Disclaimer: I do not own Percy Jackson
Beta: Caracac
Warning: Contains blood, gore, sex, possible rape, sword fights, dark shit you will never unsee, demons, angels, witches, wizards, medieval crap, and finally pure unadulterated badassery.
"About a week so get some rest, I will personally deliver your class schedule. In the meantime enjoy your date I managed to get you." He said with a laugh as I felt like strangling him as I sighed and started on my way back to my house as Gaia and Silver joined me.
"Well tomorrow is going to be interesting." I said as Gaia laughed as did Silver as I glared at the two.
"Well besides your date how does using magic feel?" Asked Gaia as I looked at my hand and clenched it lightly.
"Like I am back home." I said as I remember the gut feeling every time I used my old powers.
"Hmm…well you can practice later for now I need to get you all spiffed up for that lady." Gaia said as I stared at her funny.
"I thought you didn't want women getting close to me?" I asked her.
"I don't but Miss. Night feels different from others, also I don't want you to lose your testicles." Gaia said as I rolled my eyes and continued on my way.
I sat quietly in front of the main building to the academy as I munched on what tasted like an apple. I don't really know at this point, it was purple and had yellow dots on it, still it tasted like an apple to me as I munched on it and looked up at clock on the main building door. It read 11 am and I was starting to get impatient for my date for the day.
I mean sure she was a woman so she was allowed to be late but she was the one who set up the time so she should be late. Still I sigh wishing that I didn't have to be here right now as I ate the last of the 'apple' and threw it away. Unfortunately Gaia and Silver were both at home chatting with one another so I was left without a conversation partner. Still I was dressed to impress as little as I could possibly impress as I sat there in my new clothes.
It was a simple white shirt and leather pants that were actually my size but I also had a sleeveless leather jacket that was normal wear on the people around me. So I was about as plain as I could be at the moment, well other than my hat I had bought about 10 mins ago to keep the sun off my head. But still I waited patiently as I fiddled with my hat as I watched people walk past me in a steady flow.
"Sup." Said a voice as I turned to see Alex and the crew in normal clothes as well, but because most came from royalty their clothes were all a little more fancy than mine as they had actual colors in them. Still I didn't complain as I looked over the young lords and ladies.
"Hey." I said with a sigh as I looked around me as, still no sign of the water nymph.
"What you doing out here?" He asked me as I looked up at him.
"Waiting for someone." I answered swiftly as everyone looked at each other as if in disbelief.
"You have a date?" Asked one of the girls.
"It isn't a date." I said as she scoffed at me.
"Yeah and an intimate get together isn't a party." She said as I snorted at that line, I swear these people.
"Anyways what are you up to?" I asked the 18 to 20 year olds.
"Well since we all passed our tests we thought we might enjoy ourselves, you know roam the streets and hit a few pubs. Hell I heard that they have an entire street dedicated to gambling here." He said as that sounded a lot more fun that what I was doing.
"Sounds like you are all are going to have a fun time." Said a new voice as we all turned to the voice as I instantly felt my tongue caught in my throat. Standing there a few feet away from all of us was my 'date' for the day.
She stood a solid 6 feet tall and was currently wearing a silk sundress that was a light blue color, the dress itself didn't hide her dynamite figure at all. Her breasts had to be at least C cups and her slim waist was hugged perfectly by the dress. Her legs were mostly hidden by the dress but in the front the dress was a little higher than the back so you could see from her knees down. Still it didn't help me at all as her perfect legs ended with a sort of sandal made from what looked to be silk like fabric and a soft thick fabric.
Still I couldn't look away as one arm was holding up a large bag that was at least the size of a beach bag. The color of the bag matched her dress with a dark blue color and was made of a soft but thick fabric. But what took the show was her face that was currently unhidden for the first time. With her blue eyes, long black hair that came down to her mid back, and long pointy nymph ears it only helped increase her charm by a million points.
Her face was very familiar to me, so much in fact I thought I wasn't even looking at Miss. Night anymore. Still I managed to shake the feeling off as I stared at her beautiful face, it was a face that would drive any normal women to pure jealousy and even most nymphs as well. It was tranquil and very powerful at the same time, like a queen who governed the people. Still as I looked I couldn't seem to shake the feeling that I had seen this face before.
It had been so many years that I had forgotten most faces entirely but I knew that she did look like someone I knew. That strong independent look that held and queen like elegance and a beauty that could make men shiver. I would think I would have remember someone like that but for the life of me I couldn't and with Gaia gone I couldn't ask her either.
"M-Miss. Night is that you?" Asked Samantha as a delicate smile appeared on Miss. Nights face as she was recognized by the females. Still every time I saw her she was always wearing her veil so I was surprised just as much.
"Yes it is." She said with a sigh as she reached up and rubbed her smooth cheeks, as I stared in shocked I couldn't help but noticed her full lips that looked so…kissable.
"Y-You're so beautiful." Said one of the other girls as Miss. Night sighed a little waved her hand at us.
"I might be but my mother is even more beautiful than I am, as are my sisters. Actually I am the ugliest of them all." She said with a heave of depression as all the females looked like they had been hurt by that sentence just now. Some even seemed ready to cough up blood in anger, still they all seemed a little surprised at what she said.
"If you're ugly then what does that make us?" Asked one of the girls.
"Oh all of you are pretty." Miss. Night said in a comforting tone but it only seemed to inflict more damage upon them. At this time Miss. Night looked down at me as I sat on a bench staring at her.
"What? Not going to say anything?" She asked me in harsh tone as her attitude took a 180 and even her face seemed to ask the same smug question without losing any beauty to it.
"Do I need to say something?" I asked her as she just stared at me in a half glare.
"Well barbarians do only know so many words so I suppose seeing a beauty such as I would throw your mind in a loop." She said to me as I just gave her the 'really' look with as much sarcasm as possible.
"If I did compliment on your beauty would it make you feel better?" I asked her as she huffed out at me.
"No it wouldn't, in fact it would make me worry about your sanity. Trying to have a relationship with your teacher…barbarian." She said with a flick of her hair as I was slightly stunned.
"How does complimenting you instantly lead to someone trying to have a relationship with you? You sound like a 15 year old girl." I said as that earned me a solid glare from her as she turned away from me and towards the others.
"Anyways do have fun before your lessons start, I can assure you that there will be little free time for any of you when they start. Now barbarian boy come." She said with a hand motion that seemed like she was calling a dog. All I could do was sigh and stand up and walk her way as Alex seemed confused.
"Wait you two have plans, like together?" Alex asked as everyone instantly leaned in for the juicy conversation.
"Yes unfortunately." Said Miss. Night as I shot her a glance.
"For what reason?" Alex asked.
"Since this barbarian passed all 10 course tests he is in dire need of items for each class. The principle put me up to the challenge since I will be his personal teacher in the future. Also I actually know what he will need for each class." She said in a dreadful voice as I just rolled my eyes.
"Oh." Alex said as I got a short look that said he wanted to be in my position. Actually I don't blame him because, in all honesty, Miss. Night was a total babe.
"Come." Miss. Night said without another word as I quickly fell into her step as I glanced back at the group. As I did I saw all the men burning with jealousy as I gave them a snide look as I saw them all just glared daggers at me as I quickly turned back and followed Miss. Night.
LINEBREAK: 4 hours later
"Hmm." Said Miss. Night as I stared at the dazzling women as she looked at a red dress that was made of the finest silk. She stood in front of a large triple mirror as she held the dress in front of her and twisted and turned. I however was stuck on a bench about 10 feet away with half my inventory completely full of all shirts, pants, undergarments, shoes, assortments of bags, hats, and just about every clothing option available.
"Hmm." She said again and pulled at the end of dress to and moved a few more times.
"How long have I been here?" I asked myself as Miss. Night shot me a look.
"We bought your things so don't complain." She said as I sighed.
"That only 10 minutes you have been looking at that dress alone for 10 minutes." I said as she glared at me and then turned back at the dress.
"But I like it." She said as I looked over at her.
"Then buy it." I said in a deadpanned voice.
"But it's expensive." She said.
"Then don't buy it." I said back to her.
"But I like it." She said looking at the dress more as I felt like I was in a circle of decisions at the moment.
"How about I buy it?" I asked her as she looked over at me with curious face.
"You? Buy me a dress?" She asked me as I sighed.
"Anything that will get me out of this store." I said back to her.
"You have no patience whatsoever." She said.
"I do have patience but you burn through that when you couldn't decide between two handbags that both had fish designs on them. I swear shopping with women will never change." I said thinking back to my days on earth when I got dragged to the mall with Annabeth and Piper. Back then I had to carry the mountain of clothes but thankfully I had inventory space now.
"You make it sound like I am punishing you." She said in a sarcastic voice as I just stared at her.
"Maybe I should leave." I said as I stood up as her face changed instantly.
"Wait!" She said as I stopped and turned back to her as she looked panicked.
"What's wrong?" I asked her.
"Listen as much as I despise you-."
"Ditto." I said in the middle of her sentence as she glared at me.
"We have to stay together on this 'date' no matter how much we hate it." She said to me as I raised an eyebrow.
"Why? Will you not get the money the principal gave you?" I asked her as I poked at her soft spot for the golden coins.
"No not that…come here for a sec." She said as she motioned me over as I raised an eyebrow and moved over to her. As I did she looked around quickly and moved closer to me.
"I got a sound transmission call yesterday when all the tests were finished." She said to me. Apparently these sound transmission is like of like a sound recording email but with magic, I am currently in the process of learning it.
"Okay…" I said as she carried on.
"It was from my mother." She said as I didn't have a clue what she was talking about.
"How does this involve me?" I asked her as she sighed roughly as the hot water nymph looked down at me.
"Word got out that you have a divine spirit and my mother wants her only unmarried child to go after you." She said as I just stared at her.
"Okay so what?" I asked her as she just glared at me.
"That unmarried child is me you idiot. My mother wants me to marry you!" She hissed at me as I made a slow 'oh' motion with my mouth as I just stared at her.
"Well I just can't say no to such a beauty." I said as she just glared at me.
"Your funny for such a brat, but I convinced my mother that you are simply too young to I will build a relationship with you until you are 18. Unfortunately my mother is a stickler so she sent people to keep tabs on our 'progress' so to speak." She said.
"Well that makes sense, so basically you have no plan to nurture this relationship we have." Said as she just glared at me like she was going to hurt me and like an iceberg she just sunk the relationship that was me and her.
"Thought so." I said to her.
"Of course not I wouldn't want to hurt your precious relationship with your spirit…you pervert." She said as I froze.
"Y-You heard our conversation?" I asked her as she slowly smirked as I felt like I was in trouble.
"I don't know what I heard Mr. Dominate." She said with a shrug as I felt my heart skip a beat out of fear, if word got out that me and Gaia were in a relationship like 'that' then I was dead meat.
"What do I have to do to make you keep your mouth shut?" I asked her.
"Oh that's easy, just pretend to be enjoying our time together for the next few years when you are around me and when you turn 18 you will make the announcement that you are not interested in love." She said.
"So basically you want me to tell everyone that I am not interested in love and simply become best friends with you." I said to her as she nodded.
"Precisely." She said.
"All I have to do is be friends with you and my…relationship…with Gaia will be kept secret?" I asked her as she nodded.
"Fine I will do my best, but if I hear one peep from you about this in the future I will hurt you. I hate being controlled by anyone and you are pushing my limits right now. My image might not matter to me but it matters to Gaia and I will do anything to keep her clean and safe." I said to her as she just stared at me.
"Your truly care for your spirit don't you?" She asked me.
"Of course I do she was the first real person besides my mother I had ever met, she had been with me since my birth as far as I remember. Still I will play in this game of yours, maybe I will gain something out of it in the end." I said to her.
"Oh what might that be?" She asked me.
"A friend." I said honestly as she just stared at me.
"You know I was kidding right? About us being friends." She said to me in a confused tone.
"I don't care what you think I will try my best at making you my friend, you know one of my secrets so I have to keep you close to me otherwise you might spill it." I said as she snorted.
"Well good luck trying to be my friend, you will probably be the first and last one." She said to me.
"Anyways give me the dress I am tired of seeing you looking at it and not buying." I said as I took the dress from her.
"Oh trying to get on my good side?" She asked in a teasing tone.
"If I was going to get on your good side I wouldn't do it here, besides a barbarian like me doesn't know how to get on one's good side." I said to her as she rolled her eyes at me.
"Men." She said as a familiar goddess flashed in my mind at that term and tone used.
"Anyways let's get out of here, I am starving." I said as my stomach grumbled a little.
"Indeed I am famished." Said Miss. Night.
"Where do you want to go?" I asked her as I was paying for the 50 silver dress. I swear this woman was more expensive than Annabeth in ways.
"Someplace we can get some fish or mollusks." She said as I nodded.
"You like seafood?" I asked her.
"Of course it is what I grew up eating." She said with a laugh.
"I assume I am paying as well." I said to her as she smiled.
"Of course, a man shouldn't let a women carry the bill." She said as I chuckled and put the dress in my inventory as it now had 50 dresses in it.
"Fine, so tell me about yourself." I said as I we walked out of the store and went on our way.
"Why are you so interested in me?" She asked me as I glanced at her.
"You promised me you would enable me to use [Analysis] on you but I feel that would be a little rude so I plan to use it latter and compare what you said to what you stat sheet says." I said as she frowned as she remember that part.
"Still why are you so interested in me? I feel that you winning that bet and you actually wanting to befriend me has nothing to do with that." She said as thought about it, sure I was actually a little interested in her. Something about her stirred something inside me.
"I actually don't know, I somehow feel like I am getting a case of déjà vu each time I see you." I answered honestly.
"Déjà vu?" She asked me with a head tilt as I guess this term wasn't translated into the language I was speaking.
"It is a feeling of having already experienced the present situation. In a sense I swear I have seen you before but for the life of me I can't remember where." I said as she looked slightly befuddled by the word.
"Hmm…" She said as she thought for a second.
"Well besides all that you do have one of my secrets so I guess it is okay for me to learn some of yours." I said as she stopped thinking and shot me a glare.
"Good luck." She said with a snort as she walked faster as I sighed and followed behind the beautiful women that no man could seem to look away from.
LINEBREAK: 6 hours later
"That was surprisingly nice." Said Miss. Night as we walked down a busy street with magical lamps lighting our way. Apparently it was a weekend so most people were all out drinking and partying along with all the new students coming into town. Currently we were just on our way back from a restaurant that served a very expensive everything.
"Of course it was it cost me 20 gold." I said as she looked back at me and shrugged.
"I can't help it I just love eel." She said.
"Eel and 4 glasses of herbal wine." I said.
"Indeed, 50 year old herbal wine is a delicacy." She said in a soft sigh as I felt my eye twitch. Currently I have learned only a few things about Miss. Night the first thing is that she was by far the most expensive date I have ever had. Also that she loved seafood much more than I first thought, thirdly she can put it away like a garbage can. She ate nearly two times as much as I did at dinner alone.
But besides finding out she was a glutton there was something else she told me. Besides her being the youngest of 7 she was also a princess of a small territory that was underwater in the massive ass lake the capital was right up against. Turns out her father carries the title of Duke and is charge of the largest underwater kingdom around. To gain support of the capital and certain trade agreements, the duke sent his youngest daughter to the academy to act as advisor.
Turns out the principle or Mathew holds a lot more political power than I first thought. In the end the duke gets his trade agreements and Mathew gets an advisor that gives details on certain fishing routes and underground streams of water. This helped the capital build wells and other magical pumps to help feed farms water. In the end it was a win win situation, then again Miss. Night didn't seem to enjoy being away from her family for this long.
"Hey guysss." Said a slurred voice as both me and Miss. Night stopped and slowly turned to see Alex sitting on the ground by a pub. His face was flushed and I could smell the cheap alcohol from here.
"What happened to you?" I asked as he hiccupped and then drank down the rest of his mug and let out a loud burp.
"I lost a lot of money." He said with a hiccup as he tried to slowly stand up as me and Miss. Night shared a look and then went to help him stand. Even if I was only 12 I still managed to hold him up as Alex let out a long sigh as we walked him away from the pub.
"Where is everyone else?" I asked him as he hiccupped.
"They bet more than me *hiccup* and couldn't pay it back *hiccup* so they got detained." He said as I saw Miss. Night's eyes widened as Alex seemed to drool a little, the alcohol doing more than making him drunk.
"Where did you all gamble at?" Asked Miss. Night as her concern for her student showed through.
"Rock giant's cove. Bunch of asshole run that place there is." He said as we continued on our way as Miss. Night's eyebrows scrunched up.
"You look like you know what that place is." I said as Miss. Night turned to me with a face that was wondering if she should tell me or not.
"I-I might have gone gambling there a few times. Let's just say they don't think of me as a welcome customer." She said as I raised an eyebrow.
"You guys are the best." Alex slurred out as he pulled his arms, which were holding him up on our shoulders, so that he hugged us.
"Alex how long ago did this happen?" I asked him.
"Like an hour I think." He said with a hiccup at the end.
"Is there anything you can do?" I asked Miss. Night as she stared at me.
"I am afraid there isn't, if I were to go there it would lead to a lot larger of an issue than this." She said.
"How can an issue bigger than kidnapping exist at the moment?" I asked her as she sighed for a second.
"I might owe them a couple white gold." She said as my eyes went wide.
"A couple?" I asked her.
"Twenty to be exact…I am pretty bad at gambling." She said as I sighed once again.
"Aren't you like super powerful? Couldn't you just beat them into dropping the debt?" I asked her.
"Well I would have if not for their owner being a level 885 pirate." She said as I just slowly shook my head.
"Fine I will see what I can do." I said as I gave Alex to her as she frowned at me as Alex seemed to be almost asleep.
"What in the world can a child like you do?" She asked me.
"Well I very proficient at gambling." I said to her.
"They will cheat you out of your money." She said as I laughed.
"Well I will just have to be a better cheater and rob them for everything they have." I said as I just stared at her as she just stared at me.
"Fine do what you want." She said in an exasperated voice.
"Will do…Zoey." I said as her face went sharp red as a blush rushed across it.
"Who's Zoey?" Asked Alex as Miss. Night or Zoey hit him in the back of the neck as he slumped into unconsciousness.
"Don't you dare say that in public." She said to me as I shrugged.
"I am just a barbarian so I wouldn't understand Zoey Amelia Nightgale." I said with as her eyes were livid.
"Say my full name again and you will not live to see tomorrow." She threatened.
"Oh come on your name is cute." I said as I teased her more.
"I know it is but you can't just go saying my name. I am royalty and if someone found out my identity it would be the end of me." She hissed out.
"Let me guess you don't want marriage proposals flying at you like birds to open grain bag?" I asked her.
"Yes now shut up." She said as I laughed lightly.
"Fine Zoe." I said as she just glared at me and continued on her way.
'To think I would meet her here.' I said to myself as I looked over the information I got from Zoey.
Name: Zoey Amelia Nightgale (Zoe Nightshade)
Age: 62
Title: 7th princess of the hydro kingdom (no bonus)
Race-water nymph
Jobs/Class: Grandmaster water mage (100 INT, 100 WIS, 50 FAI)
Level: 615
Health 369,000/369,000
Mana 615,000/615,000
INT-1200 (+100) = 1300
WIS-1115 (+100) = 1215
FAI-615 (+50) = 665
STAT— A young nymph princess from the under the sea. Although she may look easy going and beautiful to most she is a cold hearted killer when the time is needed. You might also know her as the reincarnation of Zoe Nightshade, one of Artemis's most trusted hunters. But be weary her attitude towards men still lingers but is not as deadly as her past life.
The information she let me see was terrifying to say the least, sure I mean I was happy to find out that Zoe had reincarnated but somehow it pulled my heart strings being pulled a little. I will admit I had a crush on Zoe and I am willing to take that to my grave. Everything about her made my old 13 year old body go crazy at the time. Her smell, her touch, her simple smile. All of it made me fall hard for her.
When she died I was broken on the inside but I hid it well, still seeing Zoe's reincarnation again made me think of her. Even her face was also the same exact one that she had in his world, her beauty seemingly transcending reincarnation. Still all I could do was keep quiet and let these feelings inside me boil as I kept quiet and simply talked to her like a normal-ish person.
I knew I was going to have to talk to Gaia about this because that feeling inside me stirring about, which felt exactly the same as when Gaia admit her love for me. Before anything was going to happen between us I knew I was going to have to talk to Gaia. But in the meantime I still got to look at the beautiful adult Zoe face so it was totally worth the wait.
'I don't know what to think about her at the time.' I thought to myself as I watched Zoe walk away with Alek as I turned back to the area Zoe pointed for me to go in. My destination which held my acquaintances hostage.
'I wonder if her memories will return to her.' I thought to myself but I shook my head as I tried to get my head strait. All I could do was sigh as my mind was filled with the cool beauty and how Gaia was going to react to my emotions about meeting her. Before I knew it I was at the gambling place as I walked right in.
"Hey kid this place is only for adults." Said a voice as I turned to see a large tiger demi human that was nearly 8 feet tall standing by the door.
"I know but I am looking for some people from the academy." I said as he just stared at me.
"You mean those chumps who didn't know when to quit?" He asked me as I sighed.
"Yes them." I said with a wave of my hand as the tiger man just laughed/roared as everyone in the one story gambling hall all turned to me.
"We know we let one go to go get someone to pay off their debts but I never thought they would send a child!" He laughed harder as most the burly men in the area started to laugh as well. All I could do was sigh and ignore them as I looked around. Apparently they had a lot of games that were very similar to the ones on earth. This was going to be easy.
"How much do they owe you?" I asked him.
"Hahaha! Like a child would have the amount they all managed to lose." He said with a laugh.
"So I guess it is an amount much larger than your measly salary." I said as he instantly quieted down as my insult made it through to him.
"25 white gold." He said as I rolled my eyes I knew this was an extremely outrageous price that he had just thought up. My guess they all together lost around 5 or 8 white gold in the most.
"Fine I will pay it off-." But I was cut off by a laugh from another gentleman. I could only turn to see a man that absolutely radiated pure power. Even more so than Miss. Night but a large margin below the principle. He stood about 6 feet tall and wore traditional pirate robes along with the large hat and small colorful bird on his shoulder.
He was about 3 weeks out on a shave and one of his eyes was scarred over but there was no eyepatch. All in all he looked kind of like a pirate from back on earth, I guess some things in this world are way too much alike.
"You want to pay off those brats debt?" He asked me as I nodded.
"Well I can't let you do that." He said as I sighed.
"Their teacher and I suppose yours as well owe me a lot of money." He said as I groaned. God dam Zoe, dragging me into your issues.
"Then tell me how much in total I will pay it off." I said as he laughed at me again.
"You aren't getting the point, you can pay off their debt that easily. You are going to have to put something at stake that I think is of equal value to their lives. As well as yours masters debt on top of that." He said as I just stared at him.
"Fine what do you want?" I asked him as he grinned.
"You see my little girl is going to turn 5 soon and she told me she wants to be a spirit user when she grows up. You know with me being her father I can't say no so I decided to get her a spirit and a spirit body. I already obtained a class 3 spirit from foreign trades from a couple dozen shipments of slaves and all I am in need of now is some items that will get her the best body a spirit can have." He said as I knew where he was going with this.
"Unfortunately the divine earth god's mud is so expensive and anytime I find some it is instantly swooped up by some noble. But recently a little birdy told me that someone in the academy that has a divine spirit has some extra divine earth god's mud on him. If you are willing to be that then we have a deal." He said with a grin as I just stared at him.
"Fine." I said as I thought about the auction I had planned so I didn't actually plan on losing it.
"But before that you have to make your way up the ladder of bets first." He said as I sighed.
"You want me to play a game with you until the stakes reach the level of the divine earth gods mud." I said as he nodded.
"Fine pick one of them I don't care." I said to him.
"Alright let's go with my favorite the Emperors card game. It is a relatively new game that surfaced about 30 years ago." He said as I walked up to the table as people around me just laughed as they thought another sucker was going to get drained of his money.
"So what are the rules?" I asked him as I took a seat at a half round table as they even had a dealer moving cards that looked very similar to a normal deck of cards on earth. The only thing different from the two that these were different colored and the suits were flame, water, wind, and earth.
"Well they go like this." He said as he started to explain the rule as it suddenly started to feel a lot like poker. Every rule was basically the same and the suit to get a royal straight flush in was wind. But as he explained them I had a feeling that either something or someone brought this game of poker to this planet.
"Who invented this game?" I asked him as the dealer was shuffling the cards for me and several others. The captain apparently didn't want to join in just yet.
"Some vampire from the north. But that is all I have heard, I guess the filthy bloodsuckers do have some good use." He said with a grin as I felt that vampires weren't welcomed around here.
"I guess I will start off with 20 silver." I said as I stacked the two stacks of 10 on the table as everyone seemed impressed.
"So tell me, how much money do I have to have to get into the high stakes game for my friends?" I asked the Captain.
"I will let you know." He said as I laughed quietly to myself as a new skill popped up in front of my face. It even was already pre-leveled due to a certain skill.
Passive skill: Gambling lv-100 (Max)
The act of gambling away one's money or doubling it in a second, take the risk and win big or go home! The higher the level the better gambler you will be, so risk you wages and try to win.
100% better at gambling in itself (Max)
100% more likely to win any game or hand (Max)
75% chance of any randomly placed bet to win (Max)
Let just I used to gamble a lot back on earth and I was unnaturally good at it. I mean sure when gods from Olympic level to your average stream bless you left from right you kind of get good fast. Still I couldn't help but smile as a new alert popped up in front of my face.
Alert! Skill [Muscle Memory] has leveled up from 38 to 42!
Passive Skill: Muscle Memory lv-42 (31%)
This skills lets your body remember the weapon masteries and actions it has already performed. In time your body will remember all its actions and become more skilled.
84% chance of body remembering physical action and makes action easier in future. (2% more each level)
42% chance of body performing lifesaving action in time of need. (1% more each level)
'And the gambling prodigy returns.' I thought to myself as I felt a warm feeling over me as I took my cards. At the same time a crooked smile crossed my face that I could feel the people around me shiver as they saw it.
"Let's get this show on the road." I said as my poker face was on and I was ready to conquer. Let's just say at this point there was not stopping the Percy money making machine.
I whistled happily with both hands behind my head and a hop in my step as all the 'friends' all dragged their sorry asses behind me.
"Thanks again." One said as I looked back at their depressed forms.
"Oh don't worry about it, besides I won a stack of cash off them." I said with a smile.
"Just how much did you win?" Samantha asked me.
"I won…"
MONEY: 9 PT 145WG 855G 789S 1929C
(Think of each copper as one dollar, also whoever calculates all of that the US dollar get a cookie (::).)
"Enough." I said as I still remember their amazed faces as I cleaned out the captain for all he had. But since I was such a saint I left him with 10 silver so he could eat for the next month.
"Well we are all grateful." They said.
"I know." I said as their faces contorted, I knew they wanted to comment on that but they were still unable to since I just saved them.
"So where is Alex?" One asked.
"He is with Zoey." I said as they all looked at me.
"Who is Zoey?" They asked as I just made a oops.
"Don't worry about it, but he is safe and at the academy dorms. Now if you need me to bail you out again come and find me, I need to get going it is late." I said as they all said their goodbyes as I continued on my way through the city. I however had my eyes on a certain figure a couple hundred feet away as she stood there with her arms cross and intently glaring at me.
"Your majesty." I said as Zoe just raised an eyebrow.
"Really?" She asked me in a condescending tone.
"Would you prefer I call you Zoe?" I asked her as she frowned.
"How about Miss. Night?" She asked me.
"No can do your majesty." I said as she growled at me.
"Don't call me that." She said as I laughed.
"Alright Zoe." I said as she just glared.
"Fine them I will just call you Mr. Barbarian." She said.
"Go ahead I don't care." I said as I walked beside her as she gave off an angry aura. We continued to walk like this for a little as we closed in on the academy.
"Thanks for the date." I said after a little as Zoe looked at me with slightly red cheeks. However after a second she straightened up her appearance.
"It wasn't a date." She said as I smiled.
"Well thanks anyways, I needed a day out." I said with a stretch as Zoe seemed impassive.
"Well…so did I." She said with a light cough as I looked up at her slightly reddening cheeks.
"So what about date number two?" I asked her with a grin as I decided to tease her more.
"Don't even consider me going on a date with you again." She said as I laughed.
"Well I don't know what you consider a date but I do remember that you and I have a personal class once a week. I guess you could call that a date." I said as suddenly I ducked as a torrent of water went right over me as I looked at the emotionless Zoe.
"Did you just do that?" I asked her.
"I don't know what you're talking about" Said Zoe with a sidelong glance away from me.
"Yes you do." I said as she continued to look away from me.
"No I don't." She said.
"You're acting like an embarrassed teenager." I said as she suddenly started laughing as I raised an eyebrow.
"What so funny?" I asked her as she turned to me with a hand covering her face as she continued to laugh.
"I'm sorry but you sound like an adult and when I look at you I can't help but seen a little kid. It's just so funny to see some twerp I know act like something he isn't." She said with a roar of laugher as I frowned deeply.
"Right back at you princess. I don't think I have seen one ounce of a princess out of you." I said as she stopped laughing and frowned at me.
"I am as much as a princess as you are a barbarian." She said with a hand on her chest and giving a noble look.
"Oh? Prove it." I said as she glared at me.
"Alright give me something to do that you think a princess does." She said with a sarcastic smile.
"Okay…donate money to the poor." I said as she instantly froze up as her lip began to twitch lightly as a shit eating grin spread on my face.
"What's wrong? Not up to it? Well if you aren't then I guess you lo-." But I cut off,
"N-No I can do it. I will show you up." She said as she looked around us as she located a band playing some flutes on the side of the road. Quickly she walked over as I watched her every move, as she reached them she took out a couple copper and dropped them in a container as they thanked her. Afterword she walked back to me with a proud smile on her face.
"There I did it." She said proudly.
"Weak." I said in a way that it sounded like a complaint.
"I-I did it so shut up." She huffed out angrily as I smiled as the riled up Zoe as she greatly resembled the old Zoe I knew.
"Fine you did give money to the poor…I guess that counts." I said as she didn't seemed convinced with my answer.
"Fine then! How about you do something that doesn't make you look like a barbarian." She said as I looked up at her.
"What's in it for me?" I asked her as I saw a vein bulge on her head.
"Why do I have to give you something if you didn't give me anything?" She asked me.
"You didn't ask." I said as she seemed flabbergasted.
"Then I want something right now!" She said as I put a hand on my chin and hummed a little.
"I don't know…if only that blast of water could be explained for, then I would give you something." I said as she seemed just about to explode.
"Stop playing me!" She yelled.
"I don't know what you're talking about." I said as she roared out in rage as she threw her hands up into the air.
"See I didn't something that a barbarian couldn't do, have such an advanced conversation with a princess." I said as she just glared at me as I ginned.
"That's it I telling everyone about your secret." She said as she stormed off as I shot after her.
"W-Wait I was kidding, just kidding." I said as I ran in front of her as I threw up my arms to stop her. Eventually she stopped walking and crossed her hands over chest as if asking for an explanation.
"Listen I shouldn't have done that and I am sorry, I guess you could call it a reflex of a sort." I said as she raised an eyebrow.
"What sort of reflex?" She asked me as I coughed and looked up at her.
"You remind me of a person I had a crush on." I said as a blush slowly was shown on her cheeks as she started to walk away.
"I will see you a week from now…Perseus." She said as I could only stare at her back as I a smile subconsciously spread on my face.
"See you later Zoe!" I yelled as she continued on her way and waved her arm in the air to say buy to me. I could only continue to smile as suddenly I felt something land on my shoulder as I turned to see a small green spirit sitting there.
"Zoe?" Gaia asked me.
"Yeah, she is Zoe's reincarnation. Surprised the hell out of me." I said to her as I watched her slowly bite her lip and her mind go into overdrive as I just stared at her.
"Are you sure?" She asked me as I nodded.
"I can show you the info." I said as I brought up Zoe's stat card as Gaia quickly read it over and suddenly sighed.
"Looks like I am going to have to share you sooner than I first thought." She said as I was startled.
"Wait? What!" I asked her as she looked at me.
"You are aware of the rivers of power correct?" She asked me.
"Sort of…you're going to have to refresh me." I said.
"The rivers of power are the sources of all divine power, feelings, and just about everything that makes life what it is in this and every universe. Each being alive has a certain amount of the rivers they can connect to, the Olympians could connect to a lot but a demigod could only connect to a little. The more they can connect the stronger they are the smaller the weaker, you in particular were strongly connected to the river of water and earth. You father's connection was at least 10 times stronger than yours." She said as I understood an part of it.
"Well even you love life is connected to these rivers, the more you are connected to the river the more soulmates or true loves you can possess. A normal human would have only one soulmate and most of the time you won't ever find them. However this also applies to your love life as well, you have a much deeper connection to the river of love than most." She said.
"So deep in fact that you have somewhere around 9 to 10 soulmates, even Aphrodite only had 4 to 5. When you meet one of your soulmates you will know it, like a ding or a click on your head. I knew it the moment I met you Percy that you and I were soulmates, you felt it right? When I confessed to you?" She asked me as I did feel such a feeling.
"Well there is also something else that happens between every soulmate if they have multiple like yourself. Your 9 or 10 soulmates will feel that same click between each other like you did me. We will love you with our everything and we will also love each other like we do you. I don't know if you felt it just now but the second you said she was Zoe I felt that click." She said as my eyes went wide.
"Wait a second! Zoe Nightshade is one of my soulmates?" I asked her as she looked at me.
"How did you feel when she died in her past life?" She asked me as I froze.
"Terrible…like I got a knife to the heart." I said as she nodded.
"Your relationship back then hadn't developed enough for you two to realize you loved one another but you still felt the pain of her death. I don't want to admit it but she is going to love you like I do sooner or later." She said with a bite of the lip as she seemed angry at the fact.
"How long until that happens?" I asked her as she shrugged.
"Depends, sometimes it can take a year and sometimes it can take decades. Although she is your soulmate she can alter the time it will take for her to love you greatly. She may not be able to escape from the rivers clutches but she can extend it for years." She finally staid.
"What about her memories?" I asked her as Gaia thought for a second.
"Love is very powerful and can transcend different lives, as soon as she starts falling in love with you her memories and emotions of you of her last life will start to emerge. Small bits and pieces at first, but it mainly depends on how fast she falls in love. Eventually her two lives will blend together and she will be the Zoe you used to know and the Miss. Night you know now." She said.
"So she will remember me?" I asked her as she laughed.
"Yep she will. You better hope she doesn't carry those man hating tendencies with her into this life." She said with a laugh as I groaned.
"Will this happen with all my soulmates?" I asked her.
"Yes it will and each one will fully regain who they were when they fully fall in love with you. Even if they don't want to admit it they love you they will remember. But for now we will decide on a game plan for a later date." She said.
"You sound eager." I said.
"Well of course, I can already feel myself falling for her. But I still can help feel a slight anger about having to share you." She said with a groan as I laughed as I leaned up and planted a kiss on her fairy wing as she blushed deeply as her wings fluttered in happiness.
"Don't worry I am yours forever and ever." I said as she instantly hid her face from me as I grinned.
"So what now?" I asked her.
"Now we dump all the things you have in your inventory for Zoe at her place and then go home and sleep. Silver is waiting for you to get home." She said as I nodded and started to walk back home.
After that date with Zoe time slowly began to flow buy, classes started up and I started losing sleep fast. I would take one class a day and then take 5 species classes this left me with little to no sleep. Every 10 days I would find Zoe at my door ready to teach me, each time the training or simple information cramming got worse and worse. Sometimes I would find myself asleep in class and sometimes I would fall asleep during Zoe's lessons.
However as the days went on it learned something new, every so often I would earn a point to one of my stats. Be it an intelligence one after an alchemist class or a strength one after a training session in martial arts. I asked Gaia about these and apparently if you have a person with a job classification that centers on teaching then it is possible to earn stat points. It was new info to me but I enjoyed it as I slowly gained stat points, sometimes I would even get up to 5 a week.
Still each class did teach me many things as the time went on, all of them but the warrior class and spirit user. In those two particular classes I was the so called class monster. I was simply to strong in the warrior class to fight with anyone and in the spirit user one they didn't really bother to teach me. Instead taught Gaia and asked her to relay the info to later, this is where I spent a lot of my time sleeping sometimes.
This was just in the main classes, don't get me started on the 50 classes dedicated to the species. To say it was too much would be the right thing to say, still I gained a lot of information from those classes. Turns out a lot of species are dedicated to certain roles in an adventure party, take the lamias for instance. They were good at dishing out damage but not taking it, so they were considered the warriors of the party.
Still in each class as the days went on I was slowly referred to as the 'sleepy barbarian' while the nickname hurt my feelings I was just too tired to care about it. Also another thing in Zoe's classes every 11 days she would never teach me magic, she said once I could control my mana to a certain extent then she would teach me. So I was stuck without spells as I focused on manipulating pure elementless mana.
My relationship with her slowly solidified into a sort of an odd one, we were very familiar with one another and talked all the time like any simple friends. But sometimes she would be like princess bitch, my guess that these times were when she was menstruating. Though the idea died down as Gaia reassured me that she wasn't menstruating and instead pushing her building feelings on me.
Put simply she was starting to gain feelings that were more than a simple friendship and she would push all these out at once in an anger filled rage. So I endured it as she pushed me to my limits again and again, sometimes I would fall asleep mid run and then wake up a mile or two later. All in all it was a normal day at the office as 6 months passed by, my stat points ever growing and growing as I continued to train and train them.
A couple of simple skills were given to me as I continued on with my yearlong classes, my friends always happy to see me sometimes in class. I was also quite happy to have some people to vent on as I complained about my schedule. It was enough to make me happy as I lived in this school like hell that I voluntarily entered. But as time went on the skill I used started to level up yet my own level remained the same as little to no XP.
Something funny throughout this whole time was my current girlfriend as she never once let me sleep with her. Sure we made out like animals but never once did she let us go farther than that, her explanation was that I was simply too young. So I took her excuse and dealt with it as those first 6 months passed by and soon turned into 10 months and then finally a full year. This whole time I was run ragged and to the bone with all my classes.
Still during this whole time I myself changed, my attitude remained intact but my body had been molded into a machine for battle. I was no longer a simple 5 foot 2 but now I stood 5 foot 8 and was built like a wall of muscle. But thanks to constant training in martial arts my muscles never got 'big' to say the least. They always remained compact and super-efficient as I could move a lot better than I once could.
My skin was no longer a light tan but almost copper from the constant heat of the forges I was close to. With my muscles as lean and powerful as could be for my age and my nice color to me as well I kind of looked like I used to back on earth. Though I was a lot fitter than I used to be at this age on earth. I was even begging to shown signs of a man as my kid like features slowly started to fade away revealing a handsome face that made women swoon.
Still my courses seemed to mold me into a pure powerhouse that even my body couldn't show. Monster taming showed me how to be one with silver in battle and how to tame monsters on aura alone. It even showed me what different species of monsters gave to offer in battle and what things I needed to avoid. I even got a derived skill from [Beast taming] called [Temporary tame] though it was already maxed out it basically allowed me to instantly control any monster under my level for no longer than an hour.
With alchemy I grew to understand any potion to poison with ease, though most were simple recipes I was a pro at making any poison I want to. Still it gave me the knowledge I needed to know so I could pick herbs in the dungeon and not have to worry about accidentally poisoning someone.
The three courses Spirit user, warrior, and archery didn't have much to offer me since I was already the best at them. Still I learned a few different ways to hide as an archer, a few war strategies, and some ways that me and Gaia could combine our power. Still none of them gave me any skills, the only thing I did gain was a few jobs and that was it.
Blacksmithing was just as fun and taught me many different way to work with metals I had never used before. Most were easier than Olympic medals but there were some that were just as hard to work with. Still blacksmithing gave me some time to think about things as I pounded at the metals in front of me and easily made sword after sword.
Puppet class was…odd. Basically the teacher just gave us theories on how puppets can be used and how to make them move properly. Over half the time I spent in that class was always about materials you would need or could use in puppets to make them for different uses. Such as a puppet that was a spy or a puppet that was a caster for a barrier. All of the interested me so I paid a lot of an attention in that class.
Martial arts was very hard to get used to, it was like the warrior class but different in a way. In this class they focused on fist fighting and spirit techniques. You might think that is a joke buy you would be wrong, they do use their soul in a lot of things. They even teach you how use it in battle, unfortunately our class it not a high enough level to use such techniques so we focused on fighting with our fist.
Finally the last two which were healer and wizard, although I thought I was going to learn a lot turns out most spells for those classes are taught after the first two years. This was mostly for the wizard class since they wanted a wizard to focus on their element or expertise. Healers how did teach me one skill and that was the basic cure skill which was okay for the most part.
All in all this time I spent here molded me into one of the best students in the school. Complete with simple homework quest that I would sometimes earn points to spend. But being the best was never always good and as my second year started up I would soon learn why.
UPDATE STAT SHEET BELLOW (in need of skill for vitality reaching 50, strength reaching 200, and endurance reaching 50.)
Percy Stats!
Name: Perseus Jackson
Age: 12
Title: The Dark Gamer (All stats increased by number of main lvl of player.)
Title: Empty
Title: Empty
Title: Empty
Race-Guess and you might find out
Jobs/Class: (8/8)
Warrior lvl-29 (STR+29, VIT+39)
Barbarian lvl-22 (STR+32, END+22, DEX+22)
Medic lvl-12 (INT+12, WIS+22, FAI+12)
Spirit user lvl-9 (INT+9, WIS+9, FAI+19)
Archer lvl-18 (DEX+28, VIT+18)
Blacksmith lvl-9 (STR+19, END+9)
Puppet user lvl-7 (FAI+7, LUC+17)
Alchemist lv-5 (INT+15, WIS+5, LUC+5)
Level: 56 Xp: 381,600/2,629,000(1/5) =525,800
Health 28000/28000
Mana 14000/14000
STR-206(+56+29+32+19) =342
END-56(+56+22+9) =143
DEX-42(+56+22+28) =148
VIT-51(+56+39+18) =168
INT-71(+56+12+9+15) =163
WIS-71(+56+22+8+5) =162
FAI-46(+56+12+19+7) =140
LUC-37(+56+17+5) =115
MONEY: 9 PT 145WG 855G 789S 1929C
PERSONAL INFO— Perseus Jackson was the son of Sally Jackson and Poseidon but he is now the son of ? and ?. Due to his new life he no longer possess his powers from Poseidon and is now as close to human as he has ever been.
STATS— Due to his birth #$$%1^^W%7%78#%72286# $%+5 $%# $%
Passive Skill: Physical Resistance lv-39 (37%)
Passive Skill: Magic Resistance lvl-13 (80%)
Passive skill: Poison Resistance lv-17 (19%)
Passive skill: (Level-598) (Rank-6) Legendary Charm resistance lv-99 (0%)
[Blacksmithing skills]
Passive skill: Workshop lv-15 (0%)
Passive skill: (level 15) (Rank 2) Blacksmithing lv-5 (70%)
[Puppet skills]
Magic Skill: Puppetry Magic lv-5 (13%)
[Warrior skills]
Active skill: Rend lv-5 (25%)
Active skill: Herculean Strike lv-2 (75%)
Passive skill: Warriors nap lv-31 (27%)
Passive skill: Critical Strike lv-13 (75%
Passive Skill: Muscle Memory lv-42 (31%)
[Beast taming skills]
Passive skill: Beast taming lv-13 (74%)
[Wizard skills]
Magic skill: (Level 3) (Tier 1) Elemental Arrow lv-3 (0%)
Passive skill: No Chanting Lv-2 (0%)
Passive skill: Mana Control Lv-25 (0%)
[Alchemist skills]
Passive Skill: Botany Mastery lv-21 (31%)
[Non class skills]
Attack skill: Poison Perspiration lv-4 (79%)
[Other skills]
Passive skill: Simple words lv-3 (10%)
Passive skill: Gambling lv-100 (Max)
Passive skill: Meditation Lv-19 (15%)
Passive skill: Lying lv-10 (80%)
Passive skill: Lie detection lv-10 (70%)
Passive skill: Mark of sacrifice lv-MAX
Passive skill: Gaia System lv-MAX
Passive skill: Bonus Skill leveling lv-MAX
Passive Skill: Detect Analysis lv-24 (78%)
Passive skill: Title and Job King lv-5 (50%)
Passive skill: Consumption Absorption lv-6 (70%)
Passive Skill: Swordplay Mastery lv-3 (Skill dependent)
Passive Skill: Spear Play Mastery lv-1 (Skill dependent)
[Swordplay style]
Swordplay Style: (level-25) (Rank— 3) Throwing lv-5 (65%)
Swordplay Style: (Level-191) (Rank-7) Ancient Greek Swordplay lv-31 (21%)
Swordplay Style: (level 59) (Rank 4) Uncommon Medieval Swordplay lv-19 (45%)
Swordplay Style: (level 33) (Rank 3) Common Berserk Swordplay lv-13 (64%)
[Spearplay style]
Spearplay Style: (level 39) (Rank 2) Medieval Spear Play lv-19 (13%)
[Archery Styles]
Archery Style: (level 170) (Rank-7) Ancient Greek Archery lv-10 (80%)
Language Skill: Greek language lv-100 (max level)
[Derived skills]
Derived Skill: Picky Eater lv. Max (100%)
Derived skill: Temporary tame lv-Max (100%)
[Bonus Perks]
XP increase 20%.
XP Requirement Reduction 1/5
Current Title The Dark Gamer (All stats increased by number of main lv of player.)
Trista's Boy (no bonus).
Water Boy (fetch water 5% faster).
Messenger Boy (deliver messages 10% faster).
Active Warrior lv-21 (STR+21, VIT+36)
Active Barbarian lv-16 (STR+26, END+16, DEX+16)
Active Medic lv-8 (INT+8, WIS+18, FAI+8)
Active Spirit user lv-9 (INT+9, WIS+9, FAI+19)
Active Archer lv-18 (DEX+28, VIT+18)
Active Blacksmith lv-9 (STR+19, END+9)
Active Puppet user lv-7 (FAI+7, LUC+17)
Active Alchemist lv-5 (INT+15, WIS+5, LUC+5)
Mercenary, lv-3 (DEX+1, STR+1).
Delivery boy, lv-6 (No bonus).
Mommy's Boy, lv-MAX (100% affection with Trista).
Herbalist lv-2 (WIS+1, INT+2)
Slave lv-1 (INT-2, STR+6)