worried she was going to lose the person she was observing.

'Happy to know you care.' I said.

'Why wouldn't I?' She asked me.

'No reason.' I said as she seemed to wonder what I meant by that.

'You know Gaia even though you still are lacking many things I am happy I have someone caring about me. I guess you could say you are all I have left in this world. So…thanks for caring.' I said back to her as I she was silent.

"Time to wake up kids, it's time for initiation." I heard as I was suddenly unlocked from my table and forced to stand up. I didn't even say a word as I had a dead look in my eyes, still that dead look was like a sharp knife that made everyone that looked into them flinch.

"Get moving." Said my guard after flinching slightly as I moved lightly avoiding the males hand with ease as I followed the other children as they were force forward. Each of them forced to drink a small vial of blue liquid. As I walked in the line I got close enough I could use [Analysis] on it.

Small HP Potion

Restores 100 HP

That is what I read as I looked at the potion that they gave each of the children. Each of the children's level was low enough for the potion to completely heal them. When they got to me I took the potion and simply crushed it in my hand. They just glared at me as I continued to walk in the line of children the same age as me as we finally went out of the torture room. I just cast my dark glare forward as we continued to walk through the hallways.

'So many children.' Said Gaia.

'Indeed, any possibility you know what is going to happen?' I asked her.

'I do but I cannot tell you." She said as I sighed.

'When will you ever tell me what I want to know?' I asked her.

'When the information I tell you doesn't alter your destiny then I will tell you.' She said as I sighed again.

"Forward." The guard said as we all went out a door that led to the outside. Soon all of us were being blinded by the light of the sun that we hadn't seen in a few days. I stood quietly by myself as my eyes adjusted to the light. The others huddled together as the guards walked us forward towards the middle of this area. I soon recognized it as an arena, its high walls and roaring crowd.

The crowd this time was small only filling a few rows in the stands but it was enough to get some noise going as we were pushed into the middle of the arena. I stood off to the side while the other children were all scared shitless as I looked up at the Emperor box to see Gabe and his smug face looking down at us. As he did I could only glare at him and then look away as he finally spoke to us.

"Welcome everyone to today's event. Today I have something special planned for us today. Just yesterday I purchased these slaves to put on a show for us. This day is their initiation so with that in mind let's make this test extra special. Only one may live! How does that sound!?" He asked the crowd as they all cheered as all the children began to spread out from one another in fear of each other.

"Alright seems like the crowd agrees! Guards weapons please!" Gabe shouted as the guards all laughed as they all began to toss down weapons covered in rust around all 30 of us. After they did that they formed a ring around us each holding a brand new weapon to make sure we didn't escape. At first none of the children moved as I silently walked over to a sword that was at least half a sword length longer than the others and about twice the thickness and width.

"Hey boy isn't that sword a little big for you?" Asked one of the guards as I didn't even glance at him as I reached over and picked up the sword. It was heavy that was for sure even with the boost from my new title I had to use both hands as I picked it up and held it horizontally in front of me. As I did I lifted it up higher and put it on my shoulder, thankfully this was a normal sword so its weight was much lower than a magical weapon did.

"RAAAA!" A child suddenly ran towards a pile of sword as he picked up a dagger. After that it was a frenzy children ran around grabbing weapons and started to slaughter one another. Ones that couldn't get weapons fast enough started to punch and kick one another. I however stood motionless by the edge as I watched them go at it. However one with a normal sized sword charged me from about 10 feet away. With a quick look I saw that his level was 2 so I had nothing to fear.

Both his hands on the normal sized sword as he let out a roar and lifted it above his head. As he ran towards me I could see the fear in his eyes as he ran towards me. However before he could even reach me I put both hands on my own sword. With three steps I was only a few feet in front of him as he made a downward slash at me. With little effort I blocked his strike and tilted my blade as his sword easily slid down and hit the ground. As he did I kicked his leg which sent his toppling over due to his uneasy stance.

After a second he was on his back as he tried to bring his sword up but I planted a foot firmly on his arm. I then hoisted my sword upwards and stabbed down. The tip of sword easily slid into his throat as I watched red blood instantly flood into his mouth. With ease I pulled out my sword free of his throat and let the blood flow out. I could only watch his eyes as he choked on his own blood yet my eyes didn't break with his.

"Be free." I said as I reached down and took his sword as I weighted the two swords in my hand. Just then I heard the sound of running feet as I turned to see two more running at me. They were about 20 feet away as I formulated a plan in my head. As I did I stuck the larger sword in the ground and gripped the smaller one with both hands. As this happened I poured all my strength into my arms as I raised the sword above my head.

As I did I let go of my blade and in that instant it went twirling in the air at a great speed. The one on the right didn't even have time to blink as the sword hit him. As it did it sunk a foot into his chest from his collar bone down and went right into his heart. He only took a few steps before he collapsed and a pool of blood began to form around his dying body. The one on the left stopped a few feet and looked back at the dying body of his friend.

But he didn't even have time to stare as I rushed in and impaled him through the back. I didn't even pay the gasping child any mid as I kicked him off my large sword as he collapsed on top of his friend. I just turned to see only about 7 children left as they were all fighting one another. I only starred as the children slaughter one another. I didn't even give them a second looked as I heard a guard laugh behind me.

"Why don't you go join them?" Asked one of the guard as I looked at him and glared.

"Let them kill each other I don't care." I said back as I planted the sword tip in the ground and watched the children slaughter one another. I didn't feel a thing as I watched their blood flow like water around them.

Still I stood motionless as watched their numbers drop from 7 to 4 as suddenly they all turned to me and charged. I could see their eyes were glazed over in that moment as I glance up at Gabe to see him grinning. I wasn't stupid enough to not notice that Gabe was controlling them to attack me. I guess my skill with the sword drew his attention and he wanted to test me more. I just picked up my sword as I held it with both hands.

"Fine then." I said as I charged them instantly my sword was hilt deep in one of the fours chest. He just gasped as I let go of my sword and grabbed his dagger. But I was a little slow as I felt a kick in the ribs as I was thrown to the side. I just growled as I rolled onto my feet just in time to see one of them making an overhead slash. But he had so many openings that it was easy. In a second I lunge upwards and got inside his guard as I stabbed my dagger into his throat.

I didn't waste a second as I reached up and grabbed his body and threw him in front of the third person. This effectively made him trip up as I raced forward and grabbed my sword from the one I killed a little bit ago. As I pulled it out of his dead body as dark red blood made it looked completely red. But I wasn't done as I let out a roar and made a horizontal slash as hard as I could towards the one who I threw the dead body at.

As I did he tried to block it with his blade but he was simply too weak as he blade was blown back and my sword cut right through his arm and a couple inches in his chest. He could only let out a scream of pain. I then jumped up in the air and with skill that 6 year old should not have and kicked the blade that was stuck inside the child. With this the strength from my kick was enough to make it slice all the way through the rest of his body.

I did a flip as my blade freed itself from the body I had just sliced in two. The crowd let out a roar as the body fell in two on the ground. I just looked around to see the last opponent not moving at all as he stood there pissing his pants.

"My god he must be some sort of child prodigy! Gabriel where did you pick this twerp up at?" Asked one people sitting close to the emperor's box.

"Apparently he was Jake the mercenary king's kid. Still I heard he didn't put up much of a fight when he was captured. Interesting." Said Gabriel as some of the near him laughed.

"I guess the initiation broke him! I guess that brought out his latent talent from training with someone so powerful!" Said some as they laughed more and more. I could only sigh since I knew they were right, this last past day had broken me. Force me to become powerful but I didn't care, as long as I was in control of my own destiny fuck them.

"Last one." I said as the child suddenly dropped his dagger and started to run for it as I sighed and looked down to see another dagger on the ground. I just slowly reached down to grab the dagger as I flipped it in my hand a few times. I then raised it above my head and threw it with deadly accuracy as the dagger flew through the air and hit the last child right in the back of the head. He was dead before he even hit the ground as he collapsed forward and rolled a few feet.

Ding! New form of swordplay has been obtained!

Swordplay Style: Throwing lv-1 (0%)

This swordplay is not normally used in this world other than assassins of thieves. Enables user to throw daggers, needles, or any sword with deadly accuracy.

5% more accurate when using throwing weapons. (5% more each level)

2.5% more chance to hit a critical area when using throwing weapons. (2.5% more each level)

Ding! [New skill has been obtained!]

Skill: Critical Strike lv-1 (0%)

Increase damage for strikes that land on critical regions of enemy. Also increase chances of obtaining random critical strikes on non-critical regions.

100% more damage when landing a critical strike. (100% more each level)

.5% more chance to get a random critical area. (.5% more each level)

I didn't even pay attention to these as I looked over the bodies of the children. I knew I should feel disgusted and should be throwing up but I couldn't. I couldn't bring myself to be disgusted because that would make me weak. That would heighten the chance of me dying so I did no such thing. An emotionless wall was the preferred emotion I was going for.

"I guess this makes me the winner." I said silently as I dropped the rusty sword and as the guards parted a way in their ring around me. However just as I reached the door I heard a voice.

"Boy what is your name?" Asked Gabe as I laughed lightly to myself.

"Perseus, it means destroyer in a different language." I said as Gabe began to chuckle like a mad man as I left the arena. You could say this was the beginning of the slaughter that I would take place in every day for the next six years.


That brings me to today. Over the next 6 years I didn't stop fighting for a single day. Some days like holidays were the worst, they would force me to fight monsters capture in the forests and local dungeon. Most ranged from lv-50 to lv-60 which for my lv-10 self was too much most of the time I got heavily injured but I managed to kill them. Still that day after I was forced to fight and fight. No matter my injuries I was forced to fight so I started to take care of myself. Thanks to my privilege I was given bandages and low grade medical plants that cost nearly 100 times less than a HP potion.

This got me the very effective Job of [Medic] which basically saved my ass a couple times. Still every day injuries or not I fought and fought. I fought ten twenty or even thirty people at once, all of them were branded and I knew each one I killed helped Gabe become stronger. I even fought otherpeople's sacrifices, like a pet facing another pet.

Still I killed and killed soon tens of people turned into hundreds soon hundreds turned into thousands and soon tens of thousands turned into a hundred thousand. Blood ran through my fingers thicker than most soldiers on the battlefields or adventures running in the dungeons. I killed and killed yet I remained monotone about it all, no sad emotions sprouted in me as I did this. It was for survival so why would I be sad?

Yet as I killed my level continued to grow and grow. Self-made quests to kill, killing monsters, killing people, even quests given to me by Gabe to pleasure women that wanted a night with me. To me all it transferred to XP so I did it and I didn't care about the rest, my mission was to become strong so I did. My [Greek swordplay] skill helped a lot when I was in a pinch with monsters that were higher level than me. But other than that I was forced to use my [Medieval Swordplay] to kill so I could raise it.

With my mindset and constant battle I grew more and more powerful eventually my level stopped growing at an excessive pace. And started to level out even with my XP bonuses at a point I was even looking forward to monster battles yet they were always the same monsters so it got boring. Yet because of my constant battling I acquired two new jobs as well. [Barbarian] and [Warrior] were my new classes that came along with [Medic], these jobs came along in the first week of being in this arena.

But with these Jobs it allowed me to simply keep my skill points and not spend them, because I knew if I was to break out of this place I would need a massive boost in power so I kept my skill points along with my bonus points. Unfortunately last week I was given a quest to satisfy one of the wives of Gabe's friends. I basically told him to go fuck himself since the women was ugly as fuck, I mean female swamp monster ugly. Afterwards I was punished by a couple hours of and forced to fight a nasty monster.

This monster came from 50th floor of the dungeon and was at least lv-150 probably even higher. Something like that was more dangerous than anything I had ever faced. In face the strongest I had ever faced as an lv-75 Fire Ape and barely made it out alive and that was a week ago. When I killed it I managed to level up after about 4 months of not leveling up. With that level up my stats looked like this.

Name: Perseus Jackson

Age: 12

Title: The Dark Gamer (All stats increased by number of main lv of player.)

Race-Obviously not human but something close

Jobs/Class: (3/3)

Warrior lvl-20 (STR+20, VIT+35)

Barbarian lvl-15 (STR+25, END+15, DEX+15)

Medic lv-7 (INT+7, WIS+17, FAI+7)

Level: 45 Xp: 500/1328800(1/5) =265760

Health 3250/3250

Mana 1500/1500

STR-6(+45+20+25) =96

END-12(+45+15) =72

DEX-6(+45+15) =66

VIT-11(+45+35) =91

INT-20(+45+7) =72

WIS-17(+45+17) =79

FAI-3(+45+7) =55

LUC-19(+45) =64



MONEY— 0G 0S 100C

PERSONAL INFO— Perseus Jackson was the son of Sally Jackson and Poseidon but he is now the son of ? and ?. Due to his new life he no longer possess his powers from Poseidon and is now as close to human as he has ever been.

STATS— Due to his birth #$$%1^^W%7%78#%72286# $%+5 $%# $%

After looking at my stats I decided to not allocate any points or bonus points for the fight unless I knew what I needed. If I needed a massive boost in strength I could do such that. If I needed to be faster than it I could. It all depended on the situation. But with my bonus points I actually have an eye on a certain item. It wasn't the XP boosts of the armor or the weapon, instead I was looking at a skill.

[Consumption Absorption] had me a little confused, I had asked Gaia about it but she said when I get it I will learn. Speaking of the goddess in my head she has been little to no help to me since I got her. Sure she gave me info if I needed it in a pinch of I already obtained it and need some other info about it but if I asked anything pertaining to my future it was off limits. She has also grown more 'emotional' as well which was confusing for me. Sometimes she was happy for me sometimes she was angry at me I didn't get her emotions at all.

"Silence!" I heard a voice yell as I looked up at the emperor's box to see Gab sitting with several of his friends.

"Perseus, there is still a chance for you to take back what you said." He said as I rolled my eyes.

"If I didn't mean it then I wouldn't have said it." I said as people in the crowd laughed I only then looked away from him as I hear yells of anger coming from the female swamp monster. I then turned to the massive pure metal cage that held my opponent. The cage itself looked big enough to hold an elephant from my old world so I knew whatever I was facing it was giant.

"A good response from a good warrior, sad that he is going to die." Said a man beside Gabe who was decked out in military gear and armor. I didn't know his name but I did know he was a seasoned adventurer who was one of the few that caught this beast. When I tried to see what his name and stats were all I got was question marks so there was a high chance he was above level 150 since I got names of at least level 100 people. Monsters were different though I could get names and level date no matter what level they were.

"Indeed." Said Gabe with a sick smile on his face.

"Everyone I bring you all here today to see the last fight of our crowd favorite Perseus the destroyer!" He yelled as the crowd went wild. Sure they loved me but they knew it was time for a new champion so why not make me go out with a bang? So there I stood in front of my doom so to speak.

"He opponent will be a very special beast we managed to get just for today! As you all know monsters are given levels based on their strengths and weaknesses. This monster's level was measured by our best annalist to be that of an lv-187!" Gabe shouted as I shuddered. Surprisingly whatever method they used was basically the same as mine. So whatever level they discovered a monster was then it was spot on.

I don't think my simple leather armor and rusty claymore was going to cut it. But it was all I was going to get from Gabe and his slave drivers. Still I paid it no mind, as long as my blade didn't break I was going to be fine.

"Boy!" I heard yelled at me as turned to see the high level adventure dude in the emperor's box. In the next second something slammed into the ground in front of me as I turned to see a much better in shape sword. It was about twice the thickness of my claymore and in width as well. It even shined lightly as it appeared to be steel.

"I want a good fight so don't die right off the bat." Said the man with a hearty laugh as I glared at him. Still I tossed my rusty sword aside and picked up the one he gave me. Though it was bigger it felt lighter for some reason as I gave it a few test swings as the dust from the ground rolled up into the air. My guess is that it wasn't steel but some other rare metal, maybe even mithril. I just looked up at him and gave him a small node as I used [Analysis].

Name: Saints Sword

This sword was owned by Victor Sams and is made of a rare metal called mithril which is one of the 7 rarest metals found in the Grass Plains. This blade is the end of many demons ends and will continue to do so.

Effects: 50% weight reduction, 5% more damage against demons

Damage: 1000-1200

"It seems our gracious S class Adventure Victor has given our champion a good weapon to battle with! This will make it more interesting! Now guards release the beast!" Gabe shouted as the massive cage split open revealing a monster that was the same size as an elephant. It has scales as large as my fist covering its brown body. It had the head of a dragon but now wings instead on is forelegs were two large wing like flaps that extended from its claws to its elbows.

Its back legs were thick and muscular with a large tail swinging in between them. The thick scales still extending all over its body expect its small arm flaps. Still as it looked down at me it raised itself by leaning back on its hind legs and puffed out its chest. I could even see its chest glow a little as it's brown eyes landed on me as it let out a menacing growl. All in all I knew it wasn't a dragon maybe a subspecies but then I used [Analysis] on it.

Name: N/A

Age: 1 year

Race: Earth Drake

Level: 187


Mana: 10,000/10,000









A race of drake that is found deep in the Gullion dungeon and deep mountain ranges. This particular species is known for its large amount of health and endurance. Its most powerful attacks are its breath attack and its earth magic know as earth tremor. Any attack damage that lands on its scales is reduced by 75%.

Status— It's really hungry and Percy looks like a great meal.

I just stared at this Earth Drake as I slowly thought to myself.

'Fuck me.' Let's just say I was not looking forward to this fight.