Chapter 10

Disclaimer: I do not own Percy Jackson

Warning: Contains blood, gore, sex, possible rape, sword fights, dark shit you will never be unseen, demons, angels, witches, wizards, medieval crap, and finally pure unadulterated badassery.


"Percy what are you going to do?" Asked Gaia as I just starred at her as I thought for a second as I suddenly let her go and she quickly flew out of my reach. Her stare still right on me as I just grinned and her and shrugged.

"Well I guess I won't do anything for now but once this is over…" I just trailed off as she looked worried.

"What will you do?" She asked me.

"Nothing a dominant wouldn't do to a nice little sub." I said as her face went bright as could be.

"P-P-P-Perseus y-y-y-you beast! I will not let you do anything to me!" She squeaked out as she seemed to cover her body with her hands.

"You say that now…" I said as I continued on as the angry little fairy followed behind me. Unknowing that a certain water Nymph had been eavesdropping the entire time.



The tests continued as Gaia ignored me the rest of the time, still women will be women. Not much you can do after you tease them into silence. Still the test I continued with was the blacksmith one first. After I easily named all the metals they had in front of me from iron to mithril and organic metals from certain monsters and even some bones that were hard as some metals that could be used to make certain staffs or other magical items.

Still passing the metal naming phase with a 100% and all the info that went along with it I was then force to make a sword from some iron they gave me. As I started forging however a new window popped in front of me. It was very similar to my status window however the window it gave me was instead all the info on the forge I was using. It went down to the quality of the forge and how hot the coals were, however as this popped up I gained two new skills along with it.

Passive skill: Workshop lv-1 (0%)

The world around you is now a workshop for you to experience and calculate. Be it cooking, blacksmithing, marketing, or just every form of production out there. This skill gives you data sheets on the area around you that is part of your production. From inventory to simple equipment quality everything is there! With this info efficiency is going to increase dramatically in any production you take part in.

20% more efficient production. (20% more each level)

20% more items produced during production. (20% more each level)

Passive skill: (level 1) (Rank 1) Blacksmithing lv-1 (0%)

Make items like a machine and at a quality that none have ever seen. Although blacksmiths aren't seen as fighters many have bodies as strong as steal that withstand the flames of a forge. Not only that but good blacksmiths are treated as royalty to some so keep up the good work and be the best out there.

Common rank equipment can be made. (+1 Rarity every Rank)

10% damage bonus with all weapons. (10% more damage every Rank)

1% chance of higher than average weapon damage on completed weapons. (+1 every Rank)

1% chance of higher than average armor defense on completed armors. (+1 every Rank)

1% flame resistance when forging. (1% more every week spent forging)

.5% higher chance of monster drops. (.5% more each level)

While both skills were very impressive I didn't see myself getting that far in my [blacksmithing] skill other than basics. Sure I could get the items I needed to forge with easily but I had a feeling that not actually doing the forging on those items was going to suck. My best bet was to ignore the skill and find a permanent high ranked blacksmith to help me forge the items I get.

Besides that if felt the [workshop] skill would be more useful if I found myself in an sort of economic situation. Instant stats on anything that pertains to the act I am doing that revolves around production? Sign me up because that would be extremely useful. Still it was put on the backburner like [blacksmithing] since I had no use for it right now. But in the future if I start up a business or maybe join a merchant cart I think I would be just fine.

Still the test continued as I now easily made a simple iron blade with my new skills. Following [workshop] I easily controlled the temperature of the forge and meld the iron to my will. Toss aside two hours or hammering, smelting, and dousing I had an average iron sword that just needed some sharpening before battle. Looking at the sword the judge seemed impressed and passed me with ease as I was getting a few glare from the others taking the test as they struggled to hammer the iron into place.

Ignoring their glares I gave the sword to the instructor and accepted my passing scroll and was now on my way to the Alchemists course test. As I arrived I found each test had a small cubicle to take the test in at any time. With ease I found my seat and sat down and started away, let's just say they thought I cheated or gave up as I turned in my 5 hour long test in an hour after I started.

Although I kind of did cheat I will not admit it, but as they scanned through my test to find all 15,000 plants info was correct on the paper they just stared at me as I stood there with an emotionless expression on my face. Again they went through my paper and found no flaws as I was forced to stand by as they went through the test.

They even had someone come over and asked me some different questions on the plants. Thanks to my high intellect and wisdom for my level I was able to recall facts about the plants with ease as I responded back to the extra questions. 30 minutes later they finally gave up and let me pass the course test thinking I was some sort of genesis as got odd stares. At this point the Principle who was in the stands surrounding all the arena was at a point of pure astonishment.

But I didn't pay him much mind as I continued on with my two new blue scrolls as I went right towards the archer test. Now I know I am terrible at archery but that didn't stop Apollo and Artemis forcing me to take a crash course on year when I was 30. Annabeth's encouragement while 6 months pregnant with our first daughter didn't help either.

Still regardless I was forced into a hell by those two, but after a week at shooting in the wrong direction entirely Artemis eventually forced Apollo to lift the curse on Poseidon's children or at least me. Turns having an older sister is kind of like having a permanent boss no matter where you go. Took a day for Artemis to force Apollo to lift the curse and suddenly I was actually hitting the target with ease.

After a month I was a fluid as any hunter due to Artemis and Apollo's training. Also, turns out I had a knack for archery buried deep under that curse. Then again having two gods point out all your flaws for a month kind of makes you breed talent inside you.

Still as I entered the archer test I had to disrobe to prevent anything from catching on me which left myself in simple fabric pants and semi large shirt and hard leather boots.

"Hey kid." I heard as I turned to see the judge looking at me.

"Lose the shirt, it the bow catches on it you will be in for a world of hurt." He said as I looked down at the baggy shirt. Due to time I spent in my room I never really had time to buy clothes that fit me. Even then when I did go shopping with my 'friends' I didn't have time to buy any either so I stripped off the shirt which instantly got me more attention that I bargained for.

Covering my chest was hundreds of small scars that ranged from tiny nicks to large scar from a mace that broke 4 of my lower ribs on my left side. Thankfully all my skin was healed over with smooth perfect muscle skin like it wasn't ever damaged. But there was a color difference that made you see all the scars with ease on my skin. Till the most noticeable was a spear wound that was right in the middle of my sternum.

Gaia had told me that the spearhead has stopped a mere tenth of an inch from my heart. In a way these scars were proof of my past that only Gaia and I knew of. Still as others looked at these scars I didn't try to hide them as I grabbed a bow and an arrow holster as I ignored everyone around me.

"Hmm…you must have lived a rough life young man." Said the judge as he glanced at me as I noticed he held a very sage-like aura about him. Someone who had wisdom to spare and who had seen more than most is almost a way to describe it.

"Who knows, I know people who have lived through rougher." I said as I hoisted up the bow and arrow as I took aim at a target about 20 yards away. With ease I exhaled and released the arrow as I flew perfectly and hit the middle of the target.

"Good now another." Said the judge. As repeated it once more as the arrow flew and suddenly split the first one I had shot as I clicked my tongue. At my reaction the old man was slightly surprised as the ones watching were as well. Not that arrows didn't get split by another, the elves were prows, but by my reaction.

"Why you upset?" He asked me.

"I didn't split it perfectly. The four piece of wood that are split are all different percentages of the whole. If I can split it with 25% of the wood on each splinter then I will be happy." I said as the man just chuckled as if he was hearing a joke, he then shook his head as me motioned for me to move to the 50 yard one.

Still my situation repeated itself as the arrows I shot hit the dead center that split the first arrow I shot. This went on until I reached the 250 yard one which I still aced but didn't split the arrow in. I could only sigh as I finished first portion of the test. But as looked around I noticed there were now dozens of eyes on me as I noticed most of them were all female.

Sure I was a 12 year old kid but my body was so fit it looked like it belonged to an 18 year old, combined with the sheet of sweat I was glistening a little. All of these factors didn't help me in the lease as Gaia was constantly pulling on a strand of hair as she remained invisible. Still I paid them no attention as my gaze focused on the skill that I had just gotten.

Archery Style: (level 168) (Rank-7) Ancient Greek Archery lv-8 (80%)

Taught to you by the twin archers from Earth you archery rivals that of the best in the land. Though it appears that same as other forms of archery it is different in a few simple ways that some might notice.

840% more damage when using a short, long, or magic bow. (5% more each level)

420% more damage against mythical monsters. (2.5% more each level)

168% more accurate when running. (1% more each level)

While reading over my cheat like skill I had to admit I felt a little happier getting this one than my swordplay one. I felt like that one month of training with Artemis and Apollo was almost worth it seeing their skills as teachers and my hard work in a stat like form. Still it doesn't replace all the restless nights when Artemis would hunt me down if I messed up. But just in time for the skill party my good old friend [Muscle Memory] decided to show up.

Alert! Skill [Muscle Memory] has leveled up from 24 to 38!

Passive Skill: Muscle Memory lv-38 (71%)

This skills lets your body remember the weapon masteries and actions it has already performed. In time your body will remember all its actions and become more skilled.

76% chance of body remembering physical action and makes action easier in future. (2% more each level)

38% chance of body performing lifesaving action in time of need. (1% more each level)

Looking at the physical form of cheating in this lifetime I could only sigh as I wiped my face with a rag provided by the judge. I could only look down at my small body as gripped both my hands. Its structure not anything I was used to as I knew I had to train if I was going to get anywhere.

"Good job." Said the judge as I shrugged.

"Now onto the second half. Simply just try not to get hit and try to hit your opponent before the time runs out." He said as I nodded.

In about a minute I was in a small area about the size of a football field with trees and rocks in it. I stood there silently as my opponent was standing still right in the middle of the area. All he could do was move in a five foot circle around him. If he stepped out of the circle it was his loss and I was the winner. Still the nearly 7 foot tall elf seemed much more intimidating that I was lead to believe by the judge.

"Start!" I heard as the elf just stared directly at me as I stared at him. But I didn't shy away as I drew an arrow as did the elf as we aimed at one another. Another small trick I learned from Artemis when being hunted down that would be shooting down your opponent's own arrow.

In a second the elf let go of the string on his blunted arrow as I watched it move in slow motion. In part of a second I let my own go and was already pulling another out of my arrow holder. It only took a split second to see my arrow had deflected his as I started marching my way towards him. This was a normal form of practice in my mind, well to me at least.

Loathing over my one month spent with the twins in hell I didn't even really pay attention as my body seemed to react on its own. My arrows meeting the elves as they deflected off one another, his face astonished but he kept firing as I relished in my personal hell in my head. If performing anything related to archery was going to make me remember that past I want nothing this stupid skill.

Before I knew it I was a few feet in front of the elf as the whole crowds watching me was silent as I had and arrow right up against his chest. I only blinked a few times as I just noticed my body brought me here unharmed as I slowly loosened my pull on the bow and put the arrow back in the sleeve.

"You are extremely well trained for your age. Even I cannot perform such a feat." Said the elf as I shrugged.

"Tell me who your master is? If they are willing I would love to be their disciple." He said with gleaming eyes as I looked away from the 150 year old elf.

"My master…" I could only shiver as he got the idea as a sad smile appeared on his face.

"They must have worked you to the bone." He said.

"More like bone marrow." I said as he laughed but little did he know I wasn't joking. Those two are evil when training someone. I don't care how many times I say it that fact will always remain.

"P-Perseus passes." Stuttered out the old judge as he was stunned by my skill along with everyone else. Well besides the maniac principal who was laughing like a mad man right now as he slapped his knee as Miss. Knight stood by his side. I only glanced up at them but I held a stare for more than second as grin spread on my lips which made Miss. Night redden in fury.

Suddenly the principal said something as Miss. Night sighed deeply about. From the way his lips moved it looked like 'another raise' and her response was seemingly a sigh as she glanced at me. Takes a money lover to know a money lover, but from the way her response was she was happy about getting another raise but seemingly disappointed I was the reason why she got the raise.

Still I continued on my way as I gave back the bow and arrow to the judge as he gave me my passing scroll. As I picked it up I noticed I has several elf's looking at me as if they didn't seem to believe what had just happened. Just then a 8 year old ran up to me with my robe and shirt as I thanked him. As I slipped them on I suddenly noticed my shirt was actually my size, I guess they replaced my old one. Still I gave a nod to the young man as he disappeared behind a sea of people running more errands.

"You are stupid good at to many things." Said a voice as I turned to see Alex with everyone as I smiled.

"I thought I was just a barbarian." I said to him.

"You are in my eyes but you do have skill. Where did you learn archery as fine as that?" He asked me.

"I don't know." I said as Alex grew a grin on his face.

"Well if you don't want to tell me that is fine. I suppose your teacher was a great man." He said to me.

"My teacher was a women." I said back as he seemed even more surprised.

"Really?" He asked me.

"Yeah but she and her brother trained me but I guess my main teacher was the female. Anyways I still have two tests left." I said as I walked away as Alex laughed and followed behind as I headed towards the beast tamer test.

With ease I found the loudest arena as there were hundreds of people watching in pure elation as people fought monsters. For the beast tamer arenas to take up 25% of the whole stadium all the tests were I guess people enjoyed their fights more than I first thought. Then again I could see why as I watched the tall dude I talked to before in the beast tamer line go up against an Ice wolf.

Ice Wolf N/A

Age: 50 Race: Ice Wolf

HP: 150,000/150,000

MP: 9,000/9,000


All together the wolf's stats didn't add up to much but its MP did surprise me a little. But as I watched the giant of a man fight the wolf I noticed a frost covering his body as his breath was starting to show. But he didn't back down as the ice wolf just growled at him as the two stood still. Suddenly both moved in a split second as the ice wolf opened its maw and shot a wave of ice from its mouth.

The man jumped to the side as a straight line of ice spikes erupted from the ground, but he didn't flinch as he charged the wolf straight on. The ice breath finally stopping as the wolf was forced to move as the man charged him. But it was to slow as he was struck by the side of the massive blade held by the man. The flat of the blade threw the ice wolf into the ground like it was nothing as I heard a snapping sound along with it.

The ice wolf lay on its side as its front leg remain broken. But it still tried to fight back as it tried to get up only to have a boot stomp on its head and the blade stab right into the ground right in front of its face. The wolf still had a large amount of defiance in its eyes but slowly the frozen fur on its back slowly smooth itself out as the demi wolf smiled.

"Your mine now." He said as he stood up from the beast as everyone cheered as the demi wolf laughed as the ice wolf licked its wounds. Quickly the ice wolf followed the demi wolf as I made my way to the desk for the test.

"Name please." Said the man behind the desk.

"Perseus Jackson." I said as I handed over the scroll for the test as he took it and then looked over it.

"Please select a monster or beast for you to tame. Also their levels are listed on the sheet as well so be sure to pick one you are comfortable with." He said as I nodded.

As I looked at the list I saw several hundred monsters all bellow level 50 as I slowly looked through the list. It even listed the difficulty in taming such a monster or beast. Sure some of the easier ones were level 20 to 30 but as I looked through it I couldn't find anything I wanted. But as I read through it I suddenly found a peculiar flying species.

"What is this?" I asked pointing at the picture of the creature.

"Oh this little beauty is a silver needle hawk, it is the love child of dark sky ruler and silver banshee. Unfortunately these species are so rare that this is the only one we have ever found alive and caught. Unfortunately it has a very proud an aloof attitude and won't let even level 500 beast tamers come near it. Actually each time we give it someone it escapes and we have to track it back down with a tracking magic we placed on it." He said as to me as I inwardly laughed.

"Are you sure you want to tame this one? It will only run away from you." He said to me as I looked at the monster on the list.

Its size was a little bigger than a bald eagle from earth but instead of feathers it had millions of needles of all sizes covering its body where the feathers would normally be. Its beak was a soft yellow as were its legs just like any other bird but its talons were also silver colored instead of the normal talon color. Its eyes however held a very intelligent blue hue to them that made it almost human like.

"Yeah I do." I said as I got a gut feeling as I looked at the silver needle hawk.

"Alright just don't get yourself killed." He said as I smirked and went to wait in the line. After a few more matches of watching the burly demi humans take down monsters or be dragged out by medics it was finally my turn as I walked into the stage. At this point a large net like dome was surrounding the stage as a large cage stood in the middle.

"Okay." I said as the judge nodded as the cage slowly opened revealing the beast in all its glory. It didn't burst out of the cage flapping its wings, no it stood their silently with a look that suggested it was looking down on everyone here. But as the hawk looked at me I noticed a faint gleam in its eyes.

Silver (Silver Queen)

Age: 250 Race: Silver Needle Hawk

HP 1,000,000/1, 000,000

MP 80,000/80,000


"Silver?" I questioned myself as I realized this silver needle hawk had a name that wasn't just its species name. But as I said that the female hawk just stared at me for a second but then began to ignore me and clean her wings as she ruffled the silver needles handing on her like they were feathers.

"What an interesting name." I said as I Silver glanced at me and ruffled all her feathers as if accepting my compliment.

"Do something already!" Someone shouted in the crowd as I rolled my eye along with silver as she seemed to understand him as well.

"You don't seem like you're in the fighting mood. So I will not fight either." I said as Silver just stared at me as the ground around her suddenly began to morph and deform. Soon a ten foot area around her was pure silver and she was quietly sitting down in a nest that was lifted 4 feet off the ground that looked just like a birds nest.

"Booo!" Someone called out as suddenly someone snapped at him.

"Silence yourself!" Said the judge as I heard a smacking sound and that was shortly followed by whimpers of pain.

"We will move the next test to the other arena while a judge stays here to watch over this arena." He said as some complained but still followed his orders as I watched them all go to the second arena as the new judge stepped up to the ring.

"You have 2 hours to tame the silver needle hawk. If you are wondering why we extended your time it is because some beast tamers prefer the slow approach with some beasts to gain their trust." He said as I assumed as much.

Sure forcing a beast to become your slave was a way to do it but that was for more physical and rage filled beasts. But some more intelligent beasts required a slow approach that required some coaxing to get them to follow you, unfortunately Silver seemed to be the second type. I even noticed all the sound disappear from around me as the judge put up a sound barrier with magic.

I simply gave him a nod as I turned back to Silver as she seemed to curl up on her makeshift nest and pretend to sleep. I only chuckled lightly as she seemed to have a reclusive personality that was also filled with pride, kind of reminded me of someone. But I quite couldn't put my finger on it.

'She reminds me of you.' I suddenly heard from Gaia as I frowned.

'I am not like that.' I thought back to her.

'Ha you're funny.' Said Gaia as I fidgeted a little as I looked over at Silver.

'Okay maybe a little.' I thought back.

"Hey bird!" I yelled as I simply ignored by her as I sighed.

"If you're going to ignore me I am just going to keep calling out bird!" I yelled as her body seemed to fidget a little but she didn't respond as I smirked.

"Hey bird! You trying to sleep! Just let me know if I am being too loud!" I yelled as I was ignored. Still I had a thought process going through my mind right now, if she was anything like me then this was going to be a piece of cake.

"Oui!" I yelled but still no response.





"O-!" But I was cut off by a sharp sound as I easily moved my head to the right just in time for a couple of foot long needles to fly right past my head. I just smirked as I looked at the slightly enraged face of Silver as one of her wings was extended outwards showing that just threw the needles at me. I just smiled at her expression as I turned behind me and quickly gather up the needles as Silver got a peculiar look on her face.

At this point it was easy to tell her emotions were very similar to a humans, as her responses showed me. Still the way she acted was all too familiar to a certain silver goddess in my past life. This only made me grin wider as moved the needles I gathered and looked at them very closely. Silver seemed to grow impatient as I closely inspected her needles as if I was judging her looks, well I guess a hawks feathers are what make it beautiful so the same concept applies.

"Hmm very beautiful needles I bet these would fetch a high price with some acupuncture doctors." I said looking at the several foot long needles in front of me. However as the mention of money popped up Silver seemed to smirk and straighten herself up as if she was worth more than anything in this world.

"Oh you like money?" I asked her as suddenly she shuffled her wing as suddenly 10 silver coins and several copper coins fell out of her wings. I guess she must have traded some of her needles for the money. I guess even monsters can love money, still it baffled me how human she seemed.

'That is because of her age, the older monsters are the smarter they are. Any hawk species are especially clever, so I expect her to be on the same thinking terms of someone of your level.' I heard as Gaia suddenly came into being as Silver noticed the small spirit on my shoulder.

"Hello." Said Gaia as Silver looked surprised but still she gave a small bow to the divine spirit.

"Might I ask you a few questions?" Asked Gaia as flew off my shoulder and in front of the monster as the monster slowly nodded as he moved over as the spirit sat by her.

Soon 30 mins passes as I sat there quietly as Gaia discussed with Silver as I ate some dried meat. However as time passed I noticed Silver making small sounds to what Gaia was talking about as I watched the two converse. Soon Gaia smiled and extended out her hand and shook a needle on Silvers wing as she flew back over to me.

"She has agreed to become your tamed beast." Gaia said out loud as Silver nodded as I was surprised.

"Really?" I asked her as Silver nodded.

"But she has some things she wants to be in turn for being your tamed beast." Gaia said as Silver nodded again.

"Okay…what does she want?" I asked Gaia as I just realized Gaia understood Silver with no issue, I guess she knew monster language. But as I asked a box appeared in front of me as I looked over it.

Beast contract

The contractor of this contract must treat their beast like an equal.

The contractor may request things of the beast as long as they do not bring life threatening harm upon them.

The contractor must provide mana whenever the beast is in need of it or runs out of their own.

The contractor must provide acceptable food to eat and an acceptable place to sleep for the beast at all times. Understanding that not all conditions will be the same the beast is in charge of what is acceptable and what is not.

Contractor must provide all equipment for spirit including weapons and armor and any accessories that spirit wants.

The beast of this contract must do all they can to protect the contractor from any sort of physical harm.

The beast is entitled to roam free for 3 days a month, 2 weeks' notice must be given to contractor beforehand. Free roam days can accumulate to 30 max and 15 max can be rolled over to next year.

Contract must provide beast with 1 silver coin a month.

Reading through the contract I noticed it looked very similar to the spirit one but I simply sighed and nodded as I looked up at Silver.

"I will agree to these but I need to know why you want the silver." I said as Silver flapped her wings as Gaia laughed.

"She said eating a silver coin at least once a month keeps her needles growing and keeps her 'sparkle' in good condition." She said as I slowly nodded as I understood that Silver was half lying anyone could see the gleam of greed in that hawks eyes.

"Well I don't see anything wrong with that, Silver welcome to the family." I said as I stood up as Silver gave a caw. But then suddenly as we both accepted the contract a glow between us began to emerge as I felt my finger split open as a drop of my blood flew out of it. At the same time a drop of red blood emerged from Silver as both drops met in the middle and began to meld.

As they melded together they turned a light gold color and then suddenly shot right back at me. The blood easily made its way back in my cut on my finger as I felt a magic surge go through me. With this a golden glow surrounded both me and my me friend and at the same time I felt a light click in my head.

'Glad to be here.' I heard in a soft female's voice as I looked around to find nobody but then my gaze shifted to Silver.

"I can hear you?" I asked her.

'Of course you can, you are my master now. Any mutual beast contract allows for a telepathic connection between the two. However due to such a rarity in contracts like this it is very well hidden, so I assumed you had no idea this would happen.' Said silver in a soft voice that sounded almost like a mother's tone talking to a child. However just then a new skill box popped in front of me.

Passive skill: Beast taming lv-1 (0%)

Beast are friends not food! Go out there and tame them all! Be the master of all monsters with this profound ability to control monsters! But always shoot for a mutual contract because that has the most benefits.

Forced contract:

150 level beasts and above cannot be tamed. (50 more beast level every 5 levels)

Beasts do 1% extra damage. (1% more damage every 1 level)

Mutual contract:

Any level beast can be tamed. (Max level)

Beast do 10% more damage. (10% more every level)

Looking at the skill I was slightly surprised that it was in fact a passive skill, sure I got that that I didn't really cost anything to make a contract but it was still interesting to see. As I thought about it I suddenly realized why the skill was passive. It was mainly based on actually training and working with the beast you tamed. If anything it the actually taming part of it didn't really play a role, it was more like training than anything.

While the weird thoughts about the skill went around in my mind I just decided to leave it alone and focus on the large silver needle hawk in front of me as she just stared at me.

'Later we will decided on a crest if that is okay.' Said silver in my head as I nodded as I had no idea what crest she was talking about. However Gaia seemed to notice this and pushed me into the spotlight.

"He doesn't understand what you mean by crest." She said as I shot a glare at Gaia.

'Well put simply it is a mark that shows others I am a tamed beast so I am not attacked and captured by hunters. Also the mark must be different for everyone so I suggest that be a brand that is precious to you.' Silver said as I nodded.

"I will come up with something, in the meantime." I said as I pulled out a small bag from my inventory as Silver looked at it peculiarly.

"I am a little low on silver so I will give these." I said as dumped out the bag as it revealing 7 gold pieces.

'Oh my.' Silver said looking at the pile of gold.

"Oh I was forgot to tell you Perseus is kind of loaded." Gaia said as Silver smiled and ran her wing over the coins as they seemingly disappeared.

'I will exchange these on my free day with a beast I know that likes gold coins but has an abundance of silver ones.' She said as I was surprised. As I thought about the beast she mentioned all I could imagine was some sort of orc with a top hat of a sort.

"Well whatever you do with it is up to you. This will cover at least 60 years I think." I said.

'It is a little under for 60 years but I don't mind too much. But I will take this as a down payment on our contract.' Silver said with a caw like laugh as I grinned.

"It is a pleasure." I said.

'Same.' Silver said with a happy look on her beak as she thought of all the silver she was going to get. But just in time the judge showed up as he saw me conversing with silver as he seemed more than impressed.

"I must say you are one of a kind. To tame a silver needle hawk is truly amazing." He said as he walked up to me. As he did he handed over a blue scroll which meant I passed as I grinned slightly.

"Remember to decide on your brand within a week and would you like a household form potion for her?" He asked me as I raised an eyebrow.

'Oh I guess I will need that.' Silver said to me.

"What does the potion do?" I asked him.

"It simply gives a larger beasts the ability to adjust their size and form to fit in your room." He said as I nodded as I glanced at the massive hawk standing on the ground bedside me. Yeah there was no way she was going to fit in my small room in that form.

"Yeah I will take one, also who do I submit my brand to after it is complete?" I asked him.

"Just submit us a copy of it on paper and we will handle the rest from there. Also good luck, I heard you have one test left." He said as I shrugged as he reached into a space in thin air which I suppose was his item box, as he did he pulled out a small ball about the size of a golf ball.

"Here you are." He said as I slowly grabbed the ball and just stared at it.

Common item: Animal skill pellet (Size adjustment)

A simple potion concocted for tamed animals or monsters to let them adjust their size and sometimes shape to better fit into their masters daily life. Can't have a 3 story tall troll roaming the streets not can we?

Consumption effects: the skill [size adjustment] will be added to any monster or animals skill list.

(Warning! If humanoid or non-monster consumes pill they will experience severe stomach pains and diarrhea for 2 weeks.)

While the warning made me laugh I still didn't dare eat it in fear that even my [Consumption absorption] ability wouldn't help me much on something specially made just for animals. Also I wasn't really up for try to see if I was right or not. But one thing did confuse me and that was the sape.

"I thought you said it was a potion?" I asked him as he just stared at me then realized something.

"Oh sorry this is a potion but in pill form, Alchemists make them like this for animals. It is much easier than getting them to eat this then to drink it out of a bottle. Though because they aren't sealed in bottle they do spoil quicker so most adventures who are going on short trips into the dungeons will buy these instead of bottled ones." He said but then continued on.

"Makes for easier consumption since all you have to do is stick some in your pocket and when you are injured just grab one and eat it. Much simpler than having to pull out a bottle and pop the cork in it then drink it." He explained to me as I nodded, I guess since I was taking the Alchemist course I should learn this eventually.

"Well good luck with the water witch." He said with a laugh as he walked away as I just stared at him then turned to silver. As I did I held out the pill and scooped it up and swallowed it whole. After a second a light copper glow covered her as she rustled her feathers as if she was feeling something. After a minute the glow finally stopped and silver slowly began to shrink until she was the size of an actually hawk from back on earth.

'This feels so weird.' Silver said as she flapped her wings a few times and then landed on my shoulder. Thankfully the rob I was wearing had leather spots for stuff like this.

"I am going to need more shoulder space if this keeps up." I said as Gaia snicker as Silver ruffled her feathers as I started on my way towards the wizard area. As I arrived there the end of the sun was reaching its last lengths as the sky was slowly turning a light copper color. As I made it to the stage I just gave the judge my scroll as he nodded and motioned for me to go up.

"Oh you finally made it." Said a familiar voice as I walked up to the stage, since there was no line I simply walked up to the water nymph on the stage. Thankfully even the crowd was mostly gone as the test areas started to pack up for the day.

"I wouldn't miss this for the world." I said as I motioned for Silver and Gaia to go towards the judge. Both of them simply flew over to the side and just stood there and watched as a barrier slowly encased me and Miss. Night.

"Unfortunately you don't know any spells so I will give you a gift." She said as she took out a simple looking book as some judges and other teachers all got wide eyes as she tossed it over to me. With ease I caught the book as I looked down at it.

Skill book item: Magic skill: Elemental Arrow

A special book that holds the wisdom of the spell one wishes to learn. If one reads this they will instantly gain the knowledge of the skill and be able to use it. What would normally take years is constricted down into mere seconds!

Once skill is learned then book will be destroyed! Skill cannot be learned if you already know skill

Skill info:

Magic skill: (Level 1) (Tier 1) Elemental Arrow lv-1 (0%)

Use the elements you control to your will to create an arrow of pure destruction! Each element is different though and will have a different effect so be weary of our element type and what monster you shoot it at. Also be weary that not all elements are putting out damage but instead deal no damage and carry only buffs.

Fire: Increased damage done by 100% against earth type beings.

Water: Increase damage done by 100% against fire type beings.

Earth: Increase damage done by 100% against air type beings.

Air: Increase damage done by 100% against earth type beings.

Metal: Increase defense of user or allies by 200% for one hour.

Lighting: Increases damage of next attack made by user by 500%.

Light: Increase natural out of battle healing by 200% for 24 hours.

Darkness: Inflict random debuff on enemy. (Limit 5 different ones and 5 stacks of each)

Damage: 200 every arrow (100 more damage every level)

Cost: 15 MP every arrow (1 MP less every 10 levels.)

"Go ahead and learn that. I will give you 1 minute." Miss. Night said as I sighed.

"Miss. Night what are you doing! No child can learn that sort of spell." Yelled a teacher but suddenly a hand shot up and blocked his way as the principle Mathews stopped him.

"Let her do as she pleases, this young man is a genesis who has already passed all the other 9 tests. A simple skill books is tiny cost compared to what he will bring us in the future. Plus he is already level 56 so I am sure he has plenty of secrets hidden away." Said Mathews as the man looked shocked.

I didn't pay them much attention as I held the book up in front of me as a box popped up.

You meet all requirements to learn the skill [Element arrow] would you like to learn this skill?


I quietly hit yes as suddenly the book began to dissolve into light particles that slowly flew right into my head as knowledge began to pour into my mind. In a matter of a few seconds my mind buzzed with the skill and all its content as I closed my eyes and organized the information. After a few more seconds I was good as opened my eyes.

Alert! You have learned a new skill!

"Good you seem to have learned it." Said Miss. Night.

"So how do I know which arrow to summon since they are all different?" I asked her as the judge ran over and handed me a wand. Its properties just like the glove I was given for the puppets. Basically something that let me not have to worry about chanting.

"Simple just test it out." She said as a barrier that looked about 2 times thicker than all the others she was using for the test. I instantly recognized that she was cheating on this one.

Alert! Bonus task for {complete all 10 course tests} has been fulfilled!

Seeing that only made me sigh a little as I raised and hand and pointed it at the shield. I knew I already had water from the puppet test but I was curious to see if I had any other elements I could use. I just slowly closed my eyes and slowly went down into my soul, after practicing so many years in the art of meditation or 'napping' as Annabeth called it I discovered I could see right into my soul.

But as I looked around I found nothing as I slightly frowned. During the third war I started getting a lot of blessings from minor, major, and even Olympian gods. Be it small things such as I didn't trip or my ability to care for animals increased tenfold or all the way up to summoning fire or shadow traveling. All the gods and I mean all the gods blessed me for doing heroic deeds for them, also I might mention this is one of the reasons Zeus got rid of me.

Still I would imagine that all these blessing didn't affect the body but the soul itself. I don't know why I felt this but each time I was blessed it felt like something in me was added onto or readjusted. Some were more painful than others such as Hestia's blessing of the hearth or Apollo's blessing of the sun. Still as I looked deeper and deeper I suddenly saw something flicker in my vision.

It was so small that even a grain of rice was bigger but as I floated over to it I noticed exactly what it was. There floating in my soul was a tiny drop of water, nothing more nothing less. But beside it was a whisk of flame that was the same size as the drop of water. As I looked closer and closer I noticed more and more of these element.

A grain of dust, a whisk of wind, a shard of metal, a spark of lighting, a speck of light, and a drop of ink like darkness. Each element was present in my soul which brought me unbelievable happiness but still their sizes worried me. This is when a voice entered my head.

"That is because during the course of your reincarnation your soul seemingly forgot itself Perseus. In doing so your soul's ability to control the elements diminished to the point in which they were almost forgotten. Thankfully your soul is much stronger than I imagined and you managed to retain your elemental power from earth. However time is needed to rebuild these powers from the ground up." Said Gaia's voice as I looked around to find nothing.

"But how can I use water already if it is this small?" I asked her.

"That is because your body's element is blessed with the water element. You see beings have two sources to the elements, one is the body and the other is the soul. You see the body can only give you the power of the element for one lifetime. However if your soul possess an element then it will last you forever through countless lifetimes. Most people's souls are without an element, yours however is in possession of all 8. This is much more than I could have hoped for." Gaia said.

"Wait did you know this whole time and you didn't mention it to me?" I asked her.

"Yes I did but I couldn't sense the elements in your soul so I decided not to tell you, however now that you located them it become relevant again." She said to me.

"So how do I train them?" I asked her.

"Simple just keep using them and they will grow, my suggestion is to use all 8 right now to blow past that water Nymphs barrier." She said as I smiled and nodded.

"So how much will they grow?" I asked her as she hummed for a second.

"There are 10 grades of elements 10 being the weakest and 1 being the strongest. Each person is born with a different grade of element in them. Your body's water element is actually a grade 4 which is excellent beyond measure. However the elements you were blessed with were all grade 1 elements that are special types as well. An example is the fire of the hearth or the light from the moon and sun, these special grade 1 elements are strongest of their kind. But to reach that level again will take a long time." She said.

"Just how long?" I asked her.

"You're looking at maybe 20 to 25 years. Your water one will grow faster since it can feed off your bodies elements so maybe 13 years for it." She said as I nodded as a grin spread across my face. Sure I had to wait for them to grow but the thought of having all that power that came with a grade 1 element sound outstanding.

"Alright let's do this." I said as I slowly opened my eyes unknowing that only a second had passed as I felt a raging sensation deep inside me. Thankfully the judge had given me a

"Element Arrow give me everything you got!" I yelled as I waved the wand in front of me like a nerd. However as I did felt a deep pull from my soul and body as 8 arrows began to form in front of me.

-240 MP

As the MP left my body the arrows began to form into two foot long arrows. But as they formed 8 colors, one for each element, began to fill the arrows. The fire arrow was spiraling slowly as the flames followed the spiral and didn't flick into the air and stayed tight around the shaft. The water arrow was a very dark blue like it was from the depths of the ocean. The wind was like a dusty air that spiraled around an invisible shaft. The earth arrow seemed to be smoothed out stone as it silently floated there.

Metal was just like earth but had a very metallic luster to it and held the color of iron in a way. The lighting arrow was just like Zeus's master bolt but smaller and instead of gold had a blue luster to it. The light arrow was like a dim lightbulb as its sunset shade of light remained only slightly shining. Finally shadow was like a cylinder of darkness itself that I remember Nico summon sometimes. Still as all these appeared in front of me Miss. Night was in more than complete shock.

"Fire!" I yelled as all the arrows shot forward with all their might. Before Miss. Night has time to fully understand what was happening all the arrows in her path sucked in close to one another as they created a spiral of 8 colors. But Miss. Night seemed to recover as all the arrows slammed into her shield as an explosion rang out.

All eight elements seemed to feed off one another in this explosion as it engulfed half the stage in a massive blast. I myself was blown back as I skidded on my two feet from the air pressure alone. Everyone present was lucky to be behind barrier as the wind rage inside the dome barrier as I held up a hand to block the dust from getting in my eyes.

The judge suddenly ran into the sparring area as he held up his hand to stop me from making another attack as the smoke cleared from around Miss. Night. As the dust cleared it revealed a small 3 foot crater where her shield has been and cracked tiles around it. Slowly footsteps sounded as an unharmed Miss. Night slowly walked out from the mountain of dust as she waved her hand in front of her face.

Around her body was a solid blue glow which I suspected was pure elementless mana that high leveled mages or witches could use. Still as she walked away unscathed from the blast I felt a little bit better as her eyes landed on me. However her eyes held no emotion as she started to quickly walk her way towards me as the judge quickly got out of the way as she marched my way.

"Miss. Night!" The principle suddenly called out as he jumped from the stand and basically flew right at us. But he was too late as the dangerous looking women stood right in front of me. I suddenly felt like I was in trouble as she just stared at me and slowly extended out her hand. I could only try and back up but suddenly I had a hand around my neck and fist giving me a nuggy as I was surprised to say the least.

"You little shit! Warn me next time you are going to unleash a attack like that!" She yelled as she let me go as my already disheveled hair now looked even worse. At the same time the principle sighed in relief as Miss. Night put both her hand on her hips and just stared at me as I looked at her.

"The only person I have ever seen that is able to use all 8 elements and he is going to my school. What a time to be alive." Said the principle as he made his way to me and patted me on the shoulder as I looked up at him.

"But how?" Miss. Night asked him.

"Hmm…may I?" He asked as he motioned to his hand as I shrugged. The next instant his hand was on my head as I felt a power wash over me.

Alert! Soul search in progress!

I didn't mind the alert as I let him search my soul for a minute, after a little while it stopped as he had a massive smile on his face.

"Miss. Night you must have some luck on you." He said as she raised an eyebrow.

"Not only does he have all 8 elements deeply implanted in his soul but they all show promise to rise to a grade 2 or even grade 1 element. We have hit the jackpot out of all jackpots." He said as I felt like a prize that just got won.

"So is out of curiosity is it okay for people to know that I can control all 8 elements?" I asked him as he looked around to see around 40 people still in the area. But in the next second he snapped his fingers and the world seemed to blur as everyone, even the judge all slumped to the ground as my eyes went wide.

"Just a simple sleep spell, they will wake up in 5 mins and remember nothing. But for now this is a secret, Perseus do not use all 8 elements simultaneously unless you are with me or Miss. Night. For now you will only use water and fire got it?" He asked me as I nodded as I didn't want more controversy coming my way.

"So what does a soul element exactly mean?" I asked him. Though I already knew the true answer from Gaia I wanted to hear their part in this. I had a feeling that reincarnation of souls from different planets was not something that they believed in.

"It means that your soul has been blessed by the rivers of the elements upon birth. Miss. Night actually has one as well." He said as I was surprised as I looked at her as she rolled her eyes.

'Well he isn't too far off. The rivers of power are what give the gods their power to bless but you were blessed by the gods so close enough.' I heard Gaia say to me.

"What is your soul element?" I asked her as she glanced at me.

"Grade 3 light element." She said to me.

"She is being modest her light element might be a grade 3 but it is special and contains properties of moon light." Said the principle as I nodded as I was surprised.

"Anyways I guess you pass this test as well." He said as just as the people around us were starting to wake up then act like nothing happened as they all began to disperse as the principle handed over the last scroll of the day.

Alert! Quest Completed!

Quest name: Complete all 10 course tests


— Complete warrior test (complete)

— Complete wizard test (complete)

— Complete archers test (complete)

— Complete alchemist test (complete)

— Complete martial arts test (complete)

— Complete spirit users test (complete)

— Complete healers test (complete)

— Complete beast tamers test (complete)

— Complete blacksmiths test (complete)

— Complete puppet magic test (complete)

Bonus task:

— Find out which test Miss. Night influenced to make harder (complete)


All information about Miss. Night

200,000 xp

1 random skill book

20 skill points

200 silver

Talisman of concealment

Bonus Reward:

A date with Miss. Night

Satisfied with my winnings that appeared in my inventory I grinned lightly as I noticed the talisman of concealment. I saw one in an armor store and apparently they can conceal any person's presence up to level 500 for 4 hours at a time. That is my kind of item, besides the random skill book I was going to look at later I was also happy I got more skill points for me to burn through. But the last bonus reward just made me laugh a little.

"Miss. Night I trust you will teach him well?" Asked the principal as Miss. Night sighed and glanced down at me.

"As well as I can." She said as I just stared at her.

"Well that is good to hear! Now since you two will be master and disciple you should get to know one another. Miss. Night I suggest an outing in which you and Perseus to get to know one another better." Said the principle as Miss. Night seemed to frown.

"I am not going on a date with a kid!" She yelled at the principal as he laughed.

"How about I give you 40 gold and anything you don't spend you can keep. But you have to get to know him and I mean who he actually his and what he is about. Also let him get to know you as well." He said as Miss. Night stiffened and looked at me as if asking herself if this was worth that much.

"Remember your promise?" I asked her as she groaned and then glared at me and the marched away.

"10 in the morning in the front of the main building. If you are like I will castrate you!" She yelled as I shivered and reminded myself to get there extra early.

"What promise?" Asked the principal.

"Oh nothing, so how many days until classes start?" I asked him.

"About a week so get some rest, I will personally deliver your class schedule. In the meantime enjoy your date I managed to get you." He said with a laugh as I felt like strangling him as I sighed and started on my way back to my house as Gaia and Silver joined me.

"Well tomorrow is going to be interesting." I said as Gaia laughed as did Silver as I glared at the two.

"Well besides your date how does using magic feel?" Asked Gaia as I looked at my hand and clenched it lightly.

"Like I am back home." I said as I remember the gut feeling every time I used my old powers.

"Hmm…well you can practice later for now I need to get you all spiffed up for that lady." Gaia said as I stared at her funny.

"I thought you didn't want women getting close to me?" I asked her.

"I don't but Miss. Night feels different from others, also I don't want you to lose your testicles." Gaia said as I rolled my eyes and continued on my way.

Please drop a review if you want and I hope you enjoyed it.

It is going to be a little before I post again, about a week, so watch out and I was asked again and again to post a stat sheet for Percy here it is.

Name: Perseus Jackson

Age: 12

Title: The Dark Gamer (All stats increased by number of main lv of player.)

Title: Empty

Title: Empty

Race-Guess and you might find out

Jobs/Class: (3/6)

Warrior lv-21 (STR+21, VIT+36)

Barbarian lv-16 (STR+26, END+16, DEX+16)

Medic lv-8 (INT+8, WIS+18, FAI+8)




Level: 56 Xp: 271,600/2,629,000(1/5) =525,800

Health 28000/28000

Mana 14000/14000

STR-186(+56+21+26) =297

END-16(+56+16) =88

DEX-9(+56+16) =81

VIT-21(+56+36) =113

INT-51(+56+8) =115

WIS-51(+56+18) =125

FAI-26(+56+8) =90

LUC-20(+56) =76



MONEY: 1 PT 0WG 100G 209S 929C

PERSONAL INFO— Perseus Jackson was the son of Sally Jackson and Poseidon but he is now the son of ? and ?. Due to his new life he no longer possess his powers from Poseidon and is now as close to human as he has ever been.

STATS— Due to his birth #$$%1^^W%7%78#%72286# $%+5 $%# $%



Passive Skill: Physical Resistance lv-30 (87%)

Passive Skill: Magic Resistance lvl-3. (20%)

Passive skill: Poison Resistance lv-15 (89%)

Passive skill: (Level-598) (Rank-6) Legendary Charm resistance lv-98 (10%)

[Blacksmithing skills]

Passive skill: Workshop lv-1 (0%)

Passive skill: (level 1) (Rank 1) Blacksmithing lv-1 (0%)

[Puppet skills]

Magic Skill: Puppetry Magic lv-1 (1%)

[Warrior skills]

Active skill: Rend lv-2 (15%)

Active skill: Herculean Strike lv-1 (30%)

Passive skill: Warriors nap lv-5 (20%)

Passive skill: Critical Strike lv-10 (85%

Passive Skill: Muscle Memory lv-38 (71%)

[Beast taming skills]

Passive skill: Beast taming lv-1 (0%)

[Wizard skills]

Magic skill: (Level 1) (Tier 1) Elemental Arrow lv-1 (0%)

Passive skill: No Chanting Lv-1 (0%)

Passive skill: Mana Control Lv-1 (0%)

[Alchemist skills]

Passive Skill: Botany Mastery lv-3 (30%)

[Non class skills]

Attack skill: Poison Perspiration lv-3 (89%)

[Other skills]

Passive skill: Simple words lv-1 (0%)

Passive skill: Meditation Lv-2 (95%)

Passive skill: Lying lv-1 (0%)

Passive skill: Lie detection lv-1 (0%)


Passive skill: Mark of sacrifice lv-MAX

Passive skill: Gaia System lv-MAX

Passive skill: Bonus Skill leveling lv-MAX

Passive Skill: Detect Analysis lv-14 (48%)

Passive skill: Title and Job King lv-1 (0%)

Passive skill: Consumption Absorption lv-1 (0%)


Passive Skill: Swordplay Mastery lv-3 (Skill dependent)

Passive Skill: Spear Play Mastery lv-1 (Skill dependent)

[Swordplay style]

Swordplay Style: (level-2) (Rank— 1) Throwing lv-2 (55%)

Swordplay Style: (Level-190) (Rank-7) Ancient Greek Swordplay lv-30 (85%)

Swordplay Style: (level 27) (Rank 3) Uncommon Medieval Swordplay lv-7 (45%)

Swordplay Style: (level 11) (Rank 2) Common Berserk Swordplay lv-1 (64%)

[Spearplay style]

Swordplay Style: (level 5) (Rank 1) Medieval Swordplay lv-5 (13%)

[Archery Styles]

Archery Style: (level 168) (Rank-7) Ancient Greek Archery lv-8 (80%)


Language Skill: Greek language lv-100 (max level)

[Derived skills]

Derived Skill: Picky Eater lv. Max (100%)

[Bonus Perks]

XP increase 20%.

XP Requirement Reduction 1/5


Current Title The Dark Gamer (All stats increased by number of main lv of player.)

Trista's Boy (no bonus).

Water Boy (fetch water 5% faster).

Messenger Boy (deliver messages 10% faster).


Active Warrior lv-21 (STR+21, VIT+36)

Active Barbarian lv-16 (STR+26, END+16, DEX+16)

Active Medic lv-8 (INT+8, WIS+18, FAI+8)

Mercenary, lv-3 (DEX+1, STR+1).

Delivery boy, lv-6 (No bonus).

Mommy's Boy, lv-MAX (100% affection with Trista).

Herbalist lv-2 (WIS+1, INT+2)

Slave lv-1 (INT-2, STR+6)