Chapter 14

Disclaimer: I do not own Percy Jackson

Beta: Caracac

Warning: Contains blood, gore, sex, possible rape, sword fights, dark shit you will never be unseen, demons, angels, witches, wizards, medieval crap, and finally pure unadulterated badassery.


I didn't even manage to read the alerts as the man swiped his hand again as a barrier appeared around us as I saw multiple attacks hit it as Mathew and the queen were bombarding it. Even Zoe and Artemis were pounding away.

"There we go now-." However just as he was about to grab my head he stopped as he seemed to have sense something as he looked up in the sky as if an invisible pressure was boring down on him.

"Oh?" He made a very surprised tone as his face contorted into one of frustration.

"You think your threat will prevent his death!?" He yelled up at the sky as suddenly his face contorted again.

"So I just can't kill him? Fine then I will send him to a place that he will die." He said as his hand fell on top of my head. In the next second the sky before me flashed with multiple colors and it then felt like my body was being torn apart. The next second I passed out but not before watching the man's face suddenly show pure fear and then my world went black.


I was in a world of darkness as I felt my consciousness floating on a sea of nothing. I could only stare at the starry sky above me as the waves lapped at my sides. I knew this was a dream but I couldn't bring why to move as I could feel a sandy shore on my bare back. Besides the soft sand and cool water the stars around me were the constellations you could see from earth so I couldn't help but stare.

But besides the sky and the shore I was laying on everything else was black. But as I laid there in my silence I couldn't help but feel something prick at my mind. I could only sigh as this nagging feeling got more and more annoying like I was trying to remember something that I had forgotten. But as I stared up at the sky suddenly a new light began to enter my vision as I focused on it.

After a few seconds the light slowly came slower as it looked like a…butterfly. The small insect slowly got closer and closer as I noticed it was completely white giving it no distinct features. But I slowly reached up my hand as the butterfly silently landed on my finger. Yet I felt nothing as the butterfly just sat there in silence sometimes flapping its small wings. Slowly I sat up and examined the bug on my finger, it seemed so delicate on my finger.

As I stared at the butterfly suddenly it flew away as I just watched it slip away into the distance. I could only sigh at the sight but then suddenly I felt something land on my shoulder as I slowly turned to see a hand. My eyes went wide as I stared at the hand on my shoulder as it could tell it was that of an aged man who had been through a hundred battles.

"I am sorry." Said a man's voice as the hand slowly slid off my shoulder as I tried to turn around the second I did a blast of white light came right at me.

"AHH!" I screamed out as I suddenly sat up as I felt a cold sweat covering my body. I however quickly looked around to find only stone walls and ceiling. I then patted down my body feeling for an injury but I found none as I flopped back onto my back as I let a hand rest on my face as I took a few deep breaths. But then reality came back to me as I quickly sat up again and looked around to find myself in what looked to be a cave.

However in the middle of the cave was a fire made of a few logs and the place I was laying wasn't the ground but a raised stone platform just for a bed. As I continued to look around I noticed a few camping supplies laying on the ground along with some bones of animals. The cave itself was only about 10 feet wide and 7 feet tall which gave it a nice roomy feeling. Even the fire somehow didn't give off smoke and it perfectly warmed the room.

Along with the fire I noticed there was three other beds just like mine on the surrounding walls. I couldn't help but guess this was some sort of camp for adventures in a dungeon. That brought another thought to my mind were in the hell was I? I however suddenly had a sudden rumble run through me as I reached down to my stomach as it continued to beg for food. I then felt just how parched my throat was. I quickly looked around until I noticed a small tray of meats and a large cup of water sitting not a few feet from me.

I quickly took up the tray and began scarfing down the overcooked meat, I didn't care how rubbery or burnt it was it tasted amazing at the moment. I then gulped down all the water in the cup but I was still parched as I quickly went to my inventory to suddenly find nearly all my things were completely gone. I could only gape in shock at what I had left from all my items.

All I had left were two skill books, my alchemist association membership card, my talisman of concealment, all my magic scrolls to increase skill levels, and finally my earth drakes soul. Basically everything that I had from the drake and all my weapons were completely gone. Even my maps of the capital and the Gullion dungeon were gone. However something new had popped up in my inventory and that was labeled [?] and I couldn't take it out of my inventory.

"Dammit." I said as I slowly took out what was left of my inventory as I examined the items. I however didn't have time to scan over then as I hear the movement of a large rock as I quickly put away the times. Just then the sound of a heavy stone being moved again as the sound of multiple people began to move towards the small cavern. I quickly laid back down and faked being asleep.

"Oh man I am tired." Said a…male? No it was a women…actually couldn't tell at whether it was a woman or man.

"Well maybe if you hadn't charged towards the Black slime like an idiot then maybe you wouldn't be so tired." Said a female's voice, this time I could easily tell.

"It's called strategy sis look it up." Said the…boy. Let's go with boy for the moment. But at that you would basically hear her roll her eyes as she snorted at him.

"If that is strategy then if you get a job in the military I will fear for our nation." She said back to him.

"Ha Ha Ha." He said as he fake laughed at his so called sister. From the sounds of it the two couldn't be much older than 18 however the boy was hard to tell.

"Both of you enough." Said a much older male's voice, about 40 to 45 years old I guess, as the brother and sister instantly shut up. The male's voice itself sounded somewhat dark but authoritative as he commanded the children to silence themselves.

"Ah he ate the food." Said the female as I heard her run over to my bed as I continued to fake being asleep.

"Hmm." The older male said as he walked over to me as I suddenly felt something be placed on my head. It felt like a hand to me, as the hand remained on my head the hand was pulled away as the man sighed.

"If you are going to continue faking I am going to have to ask you to leave." Said the older male as I roughly sighed. At the same time the girl seemed spooked as shuffled away just as I opened my eyes and sat up on the bed.

As I did I was met with an interesting sight. The old man was indeed in his 40's and had a full head of black short hair. Instead of leather armor he had on shiny black armor that gave him the look of a dark knight. He even had on a black cape that gave him a cooler look. The armor itself looked very high class and was very compact as well and looked to allow him to move with ease. However his face showed slight disdain as he stared at me with his dark brown eyes.

The girl was actually about 16 years old and had long black hair that was tucked beneath a black cloak. However instead of white skin her skin was a chocolate brown and on her head was two long black ears. Her face was very beautiful and delicate while giving off a very sharp feel yet comforting at the same time. Her eyes were a beautiful dark brown and underneath her cloak I caught the sight of black leather armor and the tip of a bow. Instantly I could tell that she was a dark elf.

To her side was the boy and he looked to be about 14 years old and instead of the dark skin like his sister he had pure white skin. He also looked completely human however his face made it extremely difficult to tell if he was male or female. He had both features of a young women and a young male at the same time which made it difficult to tell what gender he was. What made it worse was that he had longer than average black hair that was in a small ponytail and sparkling black eyes. I actually didn't know if he was human at this point.

But along with the other two he had on the black cloak and with what looked to be half leather armor half metal. I more or less deducted their roles in this adventure party. The older man was the tank and frontline, the young women was the archer and backlines, and finally the young man was most likely the warrior/thief and was the scout or damage dealer.

"I am sorry I just wanted to be sure." I said as the old man laughed lightly.

"Do not worry I suspected the same thing." He said as I nodded.

"Umm I am sorry to be a bother but may I ask you where I am?" I asked the man as he stared at me.

"You are on the 121 level of the Fiend dungeon." He said as I gave him a blank look.

"I am not sure where that is." I said as he raised an eyebrow.

"Well then let me ask you a question where are you from?" He asked me as the other two sat down across from us.

"I am from the plains of grass." I said as the man just stared.

"Plains of grass you say?" He asked me as I nodded. I knew that the best thing to do was tell the truth since the man's level was much higher than mine.

"Yes." I said as he seemed to think.

"Hmm." He thought for a second as he looked me over.

"Well you aren't lying that much I can tell, however your appearance here is unexpected. No person of your level could reach this far in the dungeon." He said as the two younger people just stared at me.

"Well you are currently in Country of Billows which is on the other side of the planet from your home." He said as I felt my mind go blank as I opened my mouth to say something but couldn't.

"Did something happen to you that made you come here?" Asked the girl in a sweet voice as the man shot her a glance then turned back to me.

"I think I was forcefully teleported away by some man." I said as the man slowly nodded.

"…wait…no it couldn't…boy." He said as he looked at me.

"Have you ever heard of a boss stone?" He asked me as I slowly shook my head as he sighed.

"The man when he teleported you did you see something in his hand?" He asked me as shook my head.

"…" He only put his hand on his chin and closed his eyes as he seemed to be thinking. Just then he opened his eyes as if he figured it out.

"Boy why were you sent here?" He asked me.

"The man said he was sending here to kill me." I said as he chuckled.

"So that is how it is." He said as he stood up at the same time he looked at me.

"Well from what you have told me and the information I know of then you must have pissed off someone very powerful to get yourself here. To actually use a boss teleport stone to send you across the world. I don't know what you did but whatever it was it must have been serious." He said in an exasperated tone.

"I didn't do anything though, he suddenly came up to me and started talking about me like I was some sort of extinct creature." I said as the girl and the boy's faces contorted a little as the man glanced at them.

"Discrimination of different species runs deep in all cultures, I have seen many examples of it before. Still you are lucky we found you when we did." He said as he quickly changed the subject. I could only glance at the dark elf girl and the mystery boy.

"That reminds me, where did you find me? I have no memory of actually arriving here." I said as the man looked at me.

"It is better we show you than tell you." He said as stood up.

"You two stay here I will take…" He said as he looked at me.

"Percy." I said as he nodded.

"I will take Percy out for a bit." He said as they nodded. After that I stood up and followed him out of the cavern and to the end of the small tunnel. With that he reached forward and moved the massive rock with ease. In the next second we were outside the cavern as I looked around to find a massive plain of rivers made of lava, blackened rock, and geysers. I could only stare at the cloud covered sky as the man closed the makeshift door behind us.

I then turned around to see a large hill covered in the blackened stone but somehow the entrance was perfectly hidden with the stone door. However as I stared the man suddenly tossed me something as I caught it. I looked down in my hand to see a small talisman with a snowflake on it.

"This will keep you cool, also I am going to carry you." He said as suddenly I was being picked up with ease as I didn't even have time to struggle. In the next second he had jumped into the air with me in tow. I didn't even have time to blink before we were hundreds of feet in the air as the air whipped past us.

"I thought this was a normal dungeon!" I screamed at him.

"It is! This dungeon's level grown in size every level it goes down! This level itself is more than 900 in diameter! But we are going up a level to where we found you!" He yelled as he started to descend from his jump. But before we even made it to the ground he pulled out a black mithril sword and suddenly slashed at the sky in front of us. Just then a slash of dark energy flew out of his sword into the air.

With that I suddenly heard cries explode from the soot clouds above us as I watched nearly twenty massive molten falcons fall from the sky. Most were cut in have while some had their wings chopped off. I could only stare in awe as the massively strong monsters were defeated in just a second.

"Close your eyes we are going to go faster!" He said as I obeyed his command as he landed on the ground without a noise. Then a second later I felt wind hit me with 5 times the speed as before. This continued on for about 30 mins before I heard his feet finally make sound as they were coming to a halt.

"Go ahead and open your eyes we are here." He said as he sat me down like a bag of luggage as I felt my body turn into jelly for a second. Slowly I opened my eyes as I was stunned to see a massive 15 foot door in front of us. The door itself was just standing there alone in the open with nothing attached to it. The man was just standing beside it staring at me as he beckoned me to move. I just followed his command as I entered to find a massive stair way that lead up forever.

"So tell me kid, what is your specialty?" He asked me as I looked over at him.

"What do you mean?" I asked him.

"I mean how do you fight? Magic? Swords? Spirits?" He asked me as I slowly nodded.

"I fight with…everything I can use." I said as he just stared at me.

"Most focus on one thing." He said as I nodded.

"As do I but my talent lies in all aspects, I even had a divine spirit at my side before she was destroyed." I said as his eyebrow was raised.

"Destroyed?" He asked me.

"That man I told you about destroyed her." I said as I felt emotion build in my throat as I held it back.

"You said she was a divine spirit?" He asked me as I nodded.

"Then she is fine." He said as I looked over at him with surprise in my eyes.

"A divine spirit cannot be simply destroyed regardless of level difference. She will come back to you in a month or two, it all depends on your mana." He said as I felt my emotions stir a little more as suddenly a tear escaped my eyes. However I quickly wiped it away as the man didn't seem to pay attention.

"So what is your name?" I asked the man as he glanced at me.

"My name is Clymenus." He said as I nodded slowly.

"You are human?" I asked him as he shook his head.

"Are you?" He asked me as I stopped walking up the stair as the man stopped and turned back to me.

"I…I don't know." I said as his eyes flickered with emotion.

"There are a few races that are very similar to humans so do not worry. You will find out what it is one day." He said as I looked at his back as it got farther away.

"Is that why you are taking care of a dark elf and the boy? Is it because you aren't human?" I asked him as he continued walking.

"I am taking care of them because they are my children." He said as I slowly nodded as I caught up.

"Mind me asking what species you are?" I asked him.

"I am one of the Morphed humans." He said as I had no idea what that was.

"Mind me asking what species that is?" I asked him as he chuckled.

"We have many similarities with human however at birth we are given no gender. For the first 16 years of our life we can decided to become a woman or man. If we do not decide to choose before then then we change to the one which we resemble most. However if we fall in love with a woman or man we will change based on that." He said as I was surprised.

"Did you choose or fall in love?" I asked him as he laughed.

"That is a little personal." He said as I quickly apologized. After that we continued to walk in silence.

"Might I ask their names?" I asked him as he nodded.

"Yes their names are Viola and Angel." He said as I noticed they both got semi none gender specific names.

"Nice names." I said as he nodded.

"Same as you, I have never heard the name Percy before." He said.

"Actually my full name is Perseus, Perseus Jackson." I said as he glanced at me.

"That is a dark and powerful name." He said as I guess he wasn't wrong.

"Yes it is, so beside all this what is going to happen to me after we return?" I asked him.

"One of two things can happen, one you come with us until we reach 10 more levels lower and return with us. Second you can start going up on your own and risk it." He said as I was surprised.

"I think I will choose to go with you. From what I could tell this place is well beyond anything I can handle." I said as he nodded.

"Good but afterwards it is your choice to stay with us or return home. However I advise you to wait until you are stronger to traverse the world. Your power is simply too tiny." He said as I sighed.

"What level would I need?" I asked him as he glanced at me.

"With your elevated stats I would say at least 1000." He said as I sighed. That level was much too far away.

"Hey I was wondering why did you save me in the first place?" I asked him as he glanced at me as I saw a dark flash in his eyes.

"Angel…took interest in you." He said as I stopped in my tracks.

"In what kind of way?" I asked him as he just stared at me but didn't answer as he continued on his way up the stairs.

"Okay…" I said as the awkward silence filled the stair way as we stopped talking.

"Here we are." He said as we reached the door as he slowly pushed it open revealing a large open room that was much smaller than the level below. However it still was much larger than any normal room I had ever seen.

"Seems empty." I said as he began to move forward as I looked around but couldn't find anything. The entire room was basically empty other than some battle marks in the walls, no monsters entered my view as I continued to walk around until Clymenus motioned for me to follow him.

I slowly walked after him as he started moving through the huge room as it appeared to have multiple hallways and large rooms. But as we continued to walk I decided to ask Cly a question.

"What is this place?" I asked him as he glanced back at me.

"This is the floor boss level at 120, fortunately the boss already died a few days ago so we don't have to worry about being attacked." He said as I slowly walked behind him.

"The boss has a respawn time?" I asked him as he nodded.

"120 days is the time it takes for it to respawn." He said as I nodded.

"I guess that it is based off the level it is on." I said as he nodded again.

"Yeah each bosses respawn time is determined by the level they are on. Anyways we are here." He said as he motioned ahead of him. As he did my eyes went wide as I slowly walked forwards to the scene before me.

In front of me was a massive gash in the wall, but the gash itself was weird in every way. The fact that it looked like someone had taken a massive bite of the wall. The bite though was nearly 20 stories tall and the area around the bite was covered in dried blood like something had exploded out. But most of it was erased in the massive mark on the wall as the bite went nearly 30 feet deep into the black stone.

"This is where we found you." He said as me motioned in front of the massive bite mark in an area that the bite went into the ground a little before reaching the wall. I could only stare in awe as I suddenly felt a nagging feeling in my head that said that I caused this massive mark in the stone. But as I stared at it Cly only stood there in silence.

"When we got here this place was already like this and you were laying passed out on the ground right in front of that. The boss monster was nowhere to be found and when we arrived and you were what was left. I don't know what happened here and I suspect neither do you so I thought maybe you could help me figure it out." He said as I slowly crouched down and slide my hand over the glass smooth surface of the massive bite mark.

"Well…I do possess an eating ability but it is nothing like this." I said as he raised an eyebrow.

"What kind?" He asked me as I looked up at him.

"It is a simply skill taught when one is young that allows one to eat any organic food cooked or not to survive in the dungeon." I said as he nodded slowly.

"I know of a few skills like that." He said as he watched me interact with the smooth surface of the massive bit as if felt a churning in my gut. I could only guess what had happened but as I tried to remember nothing came to my mind.

"So nothing comes to mind when you see it?" He asked me as I slowly shook my head.

"I know you might not believe me but I have no recollection of this place." I said as he nodded his head.

"I suspected as much." He said.

"So does this change anything?" I asked him as he shrugged.

"Depends." He said.

"How so?" I asked him.

"This here." He said motioning to the massive bite mark.

"If this turns into something that can threaten my children with you around them then I will be forced to ask you to leave us once we get out of this dungeon. Until then you can stay with us but be warned I will be watching your every move." He said threatening me as I nodded quickly.

"So don't fuck up." I said as he nodded.

"Yeah don't fuck up." He said as I sighed.

"Ever heard of the divine species Percy?" He asked me suddenly as I raised an eyebrow.

"Can't say I have." I said.

"A divine species is a species that stands above the rest and holds special powers that the world seems to bow to. There are a few divine species alive in this world right now but each one is so powerful that they are hunted down by normal people. But they still live on in the corners of this world even to this day. But I cannot say for certain but Perseus if this is connected to anything then it would be a divine species." He said as I was surprised.

"How so?" I asked him.

"I think that when you were teleported here one of the divine species must have been battling the boss monster. They saw you and knocked you out while removing your memory and then proceed to use some special skill to consume the boss monster. But this is just a theory." He said as I just stared at the smooth scare in the wall.

"Maybe." I said as I slowly stood up as I turned back to Cly.

"We should get going." He said as I nodded. But just as we started walking he stopped and turned to me.

"Also don't tell my children about any of this, also don't tell them about these divine species." He said as I nodded quickly as he just stared at me.

"Very well then welcome to the party Percy." He said as he turned around and started to walk as I chuckled a little.

"Are you always this happy?" I asked him as he snorted at my joke.

"Only when something good happens but I don't think you will ever see that side of me." He said as I could only sigh. However he did leave an odd thought in my mind. If Hades was to be reincarnated then this man would be who he would be like. But I couldn't just assume that as I was forced to accept my predicament and wait for Gaia to return to me before I could determine any of that.

"Hey I have a question." I said as he looked at me.

"What's up?" He asked me.

"If you were to guess my species what would you guess?" I asked him as he put a hand on his chin and seemed to think.

"If I had to guess due to the information I knew I would put in in the group of elevated humans. However this consists of 40 different species in total and 15 of which are extinct." He said as he looked at me.

"Any guesses?" I asked him.

"I don't have enough information to do that. However if I were to guess then I would say you are a…Magnus human. However you don't quiet possess the mana a normal Magnus human would have but you are extremely close so that is my guess." He said as I sighed a little.

"Magnus human huh." I said which quiet didn't sound right to me but I do admit it sounded kind of cool.

"Remember it is just a guess I could be wrong. Also don't go telling anyone that you aren't a normal human. People don't exactly like different species humans. That is why 15 are extinct." He said as I slowly nodded.

"What about Morphed humans." I said as he glanced at me.

"My species is being hunted just as well. However after the age of 16 our species has little to no differences from a normal human other than higher stats." He said as I nodded slowly as I felt an ache in my heart. I guess even on this world discrimination was as lively as it was on earth.

"Let's get back." He said as I nodded as I followed him to the door as I somehow felt much safer with Cly at my side. Maybe it was because we were both elevated humans or he reminded me of Hades. But either way I knew I could trust him regardless of his sour attitude. I could only chuckle as I thought of my dark attitude that somehow lightened around him. But I paid it no mind as I continued to follow him.


"Again." I said as I stared down at Angel as he growled lightly and charged me again. Cly and Viola both watching from the side as I stood weaponless as I put Angel on the ground for the 7th time. Yet he only let out a yell as he skillfully yet angrily swung his sword at me, this had become the custom of the past month and a half in the dungeon.

However I easily deflected the blade yet again with a light tap to the side of it as I set it way off its course. Angel only yelled out in anger as he kept attacking me with anger fueling him as I continued to deflect all his blows with my martial arts. Lately I was trying to combined it with my [Ancient Greek Swordplay] to create some super swordplay that could deflect blows like a rock in water and then attack as fast as possible. But I was having no such luck as the martial arts and sword arts didn't want to work together.

"Control your center of gravity better." I said as my foot kicked out and lightly tapped the side his knee as he was instantly sent onto one knee. In the next second he tried to backslash at me but my hand caught his elbow ending all his momentum as I quickly jabbed underneath his ribs several times before I let go and quickly jumped away.

"Fuck!" Angel cried out in pain as Viola and Cly both laughed a little as Angel just stared at me as I motioned for him to come forward.

"You're the one that wanted to train with me so come on." I said as he slowly stood up with sword in hand as he suddenly brought back his arm and chucked his sword at me. Though I was surprised I quickly deflected the blade with my palms, as I did I quickly twirled as the tip of the sword was sent right into the ground as I managed to carry the blade with me for the full rotation of the spin.

So basically the sword spun with me and right now the blade was planted firmly in the ground right between me and Angel. However I was too slowly as Angel suddenly tackled me as we began to tumble on the ground. Angel threw as many punches he could though they were strong they were easily dodged as I began to perform some grappling skills on him. I didn't take long for his head to be between my legs as I performed a leg lock on him as his arms tried to pry my leg off his throat.

"Wow that was 30 seconds more than last time." Said Viola in a confident attitude as Cly sent his daughter a look before turning back to me and Angel as I kept him in the leg lock.

"Give up or you will pass out." I said as Angel gave me a defiant look but then tapped my leg as I let him go. He then began to cough violently as he got on all four and heaved for air as I just watched him struggle to get his breath back in him.

"How does a level 412 get subdued by a level 129?" Cly as I shrugged lightly.

"Skill." I said as Viola laughed.

"It still amazes me to see such extraordinary skill level with such a young person. If I were to guess you a 8000 year old man stuck in a body of a 13 year old." He said as I sighed. Well he was off by age but I guess being stuck in a constant war for about 50 years of my old life and having godly teachers kind of sped up the skill leveling.

"What is your strength again?" Asked Angel as he slowly pulled up his shirt revealing a very red spot on his ribs with the imprint of a fist on it.

"Lower than yours, those strikes were made to break your ribs. A bruise is nothing short of pathetic honestly. But I must say your endurance is pretty good." I said as he rubbed the spot as he winced lightly. This was probably the worst bruise of the day that I gave him.

"Only because you beat the crap out of me each day." He said as I shrugged.

"Gives me something to do besides staying out of monster fights all day." I said. You see the reason my level had risen so much was because I formed a party with Cly and his kids. In doing so I got a .1% of any XP that came from anything I didn't kill. Using this system Cly had be forcefully leveling up his kids to make them stronger faster.

Currently we were on floor 95 and every monster on this level was between 1400 and 1420. Actually the dungeons had a special system for monster levels and the floor they were on. This enabled people to know their floor they were most proficient on to level up. However each floor itself did offer variation in the levels but that was different for different floor segments. If I remember correctly it went something like this.

Floor 1-50: 1-500 monster levels (+10 each level)

Floor 51-100: 500-1500 monster levels (+20 each level)

Floor 101-150: 1500-4000 monster levels (+50 each level)

Floor 151-200: 4000-9000 monster levels (+100 each level)

Floor 201-250: 9000-59000 monster levels (+1000 each level)

But Cly would basically put a protection spell on us and then attack the monsters as we level up unhindered. Still it got boring doing nothing so me and the siblings would spar every day to improved their skill. Cly already knowing I was more skilled than his kids just left it to me to teach them in their respected arts. Angel in swordplay and Viola and archery.

"You twerps dinner is done." Saud a female voice as both me and Angel turned to see the…sexy dark elf with two empty bowls in one hand and a long wooden spoon in the other. Complete with an apron that was over some tight fitting leather armor. I just stared as Angel went forward and grabbed the bowl as Viola told him to eat all he wanted.

"What you staring at boy?" I heard as I shivered lightly as I looked up to see Cly glaring down at me as I gulped slowly. Let's just say that for the record Cly scared the shit out of me, sure I had my mental qualities of an adult but this man still scared me.

"Oh you know…stuff." I said with a cough as Cly just glared at me however someone came to my rescue.

"Dad stop looking all gloomy at Percy or you will get more wrinkles and mom will be angry with you." Said Viola as she walked over with spoon in hand and tapped it on her Cly's chest. Her glare making him look away like a child who just got in trouble, quickly he sighed and walked past her as Viola stood there with hand on hip while shaking her head.

"Sorry." She apologized as I nodded.

"Don't be I have gotten used to it over the months." I said with a chuckle as he gave me a short glare then went to get his food.

"Still." She said as I looked at me with those dark brown eyes and oh so kissable lips…okay I think me being a teenager was deconstructing my mentality more that I first believed.

"It's fine." I said as I walked over to the pot hanging over a fire as I got myself some potato and monster meat stew. Quickly I sat down and started to scarf down the stew when suddenly another body joined me as I turned to see Viola sitting by me. I just stared for a second before turning back to my meal and eating the stew until I heard a sigh.

"What's wrong?" Asked Angel as the small boy looked over at Viola as she just stared at the untouched bowl of food.

"I don't know maybe I am just not hungry." She said as she frowned down at her bowl as if the food has offended her in some way.

"Viola you need to eat this is the third day in a row you have skipped out on a meal." Said Cly as Viola sighed again.

"I just can stomach it." She said as she continued to look down at the bowl of food.

"Are you sick?" Asked Angel with his mouth full of food.

"No I would know if I was sick." She said angrily as Cly just stared and slowly shifted his gaze to me as I hadn't said a think.

"You look like you know something." Said Cly as I glanced up at him and sighed.

"Well I might know something, but it is just a guess." I said as he raised an eyebrow.

"Anything would help." Viola said as I sighed.

"Well as far as I know Dark elves are a very nature bound species that eats mostly lean meats and herbs. My only guess is that your body is rejecting the food because your digestive track or has started to reject it." I said as they all looked to me.

"Then shouldn't I have had this issue months ago?" She asked me.

"Well you would have if not for you mother lacing most of the meats and herbs she packed you with Sulfat root." I said as they looked at me weird while Cly seemed like he finally figured something out.

"What is Sulfat root?" Asked Angel.

"It is a major digestive herb that helps heed the digestive tract to function properly. However it has only minor usage for any species besides elves and dark elves. That is because your stomach acid is stronger than most other species and can actually dissolve it, which aids you in digestion when you aren't eating your regular diet. Most will take a large amount with them while in the dungeon when they go." I said while eating another bite of the stew as I found a bone in the meat but just ate it alone with the rest.

"So you're saying Viola is…" Cly said.

"Constipated." I said as a blush instantly spread across her face and down to her neck as she blushed as hard as she could.

"W-Well…I guess I haven't gone in a few days…" She said in a quiet voice confirming my theory as we didn't have anything to add to that.

"I guess your wife never told you?" I asked Cly as he just raised and hand and scratched his head as he coughed.

"She said something about making it back before rations gave out." He said as I nodded I guess my appearance made their rations deplete quicker. Just 5 days ago we ran out acutely.

"Well is there any way you can help her?" Asked Angel as Viola looked like she wanted to be buried in a hole by herself.

"Well I can make a tonic that can last a few weeks." I said as Cly seemed suspicious.

"Where exactly did you learn all this?" He asked me as I shrugged.

"In my class at the plain of grass's top academy. I was what you would call a star student." I said as I finished off my bowl.

"How will you make it?" He asked me as I glanced over at him.

"I just need three simple ingredients; Vulcan rat blood, wall lizard skin, and a rock guppy's teeth." I said as everyone seemed surprised.

"You know alchemy?" Asked Viola.

"Well some but I know enough to make some precious tonics for things like this and healing wounds. But anything past simple adventure tonics I don't know much about. But I do know more about the ingredients that most. In fact I have never failed to not identify one." I said as they both seemed impressed as Cly scoffed at me.

"Whatever so here." Cly said as he tossed me a bag as I looked inside to find all the necessary ingredients.

"Why do you have these?" I asked him.

"Well I carry a few ingredients on me to take back to my wife, she is an alchemist if you must know." He said as I nodded slowly.

"Is she really?" I asked Viola as she nodded.

"Yeah she makes a lot of different things like potions and even magic arrays." Said Viola as I let out a 'hmph' of understanding.

"Well just give me a second here." I said as I took out several ingredients as and quickly took out a flask from the inventory that it dispensed thanks to me having the Alchemist job. Just a little perk if you will.

But after dumping the ingredients in it I began to shake it I pumped some mana through it as I felt the changes in it begin. Due to the simple ingredients needed and the properties of them I didn't need anything besides mana to stimulate the changes. After a few second I uncorked it and gave it a sniff as I nodded.

"This should do it, all you need is a drop a meal." I said as I handed it to Viola as she slowly took it and gave it a sniff.

"It smells sweet." She said surprised.

"Yeah but it is bitter if you don't eat it with something else. But it will work until you get to the surface. Also if you need more just ask." I said.

"Thanks Percy." She said as she put a drop of the red liquid on her food as she stirred it in.

"Don't mention it, you should learn the recipe and mana needed to make it." I said as she nodded as she began to eat.

Quickly night began to descend upon as Cly motioned for us all to go to bed as we followed his instructions. Due to Cly's huge level most monsters stayed away during the night however a few slipped through but didn't make it 100 feet before Cly erased them from earth. But as I laid down on my back I heard some scuffling as I glanced over to see Viola with a slightly relieved face returning to the cave as I smirked a little. I guess it must have been worse than I first thought.

Still as I sat their laid there silently I couldn't seem to fall asleep as I sighed and slowly got up. I just slowly walked out of the cave since I couldn't fall asleep. As I exited the cave I glanced around to find Cly just staring at the vast plain of rocks and mountains before us. Due to the cone like dungeon structure this place was about 700 miles in diameter.

"Hmm?" Cly glanced at me as he noticed I was up.

"Can't sleep?" He asked me as I shrugged as I looked around to find nothing but a few monster drop piles courtesy of Cly.

"Yeah." I said as I walked over and kicked a rock.

"Something on your mind?" He asked me as I shrugged.

"Not really just couldn't sleep." I said as I slowly crouched down as I picked up a stray item from the monster's that Cly killed.

"Oh." Hey said as turned back to the plain in front of him.

I just looked over the useless item as I tossed it back in the pile that Cly was forming as I to look around the dungeon level. But as I did something suddenly shook in my chest as I shuddered. The feeling was like something stepping on my chest, I could only groan in pain as I felt all my mana converge in my chest.

"Percy?" I heard as I continued to groan as the pain continued to grow in my chest. I somehow couldn't control my mana either as it continued to form a ball in my chest. It was like it was trying to form something. I then felt my legs give out as I collapsed but suddenly a pair of arms caught me as Cly slowly lowered me down to the ground on my back.

"Are you okay?" He asked me as I gasped in pain as it honestly felt like something was trying to burst from my chest.

"Chest…mana…pain." I gasped as he reached forward and broke open my shirt as he did his eyes went wide.

"What is that?" He asked me as I looked down as well as I saw something astonishing. In the middle of my sternum was a glowing spot about the size of a soft ball. Cly being the parent he was quickly put his hand on my chest as I felt his mana flood into me as he tried to figure out what was happening. But as soon as his mana touched it was sucked up like a dry sponge.

"Ahhh!" I screamed in pain as it felt like it was going to burst. But as the pain reached its pinnacle Cly ripped back his hand as the force had started to spread into his own body. But just then a new voices were heard.

"Dad what's wrong?" Asked a voice I recognized as Viola and Angel as they asked the same question at the same time.

"I don't know." He said as he stared down at my convulsing body. However just then an Alert popped up in front of me.

Alert! Blood and Mana rebirth of spirit complete!

I couldn't even read it as a radiant light exploded from the spot on my chest, it was like a celestial being was being born at this moment. But the pain was so intense it was like nothing I had experience in this world. But I still think getting poisoned by a hydra and fighting against a fire demon won the top spot by far in both my lives.

I only looked down as I saw my chest suddenly split down my middle as I felt my bones crack and split. At the same time the light grew and blood began to spill from the crack. In all honesty it looked like an alien birth from the movies, but as soon as the split grew to about an inch wide something began to crawl out of my chest. As it did I only saw a small hand covered in blood and then another.

It was awful to watch as pain riddled my whole body to the point I couldn't even move as slowly a small figure pulled itself out of my chest. The others just watched in horror as the small figure was covered with a thick layer or blood that covered all its features. Just then a pair of wings burst from its back that looked like small dragon wings. It only took a second but as soon as the wings appeared the creature stepped out of my chest and stood on both sides of the crevice.

But in an instant the blood pool in the crack in my chest surged like it was boiling. As it did the blood seemed to glow as I felt a massive amount of mana began to be sucked into it. It was like the world itself was being absorbed by my blood. Streams of pure white began to form in the air as the mana even began to solidify into essence and pour into my chest and fuse with my very being.

"My god." Said Cly as I felt my veins bulge as I screamed out in pain yet someone none of the blood spilled out of the crevice as I felt it rip apart my chest. But just as I felt my consciousness begin to fade the mana flow stopped and within an instant I watched all the blood drain back into me and the crevice close. But the instant it close I saw the blood flow off the small figure still standing on my chest.

This blood quickly drained into the cut in my chest but as it did it healed in an instant. This make time to explain but it lasted less than a minute. With that I looked up to the figure on my chest. Her clothes were no longer their forest green short skirt dress but now they were a black scaled dragon leather long dress. But on her back was now small pair of dragon wings that gave a small flap as she slowly opened her eyes.

"Percy?" She asked me as I looked up at her.

"Gaia?' I asked as Cly seemed to make a multitude of connections as I noticed Angel was being patted on the back by Viola as he vomited off to the side.

"A blood and mana divine spirit rebirth, I had heard of such spirit rebirths but never seen one before. They say it only happens when the spirits old divine body is completely destroyed and is made once again from scratch from the master's blood and mana." He said as slowly sat up to find all the pain had disappeared from my chest.

"What?" I asked him as he stared at Gaia as she floated silently in front of me. Her face quickly started to show emotions as her body suddenly transformed into 16 year old form. As I stared at her I noticed hair was now slightly darker and her eyes were a mix of red and green, yet her features remained the same. It only took a second for her arms to pull me into a hug as I felt my head land on her chest as I felt hot tears on my head.

"I am so sorry you had to experience that. But it was the only way." She said as she cried as she pulled me closer. The others were silent as I slowly hugged the older Gaia as she sniffled a little. I only smiled as I hugged her back for a minute or two until she finally let go as she did she gave me a smile and wiped a few tears from her eyes.

"Nice outfit." I said as she looked down at her sexy new dress as she blushed. However she didn't say anything as she slowly stood up and helped me up as I glanced down at my bare chest to find none of the damage was present anymore. Yet Gaia just stared at me as she didn't pay attention to her surrounding as I noticed her face was slightly flushed.

"Miss." Said Cly as Gaia seemed to notice the others.

"Oh I am sorry, I didn't notice you." Gaia said with a bow as Cly just looked at me then her. However he just seemed to stare at Gaia

"Percy are you okay?" Asked Cly.

"I think I am, just really sore." I said looking at me arms and chest as I noticed it was still slightly red. God this was going to bruise tomorrow.

"You should be fine in a few days. The rebirth takes a lot out of the master." Gaia said as I nodded as Cly just stared along with Viola and Angel.

"Are you sure?" Asked Cly as Gaia nodded.

"I am a divine spirit so I know of this, Percy should be back to normal in a few days. But surprisingly his mana veins went under and evolution due to rebirth." Said Gaia as she extended out a hand and placed it on my chest as I felt a calming wave of mana flood into me. As this happened I was surprised to feel a vast ocean of emptiness in my mana pool.

"What?" I asked myself as I slowly felt my mana pool to find it immensely bigger.

"Stat check." I said as my stat board pop up in front of me.

Name: Perseus Jackson

Age: 13

Title: The Dark Gamer (All stats increased by number of main lv of player.)

Title: Empty

Title: Empty

Title: Empty

Title: Empty

Title: Empty

Title: Empty

Race-Guess and you might find out

Jobs/Class: (8/10) (Max)

Warrior lv-29 (STR+29, VIT+39)

Barbarian lv-22 (STR+32, END+22, DEX+22)

Medic lv-12 (INT+12, WIS+22, FAI+12)

Spirit user lv-9 (INT+9, WIS+9, FAI+19)

Archer lv-18 (DEX+28, VIT+18)

Blacksmith lv-9 (STR+19, END+9)

Puppet user lv-7 (FAI+7, LUC+17)

Alchemist lv-5 (INT+15, WIS+5, LUC+5)

Martial Artist lv-7 (DEX+17, VIT+7, FAI+7)


Level: 129 Xp: 187,280 / 34,150,400 (1/5) = 6,830,080

Health 64,500/64,500 (500 per level)

Mana 19,850/129,000 (1000 per level)

STR-206(+129+29+32+19) =415

END-60(+129+22+9) =216

DEX-42(+129+22+28+17) =238

VIT-51(+129+39+18+7) =248

INT-71(+129+12+9+15) =236

WIS-71(+129+22+8+5) =235

FAI-46(+129+12+19+7+7) =220

LUC-37(+129+17+5) =188



'My mana went up to 1000 a level? It was just 250 a level a minute ago.' I said to myself as rechecked it. Still I blinked a few times before I could believe it as I closed my stat sheet and looked at Gaia as she took her hand off my chest as I felt a little better now.

"You're going to have to rest a while before you regain all your mana." Said Gaia as I nodded once again.

"How are you all so calm? Percy's chest just split open and you're not all freaking out?" Said a new voice as we turned to see Angel staring at us.

"Viola I need you to take Angel into the cave." He said quickly.

"But da-." However Cly interrupted him.

"Go now I will talk to you later." Said Cly as Angel looked like he wanted to say something

"Yes father." Said Viola as she started to basically drag Angel with her as she didn't say another word. As they walked to the cave Angel looked back one last time. But the instant they close the rock door Cly waved his hand as a mana barrier shrouded the door in a veil blocking all the sound going into it.

"What's wrong?" I asked him as his gaze instantly turned to Gaia a she just stared at him.

"I thought your divine spirit wore a green leaf dress and had green eyes." He said as I nodded as I looked over at Gaia to see that she wore basically the opposite I had spoken of.

"Oh that is my fault I can change my outfit on whim." She said as he appearance blurred then suddenly changed back to her usual perfectly green dress. But as she did Cly's eyes still stayed on her.

"I must ask you a question were you a passed down spirit?" He asked her as Gaia suddenly seemed surprised. But she refused to answer as she glanced at me as I nodded as she sighed.

"Yes I am." She said as Cly suddenly began to smile as he spoke again.

"Then it all make sense. Divine spirits cannot have another form unless they absorb another divine spirit to make themselves stronger. If I am not mistake that form you just took was the divine dragon spirit of the fire sea who perished in the purge of divinities." He said as Gaia's eyes went wide. But suddenly the ground around us shook as spikes made of earth shot out of the ground and right at Cly.

He didn't have time to even move a muscle as thirty spikes made of earth swarmed the air like birds as Gaia held a hand in the air as if ready to give the command to destroy him. Yet he didn't move a muscle. As he just stared at her with a smile on his face.

"That was nearly 800 years ago how do you know about that?" She asked him as he slowly went down to one knee.

"I was but a child the age of 8 at the time but I will never forget the great divine spirit who faced against 80 other divine spirits and their masters and stained the world with their blood. Like an emotionless weapon made by god himself I saw you destroy them all like a raging fire and then shed no tears. You stood there like a fortress as you protected my home with your masters." He said as my eyes went wide.

"Every spirit fell to your hand like a human to war god, you were like a Divine Valkyrie warrior as you fought through day and night. I remember the scene as clear as day and with each one you killed you only became stronger. Then the warriors came in the millions as you stood strong and continued to paint the world red. I could only watch in complete awe as you slaughtered millions." He said as I slowly turned to Gaia as I saw her biting her lip as her thoughts raced.

"But if you are his spirit now then that must mean…" He said as he looked at me as Gaia instantly moved in front of me as Cly looked like he was seeing his hero.

"Is he their child?" He asked her as Gaia glared at him.

"Stop talking!" Yelled Gaia as Cly bowed his head.

"I am sorry for my insolence world spirit I apologize." He said.

"Do not speak that name! I am no longer who I used to be!" She yelled at him again as he bowed even deeper.

"World spirit?' I asked Gaia as she bit her lip.

"You do not know?" Asked Cly.

"Your spirit is beyond that of a divine spirit and is the only world spirit in existence. A spirit so strong that she can warp the very world to do her bidding." He said as I slowly looked at Gaia as she looked ready to rip Cly's head off his head.

"Then how was your body destroyed?" I asked her as she slowly let her face go slack just then she exhaled.

"I cannot use my full power due to your mana amount. Once you a reach a certain level I can once again use my full power. Up until now I haven't even been able to use even up to 1% of my power. So what the man hit me I didn't have the power to retaliate." She said as I slowly nodded.

"But you to think that you are their child. A true prodigy in the making." He said as Gaia shot him a glare.

"Whose child am I?" I asked him as he shook his head.

"I do not know their names but I their achievements are beyond anything in this world. They alone saved and entire divine species continent and many other elevate humans. They are what you could call the true protectors of the divine species. But their greatest accomplishment is the ultimate divide. A barrier so large that it covers an entire continent and acts to protect the future for all divine species and elevated humans." He said as I was astonished.

"Is that place their home?" I asked him as he shook his head.

"They have no home they are like nomads constantly traveling the world. My only concern is why you are not with them. If not something tragic must have happened or something else." He said as I felt a sinking feeling as I looked over at Gaia who had a sad face on.

"Did something happen?" I asked her.

"No nothing happened but that is all I can tell you." She said as I felt my anger boil in me.

"Can you honestly tell me anything about me!? I nearly died a month ago because apparently I am some sort of rare species people can't stand!" I yelled at Gaia as Cly remained silent as Gaia sighed and waved her hand as the earth spikes disappeared into the ground.

"Percy…" she said.

"Every time." I said as I clenched my fists as I felt my mana stir inside me.

"Why won't you tell me anything? What do I have to do to learn about this mystery surrounding me!" I yelled at her as the ground around me suddenly formed cracks as Gaia's eyes went wide. At the same time the mana inside me seemed to form into a typhoon as I felt it surge inside me as more cracks formed around me.

"Become strong enough that you can stand by yourself in this world and you will learn the truth." Gaia said as I trembled. However I slowly let my fists unclench as my anger quickly went down as I looked up at Gaia.

"Fine." I said as she seems surprised as Cly finally decided to speak.

"I will aid you if you want. I will do anything for my savior's child." He said as I glanced at him.

"I don't care." I said as Gaia gave me a worried look as Cly nodded and slowly stood up.

"I will go talk to Viola and Angel." He said as he left me and Gaia as I stood still as Gaia watched Cly disappear into the cave. As he did I slowly sighed but then I quickly sunk down and sat down as Gaia seemed to be playing with her fingers as she appeared nervous.

"Gaia I want to ask you something." I said as she nodded.

"All these powers and abilities are they really worth it?" I asked her.

"Of course." She said as I nodded as I looked at my hand to find slight bleeding due to my nails digging into it.

"Good." I said as I slowly closed my hands.

"Also one other thing." I said as she nodded.

"What species am I?" I asked her as bit her lip.

"I already know about the elevated humans and divine species and from what I know I am one of the two. Also there is a unique item that is called a monster soul that I get from certain kills." I said as she seemed to think and finally sighed.

"Your species is…a divine one." She said as I nodded.

"The species that you belong to are called divine soul humans. Your species can absorb the soul of a monster and take the form of them for a time. But if you eat the monster soul of 10 of the same monster you can keep that form indefinitely. Normally your species can only have 3 forms that you can keep indefinitely but you are different."

"You were tested by your parents and they determined you could have 9 monster forms indefinitely. You are truly one of a kind in your species and the world." She said.

"Well if that is true." I said as I opened my inventory and took out the mystery item from my inventory that was listed as [?] as I took it out 10 small crystal tear drops fell I my hand.

"Wait Percy don't!" Gaia said as I had already thrown back my head and swallowed the 10 crystal teardrops. As they went into my mouth they instantly dissolved and as they did I felt a warm sensation flow over me but that was the only the beginning.