Chapter 12

Disclaimer: I do not own Percy Jackson

Beta: Caracac

Warning: Contains blood, gore, sex, possible rape, sword fights, dark shit you will never be unseen, demons, angels, witches, wizards, medieval crap, and finally pure unadulterated badassery.


Puppet class was…odd. Basically the teacher just gave us theories on how puppets can be used and how to make them move properly. Over half the time I spent in that class was always about materials you would need or could use in puppets to make them for different uses. Such as a puppet that was a spy or a puppet that was a caster for a barrier. All of the interested me so I paid a lot of an attention in that class.

Martial arts was very hard to get used to, it was like the warrior class but different in a way. In this class they focused on fist fighting and spirit techniques. You might think that is a joke buy you would be wrong, they do use their soul in a lot of things. They even teach you how use it in battle, unfortunately our class it not a high enough level to use such techniques so we focused on fighting with our fist.

Finally the last two which were healer and wizard, although I thought I was going to learn a lot turns out most spells for those classes are taught after the first two years. This was mostly for the wizard class since they wanted a wizard to focus on their element or expertise. Healers how did teach me one skill and that was the basic cure skill which was okay for the most part.

All in all this time I spent here molded me into one of the best students in the school. Complete with simple homework quest that I would sometimes earn points to spend. But being the best was never always good and as my second year started up I would soon learn why.



"Perseus can you please answer the question." Said a voice as I snorted loudly and then slowly opened my eyes as I had to blink a few times as I slowly woke up. As I woke up I quickly found myself in my succubus species class as I wiped my lip of some stray drool.

"What?" I asked as most of the female succubae in the class all snickered as I was awoken from my nap. All of them wearing slightly revealing armor and clothes, due to school police there was a limit to how slutty a succubus could dress during class. While I did enjoy the view I couldn't say I was attracted to them as much as I was the tiny green fairy that was also sleeping on my desk.

"I said answer the question Mr. Jackson." He said in a monotone voice as he was so used to me falling asleep that it was normal at this point.

"What's the question?" I asked him as he sighed.

"If member in your party is poisoned by a demented succubus then what can you do to prevent the spread of poison and effectively cure it?" He asked me as I yawned a little. If you were wondering a demented succubus was basically a monster in the form of a succubus. Many species of monsters appeared in the dungeons and some of which were relatives to the intelligent species on this earth.

The only difference however was that any species that was demented had a distinct red aura around them. This way you could tell them apart from party members who were of the same species. I once asked Zoe about it and she told me that long ago a great wizard about 70 thousand years ago took a couple hundred of the demented species and bestowed upon them knowledge of humanity. So you could say all those demented species were all the ancestors of any non-human counterparts.

"Don't you need…5 leaves mist grass, 3 stacks of winter snow leaves, and 3…no 4 drops of succubus blood? Just mix them together in a pot, bring it to a boil, and then apply generously to poisoned area and you are done?" I asked him.

"Not quite the detail I was looking for but yes, with those items you can cure demented succubus poison. Now what would happen if a normal succubus was poisoned by a demented one?" He asked me.

"They would temporarily lose their humanity for 1 hour, same for all species who are poisoned by their counterparts. They would become the monster." I said with a yawn as the end. I then took a glance at Gaia who was quietly snoring away on a fluffy pillow that I bring into my class just for her.

"Very good, now what would you do in such a situation?" He asked me as I groaned.

"I thought you just wanted me to answer one question." I complained as everyone laughed.

"Just answer the question." He said as I sighed.

"Well if a succubus is poisoned by its own kind then the only thing you can really rely on is to paralyze her or just knock them out. If I remember correctly a humanized succubus will lose about 70% of its combat proficiency if it is poisoned by its own kind which will make it relatively easy to knock out." I said as he nodded.

"Very good." He said as I nodded as all the girls smiled at me as I ignored them.

"Now onto…" But he stopped a there was a knocking on the door as he quietly sighed and walked over to the door to open it up. However his depressed face soon met a blinding smile of a certain principal as he instantly straightened up.

"Sir I didn't know you were coming." He said as the principal's smiled widened as he walked through the door not bothering to comment on what the teacher said. As he did he was instantly stared hungrily at by every succubus in the room.

"Nice class you have here." He said with a smile as he looked around and stole a apple off the teacher's desk as the teacher didn't seem to mind a he followed the principal as he looked around. I could only inwardly groan as I knew he was here for me. Still I could only watch as he took a bite out of the apple then set it down in front of one of the girls as her face instantly brightened as she scooped up the apple.

"Go ahead and keep that." Mathew said with a wink at the teenage succubus could only blush as her tail started to wag back and forth as the other girls seemed to give her the stink eye.

"S-Sire might I ask what you are here for?" Asked the teacher.

"Ah! Yes I completely forgot, I need to borrow Perseus for the rest of class." He said as the teacher quickly nodded as he followed the principal's word like law.

"Mr. Jackson come down and greet the principal." He said as I lightly sighed and stood up as I the small pillow with Gaia on it began to float. Thanks to my [Puppetry magic] skill I could make small puppets levitate do to my mana holding them in the air. Thanks to this I put a tiny hand size stick figure in the pillow which made it float in the air as I used my [puppetry magic].

"Sup." I said as Mathew smirked at my nonchalant attitude as the teacher seemed to get angry at me but still said nothing.

"You follow me and thank you sir that will be all." The principal said as I quickly followed behind him and exited the room all while Gaia slept peacefully on the pillow.

"Haven't seen you in awhile." I said as the principal smiled.

"I have been out on business." He said as I raised an eyebrow, what sort of business did this man go on?

"Doing what?" I asked him.

"Securing sponsors." He said.

"We have a money issue?" I asked him as he laughed.

"No we don't but having high class people from all species come to our school and learn or teach here is good for business." He said as I guess he was right, poster children in a way.

"Like Zoe?" I asked him.

"Zoe?" He asked me in a confused tone.

"Sorry meant Miss. Night." I said as his lip quivered on the side a bit.

"She told you her real name?" He asked me in disbelief.

"Yeah…well not really…I found out about a year ago." I said as he laughed lightly ad shook his head.

"Well if you are still alive and you know her real name then there is no issues for me to intervene in. Besides I am sure her mother was very happy to find such a high class individual with such a strong bloodline so close to her daughter." He said as I groaned as he wasn't wrong.

"Yeah Zoe told me all about it, apparently her mother wants her to marry me." I said as he burst out laughing as ignored him and noticed that Gaia didn't even move an inch.

"So anything new?" He asked me as I thought back a bit.

"Well I did sleep a full 8 hours about 3 days ago." I said as he laughed lightly.

"Not what I meant, but for you I guess that is a rare event." He said as I nodded remember the outbreak something similar to measles that put nearly everyone in my alchemy class in the medical office.

"So why you come and pick me up?" I asked him as he cleared his throat.

"As of late word of your divine spirit and your bloodline has spread to the far reaches of the plains of grass and even all the way into some other countries. Most send envoys to talk to me and even send letters wishing for me to bring you to balls and other formal events to meet them. Fortunately I bring up that you are in school and your education is more important." He said with a wave of a hand as if it wasn't anything important.

"I presume most want me to meet their daughters?" I asked him as he chuckled.

"Yes they do, in the past 6 months I have received well over 400 letter wishing for you to come to a coming of age ceremonies for their daughters. Most however are simply low rank nobles such as knights and barons. However I have even got a few from a few dukes and archdukes." He explained to me.

"Oh like Zoe's father." I said remembering the duke.

"Precisely, unfortunately as of yesterday I got a letter that you can't quite refuse. Well I can't refuse for you." He said as I raised an eyebrow.

"I thought I was paying you for this exact reason." I said as he snorted.

"You haven't even gone into the dungeon so don't complain. Anyways a this letter comes from a very special place in the country of mountains." He explained as I just stared at him.

"Who was it from?" I asked him.

"Well it comes from a queen of the Lamia tribe, a fierce female only race that has the lower half of snakes and the top of a female human. The queen's seventh daughter is coming of age and she wishes for me and you to partake in a traditional hunt of a rock boar. She also told me she is willing to set up a vast amount of trade routes with her kingdom for certain furs and gems." He said as I thought of something.

"Don't we have an emperor who takes care of trade between countries?" I asked him.

"Well he was the one who received the letter first then gave it to me, I may not look it but I do hold the title of grand duke and one of his emperor's loyal subjects. Basically he commanded me to take you to the Queen lamia's kingdom in the country of mountains." He explained as I raised an eyebrow.

"If you ask me he sounds desperate." I said as Mathew laughed a little.

"Well the lamia tribe is known for their elegant furs they get and the vast amount of gems they exuviate from the mountains around them. Besides this will be the gateway to open up new trade routes for our empire and theirs. Believe it or not your presence is one of diplomatic pressure because of your bloodline and future power." He said as I was interested.

"How so?" I asked about the last part.

"Well long ago, about 14 to 15 thousand years, a divine spiritualist lived in a country that was declared war against. Long story short that divine spiritualist was so powerful he destroyed armies with a flick of the hand and flipped mountains like a coin. In mere weeks the enemy's country fell to ruin all because of that one person." He said as I slowly let out a whistle, what I could give to meet that person.

"But now days most countries have a divine spiritualist at their disposal who doesn't get involved unless another divine spiritualist is unleashed upon them." He said as it sounded a lot like tactical nukes to me.

"So they are simply there to act against other divine spiritualists?" I asked him.

"For the most part yes, however you are the first divine spiritualist that plains of grass has ever had so you are something the empire is not willing to give away." He said as I felt a little more important that I first thought.

"So what has this got to do with me?" I asked him.

"Well basically the country of mountains wants to create a friendly agreement between us and them. This way our countries will grow closer and if ever in a time of war they can bank on you helping them against a divine spiritualist." He said as I chuckled.

"The queen lamias invitation is only the beginning of this, I suspect we will get a few more invitations like this from them again." He said as I nodded.

"What about larger countries?" I asked him.

"The appearance of a divine spiritualist in a country as small as ours has no effect on them. They possess hundreds if not thousands of them. Sure they might take a glance but nothing past that. Hell if you grow strong enough they might even scout you and make agreements to borrow you in times of need." He said.

"Sounds fun." I said as he shrugged.

"So besides all that what's in it for me?" I asked always looking to make some profit off my work.

"I knew you were going to say something like, so I came prepared." He said as he took out a book with weird designs on it that I didn't recognize at all. Even when I tried to use [Analyze] on it nothing happened and it only came up with question marks.

"What is this?" I asked him.

"This is a multi-level multi-skill set skill book." He said as I raised an eyebrow.

"What makes it so special?" I asked him as he smiled.

"This little beauty allows for you to learn any skill you will learn in your 10th year course classes. Just think of the course and skill you want and boom it will be imprinted in your mind." He said as I thought back to the list of skills that was given to me at the beginning of the year. The list was basically a well…list of all the skills that I could learn each year for each course. I had memorized it a long time ago.

"Hmm…" I thought about it as I stared at the book. I knew I couldn't instantly for go for the high level skills simply because my level wasn't high enough. At most I could look at level 75 and below. Unfortunately that didn't leave a whole lot for me to look at. But as I thought back to the list there was one I was fairly interested in that was a level 50 skill.

"What about true soul manifestation?" I asked Mathew as a smile grew on his face.

"I thought you would have wanted to go for simple soul manifestation." He said. You see there was a difference between the two. In simple soul manifestation your souls took the form of humanoid and helped you in battle, nothing more nothing less. However with true soul manifestation you could bring the shape of your souls into reality.

The only difference was that true soul manifestation was several times harder to learn and you would never know what your soul would come out as. Because once your true soul is brought into this world it cannot change back and because some people true souls are significantly weaker than their humanoid soul they refused to learn it. Basically it was a win big or lose big.

"No I want the true soul manifestation." I said as he didn't think a second about it and nodded.

"If you are so intent on learning that skill they be my guest." He said as he waved his hand over the book as suddenly everything on it blurred and then changed instantly. In the next second I was holding an entirely new book.

Skill book item: Magic skill: True Soul Manifestation

A special book that holds the wisdom of the spell one wishes to learn. If one reads this they will instantly gain the knowledge of the skill and be able to use it. What would normally take years is constricted down into mere seconds!

Once skill is learned then book will be destroyed! Skill cannot be learned if you already know skill

Skill info:

Mana skill: (Rank 1) (level 1) True Soul Manifestation lv-1 (0%)

Bring your soul into this world in its one and only true form and let the eyes of this world gaze upon it. With this skill anything is possible as your soul is brought into the fray of life. Be it a blade of grass so sharp metal cannot stand before it or a gentle wind that can increase the fertility of the land! No matter the soul there will always be a purpose! What will yours be?

Stats cannot be listed until soul is brought into this world for every soul is different. An initial mana cost must be given before any stats and abilities are processed. After initial summoning of soul is complete a new mana cost will be listed and stats will be given.

Initial mana cost: 30,000 (one time cost)

Aside from the in mysteriousness of the skill I was a little disappointed because I didn't have sufficient enough mana to use it. Still I calmed myself as I smiled as the thought of what my soul would be sounded interesting. But along with this skill that made a total of 4 that I had gotten over the course of the year. The others were simple stat check point ones.

Endurance reaching 50!

Passive skill: Deep sleep lv-9 (75%)

Get a good night's rest that can keep you going for days! Take a deep sleep to restore all END points. However you cannot and will not be woken up while sleeping, regardless if you are lightly shaken or stabbed by a sword. Once skill is activated you must get all hours of sleep or you won't wake up!

8 hours of required sleep (1 less hour every 15 levels)

3 days of alertness after sleep (1 more day every 15 levels)

Vitality reaching 50!

Active skill: Forced healing lv-3 (0%)

Forcibly increase the healing of any would you receive for a duration of time. You must spend VIT points for this to work. Can instantly close open any surface wound that is bleeding in less than 5 mins.

300 HP (100 more HP every level)

Cost: 10 VIT every 30 mins (1 less VIT and 5 more mins every 5 levels)

Thanks to this skill I don't have to step out of battle to heal myself, though it isn't a mana healing skill it will do for the time being. I would much rather spend MP instead of stat points. Yet I couldn't complain as it still allowed me in battle healing and the only thing that I had that was even remotely similar to that was my eating skill. But that wasn't really a…battle skill to say. Now for the last and best skill.

Strength reaching 200!

Passive skill: Too Strong lv-1 (35%)

You are simply too strong! Your STR skill attacks now carry and much more powerful force behind them!

All STR attacks are now 2x damage: (1 more every 20 levels)

Though all my skills had a certain use this one I liked the most, who didn't enjoy getting a double damage bonus? But this was for every attack skill I used that involved STR which was more than I like to think it is, I tend to use [Rend] way too much sometimes.

"Thanks Mathew." I said as I tapped on the book as a glow surrounded it as a wave of information flew into my mind. After a few seconds and the info was planted firmly in my brain the book lost its glow and then all the fancy designs on the front all made it turn back to normal as if it was a simple book again.

"Here you go." I said as the principal took the plain book back.

"So why didn't it get destroyed?" I asked him.

"What destroyed?" He asked me.

"The book, every time a skill book is used it normally dissolves." I said to him as he made a face.

"Oh…Yes most skill books do that after the mana is taken from them. However this one is special and can be used multiple times. It only needs to recharge its mana before it can be used again for someone to learn a new skill." He said as that sounded awfully convenient for a book with that kind of information in it.

"How long does it take to recharge?" I asked him.

"Few years." He said with a shrug as I was slightly surprised. I thought maybe a few months but a few years was a little much. But since it didn't dissolve I guess that was a price to pay for how useful that book was.

"So since I took the pay for this operation now what must I do?" I asked him as he smiled.

"Simple just follow me." He said as I raised an eyebrow and followed him.

"Shouldn't I pack?" I asked him as he waved a hand in the air as if dismissing the question.

"We have already packed for you, also we bought you a couple sets of formal wear for the parties we will be attending. No offense but the things you had were old and run down." He said as I just stared at him.

"You packed my stuff for me?" I asked him in a concerned voice.

"Yes we did, oh don't worry we knew you wouldn't refuse. Besides your Silver needle hawk didn't seem to mind when we were." He said as I felt my teeth grind at the lazy animal. Let's just say she is a very proud and very sleepy hawk.

"So I guess we leave today?" I asked him as he nodded.

"Yes it is a tenuous trip that will take up to 2 months. So we will leave today so we can be there in time for the ceremony and the hunt. However after the hunt we have been asked to stay for the month to watch partake in a festival they have there." He said as I nodded slowly, at least this would get me out of classes.

"What kind of festival?" I asked him.

"It is a festival for their warriors that partakes in a field dungeon about 15 miles from their capital. What they do is have a competition on whoever can kill the most monsters in a 24 hour period of time. They have prizes and such and whoever comes out on top gets a legendary grade weapon and armor set along with a few epic level elixirs." He said as I nodded.

"A field dungeon?" I asked him.

"Ah I have forgotten you have been taught about the types of dungeons yet. Let me enlighten you." He said as I began to listen.

"A normal dungeon as you might know is like an upside down cone, so each level you go lower the bigger the floor is from the previous one. Each floor has different monsters who are mostly spread out but sometimes you can run into a monster party which is like a flood of monsters. These are the norm for adventures to hit up and travel through, though there are some expeditions that go through them to the lower levels from time to time."

"There is also a tower dungeon which doesn't increase in level size but the monsters are much more compact and dangerous. Also instead of a dungeon boss being every 10 levels lie a normal dungeon there is a floor boss every level of the dungeon. These dungeons are for the more advanced adventures in small groups."

"You also have the field dungeon which the festival we will be going to will be partaking in. These dungeons only have one floor but the floor itself is massive, sometimes extending all the way up to 5,000 miles wide. But that is only in some of the larger countries. Still these dungeons have rings in them that each have a boss in. As you pass each ring and go deeper into the dungeon the enemies get much more dangerous." He said as I had to let out a whistle in astonishment.

"However the monsters here form in into massive hordes that are the size of armies. But they cannot leave the dungeon so don't worry about them escaping. However these field dungeons are normally places where competitions are held or armies train. There is even a few dungeons with makeshift castles in them so armies have a place to sleep." He said.

"That sounds interesting." I said thinking of this competition I was going to watch.

"Indeed and if you want I can get you a spot in the competition." He said as I was surprised.

"But I am not old enough to go into a dungeon." I said referring to my 13 year old self.

"Indeed you aren't but that is in the plains of grass, in the country of mountains the age is only 13 years old. You can go into the dungeons there if you please." He said as I felt my heart pound faster.

"I just might." I said as I licked my lips thinking of the loot and levels I would gain. It had been a year since I had leveled up and I was itching for some XP.

"Good morning." Said a cute voice as I turned to see Gaia slowly stretching on her floating pillow as she stretched her arms as I looked at her.

"Good afternoon." I said back as she continued to yawn and eventually she opened her eyes and rubbed them a little.

"What's happening?" She asked me.

"We have to go to a party." I said to her as she slowly nodded in her half asleep stupor.

"Where at?" She asked me.

"In the country of mountains with the lamia queen. Stuff happened and I am required to go since our Emperor is making me for diplomatic reasons." I said as she still seemed a little asleep as she slowly nodded.

"Well if the Emperor is making you go there isn't much we can do to refuse, even if Mathew is protecting you against nobles there isn't much he can do against the an Emperor degree. Still I am going to make an assumption that this will lead to trade between our two countries." She said with a few hand waves as I nodded slowly surprised at her correct assumption.

"Yeah that is right." I said as she yawned and suddenly flopped down on her pillow from her kneeling position and snuggled into the soft fabric.

"Good that means I can get more sleep." She said as I rolled my eyes at Gaia's sleeping habits. Well I wasn't one to talk but she and silver both could sleep up to 20 hours a day if they wanted to.

"Did you tell her?" I asked Mathew as Gaia was already asleep again.

"I had a letter sent to your room about 3 days ago. My guess she got ahold of it and read it." He said.

"Hmm…that would make sense. I leave all my mail to Gaia when I am asleep. I guess she forgot to tell me or thought it wasn't important enough to let me know." I said as Mathew laughed a little.

"All I put in the letter was 'be prepared to leave in a week or two to a noble party' my guess is she deciphered what that meant with the info about you and our deal about nobles." He said as I silently sighed as he was probably right, Gaia was much smarter than most would think.

As I walked with him as we continued to talk we finally made our way to the carriage area as I noticed there was a string of several large and expensive carriages out front. There was also several cargo carriages being prepared behind them. In total there was 50 carriages, 43 were cargo, 3 were fancy, and 4 were guard ones.

"I presume this I all trade goods?" I asked Mathew as he nodded toward the tongs of cargo wagons.

"Yes they are. I am hoping to make a fancy profit off these items." He said as he rubbed his hand together.

"That sounds nice, so who else is coming?" I asked him.

"Just a few princes and princess from the neighboring lands. All together you have 10 however all of them are at least 40 and up so that makes you the youngest of the group." He said as I rolled my eyes.

"Okay but I feel a but coming." I said.

"But a certain water nymph princess is required to go due to her mother's hounding and nagging about her possible son in law being swept up by a and I quote 'snake tailed bitch'." He said as I cringed a little.

"So where is said water nymph?" I asked him as he pointed to the first carriage.

"She was the first one I called so she is already ready to go, unfortunately I couldn't get you two a separate carriage. Her mother was very adamant she sit with you." He said as I sighed.

"Fine." I said as I walked to the carriage and found the door unlocked as I quickly entered to see Zoe already sitting there reading a book. She only cast me a glance and then waved her hand as her item box was activated. Quickly a pile of papers and multiple pens all appeared in her free hand as she pushed them my way. Not knowing what to do I accepted the papers as I read the title on the stack.

"Year one demi wolf final exam?" I asked her as she nodded without saying a word.

"What am I supposed to do with these?" I asked her.

"Fill them out and I will give you the next one, all your teachers of your courses and species classes all made one about this big. Due to you missing your last two months of school I have taken the liberty to test you on all 60 of your final exams. Your task of the next two weeks is to complete them all and when we get back I will give them to each teacher." She said in a monotone voice as I signed loudly, I could never escape work with her around.

"Fine." I sat down across from her as Gaia and her pillow floated over onto Zoe's lap as said water nymph didn't mind as she made room and even took to slowly stroking Gaia's wings like a pet. But now that I noticed I saw Silver sitting on a window ledge by Zoe as well. If you couldn't guess Gaia and Silver were already best friends with Zoe. To the point that Silver and Zoe could communicate telepathically with one another.

"Let's see question one. What is the difference between a demi frost wolf and a demi ice wolf?"


The two months in our caravan when by slowly as I completed each exam and was presented with a new one. It only took me about two weeks to complete them all however I was not blessed to have a break just yet. Zoe told me to walk outside the cart the rest of the distance and practice my mana control while I did. I wanted to refute but those cold blue eyes that promised death if I refused got the better of me.

While I did hate being told by others what to do, Zoe was my personal teacher and future soulmate so I couldn't do much against her. Besides me walking the whole time and making more and more figures with pure mana and performing more actions it was nice. I slept on top of the wagon with ease as I snored happily under the sea of moonlight. Silver and Gaia both sleeping with Zoe or me every night as the process went on.

Still as we continued on we finally reached the country of mountain and the name was no pushover. From the instant we got insides it borders all I have seen is mountain and small inlying plains of grass that people lived in. There was an occasional larger stream we passed over but other than that there was really nothing but mountains here.

I took the time to look around as I jogged outside the wagon and did my work Zoe required of me. Occasionally I would see a rare plant with my [Analysis] and go pluck it and keep it for my alchemy practice. Other than that I was often looked at weirdly as I jogged beside the caravan from the locals. I was often questioned if I was a beggar because my clothes were normally all muddy from the jogging but I told them I was training so they left me alone for the most part.

But finally we made it to the lamia queen's capital after nearly 1 and ½ months of grueling non stop running with occasional breaks. Still over the entire time I only gained 4 endurance and 3 levels to [Mana Manipulation] so I was a little happy. Thankfully I was finally able to sit in the cart as we entered the capital due to me getting so many stares from everyone. Still as we arrived I noticed a very distinct reduction in the amount of males present in this city.

Then again lamia were a female only race so I guess that was expected, still I saw the occasional male walking hand in hand with a 6 foot 6 tall snake women as her overly large snake tail slithered behind her. The two acting like lover as they conversed and happily strode down the half snake half women infested roads. Even then I saw a few males with lamia children as well, all were female of course.

However there was one husband that had his daughter on his shoulders as her tiny tail wrapped around his arm for support. It was admittedly cute even from my perspective, other than the loving families that I had only seen a handful of all the rest were tailed women.

"Is there a lamia only rule here?" I asked Zoe as she continued to look at her book as the other princess in the cart all seemed to stare at the mass of females as well.

"No there isn't, as you know lamia only breed with strong males to give their future generation a strong bloodline. However most of those lamia only sleep with the male for one night and then get pregnant. Afterwards the mother comes back home and gives birth, about 90% of the time the daughter will never see her father. However there are a few lamias that fall in love with a male and bring them home with them." She said as I guessed as much, kind of sounded like a amazon tribe if you ask me.

"What about the queen?" I asked her.

"She is given a selection of some of the most handsome and highest level men in the country to breed with. Although the selection often results in battle with the participants sometimes there is a repeat winner. Actually 3 of the queen's youngest daughters come from the same male, her next 3 eldest come from another male but the same for all three, and her eldest daughter is the only one who comes from a single father." She said as I felt like I was learning politics all the sudden.

"Sounds interesting…Lamia can live for 1200 years and then some, correct?" I asked Zoe as she nodded.

"Actually those are normal Lamia the queen herself comes from a rare species of dragon blood lamia. That species in specific can live up to 3000 years old." Said another princess in the carriage as she listened in on me and Zoe's conversation.

"Wow." I said as I started paying attention as I noticed a lot of differences in the lamia around me though subtidal they were still there as I picked out seven different species and colors of scales.

"So how old is the Queen's oldest?" I asked the princess.

"She is actually only 118 years old though I heard she just passed level 725 not to long ago." She said as I let out a whistle as Zoe rolled her eyes.

"If you are wondering that is consider very good for lamias." Zoe said as I laughed lightly as the women's level made her go jealous for a second.

"So what are you going to give the princess?" Asked Zoe as I just stared at her in confusion as everyone turned to me.

"You did get her a present…right?" Asked Zoe as I just stared.

"I left on such short notice that didn't have to prep a gift. Mathew just drug me along and said nothing about a gift." I said to her as all the females in the wagon gasped.

"What! You have to have a gift! It is considered disrespectful if you don't have one." They said as I looked around at the 5 females as they just stared at me. Let's just say they all had a case of little brother lover syndrome and since I was so young they wanted me to call them sister. To say they were close to me at 2 months in a journey with them then that would be the right thing to say.

"Well I did have some divine earth god's mud but I auction it off." I said as Zoe raised and eyebrow.

"Why would you sell such a precious material?" Zoe asked me.

"Listen I didn't care about the ultimate beauty product or whatever, besides Mathew is the one who bought it." I grumbled thinking of the smaller amount of money he gave me due to our contract.

"Still…" Zoe said as she thought for a second.

"Do you have anything on you that would work as a present?" She asked me as I shrugged.

"I have a few dungeon drops but that is it." I said to her as she sighed.

"What rarity is your highest?" She asked me as I just stared at her.

"What is yours?" I asked her as she sighed.

"You little brat…just tell me if you have a rare or higher." She said as I slowly nodded.

"How many?" She asked me.

"I have a few things…well I do have an earth drake's heart." I said as her eyes went wide as most of the princess also seemed in shock.

"Y-You have a legendary grade item with you?" Zoe asked me as I slowly nodded. As I did she seemed to blink a few times and then quickly sort some things about as she quickly sighed and then turned to me. In an instant a large glass jar with a cork stopper in the top appeared in front of me. I could tell it was magical as there was a magic circle on the cork that gave off a faint light.

"Here put the heart in here, it will work as a gift." She said as she stared intently at me. After a few seconds I slowly opened up my inventory as I took out a basketball sized heart that was still wet and warm due to my item storage. As I brought it out Zoe's eyes went even wider as I quickly put it in the large jar and sealed it. Instantly the jar began to shrink until it was the size of a liter one as I held it.

Inside the jar was now a silently floating heart as it looked just cut out of the chest. Still I looked around as everyone stared at it in awe as Zoe slowly reached out her hands and took it from me as she examined it. As she did she began mumbling to herself as she examined the heart.

"Where did you get this?" She asked me.

"I…found it on the ground somewhere." I said.

Alert! Lie failed!

"Sure you did." She said as her look instantly told me she didn't believe me but didn't continue on with poking at my frail lie that failed in the first place.

"I have never seen one so fresh. Most of the ones I have seen are all shriveled up, alchemist never find enough compatible items to make anything with them or runemaster find good enough materials to draw inscriptions. However I heard that during the banquet that the eldest daughter will be presenting the youngest with a legendary grade dragon bone bow. This would be perfect for the rune master to use to enchant her bow." She said as I nodded as she handed back the floating heart in a jar.

"Is it really that good?" I asked her looking at the heart.

"Psssh!" Zoe sounded out with an exasperated flood of air as in laughing in a way.

"Really that good? Do you hear yourself? This one item can give any legendary grade item 4 enchantments per equipment type. The two most likely the bow get are increased damage against drakes and earthen rain the remaining two will most likely be another skill and element damage bonus of a sort." She explained to me as I let out a whistle.

"Well I just killed this gift giving session." I said with a smirk as I put the jar in my inventory as Zoe rolled her eyes.

"Funny." She said as I noticed the carriage finally pulling to a stop as I looked out to see a massive rock wall that indicated it was a castle in the middle of a city.

"We staying here tonight?" I asked Zoe as she nodded.

"Yes any princes and princess will lodge in the castle guest chambers for the next week. All our guards and servants must lodge in the inns nearby." She explained to me as I nodded slowly as we started moving again as I noticed very slim but powerful looking lamia guards on both sides of the entrance.

"So when is the party?" I asked Zoe.

"Later tonight is the beginning of a weeklong party for a sort, but this is also the night that the princess will make her appearance. So be on your best behavior for the time being, the hunt will commence tomorrow for the next two days and the remaining four days will be given to the competition." She said as I nodded.

"Well it can't be all that bad." I said as the carriage continued into the capital.


"I can't believe I have to wear this." I said as I pulled at the collar of my suit. I refused to wear any of the frilly prince crap and shitty colorful stuff so I had the designer make me a completely new attire. Though he had only a few hours to make the suit I give him credit as this suit wasn't half bad.

What I had him make was a simple white button up shirt with the sleeves coming to elbow. Black silk pants that came with black leather shoe, the leather was some drake leather that I had on me. Finally on top of the short sleeved shift I had a vest made of grey silk, this was all completed by my fingerless puppet mage's gloves that each had a magic circle on the back. If I had to say so myself I looked fine, but that was by earth standards.

Due to my weird fashion sense Zoe and Mathew both forced me to wear my spirit mage cloak. The cloak itself was like a large bathrobe with fancy silver designs depicting spirits and other spirit related things on a black silk cover. Still I didn't mind to clip the front of it as it rested on my shoulders letting anyone facing me still see my clothes while hiding every other angle.

Unfortunately for me the cloak kept pulling on my vest and shirt making it choke me as I had to constantly straighten it. But I managed as I found myself with a glass of wine and a small bite of meat and cheese with a small stick through it. I had yet to see either the principal or Zoe as I continued to look around for them.

"Come to the party early they said, it is good manners they said." I mumbled as I finished my meat and cheese on a stick as I gave my half-finished wine glass to a lamia dressed in a maids outfit with a plate of dirty dishes.

"Perseus." I heard as I turned to see Mathew dressed in a fancy and colorful silk dress of a sort that reminded me of 1700's on earth. Still it looked somewhat decent on him as the bright blue designs seemed to compliment the grey tone of the suit. Yet he didn't have a wig so I was kind of unhappy that he didn't get to embarrass himself.

"You're late." I said to him as adjusted my cloak again.

"No I am on time you are simply early." He said as I rolled my eyes and adjusted my sleeves of my cloak a little. I swear this thing was going to be the death of me.

"So where is Zoe…?" But I just got my answer as said princess came walking over to us in a very sexy skin tight blue dress that complemented her blue skin. Unlike most dressed present this one didn't have the large poofy skirt on the bottom and instead had a simple one layer skirt with one side cut open to reveal her long blue legs. Her black hair was also done up in a very neat bun with several very fancy hair pins going through it.

Complete with a silk see-through scarf wrapped around her arms and neck and small handbag she was a total knockout. But what I liked most was her long ears that moved slightly every time she took a step, I don't know why but those long ears were sexy in a way. But I managed to pull myself together as Mathew elbowed me.

"You look radiant this evening." I managed to say as Zoe smiled lightly.

"I had a little help from the lamia here." She said in an elegant tone as I raised an eyebrow since she never talked to me like this, then again we were at a party so…appearances.

"Well you do look outstanding Miss. Night. Is that a traditional water nymph dress?" Mathew asked her as she nodded as it only looked like a very nice party dress to me but Zoe kind of killed it with her looks.

"Yes it is, actually it was just released by my mother's head designer not too long ago. But I must say you look dashing as well." She said with a smile as Mathew gave her one of his own.

"So where is Gaia?" Asked Zoe as I pointed to my shoulder as a small fairy in a pure white dress made of leaves appeared. Apparently Gaia can change her clothes in that small form so she decided to go with a nice white dress that still held the nature feel to it.

"Why are you hiding?" Asked Zoe.

"I didn't want to cause a big disturbance before you guys got here, so I had Gaia hide so nobody would think I was a divine spiritualist." I said as they seemed to understand.

"I am simply amazed you were so precautious." Said Mathew.

"Well I try." I said as suddenly horns began to go off as everyone at the party turned to see female horn bearers blowing the long metal horns as a lamia in fancy clothes came out of balcony room with two large stair ways leading up to it.

"The queen has arrived." She said as everyone looked to the room behind the announcer as a lamia with golden scales appeared from the room wearing a queen's garb was made of a light silk like fabric that covered her torso and a see-through veil covered part of her tail. It gave her a very elegant but proud look. It also gave of a slight feel of a warrior in the way the colors were patterned.

"I thank everyone who has come tonight to my youngest daughter's coming of age ceremony. However in the crowd we do have a few special guests in the crowd as well." She said as I felt all eyes on the three of us as well as the other princes and princess around the room who weren't lamias.

"Coming all the way from the plains of grass I have personally invited several nobles to discuss a new trade agreements between our two countries as well as to help as well as a few princes and princess to help strengthen our younger generation's bonds!" She said as everyone murmured as about it as this was big news.

"However in this group of people from the plains of grass I have also invited one a special someone who also wishes for friendship between our two countries. Please if you will introduce him Mathew." Said the queen as I felt all eyes on me as Gaia gracefully floated beside me.

"Good evening everyone I am Mathew Jinx principle of Crystal Tower Academy in the Plains of Grass. I would like you all to welcome my student Perseus Jackson who is one of our countries new divine spiritualists. He comes to pay his respects to the queen and her daughters." He said as everyone seemed intrigued as I gave a small wave which seemed to make the queen smile.

"We hope that in the future our two countries can become two of the same and have many years of peace and tranquility. Now let us begins my daughter's special day." She said as everyone cheered as Mathew patted my back however just then the horns began again. As we all turned to see a few female lamia all of which looked no younger than 14 began to funnel out of the area the queen came from.

Each one dressed in the finest garbs just as fancy as the queens while still retaining their warrior look as each teenage lamia was led down by an older one. Each one having a different color of scales from green jade to light pink and even a shiny brown.

"I thought there was only one daughter." I whispered to Mathew.

"There is only one daughter but these are other noble daughters who share the same coming of age ceremony as the queen's daughter. Since the coming of ager ceremony only happens twice a year then all royalty kind of pile their daughters together for one large party. This keeps relationships strong but if the queen has a daughter then it is their special day since all the other girls kind of get overshadowed." He explained to as I now understood.

"So which one is the queen's daughter?" I asked him.

"She is just coming out now." He said as I turned to see a similarly young lamia with a much fancier garb on which was pure white silk and it had the lower body veil as well. Her face was young and cute to say the least, like a little sister who you could never hate. But like her mother and every other lamia in the room she had a small amount of scale above and below her ear. But the most interesting thing about her was her hair and scales which were both perfectly white, giving her a very pure feel.

"Wow." I said surprised at the queen's youngest looks.

"Oh?" Asked a teasing Mathew as I coughed lightly.

"I mean she is overwhelmingly pure and naïve looking." I said as he laughed.

"I understand what you mean." He said as he finished teasing me as I turned my attention to the women leading her as I felt an overwhelming sense of déjà vu hit me as I stared at the women.

"W-Who is that?" I asked Mathew as I motioned to the women leading the youngest princess.

"She is the queen's eldest daughter that Zoe told you about, her name is Selene if you must know." He said as I stared at the lamia as I didn't want to believe my hunch at the moment.

"Well she is quiet beautify so it is no wonder she had Perseus eye." Said Zoe in a slightly annoyed tone that Mathew paid no mind to as Gaia giggled a little.

"She is indeed a looker but that is not the reason." I said as Zoe raised an eyebrow. However seconds later the last princess reached the bottom of the stair as the queen smiled.

"Now all of you have a nice ball and the dancing will be later, for now I wish for you all to get to know one another and converse." She said as everyone looked out way as I felt a chill run down my back. But before anyone could make a move a voice called out which made everyone scamper away.

"Zoey!" Called out the voice as said oldest queen daughter accompanied by the youngest shot our direction as a smile spread across Zoe's face.

"Selene it has been too long." She said as I watched the two hug one another as I couldn't help but get a little dizzy as I stared at Selene. The reason being was her current features matched one very familiar lady.

Her attire was much more conserved and instead of silk she had hard formal leather armor on complete with silver designs. Instead of a silk veil she had a leather skirt of a sort that covered some of her tail and front. Her scales were a beautiful silver color than ran the length of all 8 feet of tail. Her face was a soft beautiful one that had a perfect everything from her plump lips to her sharp predator eyes.

Her tiny amount of scales above and below her ear only seemed to compliment them as they seemed slightly longer than most lamia's. But up top her head was the most perfect shade of auburn hair that cascaded down her back in a waterfall. Still even with her waterfall of auburn hair her silver eyes seemed to gleam in delight as she hugged Zoe. If she didn't have the large tail I would assume that she was Artemis brought back to life.

"Indeed it has Zoe." She said as I stared at the two as they seemed to notice the awkwardness they both brought.

"Oh excuse me, my name is Selene Longtail eldest of the queen's daughters." She said to Mathew as he slightly nodded as she turned to me as she gave me a look that seemed to think less of me.

"Perseus Jackson." I replied back as she seemed to still judge me.

"You're much younger than I first thought." She said as I lightly laughed as her attitude was spot on with Artemis's.

"Greeting milady." Said the small fairy on my shoulder as Selene smiled as Gaia did as well.

"So you are the great divine spirit." She said as Gaia nodded.

"Yes I am, I am sorry for my masters current attitude you look very similar to someone he met long ago." She said as Selene nodded as I felt a mental conversation coming my way with Gaia in the next few minutes.

"So how do you two know one another?" I asked as I motioned to the two.

"We met long ago in a dungeon and traveled with one another for a while. I like to think of Zoe as a sister even if she is not blood related." Selene said as I nodded as Zoe blushed.

"You know my sister?" Said a beaming child as the youngest popped into our conversation as I smiled at her overall cuteness.

"Yes I do but I only saved her a few times in the dungeon nothing worth being close enough to be sisters though." Said Zoe.

"Tracy why don't you talk to Perseus I am sure he would love your company." Suddenly said Selene as she seemed to want to get rid of me and leave her alone with Zoe. Mathew himself was already long gone as he was attracting all the older cougar like lamias. However Tracy just nodded and faced me as I gave her a light smile, at the same time Zoe and Selene left us.

"So what do you like doing?" Tracy asked me as I shrugged.

"I don't really have much of a hobby but if I had to guess it would be leveling myself." I said as she just laughed as I noticed some jealous stares from other teenage lamias.

"You're funny." She said as I felt like I was talking to a child, well I was but one that was trapping a 5 year old inside.

'Gaia I need and explanation.' I mentally shot the fairy as she gave Tracy a smile.

"Hello." Said Gaia to Tracy as she sent me a mental message.

'I sense a similar soul inside her that I encountered on earth.' She said as she still held her conversation with Tracy.

'Yes but please don't tell me it is Artemis. While I do find it funny in the irony of the fact that she is part snake and she hated them on earth, I do not want my militaristic trainer back in my life.' I sent her back.

'Well I am sorry to say it is most likely her, the only other one it could be is actually Selena or Phoebe. However the similarities that this Selene and Artemis have is uncanny, but I cannot see her info so there is no way to be sure. If I was you I would either get strong enough for you [Analyze] skill to work or just ask her to see her info.' She said back as I prayed that is was Selena instead of Artemis.

'I will see what I can do in this week, however if I find out nothing that is okay as long as I never see her again.' I said with a shiver as I noticed Tracy smiling as Gaia told her a dirty joke.

"Perseus can you use magic?" Asked Tracy as I slowly nodded as her eyes went wide.

"Can you show me?" she asked me as I thought for a second.

"Sure I guess-." But I was cut off.

"Everyone Perseus is going to show us some magic!" Tracy yelled as I felt a stab in my heart as this overly enthusiastic snake girl seemed to be killing my mentality slowly.

"Really?" Asked a few with interest as I felt cornered.

"Yep!" She said as chatter began to liven up as the divine spiritualist was going to show off his moves.

"Well then we must take this to the courtyard." Said a new voice as everyone turned to see the queen with Mathew beside her side as I inwardly groaned.

"Well if everyone insists." Is aid as everyone voiced their opinion for their need of entertainment.

'I guess I will figure out this Artemis look alike sooner or later, for now I need to put on a magic show.' I said to myself.

"Well alright let's go outside." I said as everyone cheered as I sighed and wondered what spell I was going to use to impress the queen and everyone else

Name: Perseus Jackson

Age: 13

Title: The Dark Gamer (All stats increased by number of main lv of player.)

Title: Empty

Title: Empty

Title: Empty

Race-Guess and you might find out

Jobs/Class: (8/8)

Warrior lv-29 (STR+29, VIT+39)

Barbarian lv-22 (STR+32, END+22, DEX+22)

Medic lv-12 (INT+12, WIS+22, FAI+12)

Spirit user lv-9 (INT+9, WIS+9, FAI+19)

Archer lv-18 (DEX+28, VIT+18)

Blacksmith lv-9 (STR+19, END+9)

Puppet user lv-7 (FAI+7, LUC+17)

Alchemist lv-5 (INT+15, WIS+5, LUC+5)

Level: 56 Xp: 381,600/2,629,000(1/5) =525,800

Health 28000/28000

Mana 14000/14000

STR-206(+56+29+32+19) =342

END-60(+56+22+9) =143

DEX-42(+56+22+28) =148

VIT-51(+56+39+18) =168

INT-71(+56+12+9+15) =163

WIS-71(+56+22+8+5) =162

FAI-46(+56+12+19+7) =140

LUC-37(+56+17+5) =115



MONEY: 9 PT 145WG 855G 789S 1929C

PERSONAL INFO— Perseus Jackson was the son of Sally Jackson and Poseidon but he is now the son of ? and ?. Due to his new life he no longer possess his powers from Poseidon and is now as close to human as he has ever been.

STATS— Due to his birth #$$%1^^W%7%78#%72286# $%+5 $%# $%