Chapter 15

Disclaimer: I do not own Percy Jackson

Beta: Caracac

Warning: Contains blood, gore, sex, possible rape, sword fights, dark shit you will never be unseen, demons, angels, witches, wizards, medieval crap, and finally pure unadulterated badassery.


"The species that you belong to are called divine soul humans. Your species can absorb the soul of a monster and take the form of them for a time. But if you eat the monster soul of 10 of the same monster you can keep that form indefinitely. Normally your species can only have 3 forms that you can keep indefinitely but you are different."

"You were tested by your parents and they determined you could have 9 monster forms indefinitely. You are truly one of a kind in your species and the world." She said.

"Well if that is true." I said as I opened my inventory and took out the mystery item from my inventory that was listed as [?] as I took it out 10 small crystal tear drops fell I my hand.

"Wait Percy don't!" Gaia said as I had already thrown back my head and swallowed the 10 crystal teardrops. As they went into my mouth they instantly dissolved and as they did I felt a warm sensation flow over me but that was the only the beginning.


As soon as Gaia managed to reach me the warm sensation suddenly exploded into a volcano of heat. Before Gaia's hands even reached me before the heat overwhelmed me as my world faded before my eyes. I was knocked in a matter of seconds but the world I was brought too was completely different than I thought. In front of me was a plain and endless world with a black glass floor and I stood there silently blinking.

"What just happened?" I asked myself as I looked around as I didn't feel any of the heat that was previously in my body. In fact I didn't feel much of anything, but as I looked around a floating alert popped up in front of me.

Alert! 10 Oni soul crystals have been taken and absorption has started, memory real will begin shortly! Due to all soul crystals being from a singular monster a chance to unlock the Oni divinities bloodline will be given after memory real.

'Memory real, divinities bloodline?' I asked myself as suddenly the world around me began to move as a bright light appeared in front of me. The dark floor began to move but I stayed still as I covered my eyes as the light began to blind me. In an instant though I felt the floor beneath me disappear and my body go weightless.

As it did the light slowly began to disperse and I slowly opened my eyes revealing and interesting sight. I was nearly a hundred feet in the air and as I looked at my body I noticed it was partly see through. But as I looked around I saw a massive room slowly begin to form around me and as it did a thoughts suddenly came to my mind.

"This is the birth of the dungeon." I said as I saw the room slowly form from nothing and the solid rock walls form. Just then I saw a door slowly open revealing a group of three people, all of them were dressed in the very old style of armor. As they walked in the room I just watched in interest as slowly the massive room began to physical expand into the larger network or rooms I recognized as the room Cly found me in.

As the group began to traverse the large room my body suddenly floated over to a large portion of the wall as suddenly it began to morph. From the wall slowly a 20 story tall giant slowly pulled itself from it. As I watched the giant pull itself free of the stone I saw the black stone slowly turn into a deep blood red color. Slowly the blood red skin slowly covered the behemoth as a loin cloth slowly appeared on him as well.

Other than that there was no other clothes on his as he stood completely blood red and 20 stories tall. But his head was just like that of any Oni mask I saw back on earth, one very long horn protruded from his forehead and sharp jagged canines could be seen from his jaw. However just before he began to move slowly the rock began to form something by his side as slowly a large saber slowly popped out of the wall. The massive demon just slowly grabbed the sword and slowly began to walk around.

I was astonished to witness this as slowly the adventure group seemed to close in on the demon. I could only watched as they started to fight the demon however the beast was simply too massive and even then he was simply too fast. The tank of the group was simply too weak as he was blown back and his skills proved to be ineffective. The wizard lady quickly ran out of mana and soon the magic control skills couldn't hold down the demon.

After that it was like watching a pig go to slaughter as the large tanking fellow was first to be crushed under the massive sword. All that was left was armor that was bent in like a crushed pop can along with broken armor and a massive pile of blood. Then fell the archer lady who was hit by the side of the sword and like a soft apple exploded into pieces as she hit the wall. The wizard tried to run and run she did as she screamed and cried out in pure terror.

She made it about 300 feet to the level door before suddenly the demon extended out his hand as suddenly a large spear of pure red began to form in his hand. It only took a second and with a twist of his arm and wrist the spear that was about as wide as a basketball as it slammed into the wizard women. With that the last adventure was killed with ease as the demon slowly just began to walk about the dungeon. However I noticed small nods of light slowly dissolve from the dead adventures bodies and fly into the demon.

"…" I couldn't speak as I watched in awe. I knew this was a vision of the history of the Oni but somehow I couldn't help but laugh because I found it funny that this was the first time I had seen this monster. But as I laughed at that small fact the scene before me slowly began to speed up as the demon simply wandered the halls and occasionally sat on a large chair provided by the dungeon.

But soon battle after battle began to pile on top of one another, year's cut down into minutes. I watched hundreds of adventures fall to this demon as he destroyed parties of 6 to 10 with ease. Sometimes some would put up a fight but they were then killed by some magic that demon had. Though I had only seen two as he faced his these parties. One was the blood spear I called it and the other was he absorbed the blood from his felled victims to heal himself.

Other than that he used his massive saber to kill nearly all his victims, some managed to escape but they never came back. I could only watch as his memories were on fast forwards as I watched the fights become closer and closer each time. I don't know how much time had passed but eventually the day came for the fall of the big man. It was a total of 120 people of all sort of job classes.

"Oh man." I said I wanted to root for the big guy but as the hundreds of people assaulted him all he could do was try and fight back as blood spears, healing blood spells, and saber strikes filled the massive area. However as 60 people stood firm the big guy was finished by a joint spell as a massive magic arrow was shoved through his heart.

This event was one of many as soon the event fast-forward once again and he was born again but this time he had sharp fingernails from his original. But this time as time passed only the close battles were shown as I slowly began to understand him in a way. He had a style of battle and it only really began to show in ones with over 30 people. I could only watch as fight after fight ran past me.

Soon I don't know how many times I had seen him kill and be killed. I saw his body slowly improve each time he died as more things such as muscle and even small amounts of armor began to appear. Yet in periods of time where he didn't kill a lot of people and died a lot he didn't improve much at all. But over periods of time when he did kill a lot larger improvements appeared. I think this was caused by the orbs he absorbed after every battle that he won.

But as the time reached a massive amount of years suddenly he stood there silently in front of one person as they stood there with a simple cloak. I then watched in awe as the cloaked person used some magic or technique or something to complete destroy the demon who was now complete with a large set of armor Japanese style of course and even had two sabers. Yet he was ripped apart like nothing as this person finished him in about 20 mins.

I was beyond astonished as the person continued on their way like it was nothing as the time began to fast forward. Soon more and more liked the cloaked person began to appear though they were few and far in-between they skill killed the demon in minutes. One was a women elf dressed in thin pure silk and had pure white hair. She had put the demon to sleep and then made his heart stop I think.

Another was a man dressed in rusty armor that no normal person would wear, he also had a crazy look to him and fought like a beast himself. As these figures appeared none seemed the same as they crushed the demon like it was nothing. Soon the demon stopped getting new gear and improvements as he killed people but I felt something else was changing about him. Yet years still flew by as it all became a blur. Even I didn't have a clue as how long I was in here but soon it began to slow down until I reached one certain day.

The large door didn't open to reveal a large group or massively powerful person. No in a small flash like I had seen many times before, from the powerful people, which I had suspected to be a boss teleport stone. But from this one out stumbled me as I took about 15 steps and then collapsed face first on the ground.

I could only watch as the demon slowly moved towards me from the other side of the floor level, slowly he made his way towards me as I laid there motionless on the ground. I could only watch from my ghost form as I watched my past self slowly begin to move as he slowly stood up and looked around with hazy eyes. It only took a second for past me to spot the massive demon as he began to run for his life.

I just watched as past me ran for my life as I still couldn't manage to remember anything about this. As time progressed past me found a small corner to hide in as the demon looked for me. I only watched as I still couldn't remember any of this. But just then suddenly the demon seemed to locate old me and go for the kill. I even felt myself panic as I watched old me run for his life as blood spears missed me by inches and made my body roll for tens of yards like a rag doll.

The shockwave alone was enough to damage me severely as I coughed up blood and continued to go forward. I was trying to figure out why I didn't fight back but I came to the conclusion that I knew no attacks would work on him. Escape being the best option and only option filled my mind as I watched old me basically limp up to a wall to support himself as he slowly looked back at the demon.

I watched past me grit my teeth in anger as he refused to give up in his last moments. He just slowly pushed off the wall and stood tall as I watched a fire light in his eyes as he gritted his teeth in pure rage. Me knowing me best I knew exactly what past me was thinking as my own rage built up. But just then my past self let out a roar of rage and charged the demon.

As he did the demon slowly raised one of his sabers and slashed down at me. I only winced as the thought of me dying popped up in my mind. It was almost like when a story tells you the characters are going to survive but some sort of pinch happens and you fear for their safety. But as the saber came down it smashed into the ground. I could only watch a cloud of dust slowly fill the area but just then then the saber was raised up in the air and the scene surprised me.

About one eighth of the saber was completely gone and now had bite marks in the huge blade. The demon just seemed astonished as he looked down as the dust cleared to see me slowly chewing a few times and then swallowing. But as I looked at old me I saw my eyes had changed entirely. They were no longer their sea green but were now pure white as they glowed out like a divine being had entered my body.

"What?" I said to myself as I watched the possibly possessed me charged demon as I visibly saw the eating skill works its magic as all my wounds steamed as they healed impossibly fast. But after that the demon raised his other saber up in the air and slammed it down just like the last one. However this time the former me suddenly shot up into the air like a bullet straight at the demon.

Just then the saber was about to meet old me before suddenly I opened my mouth for an instant and what happened so fast I couldn't even see it. I didn't see my jaw grow I didn't see some magic activate or mana condense. It was at the speed of light before suddenly the entire left saber and part of the demon's arm was gone. You could even see the massive teeth marks that and chopped unevenly into the demon's arm.

Before old me even hit the ground the demon screamed out in pain as he stumbled back and dropped his other saber. I just watched in shock as this was the first time I had seen the big man show any sign of pain or fear. Whatever wound the old me had caused has some sort of special effect on the monster. It was like watching something that normally couldn't get hit finally feel pain for the first time.

"What kind of ability is [Absorption consumption]?" I asked myself as I watched the demon's face turn into one of rage as he clutched at the bleeding stump of an arm. Just then old me landed then stumbled a few feet as slowly a line of blood dripped from his nose. He just slowly wiped it away and looked at the blood covered hand. I could see the white eyes tremble a little but they shut for a second and then opened as old me who I was guessing was possessed at this point faced the demon.

Then old me darted forward again as the demon noticed him as he began to back up quickly until his back suddenly hit a wall. The fear in the demon's eyes alone was enough to show me how painful this new feeling was for it. But in its fear it let go of the bloody nub and held up its hand as a massive blood spear appeared. This thing was nearly four times the size of the ones he used to use before.

He threw the spear with all his force but the instant it reached old me it disappeared just as fast as the saber and part of the demon's arm. However this time I saw both of my nostrils bleed as old me chewed once and then swallowed. Whoever or whatever was in control of my body seemed to be pushing it to the max as my inner blood vessels burst. But they began to speed up as the demon suddenly kicked out at with his armor colored leg.

However before the foot could reach old me he slid to a stop and the massive foot missed by about 15 feet. Then I watched old me slowly began to glow white as the power running off him was much more than I could imagine. But as the white glow as steam began to run off me and intensified just then the demon began to lift its foot once again. Soon old me just slowly looked up at the demon and let out a howl as and the sound of thunder began to fill the room as if something was breaking.

With that the demon stomped down one last time but the instant it did I watched the white steam flowing around me instantly form a 25 story mouth behind me. The mouth itself had teeth as pointy as any demons and was see-through. However as the massive mouth slowly opened I saw a pitch black wall behind buried deeps in its mouth. It was like looking into a black hole and so thought the demon.

The demon could only try and back up but the wall blocked it as the mouth suddenly let out a roar and in an instant charged forward. It was like watching a whale consumed a school of shrimp. The razor sharp teeth dug into the floor and wall and with one large chomp the 20 story demon and a large portion of the wall and floor disappeared. At this the massive mouth chewed and few times and then swallowed.

Slowly the mouth dissipated and only a tiny ball of glowing light was left that size of an apple. It quickly floated down to old me who was now on his knees coughing up a large amount of blood. As the white mist around him slowly congealed around the small ball as it floated down to him. After a couple mouthfuls of blood were coughed up by my body he slowly looked up with and wiped his blood covered mouth as he glanced at the small light ball.

"I am so sorry about your body Perseus but it had to be done." Old me suddenly said as that confirmed the fact that someone had possessed me. But who I didn't know.

"Still to possess such a powerful ability…you are truly loved by the heavens. Haha I guess your mother was right." He said as he laughed a little as he flopped back onto his butt and looked up at the small orb floating in front of him.

"Who?" I asked as shocked filled me as I watched my so called father who possessed my body but as he sat there as he reached up and grabbed the orb.

"So this ability not only purges the monster of all drops possible but abilities and stats as well? I must say this is an ability gifted from the heavens, the things I could have done with such a thing." He said as the orb slowly transformed into hundreds of drop items or all rarities that fell in a large pile in front of him however he just slowly reached forward and grabbed a small blood colored crystal tear drop.

"But I am going to have to use these and in turn give you a little gift. I know you will take these eventually son so listen up." He said as I was surprised as he looked around as if trying to look at me. But he didn't as he looked back to the small crystal.

"This is a monster soul crystal each monster has only one crystal, our species that we come from called the divine soul humans if you haven't already learned that. We can take these to take on the forms of the monsters that we kill. However if you take 10 you can have that form permanent pretty simple. But our species is not actually a divinities we are simply called divine because it seems like we were bestowed a gift from the divinities." He said as the small crystal began to float in front of him as a small see through orb surrounded it.

"But I won't get into that since I have only this one chance to speak to you. But you see our species has figured out something we can do to power up our forms. This is what we call divinities bloodline bestowment, this only happens when you take 10 soul crystals of the same monster. As in same monster I mean exact same monster, not different ones of the same species but the same monster." He said as his body and the items around him began to glow along with the small crystal.

"This is normally accomplished by killing boss monsters several times which normally would take 10 years. But we have developed magic technique that uses sacrifices to clone the crystal and effectively decreased the time needed to gather them. But the sacrifices must come from the same monster so it only decreases time a little. However this ability of yours wrings out everything from the monster that is possible." He said with a chuckle.

"Now I am sorry to do this but in return you will receive something even greater than all these drops, stats, and skill can get you from him. I will give you your first complete set of 10 of the same soul crystals. You will be the first divine soul human with his first true form that has a divinities bloodline bestowment. Not even I had mine before I reached my second form." He said as I remember Gaia saying something about me having more forms than all my species.

But just then I saw all the drop items dissolve into white nods of light and some come off my own body as it all flew to the crystal. A golden light then shined from it and the in the next second I saw the ball of light that had the crystal in it now sport 10 identical crystals. I was slightly in awe but also slightly saddened at the loss of the stats I was going to gain, but I paid it no mind as my father waved his hand and put them in my inventory.

"This is my gift for the past 13 years of not being there and I hope in your heart you can accept it. Now I don't have much time before this memory finishes. However Perseus I need to let you know that your mother and I are fine we are simply recovering far away from this place. I cannot tell you where we are but I reassure you that we are okay. Also we are both beyond sorry about what happened to you…so young." He said as he put a hand to his head and shook it.

"I cannot tell what happened due to time but once you find us or we heal completely we will find you and tell you everything. But we do love you more than anything in this world but circumstances threatened all our survival. So we had to separate, we gave you to Gaia and she took you to a safer place. It was our only option and right now to this day we regret it." He said as I saw a faint amount of tears gathering in the corners of his eyes.

"However I could only control your body in dire times once so this is the last time I can help you. But once you grow strong enough Gaia will tell you our location and then you may find us. Until then try and survive in this cruel world as well as you can, Gaia will be your aid until then. But right now I am giving you one last gift." He said.

"Once you awaken in your new form, the magic to fuse the monsters drops and the other things as well into the soul crystal will be in your mind. I suggest you use this to achieve 9 perfect divinity bloodline true forms. With this you will stand above all anyone in your generation." He said as I nodded to myself promising to do that.

"Also son before we meet, your mother wishes for me to leave a message with you. If you do get a wife or two or several please make sure they are nice girls. She sees the way looked at the Zoe girl and she approves she would make a fine step daughter." He said with a chuckle as I suddenly blushed.

"Oh don't worry about us monitoring you during your 'private' time your mother suggests we don't and we don't. But we are keeping an eye on you, your mother insists. Something about not missing a day of her little boy growing up." He said as I laughed a little.

"But I will try and get her cut down a little and just try and be safe, this scare nearly made her faint. Also don't worry about your possible wife she and her friends they are fine and currently all in your academy. But for now that is all I have to say, but remember just listen to Gaia and you will see us again I promise. Also watch out for {empowered} Perseus they are…cursed and your mark only makes you a larger target for them. We wish we could remove it yet we cannot, the mark is everlasting nothing can remove it." He said as I slowly rubbed the spot on my neck.

"But stay safe and grow strong Perseus. We love you son." He said as the memory finally faded as I just watched the dark floor slowly encompass my vision. I then somehow couldn't help but feel a deep ache in my heart. This was all too sudden and I just couldn't piece it together, however I felt almost…satisfied at this small event.

But whatever it was I no longer felt mad at Gaia and sort of understood her position in all this. But questions were going to rain like fire upon her once I woke up. Also I had a feeling of rage that would explode upon him the minute I saw him. Also a hug for my mother.

"Get stronger huh?" I asked as I looked down at my fists and clenched them.

"That I can do." I said as the world around me began to shift once again as it gained a red hue to the world around me. At the same time I heard the sound of someone eating something as I slowly turned to see a massive one armed couch with a massive figure laid back on it. The couch itself had to be nearly 50 stories high and the figure if standing up would be about 120.

But the figure itself was male and currently he was eating some massive grapes as he chewed with his mouth open. But as he chewed the grapes I noticed something about him. Like the demon his skin was red but his was much darker almost in fact it was almost black but red at the same time actually. Along with his dark skin he wore nothing but a loin cloth that was made of some black fabric. But other than his almost nakedness on top of his head was two thin horns that if they were scaled to a normal human they would be about 6 inches long.

Each horn didn't bend back much and instead stood up straight in the air like crown of a sort. Along with the horns the massive demon's eyes were golden colored as they looked at the grapes he was putting in his mouth as I saw sharp canine like teeth in his mouth as well. However as I stared I noticed one distinct feature about him that stood out above the rest. Bellow his arms was another set of arms that was crossed across his chest.

So he had 4 arms in total each with what looked like to be metal gloves but also organic at the same time. My best guess was they were bones of a sort that made his hand looks like metal gloves. But that was just a guess on my part, as I stared at the massive demon suddenly he stopped eating grapes as his eyes slowly moved until they were on me.

"Oh? A bug has wondered into my domain." He said in a calm but booming voice but as he looked down as I felt his gaze pierce right through me and scan over everything that I was. I even felt my soul was well within his gaze as he suddenly raised an eyebrow.

"Hmm? A divine soul human? It turns out this bug just got upgraded to a mouse." He said with a booming laugh that shook the whole world I was in.

"I didn't come here for you to mock me, I came here to gain your bloodline bestowment!" I yelled at him as he stopped laughing as he just stared at me like I was stupid.

"You come into my domain and demand for me to give you my bloodline? If it were not for the fact that you actually gathered 10 of the same soul crystals to meet me then I would destroy your very soul right here." He said in an angry voice.

"If you could destroy my soul then I would be impressed." I said as he was right about to put a grape in his mouth as his fingers clenched and the grape exploded as I saw a vein bulge on his forehead. He then slowly sat up on the side of his coach and put his two unfolded hands on his knees as he looked down at me with a face of rage.

"You have guts and insignificant speck of dirt. What I would give to crush you." He said as I saw him grinding his teeth as I could tell he wanted to obliterate me. But I guess since he didn't then there must be some sort of rule to prevent him from doing so.

"You make it sound like you can't. Some god you are." I said as I crossed my arms as I saw a fire begin to light in his eyes as his whole body tensed.

"What will it take for you to leave?" He asked me in a strained voice as I raised an eyebrow.

"Oh? I thought you were some almighty god that could force me to leave." I said as he looked like Ares when Aphrodite was forcing him to be good in front of demigods.

"Either you leave on your own accord or I give you my bloodline bestowment. Those are the only two ways you can leave. Now begone!" He said as he waved his hand as I felt a wind push at me yet I didn't move an inch as I stared at him.

"Give me the bloodline bestowment and I will." I said as he looked like he was ready to explode.

"You brat!" He yelled as he raised his palm as if ready to strike at me but suddenly stopped as a new voice entered the room.

"Tens, you know the rules." Said a tender female's voice that seemed to melt one's soul. But as the women spoke the god know as Tens stopped his large hand from coming down on me as it was about 12 feet from me.

"But he is mocking me! A god! I don't deserve this!" He said as he stood up and roared at the sky as a sigh was heard.

"Tens you are being ridiculous." She said as he trembled in anger as I snorted.

"You don't go acting all high in mighty either." She directed toward me as I shut up as I had a feeling that I didn't want to argue with a women who could put this giant ass demon in his place. Speaking of which were was her voice coming from?

"Anyway Tens you know the rules that Victor has set up about divine soul humans, give the mortal what he wants and leave it be." She said as Tens looked at me like he wanted to crush me.

"Fine Beatrice I will do as you say! Only because of what Victor said if we don't give them the bloodline bestowment." He said as he grumbled a little as he sat back down and just stared at me.

"There are rules?" I asked out loud as Tens just glared at me.

"Yes there are. But you have filled the prerequisites for getting the bloodline bestowment so you don't have to worry about the rules. " Said the one called Beatrice.

"Shut up and stay still." Said Tens as I listened to him as he reached up to his forehead where I noticed a large line that went vertical was. However as two fingers were placed on either side of the slit slowly it began to open revealing a third eye. I just looked in amazement as Tens third eye suddenly vigorously moved around in his socket until it landed on me and the pupil dilated.

"True soul be seen by me." He said as suddenly I felt my whole body shake as I looked down to see my body suddenly slowly grow until I was no longer my 13 year old self but I was not my old 50 year old self back on earth. But even then I looked not a day past 28 as I stood there as fit as could be without being overly muscular. My hair even grew a little as I looked down at my older body.

Just then I saw eight nodes of different colors of light slowly begin to shine in my chest. But around those nodes of light slowly began to fill with hundreds of smaller nodes that were the each one of the eight different colors. However each color stuck together as all the blues and reds stayed with their little friends. In total I think each of the major colors had about 50 each which was about 400 nodes of light in total.

It only took me a second to figure out that these nodes were the elements secured in my soul and if I were a betting man each node signified a blessing from the gods back on my old world. The larger ones had to be the Olympians and the smaller were more than likely the minor or major gods since each of the smaller nodes varied in size.

"Hmm?" Tens suddenly seemed interested as my form changed.

"What?" I asked him.

"Your true soul is much more powerful than I first thought, not only does it carry each of the 8 elements but it seems like each is growing at tremendous pace. I give it another 20 some odd years before those large nodes absorb the smaller ones of their grade goes all the way up to first. Hmph maybe giving you this bloodline bestowment isn't such a bad idea. You're still a dick though." He said as he closed both bottom eyes as the third eye seemed to glow.

Just then a beam of light suddenly shot from his third eye as the beam focused on me as it found a spot right in-between all the eight elements. Just then I saw nine circles appear in a circle inside the eight elements. But in one of those circles appeared a figure of the demon I had absorbed but as the light from Tens focused on creature I suddenly saw something begin to change.

Quickly the figure in one of the circles began to morph until it looked exactly like Tens with his clothes, horns, two sets of arms, and even his third eye. But instead of looking like Tens he looked like me, basically me in an Oni form. With that the light dissipated and Tens third eye slowly closed as his other two opened. Just then he let out a breath and looked back down at me.

Alert! Oni demon bloodline bestowment has succeeded and form has transformed into divine form! Extra stats and extra ability has been gained when you transform into divine Oni form.

"There you go." He said as if he didn't want to see me ever again.

"Why does it look like you?" I asked him as he sighed.

"Didn't your parents explain this to you?" He asked me as I just stared at him.

"No." I said simply as he rolled his eyes.

"Any monster you manage to get a bloodline bestowment for will transform to resemble their bloodlines god. I am the bloodline god for about a quarter of the demons species both demented demons and normal demons. But now the form you can take is what you would call a divine form, not only will it be stronger but instead of one ability you will get two so be grateful." He said as I just stared at him.

"Thanks." I said as suddenly a humming voice sounded that reminded me Beatrice was listening in on us still.

"Thanks to you as well." I said as the hum turned happy.

"Well if and when you decided to acquire you second divine form please do give the Arachne species a look. I promise you that it will be worth your while." She said as I felt a shiver down my spine as Tens snorted.

"Well since you have accepted my bloodline bestowment that means you are now one of my followers and each time you use this form you will be fighting in my name." He said as I groaned lightly.

"Fine." I said as he frowned.

"What no argument?" He asked me.

"About what? Being a spokesperson for some demon god? To be honest not my first time being one of those." I said.

"You!" He yelled but stopped as he looked at me funny.

"What do you mean not your first time?" He asked me.

"Never mind just send me back and I will see what I can do Beatrice." I said as Tens just stared at me and waved his hand as the world around me slowly faded into the black state again just then I felt my body begin to tingle all over as I knew the transformation began. Just then my true soul slowly began to morph into my 13 year old soul, right as that ended my body began to change.

I could feel my bones growing and popping in different places and even new ones begin to form as I let out a groan of pain. It was painful but the Styx and the branding on my shoulder were still a hundred times more painful so I stuck it out as I could feel my body grow new extremities but suddenly a sharp pain erupted from my sides as I let out a short scream of pain.

Just then another pain erupted on my forehead as I slowly reached up to find two horns protruding from my head. I even felt my teeth and jaw grow and sharpen as my features grew more demonic. But just as my facial features were about done I felt a sharp pain on my forehead as I could feel something grow as my vision suddenly gained a new point of view. I instantly knew this was the third eye and right now I didn't care as the pain at my sides continued.

"God dammit!" I yelled as I looked down at my sides to see my skin was slowly turning reddish black at the same time I saw two small arms begin to rapidly grow from baby arms to child arms to teen arms. Right until they were the same size of mine I felt every cell from flesh to bones grow at a rapid pace. It was like honestly like getting cut and cut again as soon as it heals. But this was instantly.

But as I looked at the new arms I noticed that I had complete control over them and they honestly felt just like normal arms. By this time my body had fully changed as I no longer felt the pain but instead an overwhelming power flow through me. As that happened I slowly felt my body relax as my new set of bottom arms suddenly crossed in front of my chest just like they did with Tens.

"I feel so powerful." I said as suddenly a box appeared in front of me.

Divine form: (Demon species) Oni God lv-Max (24 hour time limit 1 time a week)

Become a true demon and rule the world with your almighty power. Your demon form will not only hold the power of Tens the demon god himself but one of his abilities as well. So go forth and fight in the name of Tens!


-Blood spear: Create a spear out of blood and mana of any size

Mana used x INT x WIS (Can only be used 30 times per min)

Cost: 100 mana per foot of spear

-Blood healing: Use others blood to heal yourself

10% of health per 2 liters (Can only be used 30 times per hour)

Cost: 1000 mana per use

Blessed Abilities:

-Divine eye: Use your third eye to see all

All magic circles, magic spells, and mana flow can be seen for 30 mins (2 times per transformation)

Cost: loss of eyesight for 1 hours after 30 mins of usage

Stat bonuses:

STR x 10

END x 8

DEX x 4

VIT x 9

INT x 2

WIS x 4

FAI x 3

LUC x 4

As I looked at the box I felt my body again explode in power as I flexed, it was just like when I was getting a blessing from one of the gods. However before I could do anything another a new box popped up in front of me.

Alert! Due to bloodline bestowment you have gained a new title! The title you have gained is [Tens Ambassador] this title makes you the voice of Tens! All demons will think twice when attacking you! Also you might get a message from Tens every now and then for a job.

"Hmm?" I said as I opened up my stats window to see this title and my bonuses.

Name: Perseus Jackson

Age: 13

Title: The Dark Gamer (All stats increased by number of main lv of player.)

Title: Tens Ambassador (75% chance demented demons won't attack you.)

Title: Empty

Title: Empty

Title: Empty

Title: Empty

Title: Empty

Race-Guess and you might find out

Jobs/Class: (8/10) (Max)

Warrior lv-29 (STR+29, VIT+39)

Barbarian lv-22 (STR+32, END+22, DEX+22)

Medic lv-12 (INT+12, WIS+22, FAI+12)

Spirit user lv-9 (INT+9, WIS+9, FAI+19)

Archer lv-18 (DEX+28, VIT+18)

Blacksmith lv-9 (STR+19, END+9)

Puppet user lv-7 (FAI+7, LUC+17)

Alchemist lv-5 (INT+15, WIS+5, LUC+5)

Martial Artist lv-7 (DEX+17, VIT+7, FAI+7)


Level: 129 Xp: 187,280 / 34,150,400 (1/5) = 6,830,080

Health 64,500/64,500 (500 each level)

Mana 129,000/129,000 (1000 each level)

STR-206(+129+29+32+19) =415 (Bonus x 10) = 4150

END-60(+129+22+9) =216 (Bonus x 8) = 1728

DEX-42(+129+22+28+17) =238 (Bonus x 4) = 952

VIT-51(+129+39+18+7) =248 (Bonus x 9) = 2232

INT-71(+129+12+9+15) =236 (Bonus x 2) = 472

WIS-71(+129+22+8+5) =235 (Bonus x 4) = 940

FAI-46(+129+12+19+7+7) =220 (Bonus x 3) = 660

LUC-37(+129+17+5) =188 (Bonus x 4) = 752

Looking at my bonus stats I honestly felt like it was a little overkill but at the same time I had a feeling I was just beginning to scratch the surface of true power. Even if my power was drastically increased I had a feeling that my stats without the bonus were maybe in the top 25% of my generation. If you accounted for how large this world was and how small a country I grew up in then there was bound to be millions of people stronger than me at my age.

"One day I will be the strongest but for now…" I said as I looked up from my demonic form to see the world around me fading into darkness. In a matter of second my senses finally came back to me and as they did the sound of walking slowly entered my senses. After that my body slowly gained it senses back but as it did I felt a myriad of pains.

But along with those slight aches and pains I felt a pair of soft arms wrapped around my legs as my body was pressed up against someone's back. With the way my arms were slung across the person as well I could tell someone was piggybacking me. However I knew a female was carrying me and from her scent I could tell it was Gaia. Due to my aching body I didn't want to move but before I knew it Gaia knew I was awake.

"Percy?" She asked me as all I could do was groan.

"Finally awake?" She asked me as I sighed.

"Yeah." I said as I tried to move but felt the pains in my body grow intense as I was forced to continue hug Gaia's back.

"Your body hurting?" She asked me in a slightly angry voice.

"M-Maybe." I said with a cough as she laughed a little.

"That's what you get for doing what you did. Now stay still." She said as I nodded as I began to look around to see that we were in one of the many hallways that led between floors and right now I could see Cly and the two in front of us. But just then Cly stopped walking and looked back at us.

"Stop here for a break." He said as Viola and Angel nodded and sat down on the steps. At the same time Gaia nodded and let me down on the steps as I groaned a little as my whole body felt like it had just gone through a meat grinder.

"Oh and sleeping beauty is awake." Said Cly as I groaned.

"I guess." I said as slowly began to stretch as Gaia giggled a little as she sat beside me. However as I looked at Viola and Angel the two seemed to stare at me but questions seemed to shoot from their eyes.

"You had these two scared back there and honestly so was I." He said with a laugh as the two shot a look at their father.

"I wasn't scared…I-I just didn't understand what was happening." Said Viola with a proud but pouting face.

"Y-Yeah!" Said Angel as both Viola and Cly didn't look like they were buying that.

"What happened to me?" I asked Gaia as she crossed her arms and legs as she looked like she was thinking.

"Well after you did what I told you not to do you fainted. After that your body began to transform into what looked like a red skinned demon but then the transformation changed about 12 hours in and you sprouted another set of arms and even a pair of horns." She said as I was surprised.

"Wait how long did it take for me to transform?" I asked her as she hummed for a second.

"24 hours? Somewhere around there." She said as I was astonished.

"Why did it take so long? In my dream it took less than a second." I said as she Gaia nodded.

"A true form or what I should call a divine form takes about 24 to 36 hours for the first transformation. This is because it needs to fundamentally change the cells so they are prepared to transform into that form whenever you demand it. But this is a permanent change and only happens with your true forms. But once you recover in a few days then it shouldn't take more than 10 seconds to transform." She said as I nodded.

"Makes sense." I said as Gaia suddenly smirked.

"But you should have seen those two fawn over you as you laid there in pain. Oh my they brought you water to cool off your body, they even fed you, and just about everything else." Gaia said dramatically as both Viola and Angel blushed like mad as Gaia giggled as I gave an awkward smile. Cly however didn't seem so eager to get mad now as he rolled his eyes as Gaia teased his kids.

"T-Thanks." I said as it turned to the two as they looked away from my eyes.

"No problem." Said Viola in a girly voice.

"It's what any man would do." Said Angel as he looked away.

"So where are we?" I asked them.

"We are in between level 69 and 70. You have also been asleep for about 7 days." Gaia said as I was startled. Firstly because the progress they had made when I was asleep and secondly I was asleep for 7 days.

"You guys move fast." I said as Cly snorted.

"Gaia is a slave driver, most of the time I was forced to carry these two." He said as Gaia glanced at him.

"I am not a slave driver you are simply too slow." She said as he grunted but didn't say anything else.

"Besides any of that how are you feeling?" Asked Gaia.

"Just really sore." I said as she nodded as she waved her hand as suddenly sack appeared in her hand.

"Hungry?" She asked me as I nodded as she took out an apple and tossed it to me.

"I didn't know you had an item storage." I said as she shrugged.

"Well I do but since your item box never filled up I never had the chance to use it." She said as she munched on an apple.

"So Percy…" Said a voice as I turned to see Angel scooting closer to me with half-finished apple in his hand.

"What was it like? My dad says divine soul humans see visions when they take those crystal things." He said.

"Well…I saw something interesting." I said as the little boy/girl eyes widened with interest.

"What did you see exactly?" He asked me.

"Well I saw the entire history of the monster from the birth of the floor that continued it to the hundreds of thousands of people that he fought. It was amazing in all meaning of the word I even saw some super powerful people that killed him by themselves. But I saw all the history of the monster before I came along and killed it." I said as Cly raised an eyebrow.

"So you did kill that boss monster after all. I guess my original theory was wrong." He said as Gaia also looked intrigued.

"Well…yes and no. Something special happened." I said.

"What happened?" Gaia asked me as the others nodded.

"My dad possessed my body and used my skills to kill the demon." I said as everyone went wide eyed.

"Your father did that?" Gaia asked surprised.

"Yes he mentioned something about being able to take over my body only once. But when he did he managed to use my abilities beyond what my body could handle sending me into a deep sleep." I said as Gaia nodded. Still I was wondering how I could use my abilities like my father did. I was going to have to practice if I was planning to get anywhere.

"He is someone to do something like that. But none of your abilities would be powerful enough to even damage a boss of that level." She said.

"He used my eating skill, somehow it bypassed the level difference and dealt direct damage to the boss by eating it. He even somehow managed to use it to make massive bites that was beyond my imagination." I said as Cly suddenly seemed to fit the puzzle pieces together.

"He also said he left a memory of a certain magic in my memory but I haven't gotten a notification about it." I said.

"Maybe it will only be activated when you actually need to use it." Said Viola as that seemed plausible.

"That seems right. But…how do you feel about meeting him like that?' Asked Gaia as I sighed.

"I am angry and I want to punch him in the face." I said as Gaia laughed.

"But…I am happy that he cares enough to save me and let you take care of me. I am sad because he said we got separated as well. I guess I am all over the place." I said as Gaia smiled.

"Well you have that right and one day when you meet him those emotions will come forward once again. Until then don't overthink it and simply relax." Said Gaia as I nodded.

"So did you see anything else?' Asked Viola.

"Yeah I did I met a deity." I said as her eyes seemed to gleam with interest.

"Which one?" Asked Gaia as I glanced at her as I guess he must know of them all.

"Some god named Tens." I said as she scrunched up her face.

"Oh…him." She said as it there was a bad taste in her mouth.

"Ha…yeah he is a piece of work. But he gave me a bloodline bestowment which basically powered up my form." I said as she nodded but still didn't seem too happy about it

"I suppose you became his ambassador as well?" She asked me as I nodded as she rolled her eyes.

"Those damn gods always looking for someone to spread the word of their greatness." She said as I laughed slightly.

"I guess you don't like the gods?" I asked her.

"I don't like most of them, but some aren't so bad." She said.

"Actually I want to ask you something is there a way to meet one besides a bloodline bestowment?" I asked her.

"There is a few ways but they something you cannot hope to do at the moment." She said as I sighed. For some reason without the gods in my life it lacked a certain pizazz that I missed. But I guess reincarnated gods from my world was the next best thing.

"So does that change your plans at all?" Asked Cly as he seemed to ignore me and Gaia's conversation. But all I could do was shake my head.

"No my goal is still the same grow stronger and destroy all the enemies in front of me. But I think I have a new outlook on life." I said as he raised an eyebrow.

"I have only seen a tiny part of this world and if I plan to get stronger and stand above anyone who opposes me then I need to understand more about this world. I need to grow stronger so nobody can tell me what to do and control me." I said as Cly grinned.

"That is some strong willpower you got there kid." He said.

"Thanks." I said with a grin.

"So does that mean you will staying with us for a while?" Asked Angel.

"Yeah I guess it does." I said as I patted him on the head as he froze under the head pat. But as I looked at his face he seemed panicked as he quickly scooted away as I gave a confused look.

"For how long?" Asked Viola.

"Until I reach level 1200 I will stay with you but once I get to that level I need to revisit my home and finish some business. Until then I will be accompanying you if you don't mind." I said as Cly smiled and nodded.

"Fair enough, but only if your spirit agrees." He said as he eyed Gaia.

"I will follow Perseus anywhere he goes." She said with a light nod.

"Well then you are going to have to carry him for a while longer we need to get to the surface." He said as I groaned as Gaia smiled at my embarrassed face as my body still wasn't in walking condition.

"Maybe when we reach level 50 I can show you all my new form." I said as Viola and Angel looked slightly intrigued at this.

"Are you sure? Your body might not be ready by then." Asked Gaia as I nodded.

"I am sure I will be fine by then, besides I need to learn how to use it." I said as she nodded.

"Well we should get going if we want to be there in the next few days." Cly said as he stood up as everyone followed his lead. Bug Gaia picked me up and piggy backed me as I blushed in embarrassment.

"Your enjoying this aren't you." I said to Gaia as she let out a whistle song.

"Well I was planning on being nice but-." I reached forward and suddenly grabbed her breasts as I got a cute moan from her. Thankfully we were behind everyone else so they didn't notice.

"Perseus." She whispered as I rolled my eyes and slowly groped at the meaty globs that fit perfectly in my hands. Even through her silk green dress they felt just like marshmallows as soft as they were. However Gaia was biting her lip as she kept down her moans as her breath grew slightly heavy.

"S-Stop." She mewed out in a sexy voice as I had to force myself from getting and erection.

"Fine." I said as I instantly let go of her breasts as she sighed a heavy breath of relief but I could still see the blush that ran to her pointy ears. But as I looked her red ears I slowly followed them to her exposed neck. As I stared at it I slowly leaned forward and lightly bit the back of her next as she froze mid step.

"…" She didn't say anything as I lightly bit her neck as her sweet taste of grass dew entered my mouth. But as I tasted her sweet sweat I slowly let go and slowly gave a long lick to the back of her neck. I could feel her body shiver under the lick as her smooth skin slid under my tongue. Yet this only lasted a second as I reached up and suddenly bit on her ear as small moan escaped her lips as I found a sensitive spot.

As I nibbled on her ear and gave it gentle licks I felt her arms tighten around my legs as they were pulled closer to her body. She didn't resist in the least as I gently nibbled on her ear and felt the ear twitch gleefully as it burned a red color. But finally I let go as her ear seemed to tremble in pleasure.

"Payback." I said as she sighed out in grief as she continued walking as my body tightened around hers as I felt my aches and pains slowly fade away. At the same time Gaia's body seemed to provide a very comfy warmth as I snuggled up to her. But at the same time I listened to her pounding heart as it raced.

But little did I know that Gaia herself was going to get her own form of payback on me later that night.