Chapter 8

Disclaimer: I do not own Percy Jackson

Warning: Contains blood, gore, sex, possible rape, sword fights, dark shit you will never be unseen, demons, angels, witches, wizards, medieval crap, and finally pure unadulterated badassery.


"You already said that stupid." She said as I laughed.

"Listen I know I broke my promise with you but let's make amends." I said as she looked at me.

"How?" She asked me.

"Any request you want I will fulfill. Even if it is to stop sleeping with women you don't want me to I will. I just want to make amends with you, I have grown to know you too well Gaia. I dare say seeing you like this…pains me." I said as Gaia sniffed a few times. I knew I had my own desires to fulfill but my relationship with Gaia was worth more than that, I was prepared to do anything to make Gaia happy…and I had no idea why.

"One thing? Anything I want?" She asked me as I nodded. Just then I saw a blush flood her face as she bit her lip and looked up at me.

"I want you to-."



"I want to reform our contract." Gaia said in a haste as her cheeks went red as I raised an eyebrow.

"What?" I asked her not understand her current embarrassment on the subject. Also the fact that we had a contract was new to me.

"I want to reform our contract that we have, I want to change a few things as well as perform a specific ceremony." She said as her looked at me.

"Okay…what things do you want to change and when did we even form a contract in the first place?" I asked her as I began walking back to my room since that seemed like the most private area I knew of.

"The things I want to changes are simple so don't worry and we first formed it when you used your bonus skill points to purchase the [Gaia System] perk. But this time I want to redo the contract that was put in order it and even do a specific ceremony." She said as I slowly nodded.

"What kind of ceremony?" I asked her.

"You will find out." She said with a light hum in her voice as she sounded happy now.

"Well as long as I don't turn into your slave forever I am happy." I said as she froze in place as astonishment filled her face.

"Dammit I should have asked for that instead, then I could make you do whatever I wanted." She clicked her tongue as I chuckled lightly but somehow I knew she wasn't joking.

"You already got your one thing so don't even think about changing it." I said quickly as she made a frowny face and made a small hmph.

"Fine I will stick with my current proposal. Also I want to do it tonight." She said as I shrugged.

"Alright, I got a few more days to burn before I have to take the course tests." I said as she smiled.

"Good now march!" She said as I sighed and continued forward as I went through town. After a while of walking I felt my stomach growl as I grimaced, I needed some food and now. Actually I don't even remember the last time I ate.

"Hungry?" Asked Gaia as I nodded.

"Well how about instead of going straight back let's walk around a little, actually enjoy the capital." She said with a smile.

"You mean you enjoy the city, I have already seen all this." I said to her as she rolled her eyes at me.

"Yeah sure, I want to sightsee. That so bad?" She asked me as I shook my head.

"No just kind of surprised." I said as she lightly punched me head as didn't even flinch. But just as Gaia was about to nag on me we found a nice food vendor as I quickly walked over as my stomach seemed like it wanted to murder me.

"What do you want to eat?" Asked Gaia who was staring at the food in front of us, the old man selling the food just smiled as he looked at the young man and his spirit.

"Hmm…what is that?" She asked as she pointed her small arm at what looked to be lollipops of a sort.

"This is caramelized sugar on a stick, it is popular with the children around here." Said the old man as Gaia put a finger to her mouth and drooled slightly at it.

"Can I have two please, one my size and one spirit sized?" I asked as he laughed and pulled out two of the suckers and gave them onto us. Gaia's was about the side of my pinky and even then it looked a little big.

"Yum." Gaia said as she licked the delicacy as the old man laughed a hearty laugh. I then paid him for two green apples and was on my way as Gaia was being very noisy as she ate her treat.

"This isn't quite as good as suckers back on earth but it has that nice flavor to it." I said as I licked the treat as Gaia nodded as she continued to gobble hers down. Her small wings fluttering happily as she enjoyed her treat.

"So where to next?" I asked Gaia as she licked her treat and thought for a second.

"Hmmm…I want to see the ocean." She said to me.

"You mean lake." I said as she huffed at me.

"Lake big enough to be an ocean." She said in an annoyed tone as I laughed lightly.

"Fine, man it almost feels like we are on a date." I said as suddenly I heard coughing and sputtering noises in my ear as I turned to see Gaia with her hand over her mouth as she blushed.

"W-What?" She squeaked out as I laughed. Nothing like a little bit of teasing,

"Nothing, just saying how nice of day it is." I said in a happy tone as I felt small fists pounding my head.

"To the Ocean lake!" I yelled as I continued on as people around me starred but then went back to what they were doing as Gaia roughly sighed in my ear. As we continued forward Gaia finished her sucker and started to eat some apple slices I was making with a knife. As I looked at the knife I couldn't help but feel some memories about Trista pop up in my head. I could only sigh and repress them as I watched Gaia go all hamster on the apple slice.

I just smiled as I continued on my way as I bought a few more things to eat as I basically ate those apples in 5 to 6 bites. As I got closer I started to smell fresh water as I was surprised. A lake this big was all fresh water? That was impressive to my standards but I guess the capital needed to provide water somehow.

"You know this place isn't so bad." Said Gaia as she looked around as she was halfway through her third apple slice.

"Yeah…" I said as I started to hear the sounds of birds and water as we finally closed in on the docks. As we did I was hit by the smell of fish as I felt my mouth water a little. Since I have gotten to this world I haven't had any seafood and right now my stomach was hungry for some. As I looked around I saw hundreds of people unloading and loading ships, some were simple cargo while others were fishing ships.

"Hey kid want to buy some scales?" Yelled a voice as I slowly turned to see a man in his 40's with a stand with lots of different items on it. I simply walked forward as I looked at his selection. Most of the items were simple trinkets and other things made fish scales. Some scales were as large as my hand and some were like diamonds that shined like crystal.

"Oh a spirit user?" He asked as he noticed Gaia sitting on my shoulder as I scanned the selection with my [Analysis] to see if anything was of good quality.

"Never seen one before?" I asked him as he laughed.

"Not an earth spirit but water spirits all the time. I say most earth spirit users wouldn't dare come this close to a body of water." He said as I looked up at Gaia as she kind of did look like an earth spirit in a way.

"Why's that?" I asked him.

"Un-contracted water spirits don't enjoy other element spirits on their turf. Normally they just play pranks on the other elements spirits so just a warning, you're probably going to be splashed a few times." He said as I laughed as I picked up a large scale that size of my head.

Rare item: Sacred tuna scale

A scale from the largest species of tuna in this world. This scale is hard enough that only special harpoons can be used to pierce it. However due to constant attacks from predators scales get damaged and shed off each year. Dissolves in water 3 weeks after shed.

Immediate consumption effect: 1% chance to get slipstream skill + 1% HP regain

Cost: 20 silver

"How much for this?" I asked him.

"Oh you have good taste, this little something one of my water nymph friends found while diving. It comes from a sacred tuna about the size of a fishing boat." He said as my eyes went wide. How the hell did a tuna get that big?

"Oh don't be surprised I have heard rumors of sacred tuna get to the size of several large warships. Though they are extremely peaceful I still wouldn't want to see something that big pass me. Hahaha!" He said as I nodded slowly. That kind of did sound terrifying while completely awesome.

"So how much?" I asked him.

"Ten silver." He said as I nodded.

"That seems a little cheap from something like this. Something like this would normally cost 20 silver." I said to him as he shrugged.

"Isn't my fault my friend is the one who listed the price, she said if she could get ten silver that would be fine." He said as I shrugged and handed over the money. As he did I put the scale in my inventory for a snack later in the day as I couldn't find anything else I would use.

"Hey is there a store that sells the organs of fish anywhere or maybe live ones?" I asked him since there was a possibility of getting some skills from water loving creatures. Even if they were monsters.

"What an odd question but yes there is some of each. If you are looking for organs go down the left of the pier and look for a shop called 'Delicious bits' the owner's name is Becca. If you are looking for a the live creature one go down the left as well and look for a store called 'Fishy pets' the owners name is Richard." He said as I raised an eyebrow at the name 'Delicious bits' but I guess whatever floats your boat…ha…water jokes.

"Alright thank you." I said as I started down on my way as I went on my own shopping spree. At the same time I noticed Gaia was looking around us as if searching for something.

"What you looking for?" I asked her.

"A water spirit." She said as I raised an eyebrow.

"I thought you earth spirits didn't get along with water spirits." I said as she looked down at me.

"Actually I am not an earth spirit. I am a divine spirit." She said as I just stared up at her funny as she sighed and continued to explain.

"It means I carry more than one element. Think of me as a super special spirit made of pure awesome." She said confidently with a hand on her chest.

"More like pure silliness." I said as she punched my head a few times as she raged at me.

"Anyways right now I hold the power over earth, water, fire, and air. Unfortunately my control over the three besides earth are still lacking. That is why I need a water spirit, if I managed to find one I can drain their power and make it my own." She said as that sounded a little cruel.

"Like a butterfly winged vampire." I said as she huffed at me.

"Shut up, also the water spirit will slowly regain its power over a year while I keep its old power and build it upon my own. In a sense you could say that I need other element spirits to make myself stronger." She said to me. Although I am not one to talk this way of getting strong kind of sounded like she was cheating the system.

"So what about light and darkness? Or lighting or metal?" I asked her.

"I have those as well but my power with them is very limited. Spirits from those categories are much rare than most simple spirits. But a divine spirit such as myself is so rare that there is only one or two on an entire continent." She said with a smile.

"So since you're a divine spirit is that why you needed the divine spirit body?" I asked her.

"Mostly, but the divine spirit body is actually special since it improves my mana usage by 500% and my body's defense by 300%. All in all this body is perfect for me. But don't go telling anyone you have a divine spirit or else you might become someone's next meal." She said.

"Like they would eat me?" I asked her.

"Some yes others no, depends." She said as I shivered.

"Ah we are here." I said as I walked into the store called 'Delicious bits'. It wasn't a stall but more or less a building, I simply walked in as I was greeted with what looked to be something similar to a butcher shop. People were lined up in front of a counter as they ordered different pieces of fish as the little girl who was standing on a wooden box was taking orders.

She stood maybe 3 and a half feet tall and has a soft blue skin tone with some sort of gills on the side of her neck. She had short black hair that was all slicked back and came to the back for her neck, like she was just in the water. Her ears were almost like small fins as they were a little larger than normal human ears. Her eyes were a dark green color which wasn't surprising given her body…type. But as she opened her mouth to speak I noticed several rows of small sharp teeth.

"Oh how surprising it is a demi mermaid." Said Gaia as I looked at the little short little girl as she complained with customer.

"Oh come on this was 40 copper last week why is it 50 now?" Complained a man as the little girl sighed like she had hear this a millions times.

"Don't complain last week we just got our shipment in so of course prices were cheaper. If you really want to complain talk to Becca." She said in a somewhat adult tone as the man seemed to flinch as the name Becca. Instantly he paid the money and left as the little girl put the money in a steel box to her left.

"Sarah you're so good at your job!" Said a female's voice as a normal human came out of the back and hugged the child who didn't seemed to be enjoying it.

"Says the lazy boss." Sarah said as the human women seemed to be shot at her comment as she let go of the sharp tongued little girl.

"Hey you ready to order?" Said the little girl to the next person in line as the boss women seemed to fake sob as she went back through the door she just came from. I couldn't help but chuckle at the sight as I guess these two had a good relationship.

After a few more people it was out turn as the little girl was easily counting the money she was given each time. I guess practice makes perfect.

"What do you want?" She asked me in a tone that almost sounded like I had just walked into her home and I was bothering here. But just then she looked up at my shoulder to see Gaia who was just staring at her. At this moment a change happened in the little girl's demeanor as she went to biker class lady to 5 year old child.

"You have a spirit! Can I see her?" She yelled in happiness as Gaia smiled and hopped off my shoulder and floated down onto the counter as the little girl seemed to go crazy. Gaia just laughed as she danced around on the counter as the little girl stared in awe. Thankfully I was the only customer in the line at the moment.

"She so cute." Said the girl as Gaia smiled and tiptoed over to her and poked her nose and ran away as Sarah laughed.

"Oh my, is the great wall of agony and pain known as Sarah laughing?" Asked a new voice as I turned to see the boss lady smiling as Sarah stuck her tongue at her and turned back to Gaia who was dancing lightly.

"Welcome to Delicious bits, anything I can help you with?' Asked Becca as I nodded.

"Yes I would like…" I listed off several things including a two pounds of tuna fillets that would be my dinner. But this included several odd items like a purple octopus's ink sac, double headed trout float organ, and of course the lungs of a micro tuna. All in all nothing totally unusual as Becca wrote it down and glanced at the giggling Sarah as she played with Gaia.

"So you're a spirit user?" Asked Becca as I nodded.

"Yes, yet I still have to take the test for the academy." I answered honestly as the women smiled and nodded.

"Well I will have this out in a minute, Sarah ring up his order." Said Becca as the little girl snapped out of it as she quickly counted me up to 38 copper as I quickly paid. After I did she just smiled as Gaia was happily eating some candy that the girl had on her.

"You like spirits?" I asked her as she nodded as Gaia had a hard time eating the taffy like substance. I must say Gaia can sure put it away.

"When I grow older I want to be a spirit master, hopefully I can get one as pretty as yours." She said as I laughed.

"Well may I ask how old you are?" I asked her.

"I am 8." She said as I smiled.

"Believe it or now I am only 4 years older than you, so keep up the hard work and I think you will make a good spirit master." I said as she smiled at me.

"Wait you're only 12?" She asked me in surprise as I nodded. At the same time she looked me over and was surprised to find I did look my age. The spirit munching happily on a taffy was the reason she must have been distracted.

"Yeah I know surprised me as well." I answered honestly as I sighed. Just then Becca came out of back with a box of ingredients as I smiled.

"Now make sure to keep these in a cool place or they will sour, I suggest if you have an inventory to put them in there until you decided to use them." Said Becca as I nodded and put the items in my inventory.

"So might I ask your level?" Inquired Becca as I shrugged and showed her my Guild card. As I did she was surprised to say the least, she had to blink a few times before she looked at me then the card again.

"Your level is 56?" She asked quietly as I nodded.

"Your level is much higher than I first thought." She answered honestly.

"Yeah I trained in the forest near my hometown each night to level up. Took lots of effort but I managed." I said as she nodded just the I was about to leave.

"Wait I have a question." Becca said as I turned around and faced her.

"W-Would you…could you possibly train Sarah in spirit arts?" She asked as Sarah looked shocked as I was surprised.

"I would love to but I have nothing to teach here. I may have a spirit but I have yet to take any classes at the academy. However…" I said as I walked back over and took out 10 gold coins and put them on the counter.

"Keep this safe until she is old enough to join the academy and they will teach her better than I ever could." I said as I quickly left as I ignored the comments from the taffy muncher on my shoulder.

"Never thought you would be that nice." Said Gaia as I rolled my eyes.

"I am only nice to people who deserve it. I feel that Sarah is going to be a great person in the future." I said with a smirk as I imagined and older Sarah harping on people and basically controlling people on whim. People like her, if nurtured properly, would become very powerful on the vocal front.

"Your smile is creeping me out. What are you thinking about?" Said Gaia as I laughed.

"Oh nothing…just imagining and older Sarah. Oh I can already imagine her future." I said with a laugh as Gaia just stared at me.

"I feel like you're making clones of yourself." Said Gaia as I smirked.

"Well the world does need people like me." I said as she rolled her eyes.

"Sure it does, now are you going to buy a live fish?" She asked me as I seemed to think.

"Why not, I could get something out of it." I said as Gaia nodded as we were on our way. As we walked down the area we quickly found another shop called fishy bits as we slowly entered the store. As we did I saw that this placed as basically empty as I looked around to find the man behind the counter almost asleep.

"Hello?" I asked as he snorted himself awake and yawned as he looked at me and slowly stood up straight.

"Hey." He said as I smiled a little as I looked around the area to see multiple small fishes in containers as I looked them over.

"Do you have any special kinds of animals?" I asked him as he nodded.

"I have a few, anything specific?" He asked me.

"Poisonous or has some sort of ink sack." I said as he just stared at me.

"I assume you are dissecting these?" He asked me as I shrugged as he walked over to a few ones in the corner.

"How about these-." But just then the door chimed as he turned around and went to greet the customer as I was left looking at the ugly looking octopus and a crawfish/actually fish. As I stared at the two I noticed their two prices were cheap as I decided that these two would be fine.

"Hey I would like to buy these." I said as I turned around as the man entered my vision.

"Quick to decided, how many would you like?" He asked me.

"All of them." I said with a nod as he sputtered a little.

"Oh still have money left over I see." Said a woman's voice as I froze and quickly turned to see a women standing before me.

Her appearance was a simple one as she only had on a simple pair of black pants and a simple white fabric shirt. She also had on a wizard's robe that was open on the front revealing a very slim figure and solid C cups and long legs that seemed to be hugged by her pants. She stood about 6 foot 2 but that was with her 2 inch heels she had on. Her black hair was very long and came down to right above her butt.

He face though had a light veil on it that covered her mouth and nose which made my click my tongue in my head. Beauty shouldn't be hidden, if you are beautiful you should let others feast upon it. But since I could say that I still admired her eyes which were a soft blue and her ears which resembled an elves. Somehow she still managed to look dazzling with her veil on as she just stared at me.

Miss. Night (?) ?

Age: 60 (given info) Race: water nymph

Job: Master water mage

Level: 615 (given info)

"Miss. Night?" I questioned as I just stared at her and then the shop and back to her as if asking why she was here.

"Seems you do recognize me after all." She said with a tone full of sarcasm as I felt the need to hit her. Though somehow that condescending voice sounded familiar in a way, meh I will worry about that later.

"Well your voice does have that hint of pride that I just can't seem to forget." I said with a shrug as she laughed.

"So what you doing here?" I asked her.

"What's it to you?" She asked me.

"Well you are the one who addressed me first so I think it would be polite to tell me." I said as she rolled her eyes.

"Fine I will tell you…I am buying a new pet." She said confidently with her arms crossing her chest as I raised an eyebrow.

"Oh my, did your golden dragon carp already die? I just sold you the little guy a day ago." The owner said as Miss. Night stiffened as a shit eating grin spread across my lips.

"You managed to kill a pet in a day? That's is very impressive." I said with a slow clap as Miss. Night glared at me.

"I didn't kill him…he was getting lonely so I decided to buy him a friend." She said she said in an almost 'girly' tone.

'Wow she actually thinks about these types of things.' I mentally sent Gaia as said fairy giggled.

'Well golden dragon carp are a very social fish, I guess it was my mistake for not telling you. I will prepare another right away." Said the owner as he went in the back as Miss. Night just stared at me.

"Ready for the course tests?" She asked me as I shrugged.

"I don't know, but I guess I am ready for the warrior or martial arts one." I said with a shrug as she snorted.

"I guess a barbarian can only do so much." She said in a smug voice as I rolled my eyes.

"How about we make a bet then." I said as she raised an eyebrow as Gaia seemed to be interested.

"What kind of bet?" She asked me.

"Well since you are already going to be my personal teacher I don't see much else I could ask for…any ideas?" I asked Gaia on my shoulder as Miss. Night seemed to notice my spirit on my shoulder.

"Hmm…I can't think of anything currently. Also Miss. Night is it nice to meet you in person." Said Gaia with a light nod as the teacher lady just stared at Gaia.

"Hmm the headmaster did say you were gathering the ingredients for the divine spirit body but I would have never imagined that you would have found and alchemist with enough skill to make the body. Tell me little spirit just who did you find?" She said in slight amazement as I felt I was being ignored.

"I will only tell you if you win the bet with my master." Said Gaia as Miss. Night felt her eyebrow twitch.

"Seem to be working as a team already I see…fine will make the bet with you. If I win you will have to tell me how you managed to make the divine spirit body. If you win…I don't know…I will tell you all my info on my adventure card." She said as I was about to retort but Gaia spoke instead.

"No you will let him use [Analysis] on you so he can see the info himself." Gaia said.

"You can use analysis?" Miss. Night asked me as I shrugged.

"…" She seemed to stew over it as she just starred as us both.

"Fine I will agree to this but you only win if you pass all 10 course exams. Even if you fail one I win." She said confidently as I nodded.

"Deal." I said as I swore I could feel her grinning. Somehow I felt like I just made my tests a whole lot harder.


"Well that was a nice visit with Miss. Night." Said Gaia as she glided off my shoulder and onto my pillow which she laid down on.

"Well if you count arguing with her about basically nothing and then making a bet with her for information that is basically useless. Then I am sure it was a good visit." I said as Gaia rolled her eyes.

"It wasn't that bad and Miss. Night is a fine young lady." Said Gaia as I just stared at her.

"She is 60 years old." I said.

"You are mentally around 80 years old." Gaia shot back as I didn't have a retort for that.

"Besides water nymphs can live up to one or two thousand years. She is younger than you if you think about the human lifespan compared to theirs." She said as I nodded as I saw her reason.

"So do you want to complete the ceremony for the contract tonight?" I asked seeing that the sun was already setting. Just then Gaia glanced up at me and blushed as I was curious was to what was flustering her.

"Y-Yes I do." She said as she slowly floated into the air as suddenly a golden light erupted from her as I had to cover my eyes. As it quickly died down I peeked out from behind my hand to see a sight that stunned me for a second.

There stood a full sized Gaia as she looked over her new human sized body. She was only about 16 years old in this form as she stood about 5 and a half feet tall. Her light wavy brown hair only came down to her mid back. Her body had no distinct muscles only baby soft skin that had a light olive color to it. She has that perfect figure most women would kill for, she wasn't to fat but she wasn't too skinny she was perfect.

Her breasts were only a small B cup which was unfortunate but with the skin tight green silk dress the hugged her every curve it was an amazing sight. At her legs the dress seemed to cut open on one side that revealed her long legs that even had that perfect thigh gap in between them. I simply wanted to be smothered in those thighs…what? A guy can have a thigh fetish! Shut up!

Yet her young but mature face took the show as her soft green eyes blinked at me and perfectly full lips parted to make way for her breath. Her face was just so…perfect, she was most beautiful women that I had ever seen. Putting Aphrodite to shame by a million miles and then some. She made all the goddess seem insignificant in her beautiful wake. Still I couldn't help but notice the small long elf like ears that extended a good 5 inches from her head.

"S-So what do you t-think?" Asked Gaia as she gave a small twirl in front of me as I saw that her butterfly wings were gone.

"…" I was struck dumb by her beauty as I gaped like a fish out of water. To be honest I anyone saw me like this I would strike them dead.

"Percy?" She asked as I blinked a few times and snapped out of it.

"S-Sorry you looked beautiful." I said quickly as I rubbed the back of my head as I had to look away. By the gods I was acting like a love sick child…well I was a child so whatever.

"R-Really?" She asked me and looked down at herself.

"Unfortunately this form isn't that of an adult, I will have to wait a few years before I am able to use this in battle. Actually I kind of look like myself back when I was given birth to." Said Gaia looking in a mirror as she lifted up her dress side and looked at her legs as I blushed deeply.

'Come on Percy you have fucked tons of women. Why is this one making you lose your shit?' I said to myself as I forced myself to stare at Gaia as she played around with her new body. After a minute I noticed she put her hands on her breasts and just stared and then sighed.

"Problem?" I asked her.

"N-No…" She said glancing at her small bosom and then looking back at me. As she did she smiled and me and walked forward to where she was standing in front of me.

"So first things first we need to bring for the contract." She said as I nodded quickly and but then stopped as I looked at her.

"Don't know how to do that." I said honestly.

"Oh! Sorry! My fault." She said as she quickly reached out to my hand and held it as I blushed. God what was this women doing to me? Thirty seconds and she has already broken past all my barriers of my cold exterior. It was almost the same with Annabeth but this was so much faster than with her.

"Contract I summon you." Gaia said as suddenly a glowing signal formed on the back of my hand and slowly raised up into the air forming a screen. Quickly a piece of paper made of pure magic appeared in front of us both as writing appeared on it.

"Simple stuff." I said as I scanned through the rules to find basically everything you would need for a…master slave contract…no wonder she wanted to change it.

"So what do you want to change?" I asked her as she looked at the rules.

"Everything." She said looking over the contract as I rolled my eyes.

"Okay but be specific." I told her as she nodded. After a few minutes of listing off a few things we had 10 rules in the contract.

Spirit contract

The contractor of this contract must treat their spirit like an equal.

The contractor may request things of the spirit as long as they do not bring life threatening harm upon them.

The spirit in the contract does not need to call the contractor master, they can call them whatever they want as long as the contractor is not offended.

The contractor must provide mana whenever the spirit is in need of it or runs out of their own.

The contractor must provide acceptable food to eat and an acceptable place to sleep for the spirit at all times. Understanding that not all conditions will be the same the spirit is in charge of what is acceptable and what is not.

Contractor must provide all equipment for spirit including weapons and armor and any accessories that spirit wants.

The spirit of this contract must do all they can to protect the contractor from any sort of physical harm.

If the spirit's body is destroyed in battle the contractor must provide a replacement spirit body of similar quality or better.

The spirit is entitled to 2 vacation days from contractor a month, 2 weeks' notice must be given to contractor beforehand. Vacation days can accumulate to 30 max and 15 max can be rolled over to next year.

The spirit has a say in any relationship that the contractor is going to be in.

Though a few were simple it seemed like I was provided a lot for Gaia in this contract. Then again she was my spirit so I guess it made sense but still the last one made my eye twitch. But I couldn't complain since I did agree to this. But as the contract was finished being rewritten it slowly disappeared back into my hand as I felt something change in me.

"The contract is almost finished and the changes will be in effect after the ceremony." Gaia said as she let go of my hand.

"What do we have to do?" I asked her as she blushed lightly.

"You have to…gift me a form of essence." She said.

"You mean like blood?" I asked her as she nodded but then shook her head.

"Yes and no…this ceremony…" She mumbled the last part as I didn't hear her.

"What?" I asked her again as she looked at me and seemed to gather her wits. In the next second I suddenly had her arms wrapped around my head and her lips on me as Gaia forcefully kissed me. As her soft lips crashed on mine I felt my mind go blank as I was stunned. Apparently this was a bad sign as Gaia instantly broke away as Gaia broke away with panic on her face.

As she stepped away as I just stared in pure shock as Gaia was panic stricken as she seemed to be having a small breakdown in front of me. But as I snapped out of it I heard her muttering to herself.

"Oh gods I shouldn't have done that. You weren't ready and I did it forcefully. Oh god he is going to hate me. He is going to think I am some slut. I can't stay here." Gaia said in a panicked tone as she tried to run but I caught her arm, thanks to my strength being so high she was easily pulled back as she just stared at me.

What happened next is what you would expect. I kissed Gaia right back as my stunned state was erased and the panic stricken Gaia seemed to melt away as my lips met hers. Worry completely dissolved as she slowly wrapped her arms around my neck and kissed me gently. Though she was taller than me it didn't seem to matter much as our lips met. However I didn't push the simple lip kiss any further seeing as Gaia freaked out only a couple seconds ago.

As our kiss went on suddenly I felt a light pain on my lip. I flinched slightly as Gaia bit my lip as a small amount of blood entered my mouth. But then she pulled away for a second but then kissed me again as suddenly I felt a strong iron taste flood in my mouth as I instantly recognized the taste of blood. This only lasted for a few seconds as we slowly parted as I opened my eyes to see Gaia with bright red lips.

The blood on her lips acted like a perfect lip gloss as slowly a small drip of blood ran down the front of her lips and to her chin. Both our bite marks healed already as her perfect plump lips just stared at me. She then blushed and slowly pulled back as I reached up and wiped the blood from my lips. As I did a glow suddenly surrounded me and Gaia as we both blushed harshly as she wiped her own lips. Just then the glow died down as I felt something connect me and Gaia, something deeper than anything I had ever felt.

"Gaia…" I said as she suddenly lurched forward and smashed her lips on mine again. I was thrown back onto the bed as Gaia basically pounced on me. Her taller body pushing mine to the bed as the kiss quickly grew heated. The tenderness no longer present as she was basically forcing herself on me.

Her tongue easily forced itself into my mouth as I could feel Gaia pour her love all over me. The iron taste in my mouth was quickly replaced with one that was very sweet and tasted like candy. Our tongues mixed together in a fierce storm as they competed for dominance. It felt like a dam breaking apart as Gaia kissed me. Endless emotion poured between us but then I noticed something.

My hands that held Gaia felt her shivering as we kissed. Sure I might have played his off but for some reason I knew this was different. It was like she was trying too hard, forcing herself to do this even though her emotions at the time were different. Under her shivering body I slowly sealed off my mouth as Gaia noticed.

"Percy?" Gaia said as she pulled away as her fierce green eyes just stared at me.

"What's wrong?" I asked her as her body seemed to freeze as small amounts of tears pop up in her eyes.

"Percy I love you…more than anything. I have watched you're for longer than you can imagine. You might now know this but back on earth Gaia or I was madly in love with you. When I think back to it now I feel an extremely deep ugly emotion that I am unfamiliar with. Every time I saw you with Annabeth…it hurt so much. I wanted to rip you two apart, I wanted you to just be mine nobody else's." Gaia said as I watched her eyes full of longing.

"Gaia…I-." But I was cut off by a finger being placed on my lips.

"Just let me explain." She said as I nodded.

"When you had finally reincarnated and talked to me for the first time I was so happy. Even if I didn't have my emotions I knew that I was happy to finally have you for myself. I don't want to share you with anyone, yet I am fated to share you even if I don't want to." She said with a soft cry as I just stared her.

"My mother told me that my love life will never be what I want it to be. I will be forced to share you with other women. After all you are destined to have 9 or 10 soulmates, though I am one I still cannot accept this. She said if I cannot accept this fate then I will grow to hate myself and others around me. But I don't want to share you with anyone, I just want you for myself." She said as I saw tears slowly flow down her cheeks.

"Okay." I said as Gaia looked confused.

"I might not know what you mean by me having 9 or 10 soulmates and I don't care right now. If what your mother said is correct then you are one of them. I can feel it in my heart and soul, so Gaia I want to tell you something. Until I find another soulmate you are all that is in my eyes right now. So get greedy and hog me all to yourself because you are all I want at this moment as well." I said as I thought to the soulmate thing.

I have heard Aphrodite speak of soulmates before, people who are bound forever as soon as they are born. It is like another half of yourself that will continued to love you forever, not everybody will find their but some may come close to people like their soulmate. But if you ever do happen to find one you are in luck because you are one in the few. But I could feel deep in my heart that Gaia was my soulmate.

Everything about her made me crazy on the inside, I didn't want to admit it before but now there was no helping it. I am so madly in love with here I don't care about anything other than her right now. Still to have multiple soulmates…I had no idea what she was talking about. But that slipped past my mind as my heart ached at the sight of seeing Gaia all torn up.

"What do you mean?" She asked me.

"I mean what I mean. I want you to be greedy. I want you to be possessive. I want you to be who you are. I don't care what others think I want to see you for what you are." I said as I cupped Gaia's chin as she just stared at me.

"What about when you get your other soulmates?" She asked me with a sniffle as I shrugged.

"You just keep being the you I fell in love with. I don't care what everyone else thinks." I said as her lips began to quiver as more tears flooded out of her eyes. As she did she slowly slouched forward and put her head in my chest as I felt the tears soak in my shirt. She continued to cry in my chest as I held her closer to me, her tiny sobs filled the room as I didn't try anything to stop her.

"Thank you." I heard Gaia say in my chest as I petted her head a little as I felt a small smile grace her lips as her tears continued. I will never understand women, able to cry while happy and a bunch of other things but still. I let her happy cry away as I continued to pet her head and stroke her back.

While the idea of having sex Gaia went out the window, for tonight that is, I was still happy that she managed to get that weight off her chest. The quiet crying slowly turned into silent snores as she fell asleep in my arms. There wasn't much I could do I from here on so I decided that it was time to go to bed. I quietly laid her down in my bed and covered her up with the blankets as I slowly sat at the edge of the bed with my back to her.

'Women are just as confusing in this world.' I thought to myself as I slowly let out a yawn and closed my eyes. But as I slowly slipped off into slumber I felt something press up against my right side and then something be placed over me. I slowly opened up eye's to see a head of brown hair with a blanket covering the rest. I just smiled as I closed my eye as I let Gaia snuggle up to me.

'Have a nice night.' I thought as I finally let myself go to sleep.

LINEBREAK: 4 Days later

The days passed by quickly as I hung out with Gaia around the town and in my room while I waited for me to use mana again. Still we didn't do anything other than talk with one another and basically eat all the foods we could manage to stuff in our faces. She even explained the whole multiple soulmates to me which I found out was much more interesting than I first thought. Turns out it all relies on some rivers or power or something that are basically energy streams.

Anyways every time Gaia mentioned my other soulmates she sounded grouchy about having to share me. This only provoked me to laugh each time as I imagined what other soulmates I would have. Fortunately Gaia was nice enough to explain to me that the other soulmates were all from earth. While the idea of tracking down each person and trying to figure all my soulmates out I knew that it wouldn't work that way.

I knew I had to wait it out and I would eventually find each of them. Apparently once I found one soulmate and started a relationship with them a chain reaction would kick in and I would find all the others. Which only goes to prove that Annabeth was not one of them, but as this thought crossed my mind I couldn't help but not mind it. I don't know if this was the magical streams or rivers or whatever but someone I just didn't miss Annabeth after I found Gaia.

Still it didn't make me give up on at least meeting her once while I was in this world. I guess you can say I wanted some form of closer, still this was in the back of my mind at the moment. That being that Gaia was currently forcing me to learn about magic spells and mana.

"Ugggghhhhh." I groaned as fairy size Gaia sighed and shook her head. The book in front of me simply not making any sense to me as I read through it.

"I don't understand this, like I said why can't I just say the words?" I asked Gaia.

"Because it doesn't work that way. All magic spells need to be chanted to work. Only if you are an Archmage and higher can you use no chants. But that is only for the most basic Tier 1 and Tier 2 spells or if you have some sort of conductor for the spell. Be it a wand or staff but that only works for certain low Tier magic as well." She explained as I sighed and read through the song like words.

"J-Jal…Jalutom-mot…Jalutomotem?" I said as Gaia rolled her eyes.

"No you say it like…▲…how do you not understand this?" She asked me as I felt my eyebrow twitch.

"Maybe because it makes no sense. Like really? Why in the hell can't I just say 'Fireball' and one will come out?" I asked her as she sighed.

"Because you are stupid." She answered as I just glared at all 8 inches of her.

"…" I just sighed as I looked back down at the book as I tried to read through the spell words. But none of it made sense to me as I just sighed and closed the book as Gaia shook her head at me.

"You're not going to learn anything at this rate." She said to me as I looked at her as she sat Indian style on table.

"I have been to high school and college I am sure I have learned enough, why can't magic be anything like it was back home?" I asked myself as Gaia raised an eyebrow.

"Hmm…I never thought of that before. I can use magic without chanting because I am a spirit so I have never tried." She said as I lifted up my hand and just stared at it.

"I wonder." I said as I slowly closed my eyes and thought back to when I was able to use my powers. As I did I felt nothing react to my call as the call for my powers simply echoed into the nothing inside me. Still I tried again but harder as I felt something slightly pull in my gut, it was just like when I was using my powers to the extreme.

However I knew the consequences of that as I eased up on the large pull as I slowly adjusted it so it was no longer painful. Instead it was more like a strong trickle through me as I felt it slowly flow into my arm. But it just stayed there inside my arm as I frowned a little, no matter what I did I couldn't seem to force it out of my body. Just then I noticed that my [Mark of Sacrifice] was itching on my skin. I then slowly glided this force inside my body to the mark as suddenly I felt the substance flow outside me.

"Holy crap…how are you doing that?" Gaia suddenly said as I opened my eyes to suddenly find a black mist floating in front of me as I was startled. As I was shaken up quickly the gas dispersed as Gaia sat there in shock and just stared at me in disbelief. That wasn't the end of it as quickly as the gas disappeared two boxes popped up in front of me.

Passive Skill: No Chanting Lv-1 (0%)

The ability to cast spells without using those dumb chants. Just think of the spell or say its name and boom you have got yourself instant magic. But it only works on certain tiers of magic so your shit out of luck.

Tier 1 magic can be used without chanting (1 more tier every 15 levels.)

Passive Skill: Mana Control Lv-1 (0%)

The basic ability to control the mana inside you pretty simple. This also allows higher proficiency and damage in magic spells that you use.

10% more damage (10% more each level)

5% better control over mana spells (5% more each level)

"First try." I said smugly as Gaia just narrowed her eyes at me.

"You're talent is stupid good." She said as I laughed.

"Well the feeling was so similar to my old powers that it is nearly the same. The only thing that is different is that the power won't exit my body unless I push it through my mark." I said as I reached up and felt the brand even now it still stung a little.

"I see…normally magicians have to use their words to push the mana out of the body but I guess your brand acts almost like a magic circuit or magic circle of a sort and allows you to use your mana on a whim." She said as I thought for a second.

"Then why don't people just put magic circuits or magic circles on their body to not have to chant?" I asked her.

"Because if they did they would be constantly drained of mana and would turn you into a living prune. But somehow your brand acts as a on and off switch, it allows mana to go outside when you want it to but doesn't when you don't want it to. I have never heard of a magic circuit working like this. It must be because it is a cursed brand." She said.

"I know it is a cursed brand but what does that mean?" I asked her.

"If something is cursed it means that there are very large pros and cons to it. Your brand attracts astral demons and ghosts and makes you are large target for {empowered} while giving you the mana circuit that doesn't leak out mana." She said as I slowly nodded as I ran my hand across the brand.

"They why did I get a no chant ability?" I asked her.

"Well normal wizards who use no chant actually gather mana from the atmosphere and form spells. With this brand you skip the difficult task of using the atmospheres mana and instead use your own. It is like giving a newb a cheat code." She said simply as I sighed.

"I feel like all my abilities are cheats, I am just thankful that [Muscle Memory] didn't kick in and instant level me. Kind of makes me happy that I can start fresh." I said as I clenched my fist as Gaia smiled.

"Well I think you might want to stay away from water magic if you don't want to get instant leveled." She said as I sighed.

"I guess water magic is out of the question for now." I said as Gaia started laughing.

"Well we better get going the tests are starting soon." I said as I slowly stood up as Gaia floated up to my head and sat down.

"Good luck." Gaia said with a pat on the head as I smiled.

"Yeah…let's hope Miss. Night goes easy on me." I said.

"Ha! You're funny!" Gaia said as I sighed and proceeded to the teleport pad.