Chapter 9

Disclaimer: I do not own Percy Jackson

Warning: Contains blood, gore, sex, possible rape, sword fights, dark shit you will never be unseen, demons, angels, witches, wizards, medieval crap, and finally pure unadulterated badassery.


"I feel like all my abilities are cheats, I am just thankful that [Muscle Memory] didn't kick in and instant level me. Kind of makes me happy that I can start fresh." I said as I clenched my fist as Gaia smiled.

"Well I think you might want to stay away from water magic if you don't want to get instant leveled." She said as I sighed.

"I guess water magic is out of the question for now." I said as Gaia started laughing.

"Well we better get going the tests are starting soon." I said as I slowly stood up as Gaia floated up to my head and sat down.

"Good luck." Gaia said with a pat on the head as I smiled.

"Yeah…let's hope Miss. Night goes easy on me." I said.

"Ha! You're funny!" Gaia said as I sighed and proceeded to the teleport pad.


"You know I wouldn't have imagine that so many people would be taking the course tests at once." I said as I looked at the hundreds of people all lined up in front of a stands for each course. I quickly walked over to the shortest line which happened to be the puppetry mage line. No surprise there, especially when the one at the stand was wearing nothing but heavy robes complete with a mask on his or her face.

"H-Hey." I said as the person suddenly snorted and flinched as they sat straight up and turned to me.

"Were you asleep?" I asked them as the person nodded.

"Well I would like to take my course test." I said as the person slowly looked up at my head to see the spirit relaxing on my head. But they didn't seem to care as he just stared at me.

"Name." They said as it sounded like a female's voice.

"Perseus." I said as the female just looked down at a list as there were only three on it.

"Here." She said as slid a scroll over to me.

"Just give this to the instructor in the arena. The test will commence after that. Since most people don't know much about puppet magic you will be advised in the testing area. If you can succeed in manipulating the doll in 30 mins you pass." She said.

"That's it?" I asked her.

"Look at it this way puppet magic is only for special people, you move the puppet you get in its simple. If you get in the course and you last for a month I will be surprised." She said as I raised an eyebrow.

"Why so negative?" I asked her.

"Puppet magic is much more expensive than you think. The cost of a simple puppet is about 1 gold so it is not a career for the faint of the heart. Plus once you learn all the stuff it takes to make certain puppets…never mind just take the course test." She said and then leaned back in her chair as I instantly heard snores as I rolled my eyes.

"So it only hard to learn, expensive, creepy, and possibly just awkward…where have you been all my life?" I asked as I hugged the scroll as Gaia just rolled her eyes.

"Let's go get the other scrolls as well." She said as I complied and started to go into each line.

The beast tamer line was not as long but all the people in it looked like they were raised in the mountains and drank bears milk every day. Even the women in the line looked like they could bench press 400 pounds, I guess you could say they were this world's version of an amazon. Still most were nice people as they hearty laughed and talked about times they killed animals with their bare hands or raised the animals they were about to slaughter.

"You're small for a beast tamer." Said a demi wolf as he stood a solid 8 feet tall.

"Or you're just too damn big." I said as he just laughed and patted my shoulder as Gaia seemed to be trying very hard to keep steady on my head.

"Ha! I am the shortest of my family, my father is nearly 12 feet tall." He said as I shivered as I imagine the massive humanoid shaped demi human.

"I am starting to dislike demi humans." I said as he laughed again.

"So let me ask what monster or animal are you looking to tame?" He asked me.

"Any monster or animal." I said as he just seemed confused.

"Not very specific are you…does your family have a specific monster or animal they train?" He asked me as I shook my head.

"What about certain species?" He asked me as I shrugged.

"Do you even have an idea of what kind of creature you want? Or any specific types?" He asked me.

"Not really, something cool I guess." I said as he just stared at me.

"Do you have any skills that even pertain to controlling beasts?" He asked me.

"I have an affinity with horses…I guess I am strong as well." I said as he just stared at me in disbelief.

"Well…try your best." He said as if I had already failed. I just frowned as I walked forward to get my scroll.

"Perseus." I said as the person went through the list and grabbed my scroll.

"Take this to the arena and give it to the instructor all you need to do is use your skill to make the beast submit to you. Be it your strength or magic you can use whatever it is you use, as long as you make the beast submit you win." Said the male as I moved out of the way for the much larger people, damn I hate being so short.

"Next is wizards." I said as that was much longer than the second one. I spent nearly 20 mins in line as I finally managed to get to the front for my scroll. In the end all I had to do was perform basic magic for them in a battle and that was is. For warrior course I had to fight someone who was in the course already and meet their expectations.

For alchemist course I had to take a test on 15,000 different plants, thankfully they showed us a live version of the plant so I was basically going to get a 100% with my [Analysis] skill. The healer course was a little different what I had to do for them was perform a basic heal spell or recite a scripture that would bless a newborn. Simple stuff that I had no idea about, thankfully Gaia was nice and said she would help me with the scripture. Bad thing was that the scripture was about 800 words long. They also required me to perform basic first aid and other non magical stuff, I guess they covered all the bases.

For the blacksmith course all I had to do was properly recognize 15 out of 17 metals and choose one and make any item I wanted. Doesn't matter on the quality as long as you finished it you were in. Somehow I felt these course tests were kind of easy but then I imagine that this was a school to teach people about these things so I guess it was okay if they weren't fully knowledgeable or proficient about these things.

But thankfully I had spent a little time with the Hephaestus kids back in the day so I knew how to work a forge to a point. Now onto spirit users who had the third least amount of people, actually there were only 20 while martial arts had only 15. Still there was one thing that made the small fairy on my head pull on my hair as I grinned lightly. They were all females and not just any normal females but smoking hot females the looked similar to immortal goddess.

"Hey!" Said a one as I walked over to see that the person giving out the scrolls was not here to basically these 20 females were basically all of the spirit users taking the test.

"Hello." I said awkwardly as Gaia tugged on my hair in a way so the females couldn't see. Also another thing Gaia had used a spell so nobody could see her after all I was getting some weird stares there for a bit.

"You're going to join the spirit class?" Asked a 20 year old who looked almost like a princess.

"Yeah…" I said as they all glanced at one another then back at me.

"Do you even have a spirit?" She asked me as if I was some sort of bad dude just coming over to spy on them.

"Yes I do." I said back to them.

"Then where is it?" Said the princess one again.

"She is hiding. Gaia come on out." I said as Gaia sighed and jumped off my head. As she did she seemed to simply appear in front of the others as they all went wide eyed and stormed my way. I was left slightly leaning backwards with an 8 inch Gaia in my hand as all 20 females swarmed me.

"Good morning." Gaia said with a small curtsy with her tiny leaf skirt as the women instantly cooed at me.

"Oh my god she is so cute." One yelled.

"I have never seen a human life spirit body." Said another.

"She is so cute. But not as cute as mine." One female said confidently as she snapped her fingers as a small puff of smoke revealed a 4 inch tall fairy just like Gaia. But instead of green she was pink and had small angel wings instead.

"Oh you managed to get a 4th grade lotus body for your spirit?" Questioned Gaia as the others looked between the two spirits.

"Yes! Though it cost my family a fortune. Nearly 50 gold went into getting this spirit body. Thankfully the lotus body is special and will repair itself only once if her body gets destroyed. Man I wish spirits could use different bodies after they get them but I guess spirits will be spirits." She said as the 4 inch little lady smacked her mistresses arm as if she was embarrassed.

"So what spirit body is yours? I have never seen one like that before. Is it some sort of earth spirit body?" Said the main lady who held the pink spirit.

"Well I used…" I somehow couldn't just say I used the divine spirit body that all spirit users in this world wished to have. But before I could say anything Gaia spoke instead.

"I have been graced with the Divine spirit body which will repair itself an unlimited amount of times as long as my master supplies me mana and is tougher than mithril itself." Said with a shit eating grin as if this was some sort of contest. Still I had no idea that if her body was destroyed I could repair it, I guess you learn things every day.

"…" Silence was the only thing that surrounded me as all the females just stared at me. All of which between the age of 15 and 20 while the princess girl was at least 16. However each one seemed to just stare at Gaia who was still smugly smiling as if trying to figure out if she was lying or not.

"H-How much gold did it cost?" Asked one of the older ones.

"Roughly 2 white gold and then the amount of a phantasmal rarity item." I said as they all sucked in their breath.

"That's more than my family makes in 15 years." Said a 15 year old as she counted with her fingers.

"Wait that means you use the divine earth god's mud to create this." Said the princess with a trembling finger.

"Yeah." I said as she slowly exhaled.

"The number one beauty product in the grass pains continent…and it was wasted on a spirit body." She said as if it was such as waste as Gaia smugly smiled as all the women trembled at the thought. However I was left confused as all the women now seemed to be depressed.

"You wouldn't have any more would you?" Asked one female as all the others glared at her.

"Why do you ask?" I seriously had no idea why she asked. Sure I had one left but things are free in this world…unless you have some badass ability that makes monster drops fall like rain.

"Well if you do I was wondering if I could buy it off your hands." She said.

"I still don't know why you need it, all it is basically good for is making spirit bodies." I said with a shrug as all the women seemed to be hurt by this answer.

"I swear some men have a one track mind." Said a female who was a demi lion complete with whiskers and thick lush hair that seemed to almost be a mane of sorts.

"Well if you need one I do have one." I said as all their eyes bulged as they closed in on me only for Gaia to stop them.

"Halt!" She said while holding up a hand as all the ferocious looking women stopped. Even the younger ones seemed like they would tear me apart for it.

"If master is going to sell it to one of you then you have to offer something of equal or more value." Gaia said with a small hmph as all of the settled down as they seemed to be thinking heavily.

"No selling of the body either!" Gaia added quickly as some of the hotter looking ones groaned. I don't know if I was mad or happy at this point. The fact that Gaia was cock blocking me or the fact that Gaia love me so much she would even do such a thing. Still I felt a small fire in me grow as I watched the overbearing Gaia who was still standing on my palm. Deep down I just wanted to…dominate her.

"I don't think any of us has that expensive of goods on us at the time." Said one as they all sighed and nodded.

"How about an auction?" Gaia asked me as the others almost growled as they didn't want someone in on their prize.

"That sounds nice…gives you all time to gather money or items if you want it." I said as Gaia smiled.

"Then it is settled in one month Perseus will hold an auction for the Divine Earth's God Mud in the spirit course. That way you all will have a shot of obtaining it." She said as they all grumbled small complains but agreed nonetheless.

"Sorry I am late!" Shouted a female's voice as suddenly a crashing sound was heard as we all turned to see a woman laying face first on the ground. A box of scrolls now everywhere as she had made it fall over as she tripped over it. The martial arts person frowning deeply as they picked up the scrolls as the women helped clean it up as she seemed almost spastic as she apologized again and again.

"I am so sorry." She said as she quickly sat in her chair as I got a good look at her. She looked incredibly average, I mean so average you would miss her if she walked past you. She had thick lens glasses that didn't let you see her eyes and she had bright red almost orange hair. Her face was all around panicked as she tried to straighten up her things. It was then I took the liberty of analyzing her and boy was I surprised.

Name: Natasha Givens (Nancy bobofit)

Age: 30

Title: Queen Clumsy


Jobs/Class: Spirit apprentice (no bonus)

Level: 70

Health 10,500/10,500

Mana 14,000/14,000









STAT— A young clumsy spirit user who is one of the bottom in her class. Cursed with horrible eyesight and balance at birth it is amazing she made it this far. Also the reincarnation of Nancy Bobofit, Percy Jackson's childhood bully.

Meeting Gabe was already enough for me but meeting two people from my old world was already impressive. Still I didn't feel as excited as I would, sure once I switched schools I haven't heard anything about her. I don't even quiet remember what she looked like anymore but still that name brought back certain memories and my distaste for peanut butter and ketchup sandwiches.

'Never thought I would see her again.' Said Gaia to my head as I glanced at the small fairy.

'You have seen her?' I asked Gaia as she nodded.

'Indeed, while you were off saving the world and trying to become a doctor in marine biology she was busy making a charity to help build schools for people interesting in helping the planet.' She said to me as I just stared at Gaia as if she was joking.

'Really?' I asked looking at Nancy as she started to give the woman in the front of the line her scroll.

'Yes. I don't know details but after she graduated from middle school she experience something tragic which made her change her ways. From then on she was a different person altogether, no longer being the bitch she was. Instead she actually tried to help people and started a large charities around the world." She said as I was surprised.

'I wonder what befell her to make her change so much.' I said as Gaia glanced at me.

'I don't know, I only started paying attention when they started to rebuild the rain forests and purify water around the world. Eventually her operation grew so large she was renounced as Mother Nature to many people. Still even reincarnation has a cruel side, she must pay for her sins in this life if she wishes to escape them. Even though she did so much good those sins still follower her.' Gaia told me as I was silent.

'Sin huh.' I thought back to my past but then quickly stabbed those thoughts to death as I focused on the present.

'Well I don't really hold any grudges with her anymore so I guess I will leave her be. She is serving her sentence for her sins in this life so I guess that is enough.' I mentally said to Gaia as she glanced at me.

'You're much more lenient than I thought.' She said as I shrugged.

'She has don't nothing to me in this life so I will do nothing to her. Plus the only person I absolutely loath in this world is Gabe. He will die by my hands and my hands only.' I thought back to her as Gaia nodded.

'Well I guess you are right. Anyways at least she doesn't have the Cheetos freckles anymore.' Gaia added as I smiled a little.

"Hello…sir?" She said as if it was a question as it was my turn to get my scroll. Man even her voice sounded the same.

"Oh! S-Sorry I am not used to seeing men entering the spirit course. Anyways name please." She said.

"Perseus Jackson." I said as she didn't even flinch as she scanned the list and gave me a scroll.

"All you have to do is take this scroll to the examiner in the arena and then take the test. All you have to do is show that you have a spirit and that it can perform basic spells and magic. Also if your spirit is a higher class then a class 4 then you will be placed in a special course immediately." She said as I nodded.

"What kind of special course?" I asked her.

"It allows people who have the higher class spirit to advance faster in their 2 year course. It will shrink the time down to about a year." She said as I nodded again.

"Thank you for your time." I said as she smiled and nodded. Afterwards I walked away as I glanced at her one last time as she continued to do her job with efficiency.

'Well I guess some people do change.' I thought to myself as I went into the martial arts line. This one was full of people that looked like old Japanese warrior that had spears slung on their back or swords. Some had long robes that were designed with fancy scenes or simple things. All in all it kind of looked like it was in 1500's japan. Still I got my scroll despite the curious glances as all the people seemed to be over the age of 20 and built like lean mean killing machines.

As I got my scroll I found out that for my course test all I had to do was fight somebody and win just like the warrior test. Except I could only use my fists which didn't seem like such a bad deal. After that I arrived in the Archer line which was packed full of people, still there were many more demi humans and elves than there were humans. All of which looked like willow trees as tall as they were with their skinny figures.

For their test the requirement was being able to hit moving targets 75% of the time and able to dodge strikes from a person while fighting close to them. There was also a part on how to make your own bow and what materials you should use. Still as I finished gathering all ten scrolls I started to walk towards the arena which was chock full of people taking their tests. Sections cut out so the people could focus on their own course tests and so forth.

"Mr. Barbarian actually made it." Said a voice as I groaned and turned to see Samantha in a wizard's robe with some simple leather armor beneath it.

"I hate you all." I said as I noticed Alex's posy behind him and Samantha as they all retained the same gear as she did. Simple wizard robes and leather armor beneath.

"So Perseus what test you taking first?" He asked me as I looked down at my bundle of 10 scrolls.

"I think I am going for warrior or martial arts first." I said as he nodded.

"Well we will be watching so don't fuck up." Said Alex.

"When are your tests?" I asked as he sighed.

"Not for another hour, unfortunately they have to repair the stage after each match so it takes time. You should be able to finish two or three tests before then." He said as I shrugged.

"I might be able to. Anyways good luck." I said as he nodded as I continued on my way until I found a large table with a few people behind it.

"I am here to take the course tests." I said as I put all the scrolls on the table as they all glanced at the scrolls then back at me.

"Well there is no rule against taking multiple course tests but still this is kind of funny." Said one as he took each of the scrolls and read through them all once as he reached down and handed me a bad with the number 6667 on it.

Alert! Quest created!

Quest name: Complete all 10 course tests


— Complete warrior test

— Complete wizard test

— Complete archers test

— Complete alchemist test

— Complete martial arts test

— Complete spirit users test

— Complete healers test

— Complete beast tamers test

— Complete blacksmiths test

— Complete puppet magic test

Bonus task:

— Find out which test Miss. Night influenced to make harder


All information about Miss. Night

200,000 xp

1 random skill book




Bonus Reward:



Must tell Miss. Night about how Gaia made her own Divine body

Will have to sneeze but can't for one week

Do you accept?


While the sneeze thing was just cruel and unusual I pressed yes since had complete faith in myself.

"I suggest you get the physical tests out of the way first." He said as I nodded and continued on my way. Soo i found myself in front of the warrior test as very large well-built men surrounded me. Honestly it looked like I was the waterbody for the football team at this point. I went up to register with the person at the arena front as they gave me a waiting number. I guess the 6667 was my student number not a waiting number.

I then went onto ignoring the stares as I sat down at the side of the room until they called my waiting number. Quickly I found myself in front of a weapon rack as a large demi human explained a few things to me.

"Select a weapon and then come onto the stage if you win you or the person like you then you pass and join the course." He said as I nodded and selected a simple steel sword since they didn't have any large bastard swords for use. Still the steel sword was one used by a demi human race so it was just under the limit of being a normal sized bastard sword for a human.

Common Item: Demi-human steel sword

Just your plain ass steel sword that is normally used by the larger races of demi humans. Though it can be used by small species it is unfit to do so.

Effects: 5% more damage to monsters

Durability: 10/10

Damage: 100-120

Though the stats were the best it was still a decent sword as I looked it over and tested its weight. I found that with my strength the sword was a perfect fit with my one hand as gave it a few test swing and nodded as I watched the dust on the ground billow up due to the air burst from my sword swings.

I then walked up to the arena to find a simply human with iron armor on as he stretched a few times. At his hip was a plain length sword and on his arm was a medium sized shield. But as he looked at me he just raised an eyebrow as I had the huge sword placed on one shoulder to keep it up in the air.

"You sure you want to use that?" Asked the armored dude as I glanced down at my simple leather armored self. Sure I didn't really need it but I had to use it to keep up appearances.

"Better than any short sword." I said as I gave it a twirl as he just stared at me and then got himself ready.

"You land one blow on me and you pass no magic is allowed and all tamed monsters and spirits are not to be used either. We start on his mark." Said victim number one as he motioned to a guy who was watching both of us. As we looked at him he nodded, just then Gaia flew off my shoulder and floated in the air outside the ring.

"One hit." I said as I slowly let out a breath and stared at the guy in front of me.

Tanner Dun No title

Age: 35 Race: Human

Job: Warrior

Level: 115

"3…2…1…start!" Yelled the man as the Tanner launched himself at me.

I guess there was no rule about them just receiving attacks still even though his level was double mine. Still as he ran towards me I poured my strength into my right arm, just then he closed in on me as I saw his slash coming right for me. But with a lightning quick movement our swords met in a shower of sparks as a look of surprise flashed across Tanner's face.

As our first strike just deflected off one another I was already striking again as my sword whistled through the air. But he was quicker than I first thought as his shield came up to block the strike. Unfortunately he was not prepared for the overwhelming power behind the strength as he was bashed back a couple feet.

"You're strong." Said Tanner as he shook his arm with the shield on it.

"I try." I said as I threw myself at him as I felt my instincts take over as I ducked quickly as I felt the rush of air pass over my head. I only saw his arm pass over my head as I made a horizontal strike with my sword. Yet the blow was blocked again with his shield but I wasn't done as I reached up with my free hand and managed to grab the front of his armor. It only took a second and the next thing he knew he had been judo flipped onto his back with his own sword pressed against this throat.

'Maybe those lessons Annabeth forced me to take weren't worth nothing after all.' I thought to myself as Tanner regained his bearing as I held his sword to this throat.

"What did you just do?" He asked me as I patted his chest and stood up and stretched a few times.

"I used your own mass against you, basically it is a sort of grappling move I learned. You said one hit and I guess this counts." I said as I helped him up as he just stared at the 5 foot 4 me and the 6 foot him.

"Well I meant by sword." He said as I just stared at him and sighed.

"Fine let's start again." I said as I walked back to my spot as I dumped the oversized sword onto the ground since there were now cracks in the blade. I guess the blade wasn't as sturdy as I first thought, my strength was a little too much for it. Still I just grabbed a new blade that was about the same size as a Greek sword.

"This will do." I said as I moved back into area as Tanner just stared at me.

"The rules doe state that it does have to be a sword strike so you have one more chance." Said the judge at the side as I nodded. As I did I turned back to Tanner as I readied my sword, while the weight was slightly unbalanced it was perfect for my [Greek swordplay] which I hadn't activated previously.

Just then I the judge signaled us to go again as I charged tanner this time. However he was not ready as my swordplay and simple muscle strength combined to make a devastating force. A sharp whistle ran through the air as my sword cut through it and neared Tanners shield with deadly precision. But the instant my blade struck the shield an explosion rang out in the whole arena as everyone turned to see what was happening.

The shield itself crumbled under the sheer power behind my blow as it started to bed with ease but then then I moved my sword ever so slightly towards me to make a cutting motion as the shield was cut through with ease. Though it takes time to describe this happened in a matter of seconds as his shield was cut through and my blade was engorged in his armor. The blade stopped only millimeters from his skin as a slightly blue screen covered him under his armor.

He slowly stepped back and fell on his but as the judge slowly let down his hand and let out a breath as I guessed he used protection magic on Tanner so I wouldn't hurt him. However people starring our direction were shell shocked as tanner was forced back after one strike. Better yet the judge had to intervene to stop it from continuing.

"I have never seen someone handle a sword with such power and sharpness at your age." Said Tanner as I shrugged and looked down at the crumbling sword. I guess my strength really was too much for simple steel swords. I guess each metal has a strength limit and if a person's strength is over that limit then the blade will break. In my case these were old swords and I did cut through a shield and plate armor.

"I practice a lot, so do I pass?" I asked the judge as he laughed and nodded as he handed over a blue scroll.

"This is your passing paper just take it to the person you gave your scrolls to before when you are done and they will help you set up your class schedule." He said as I nodded and grabbed the scroll from him.

"Normally people are much more excited when they pass." Said the judge as he rubbed the back of his head as I saw Tanner looking through the cut I left in his armor.

"Normal people would be happy but I already knew I would pass the second I saw who I was fighting." I answered honestly as the Judge glanced at Tanner and then back to me.

"Well congratulations hope to see you in my class." He said with a smile as I shrugged. Just then a small fairy landed on my shoulder as felt her soft small hand grab onto my earlobe for support.

"Have a nice day." He said as I nodded and walked away.

"Now onto martial arts." I said as I found the martial arts people and same as last time I was given a waiting number. This time it was much shorter of a wait as I was called into the arena.


The tests continued on for hours as I aced one after the other. The martial arts test was easy as pie as I basically use [Rend] to rip apart my opponent's staff like it was a small twig. Combined with my strength in general I was like a demon as he tried to run away but couldn't escape from my grasp. I kind of felt like a demon lord of a sort as I laughed in a very shady fashion as I saw the fear in his eyes.

It was almost funny to see him struggle and cry as I threatened to rip off his arm after he saw me tear apart his weapon which was made of metal like it was nothing. Still with one hand on his shoulder and the other on his wrist he begged me to let go as he had stopped trying to hit me after I dislocated his shoulder and threatened tear the rest off. Unfortunately the mediator quickly stopped me as I was left unhappy.

After a heated discussion with the person in charge of the match I was declared the winner since I explained that it was normal for martial arts to use their hands to attack. While he was not happy with this explanation he couldn't help but sigh and accept the fact that I was right. He then explained that I needed reconditioning if I was practice martial arts and to learn proper techniques. Not simply tearing things apart with my bare hands or at least using a sword.

After that I quickly went to the healers test and quickly finished that one. It was much shorter than both the warrior test and martial arts one. Due to the lack of human cadavers I basically was asked to sew some textile together and then prep simple herbs into healing paste. Though I have many talents from my past life sewing was not one of them. Still I did an okay job and thanks to my botany job I was easily able to prep the herbs.

Though the surprise came when there were no pop ups as I performed first aid on a dummy. I had always used first aid in my past life but I guess the [Muscle memory] will only kick in if used it on a person. Beside the point I aced the reciting thing as well as Gaia basically fed me the words. I know that would be called cheating but fuck them if they didn't catch me, besides it isn't cheating since they didn't catch me.

Beside the point I aced that one as well as I even introduce CPR to them, besides being very interested in the topic they decided it was okay for me not to know any healing spells for the moment. Though they said I was going to have to learn some eventually, I didn't mind much though, healing spells would be very useful.

Afterwards I found myself in the spirit user area since it was the one with the shortest line as I saw my acquaintances just about to enter the wizard area. Still I had time as I shuffled behind the princess like figure as she showed the women her 4th rank spirit. Some simple wind spells were performed as she immediately passed and was given a small medallion that showed she was in the special class for spirit users.

Still as it was my turn I simply just walked up to the person who had a small chair or small cat bed thing for the spirits to sit or lay in. Apparently there were spirits who took on forms of beasts and humanoids. Still as I walked forward and had Gaia sit on the little chair as she seemed happy as small globs of light began to dance in the air above her. Soon only one glob of light was floating above her.

But the light in the glob was not a solid color but instead was split up into 8 sections with a different color for each section. There was red for fire, blue for water, green for earth, silver for metal, grey for air, gold for lighting, black for darkness, and white for light. As these all showed up in her one globe as the people around me started to sputter as I was quickly surrounded. Even the other spirit users who were all female crowded me.

Apparently having a divine spirit in a divine spirit body is kind of like having a miniature god as a pet. Let's just say I was instantly admitted into the special class and didn't even have to have Gaia perform magic. Also I started to get a lot of…sexual gazes from the spirit users around me. Even females from other species and courses started to look at me like some sort of treat as all of them flaunted their long legs and breasts as I turned their way.

While I was confused for the most part Gaia explained to me that a spirit user's spirit rank and type is based off bloodline. So in retrospect it meant that my bloodline had the potential to birth very powerful spirit users. But this also mean that if a women would have my child then their family would have a very large chance of becoming a form of nobility. All because someone in their family had the ability to use a rank 1 or 2 spirit.

This meant that I had a very powerful bloodline, which I could basically guess at this point. Also I had a feeling that there was going to be a lot of trouble in my foreseen future from now on. The fact that a male with the bloodline that could support a class 1 spirit or a divine spirit appeared in their kingdom was huge. Still I didn't really care as I instantly rejected any advancement which seemed to make Gaia happy as she sat on my head with a smile on her face.

"Listen I am going to put it bluntly I don't want to be engaged to your daughter, like ever." I said with a heavy sigh as the judge to the spirit test sighed just as heavily as I did.

"But sir even if she has to become a concubine I don't mind. As long as you accept her." He said with a bow as I sighed again.

"I am still not interested." I said as the man seemed on the edge of a breakdown. Just then a male's voice cut through as I turned to see a young man with slicked back blonde hair approach me. He didn't look a day over 40 but I had a feeling he was a lot older than that.

"Oh so you are the one I got message about." He said as I just stared at the overpowering figure in front of me. I could almost see the air shimmer as his mana pulse within him. Even if my power couldn't see even a speck of info on him I still had the feeling that he was at least over level 1000.

"From who?" I asked looking around as I noticed a person with a medallion in their hand as they ran up to him.

"Principal this is the man I called you about. I am sorry if I disturbed you but it was growing hectic out here." Said the 18 year old as the said principle nodded.

"You were in the right so no need to hurt yourself over it. You, begone, I need to talk to my student alone." He said as the man who was proposing marriage of his daughter to me quickly paled and left just as quickly as he came.

"Ha…not even a student yet and you have cause more ruckus than most third years. Anyways it is an honor to welcome you to the spirit course. I hope our academy can meet your needs." He said with a slight bow as I just stared at him like he was crazy.

"I don't understand what you are getting at." I said as he just raised an eyebrow and suddenly laughed. As he settled down my looked back down at me with a smile on his face.

"I see you quite don't understand your position at the moment. Look at it this way your spirit who is sitting on your head just promoted your credibility and political from that of a citizen all the way up to that of a Viscount at the least. But if your bloodline is pure enough to give all of your next generation the ability to use rank 1 spirits then your credibility and political power might even get promoted the title of Duke." He said as I just looked at him in a confused stare.

"Now let's put it in a perspective you can understand. A young duke who is not married, engaged, or even dating anyone right now just popped out of nowhere. The lower ranked nobles suddenly have a chance to raise their power if they forfeit their daughters over to you. This also enables you to have all the women you want. This could lead to a rise in nobles and the number of high class spirit users." He said as I was starting to feel mentally ill at this point.

"However you are in luck, as long as you make an agreement with the Academy we will protect you from all these nobles and even make sure you bloodline is secured and safe until you see fit to expand it. But this all comes at a cost of course." He said with a grin as I slowly rubbed my temples as I felt a headache explode within me.

However his plan wasn't a bad one since I got to scurry away from the noble families. But I had a feeling that this would only lead to a rise in people coming to the academy to meet me. Which meant a better business for the principal, so I was basically a piggy bank to him. While this did insult me quite a bit I guess I didn't have much of a choice at this point. Still I had a few questions.

"So is this noble rank on paper or just in the mind?" I asked as he grinned.

"You are smarter than you look, it is all in the mind of the people. Having this spirit will not automatically promote you to the rank of a duke. That is unless you provide deeds for the emperor and raise your rank on paper. Still your blood and power of your spirit is what really makes it count. Even though you have no physical rank you power will act as a mental rank to the people. In essence the stronger you are the more people are going to try and get on your coattail of success and ride up the noble rank with you." He said.

"So it is an invisible rank that is inspired by respect of power. Hmm I think I might like this after all." I said with a smile as the principal just stared at me with a weird face.

"What do you mean?" He asked me as I smiled.

"Oh nothing." I said with an innocent shrug as he didn't seem to believe me.

"Don't try flaunting your power around if that is what you are thinking. There are people who can kill you without you even feeling any pain." He said.

"I am not that stupid, power is meant to be used at certain times. I am well aware of that and understand many other concepts that surround it. But I have to admit having this makes me feel much more confident about my place in the people around me." I said as the principle slowly smiled as he chuckled.

"I am starting to like you more and more. So tell me interested in the deal?" He asked me.

"What's the cost of having this protection?" I asked him.

"50% of everything you earn in the dungeon." He said.

"10%." I said as he grinned wider.

"Oh a haggler? Fine then 45%." He said as I shook my head.

"Lower." I said as he seemed to think.

"30%." He said.

"A person has got to eat Principal." I said to him.

"35% then." He said as I raised an eyebrow.

"You just went up." I said to him.

"Like you said a person has go to eat Perseus." He said as I slowly smiled. I felt like I was going to enjoy this man's company.

"25% and I will let you keep 50% of the profit from the Dine Earth Gods Mud." I said as he hummed for a second.

"25%, 50% of the profit, and you treat me to some wine." He said.

"I am only 12." I said as he looked at me.

"Fine a meal." He said as I extended out my hand as he smiled and shook it. Just as we did a box appeared in front of me.

Alert! Contract formed

Contract Name: Academy's piggy bank


— 25% of all profit from dungeon will be given to Academy. (Permanent)

— 50% of profit from Divine Earth's Gods Mud auction will be given to Principle. (1 time)

-You must pay for one meal that you have with the principle. (1 time)

As I ignored the box in front of me I heard footsteps coming my direction as me and the principle turn to see a certain water nymph with a sexy witch's robe on and a large hat and veil covering her face.

"What are you two doing?" Asked Miss. Night as the principle laughed and let go of my hand as we both turned to her.

"Just making a deal for some extra security." Said the principle as the Miss. Night raised an eyebrow and stared at me.

"So how many have you passed?" She asked me in a smug tone.

"Only 4 so far." I said as she just stared at me.

"You passed 4 of our course exams?" Said the principle as I nodded.

"Yeah. The warrior test was way too easy, one sword hit? Simple stuff. The martial arts one was just as easy the look on that guys face as I dislocated his arm was so funny. Anyway the healers one was also just as easy simply perform first aid and one scripture and you're done. And you know the results from the spirit test." I told the principle as I saw his eye twitch a little.

"These are consider some of the hardest tests we have." He said as I gave a short laugh.

"Then these people must be stupid to fail their test. But I guess i'm a little bit abnormal." I said with a shrug as Gaia on my head did the same.

"A little?" Asked Miss. Night.

"How high is your level?" Asked the Principal.

"56 the last time I checked." I said as he just stared at me and smiled.

"You're getting another raise." Said the principle as Miss. Night seemed surprised as he pointed at her.

"I just got one." She said almost in a complaining tone.

"I don't care if you just got two, you have just found the smartest human child in the past 200 years. Yet you called him a barbarian." He said as I just stared at the 40 year old like he was crazy.

"Well…" Miss. Night couldn't retort as I glanced at her and gave her a grin as her eyes narrowed at me.

"So…am I still a barbarian in your eyes?" I asked as my grin widened as I saw her grow angry.

"Six more tests left Perseus! I will be waiting for you to fail!" She yelled and stormed away as the principal looked confused.

"What's she so angry about?" He asked as I smiled.

"You're so mean." Gaia said as she lightly thumped my head as my grin just widened. Anytime I can make a beauty like that angry seemed to bring me a little joy for some reason.

"Anyways I have to go watch my acquaintances tests." I said as the Principal looked back at me.

"You have friends? You don't seem like the type." He said.

"I don't have friends. That is why I said acquaintances." I said as he chuckled.

"Well if you are going to take the rest of the test good luck. Also what do you think about having Miss. Night as your personal teacher?" He asked as me in a whisper.

"Your one horny old man you know that." I said as he looked shocked as I said that.

"I am not old." He said as I started walking away.

"Just keep saying that to yourself." I said as he acted like a child. Somehow I felt like this childlike principal had a lot more to him that I first believed. He may act like a child but I knew that under that he was so strong that he could make mortal armies flee in fear. I guess sometimes the strong put on two faces to appease and scare the populace. Still I had a feeling that he and I were going to get along great.

Besides leaving the childish principal behind I went into the stands by the wizard area as I noticed Miss. Night was the one testing the people. I guess she was taking a short break to come and talk to us. But as starred at the two in the area I noticed is was one of the several people she had picked up with me.

Still as I starred on I noticed that Miss. Night was not attacking and instead had up a simple mana shield in front of her as the other attacked it with all their might. Their goal must be to break the mana shield. Still a single spell of fireball was raining down on the shield as Miss. Night didn't seem concerned.

After about 20 fireballs the shield finally gave way as it shattered like glass but as it did the fireball that broke through only hit another shield as Miss. Night nodded. Still this brought confusion to me as I watched the fireball be cast without a chant which was said to be pivotal to casting spells.

'Gaia I thought you needed to say special words to cast magic.' I said like a child as Gaia laughed lightly.

'I guess I spaced the part about equipment such as staffs and wands. They are simple tools that increase effectiveness of spells of certain tiers. The higher grade equipment the higher tier the spell. It is almost like you're [no chant] skill but it increases the cost of mana to perform the spell so it does have its drawbacks.' She said as I nodded.

'Interesting…does it work on swords or other weapons?' I asked her as she seemed to sigh.

'Depends on the magic but most darkness spells work since they are basically debuffs and some buff light magic can work as well. But if you are looking at putting a fireball spell on your sword then plan on it melting or warping. Only very strong metals can account for attack spells. But if you are wind spells would be the one to look at.' She said as I seemed to catch the effects of each elements on blades.

'What about two elements such as wind and fire? Couldn't you just make a bunch of cheap daggers to release very explosive spells at least one time?' I asked her.

'Yes you could but finding a person that can actually use those two elements at the same time is like finding a needle in a haystack.' She said.

'Wait people who can use two different elements are rare?' I asked her.

'Incredibly rare. But that is for simple humans, there are species in this world that are born with the ability to use two or three different elements.' She told me as I continued to watch my 'friends' attack Miss. Night as her shield slowly cracked and finally exploded each time.

'What about all 8 elements?' I asked her.

'I have yet to hear of anyone that can use all 8 elements but I have heard of a human that did manage to use 6 but that was more than a millennia ago. Still the possibility does exist.' She said to me.

'How so?' I asked her.

'Species can interbreed and new species are born. Even now there is still well over a trillion possible combinations between species. So there is still room for a species that can control all 8 elements to exist.' She said simple as I nodded. Hopefully I could use at least water, if I could that would make me happy. Then again using all 8 does sound nice but I can give my hopes up on that.

'Why so interested in magic?' Gaia asked me as I watched a wind blade cut through the magic barrier.

'Oh I am just wondering is all, if I am going to use it the more I know the better.' I said as Gaia smiled.

'Well if you can use magic and swordplay at the same time I will be impressed. Then again you did do it in your past life but this time is different. Casting magic takes a very large amount of concentration so basically all mages do not move when casting magic. Anybody who can use swordplay and magic at the same time is consider a treasure in this kingdom.' She said as I nodded again.

'Well I do already have a class 1 divine spirit with a divine body and I am naturally skilled at swordplay so I guess I might have a few more surprise that even I don't know about.' I said as Gaia nodded as we continued to watch the matches go on. Some people couldn't break the shield in less than 25 hits so they were disqualified as Miss. Night seemed like the judge for this.

"Sup stranger." Said a familiar voice as I saw Samantha sit down by me as sweat covered her face. Now that I think about it all my friends were older than me which was weird but I didn't care much at the moment as Samantha was using my cloak to wipe her sweaty face. Quickly I tore it out of her hand as I looked down in disgust as a perfect face made of dirt appeared on my white cloak.

"You're so gross." I said looking at the copy of her face on my sleeve as she just smiled at me.

"So I heard you cause some commotion at the spirit user area." She said as I shrugged.

"Yeah, turns out when people find out you have divine spirit and a bloodline strong enough to support one they kind of want to get in your pants." I said as she looked very surprised as she glanced up at Gaia who smugly smiled.

"R-Really? She is a divine spirit?" She asked pointing at Gaia.

"Apparently, I had no clue either so I was just as surprised." I said as I lied out my ass.

Alert! Two skills created

Passive skill: Lying lv-1 (0%)

The act of not telling the truth and getting away with it.

30% lie success (1% more each level)

Passive skill: Lie detection lv-1 (0%)

You can detect when others lying to you.

30% of the time you detect lies said to you (1% more each level)

While the skill did seem a little pointless I was still was happy none the less as I was surprised it took this long to pop up. Maybe there were prerequisites to make certain skills. If there were it would be great to be able to see the things I needed to do to get certain skills I wanted.

Lie success!

"Oh really? Well I guess she did want to hide her power to not cause any trouble for you." She said as Gaia nodded as I smiled.

"Well she does care for me more than I first believed." I said to Samantha.

"Hmm…well I am not too surprised, I have heard of some spirits coming to love their master. I don't mean like two friends but I mean like a husband and wife." She said as Gaia's face erupted in a blush as she didn't face Samantha.

"Really?" I asked her as she nodded.

"Well from what I have heard from rumors is all I know. But I do know that it does happen and there is proof of this because there is a demi spirit race out there." She said as I was surprised even more. So people did procreated with their spirits, while surprising I couldn't help but force my stirring emotions for Gaia back down.

"That sounds so weird." I told her as she smiled.

"Well to a young-."

"Your 20." I told her

"A YOUNG women like myself an idea does pop in my head about this." She said with as she glared at me.

"Think about it though, most spirit users spend most their time with their spirits. Be it a battlefield, a dungeon, or even simple tasks. A spirit user is never without his or her spirit. So who is to say that simple emotions such as love would ignite between the two?" She said as she looked towards Bobby as he barely past the test with 24 air bullets.

"Why do I feel like you are putting me in that same boat?" I asked her as she grimaced as she was found out.

"Well you spirit is does have a humanoid body so I can't say the thought didn't cross my mind." She said as her finger poked at one another. I swear this woman was worse than Aphrodite and her children.

"You don't have to worry about us." Said a female's voice as Gaia suddenly appeared on my shoulder again. Her face no longer flushed as she stared at Samantha.

"Although I am well aware of a human and spirit relationships growing beyond that of the contract I assure you I am here to simple serve and protect Perseus. Also I ask for you to stop putting such nonsense in his head, if he tries to think too think too much he might hurt himself." Gaia said swiftly as she cut the conversation at its root as Samantha looked like she was in trouble.

"Funny Gaia. Anyways I need to go take more of my tests." I said to Samantha as I stood up.

"Wait what about Alex?" She asked me as I continued onward.

"I don't need to be here to see he is going to pass in 6 shots." I said as I already calculated the amount of power he could produce with his current stats and how much Miss. Night's shield could take.

"…" Samantha didn't say anything as she let me walk away towards the shortest line of the puppetry mage testing area.

'Are you surprised?' Asked Gaia as I shrugged.

'Not really.' I admitted.

'How so?' She asked me.

'Well I can barely resist the temptations of such a beautiful spirit so I find it hard for others to do the same.' I said as Gaia had a small blush but smiled.

'You playboy, but at least you are mine.' She said as I slightly grinned.

'For now.' I said as I messed with her as she pouted a little at the mention of the other 8 or 9 soulmates.

'But I will still be the first.' She said confidently as I smiled and continued on my way towards the puppet mage area. As I got there they basically let me in without having to get a waiting number as several people all in concealing clothing stood in front of a puppet about the size of a child.

"So all I have to do is move this puppet a few steps and I am done?" I asked them as they nodded.

"Also you will need some magic gloves for the magic spell. But we will provide those for you." Said a man as he handed over a simple pair of gloves with a magic circle on the back.

Uncommon item: Class 10 Puppeteers gloves

A simple magical glove that enables you to use puppet magic. Cannot be used on any class 10 and above puppets.

Cost: Spell MP x 2

As I put on the glove I felt the mana in my body rush to the surface of my skin that was underneath the glove. My saw a faint glow under my skin but then it died down as I admired the black gloves felt decent on my skin. Still as I clench my hand the people around me nodded.

"It seems you possess the water element after all." Said someone as I raised an eyebrow.

"The gloves will only activate if you have water based mana." Said one of them as I nodded.

"Hmm…now what do I do?" I asked them.

"Simple channel your mana through the glove. This will create mana strings that will attach to the puppet and control it. Your goal is to make the puppet move in a way we approve." He said as I nodded. Just then I funneled my mana into the glove as I suddenly saw small strings in the hundreds started to float out of the gloves. As they did I moved the strings towards the puppet as the all seemed to find their own place as a shudder ran through it.

Alert! New skill obtained!

Magic Skill: Puppetry Magic lv-1 (0%)

The ability to use magic to manipulate puppets. Though this magic is odd to many it does provide some with very powerful attack power or defense if the right puppets are used. The amount of puppets and the grade of the puppet however are determined by the level of your magic ability.

Can use 10th grade puppets (1 higher grade every 10 levels)

1 puppet of max grade can be used (1 more puppet every 5 levels)

20% damage for pure elemental puppets (20% more every 5 levels)

Cost: 200 MP per min x (number of controlled puppets)

While the skill popped up in my head suddenly a feeling flooded my body as I already seemed to know how to move the puppet. I was actually a little surprised as I watched the puppet start to get up and move. It was almost like having a second body as I controlled it just like my own but at the same time it was like giving commands to another.

"Impressive. Have it walk around for a bit." Said the judge with the clipboard as I nodded as I made the puppet move like any normal human. Though it seemed normal I could see small distinctions in its movements but nothing to distinct.

"Smooth as silk." Said one as I got an idea and started to have the puppet do the moonwalk. The others only seemed just as impressed as the plain puppet started to dance in front of them. The reaction I got in return was a little odd though.

"Must be some sort of sword style." Said one as they watched the puppet dance like a pro. Although I could barely dance like that myself somehow making the puppet do it was much easier than I thought.

"Boy stop." Said the judge as I stopped the puppet who had switched from Michael Jackson style to tap-dancing. I was slightly upset not that I didn't get to finish the dancer number I had in my head. It was weird though, somehow I could make the puppet perform movements I had never done myself.

-400 MP

"Good job you pass. Take this puppet with you to practice." Said the man as he motioned to the puppet.

"Okay." I said as the puppet walked over as I grin appeared on my face as I high-fived the puppet. Feeling accomplished about myself I was on my way as puppet was put in my inventory. My mind set on a higher class glove to control the puppet. Still it was more fun than I had imagined it would be.

"You bring shame to dancing puppets everywhere." Said a voice as I looked up at Gaia on my head.

"Hey give me a break that dance was flawless." I said as she sighed.

"To you it might be but to their skilled eyes it was only okay. Your puppeteering needs a lot of work. A good puppet mage have skill so good that they can copy any animal, monster, or being to a perfection. If they had the right puppet you wouldn't even be able to tell if it was a puppet or not." She said as I was impressed. I guess puppet mages were more skilled than I first thought.

"Still for a first year to have such fluidity with a puppet is indeed impressive. Still you do need to practice. By practice I do mean that you have to physically do it, you can't just force level up your skill and then use it. That is almost like being put in a body that isn't yours, you may have the skills but you don't know how to use them." She said as I sighed and looked down at the gloves on my hand that looked kind of stupid now that I look at them.

"You think they sell these in fingerless style?" I asked her.

"Why do you care? You have a no chant skill." She said.

"Even if these double the mana cost I feel that I need them to not only keep up appearances but also teach me how to use my mana in the way it shapes it to control the puppet. Just like you said I need to practice but I do need some reference to use certain styles of mana. This glove will work perfectly for that." I said

"I guess you are right. So what is left?" Gaia asked me.

"Beast tamers, wizards, alchemists, blacksmiths, and archers." I said as she nodded.

"Let's do the wizards one last, I want to have a nice satisfying the rest of the day after I see Miss. Nights disappointed face." I said as I imagined the proud women losing the bet.

"You are so sadistic." Said Gaia as I shrugged.

"I have always been this way but I have never really shown others. Not that I wanted them to know but I guess you could say that it was buried deep down inside and it is finally coming out. Plus who doesn't get some joy out of making other miserable?" I asked her.

"A lot of people…" She said to me.

"Well those people are just weird then." I said.

"Says the sadistic 12 year old with no friends." She said to me.

"Says the women who wants all 'this' to herself." I said with a wiggle of the eyebrows as Gaia just stared at me like I was stupid.

"Just shut up." She said as I reached up and suddenly grabbed her as she started to struggle in my grip. Thankfully she was much weaker than I first imagined as she was stuck in my hand as she glared up at me

"Percy what are you going to do?" Asked Gaia as I just stared at her as I thought for a second as I suddenly let her go and she quickly flew out of my reach. Her stare still right on me as I just grinned and her and shrugged.

"Well I guess I won't do anything for now but once this is over…" I just trailed off as she looked worried.

"What will you do?" She asked me.

"Nothing a dominant wouldn't do to a nice little sub." I said as her face went bright as could be.

"P-P-P-Perseus y-y-y-you beast! I will not let you do anything to me!" She squeaked out as she seemed to cover her body with her hands.

"You say that now…" I said as I continued on as the angry little fairy followed behind me. Unknowing that a certain water Nymph had been eavesdropping the entire time.