Chapter 16

Disclaimer: I do not own Percy Jackson

Beta: Caracac

Warning: Contains blood, gore, sex, possible rape, sword fights, dark shit you will never unsee, demons, angels, witches, wizards, medieval crap, and pure unadulterated badassery.


"…" She didn't say anything as I lightly bit her neck as her sweet taste of grass dew entered my mouth. But as I tasted her sweet sweat I slowly let go and slowly gave a long lick to the back of her neck. I could feel her body shiver under the lick as her smooth skin slid under my tongue. Yet this only lasted a second as I reached up and suddenly bit on her ear as small moan escaped her lips as I found a sensitive spot.

As I nibbled on her ear and gave it gentle licks I felt her arms tighten around my legs as they were pulled closer to her body. She didn't resist in the least as I gently nibbled on her ear and felt the ear twitch gleefully as it burned a red color. But finally I let go as her ear seemed to tremble in pleasure.

"Payback." I said as she sighed out in grief as she continued walking as my body tightened around hers as I felt my aches and pains slowly fade away. At the same time Gaia's body seemed to provide a very comfy warmth as I snuggled up to her. But at the same time I listened to her pounding heart as it raced.

But little did I know that Gaia herself was going to get her own form of payback on me later that night.


After I snuggled up to Gaia's back I seemed to fall into a sleep like trance as I felt awake but my body was seeming to sleep as I couldn't even open my eyes but I could hear everything. The sounds of quick steps from Gaia and the roar of monsters around us. Occasionally I could feel her arm move as she use some sort of magic to defend herself and me. But time seemed to fly by as each floor was covered in mere hours as they continued up the dungeon.

But soon the hours passed and the time to sleep came yet my body still felt like it was buried in mud and all my bones and muscles were immensely sore. As night came we stopped on the 61 floor. Unfortunately the dungeon doesn't permit camping in between the levels, if you do set up camp on the stairs you will find yourself back in the floor you were just in after you fell asleep. So you had to set up camp on the dungeon floors themselves.

Fortunately floor 61 was one of the few safe floors that existed as major resting spots for adventures in the dungeon. There were monsters on these floors but what happened was adventures and armies of the countries would build large defenses around areas that hold materials suitable for life. Such as water and grow able soil with these two things small fortified town/castles being built.

"Do you three rooms?" Asked Cly to the inner keeper. Unfortunately this was the only in in this town due to it being so far down in the dungeon. Most of the time there wouldn't be more than 50 adventures this deep so when a massive party went through the floor they had to set up camp outside the town.

"We only have two empty rooms." Said the male demi bear behind the counter as he didn't even look at Cly as he sharpened a sword in his hand.

"Quite a lot of people." Said Cly as the man nodded.

"Yeah some people in a large group came down to search for some legendary drop items from the floor 84 swamp rat." He said as he looked at the blade as it gave his reflection.

"Sounds like they need anti poison." Said Cly as the man shrugged.

"So you going to get a room or not?" He asked as he finally looked at Cly as he sighed and tossed down two gold coins.

"One night." Cly said as the name nodded and grabbed the coins and then tossed Cly two keys.

"The rooms are on the second floor all the way to the back." He said as Cly nodded as he walked towards the stair as I Gaia continued to carry me on her back as we followed behind Cly.

Somehow the man didn't seem to care at all that Gaia was carrying me, I guess some adventures got injured and had to be carried a lot. But I guess Gaia disguising herself in so high level leather armor helped a well. Even then he didn't pay attention to the three children which was suspicious but he just kept sharpening and cleaning his blade without issue.

"This is yours." Cly said as he handed Gaia a key as she took it.

"You two get some rest and that goes you for you two as well." Said Cly as he looked at Viola and Angel as they seemed against the idea.

"Wait shouldn't I sleep with Viola and Angel and Gaia with you?" I asked him as Viola and Angel nodded since that was the normal sleeping accommodation while we traveled.

"No, Gaia will be sleeping with you, use it to catch up with each other. Plus spirits have a healing effect on their owners if they sleep near one another." He said as Gaia nodded.

"He is right and your body is in no condition to be left alone and it needs to heal." She said as I felt a sinking feeling but brushed it off as I nodded.

"The sooner I can walk on my own the better." I said as Gaia carried me up the stair and into our room. From what I could tell the rooms we got were the ones at the very end of the hall and were basically the undesirable ones. But as we reached them Gaia walked up to the door and unlocked it before stopping and turning to Cly.

"What say you about a late breakfast?" She asked as Cly stopped to think.

"Hmm well it would give Viola and Angel a chance to sleep longer and knowing them they need it. Plus I am sure Perseus needs all the healing he can get for tonight. Sure why not, a late breakfast it is." Said Cly as Angel and Viola seemed relieved and gave Gaia a look of praise as this was the first night in many they got to sleep all they wanted.

"Anyways. Night Perseus." Said Angel as Viola nodded as they entered the room as Gaia carried me into ours. As you would suspect from the corner room in a shabby inn like this it was simple and plain. Simple wooden furniture and a bed made out of what looked to be hay and monster pelts. But surprisingly as Gaia set me down on the bed I found it very comfy like an actual bed. I suspected these must have been decent monsters pelts.

"Surprisingly soft." Said Gaia as she patted the bed feeling the texture of the pelts.

"Well I guess anything beats rock floors any day." I said as she laughed lightly and nodded. As she did she slowly stood up and stretched her arms and back.

"Spirits get stiff shoulders?" I asked her as she laughed.

"Due to the blood rebirth my body is as real as any normal fleshly body. So aches and pains come with it. Though you aren't heavy carrying you for so many days gave me a stiff shoulder." She said rolling her left shoulder.

"Well when I am fully operational I promise I will give you a massage." I said flopping down on the bed as I put all my leather armor that Cly lent me in my inventory leaving me in a simple pair of linen boxer and a shirt.

"Well I am going to get some rest just come to bed whenever." I said as I pulled a large animal fur blanket over me as I faced the wall. It only took my body a minute to relax as I felt all my sore muscles try and feel better. Before I knew it my world was one of complete silence yet my mind was still awake. Just like when Gaia carried me when I was sleeping.

Not knowing what to do I simply went with the flow just like water and wonder but as it did I suddenly felt my body slowly grow hot. It wasn't painful but instead it was pleasurable like a warm bath. However soon the pleasure began to focus on one particular area as my body as I felt my crotch grow warmer. As it did I felt my body slowly wake up as confusion riddled my mind but as my eyes slowly opened I was met with the sight of a wall in front of me.

"W-What?" I asked as I tried to moved but I felt my body was slightly restrained and not by my sore muscles but by magic.

"Ah you're awake." Whispered a silky voice right in my ear. I could even feel the breath tickle my ear lobe as my body shivered. However before I could do anything I felt something wrap around my chest as I saw a familiar arm loop under my torso. At the same time I looked down to see a sleek arm that was currently buried in my pants.

"Gaia what are you doing?" I asked but at the same time I felt the hand in my pants slowly caress my growing bulge. Though something like this wouldn't normally stimulate me this much I hadn't masturbated in a couple weeks to almost a month's so as Gaia caressed my growing bulge I let out a groan.

"Payback." She said in a slutty voice as her soft hand slowly began to stroke my cock as I began to grow harder. I continued to groan as the magical bindings that Gaia put on me were working just fine. But as I tried to struggle Gaia kept stroking my cock and basically wrapped her body around me. I could feel her soft breasts pushing up against my back as the soft sensation warmed my back.

"That is get hard." She said as I she leaned forward and nibbled on my ear as her hand continued to gently stroke my cock as I was almost at full mast. At the same time I began to pant lightly as Gaia's body wrapped around me and teased me. Her free hand even found its way up my shirt and found one of my nipples as it was pinched. This sensation was beyond awkward but suddenly a moan escaped my lips as a pleasurable sensation also came from it.

"Seems like my magic is finally kicking in." Gaia said as she continued to caress my body in ways not even Annabeth did in my past life. I could only lay there as the said magic was making me feel enhanced pleasure like the succubus I fucked. But as my body went out of my own control I heard Gaia start to pant lightly as her body seemed to slowly move up against mine. Her breasts pushing up against me harder and a damp feeling began to grown on my leg that was stuck in-between hers.

"G-Gaia." I said as she dry humped me as she continued jack me off, I could feel me reaching my limit as my groans turned into a pant. I could feel myself about to cum my cock began to twitch but Gaia suddenly let go leaving me on edge and unable to cum. I could feel my dick twitch violently as it begged to cum as precum covered the tip. At the same time I could hear her sweet gaps for air as well as she leaned forward and planted kisses on the back of my neck.

"You don't get to cum yet, not after what you did." She said in a slightly angry voice as I now had regretting about what I did to her earlier. But before I could complain Gaia's hands retreated from my body and she pulled herself away. I kind of missed her bodies warm as she slowly pulled away but it wasn't gone long as suddenly by body was rolled and I was now on my back and before I could blink I was stripped or my underwear and my shirt was ripped apart.

I could only watch as Gaia appeared in my vision. However instead of her normal green dress she wore something else. She was wearing a see through green chiffon lingerie that was see through all the way up to breasts where the fabric grew slightly thicker hiding her perfect B cups. But with the teasing chiffon they're hiding her breasts she also wore a pair of lacy green panties that were tied at her sides.

I could only soak up the sight of her sleek and toned 5 foot 8 body as she slowly crawled over me and slowly pushed her soft brown hair with what looked light to be green highlights over her ear revealing her radiant green eyes. But before I could say anything she suddenly sat down on my thighs so with her own under her trapping my legs between them. Her eyes locked onto mine but then slowly went down my body until they found my pulsing cock as precum leaked down the head and shaft.

"You got bigger." She said as she slowly reached forward and put the tip of her finger against the bottom of my shaft and slowly ran up all 7 inches of it before putting the finger in her mouth and sucking on it. At the same time I could see something animistic flash in her eyes as she gently sucked on her finger before pulling it out with a light pop.

"Even your taste is better than before." She said as she shuddered as I saw a growing patch of wetness on her green panties as one of her hand slowly slid against her toned stomach and slid into her panties. However she quickly pulled her hand back out as it was glistening slightly as she looked up at me and reached her hand over.

"Suck it." She almost growled as I gulped and slowly opened my mouth as she stuck her glistening fingers in my mouth. Although my consciousness told me to not do it as it didn't want to be controlled by her but yet my body moved on its own as I sucked on her fingers. As I tasted her fingers I noticed a faint sweet taste but before I could thoroughly taste it she pulled away her fingers. However a second later I felt a warm sensation cover my dick as I looked down to see Gaia stroking it again.

"You want to cum?" She asked me in a slutty voice as I whimpered a little as her saliva covered hand stroked my cock. At the same time her free hand slowly went ran across her smooth stomach and slid down into her panties. She then bit her lip and gave a soft moan as her own hand moved in rhythm with the one stroking me. Her whole body even began to move as he teased herself and me at the same time.

"Gods." I said as I tried to move my hands but couldn't due to the magic as Gaia continued her teasing as her eyes seemed cloudy but still focused as she gently rubbed the head of my cock as precum spilled out of it and covered her hand in addition to my whole dick. Her long fingers finding all the right places as she gently teased the head then shaft. But before I knew it was about to cum again yet Gaia yet again pulled her hand away leaving me on edge as I whimpered a little.

"Gaia come on please." I begged as Gaia's slowly licked her precum covered hand, somehow even my precum was thick a white as it slid down her hand and dripped over her breasts.

"Not yet, you still have to be punished." She said as she pulled her hand she was masturbating with out of her panties and then with both her hands she put them on either side of my cock. But just then a green glow covered my dick and in the next second I felt something weird happen. I could only look down to see a strange green glowing tattoo appeared on my shaft and right above it.

Alert! Anti-ejaculation spell has been placed on you. You can cum but nothing will come out, you must come 20 times before seal is released. If limit is not reached spell will fade in 24 hours. Sensitivity has been increased 200%. Sexual stamina has increased 400%.

"What?" I asked as Gaia smirked and slowly got off me and then snapped her fingers. The second she did I felt myself regain control to find I could somewhat move now my body now. I guess Gaia must have healed me some before trapping me.

"Now punishment begins." Said Gaia as I watched her slowly removed the straps of the chiffon as it slid off her silk like shoulders revealing her beautiful B cups and her hourglass shaped body. Her hair cascaded down her front and back like waves of water as I could only gulp as she slowly walked forward to me as her hips swung side to side.

She finally reached the bed and slowly knelt down so her face was facing my crotch as she slowly reached forwards and began to stroke me again. However her touch was now so much better and I moaned out as she smiled and continued to pump my length up and down. Precum continued to leak from the tip like a faucet as I somehow felt myself slowly building up to my peak slower than usual.

But as I watched Gaia jerk off all 7 inches of hard cock she suddenly slowly opened her mouth and as she did a glob of spit slowly slid off her tongue and landed on the tip of my dick as I felt the warmth spread across my dick. I only shuddered at the feeling as she looked up me as our eyes locked. As they did she slowly lowered her mouth onto the spit cover tip of my cock all while continuing eye contact.

As her silky lips wrapped around the head of my spit covered cock I only moan out in pleasure. Then she began to move up and down as slurping noises filled the air as her air tight blowjob sent shivers up my spine. I only watched as she continued to bob her head up and down and take 3 to 4 inches with each bob. Her tongue worked on the head and shaft as it slid into her wet throat time and time again.

Every time she came up a thick sheet of spit and precum remained on my shaft but then disappeared as she came back down. The slurping noises growing louder as she went deeper and deeper. Yet I could only watch as I felt the urge to cum only slowly progress as I cursed Gaia's spell. Just then Gaia rested her mouth on the tip of my cock and then took a deep breath and slowly slid her mouth down my cock as inch after inch disappeared beneath her silky lips.

Finally her mouth met my still smooth base as I could feel her throat move on its own as I moaned like a whore. She seemed happy at this reaction as hummed in delight as vibrations only made the pleasure I was feeling increase. It was so good in fact I felt stupid from it as Gaia moved her head side to side and then slowly came back up as my dick glistened with spit. Then Gaia slowly opened her mouth as a large amount of bubbly spit and precum landed on my cock like a thick lotion.

"Gods." I cursed again as Gaia giggled but then didn't wait a second as she deep throated me again with ease. Her happy expression remained on her face as she took all 7 inches again and again as I continued to moan until finally I was on the urge of cumming. But as I did I tried to place a hand on Gaia's head but instead she reached up and pinned my hands at my side as she began bobbing her head fast. Her throat continued to caress my cock as her silky lips held and air tight seal.

"Cumming!" I yelled as Gaia seemed to put effort in as she firmly planted her lips to the base of my cock and hummed even harder. It only took a second for my sensation for cumming to suddenly stop as I was left on the peak of my orgasm as I groaned and moaned like a whore.

1/20 times you came.

Regardless of the alert I had felt like I was cheated out of another orgasm as it had felt like I came but it was blocked somehow. I could only lie there as Gaia let go of my hand and slowly pulled up her head as an almost white layer of spit and precum covered my cock and now ran down my balls and part of my abdomen. Gaia just slowly let the rest in her mouth rained down on my cock until her mouth was empty of spit.

"I think I came a little." Said Gaia as I slowly looked up so see Gaia with a pleasurable face as she was shivering as I watched small drips of liquid fall from her drenched panties. However as she shivered a few more times she looked at me and grinned.

"How was that?" She asked me.

"I hate you." I proclaimed still full of pleasure that I was currently hatting at the moment.

"Well then you will love this next part, instead of me fucking you, you are going to fuck me." She said as she slowly pulled at the thing strings holding the tiny green sheet of cloth to her drenched lower lips. With ease the strings slowly slid the not apart as the bow finally came undone as the the piece of fabric slowly fell off her.

As it did it revealed a hairless pussy that was slightly pink in complexation and looked beautiful in all aspects. I just stared at her as she slowly walked forward and then pulled me into a standing position as I shuddered as I was forced to stand in my current state. But as I did Gaia suddenly took my spot on the bed as I turned to see a sight that made me gulp.

Gaia had chosen to lay her head on the pillow and took up the whole bed and right now with her naked body and slightly heaving chest it looked ripe for the picking. But as I stared she looked over at me with a sexy as can be look.

"Come over here and fuck me." She said as I didn't hesitate to move over to her as she slowly raised her legs until her soaked lower lips were right in front of me. However Gaia suddenly moved her legs and wrapped them around me as my cock laid right on her stomach as she licked her lips and looked up at me.

"You are going to fuck me until you finally burst inside me, no breaks." She said as I shuddered at the thought. Sure sex was great but to be honest cumming 20 times without breaks…I think I would pass out before I came that many times in a night.

But I still looked down at Gaia as her eyes never left mine, I could only nod as I slowly pulled back and positioned myself at her entrance. The tip of my slowly spreading her vaginal lips with ease as they found her hole and slowly entered into it. My girth was almost 5.25 inches in circumference so it was above average so when I pushed into her I could feel her walls tighten around me.

I lost myself in that moment as an animalistic sound escaped my lips as I suddenly pushed into Gaia with all my might. I guess I was sort of surprised to her hymen wasn't there but as I pushed into her velvety walls I could feel her hug me perfectly. But as my cock pushed deeper into her I felt my tip hit the entrance of her womb and at the same time Gaia shuddered and let out a gasp. But I had lost all reason as I began to thrust into her each time my dick hit her womb entrance as Gaia moan in pleasure.

Gaia suddenly put her hand against my chest but I ignored her plea for me to slow down as I continued to slam into her as my saliva covered cock slid into her tight tunnel with ease. Slapping noises began to echo in the room as well as our animalistic moans, as I continued to thrust into Gaia her hands on my chest seemed slowly stop pushing back.

At the same time I looked down to see Gaia looking away from me and her breasts bouncing with each thrust. I just watched the rhythmic bounce of her breasts as my pleasure consumed mind seemed to work on its own. I then leaned down against her arms will and kissed her collarbone as I heard her hiss slightly as I continued to plant sloppy kisses on her exposed skin.

Each one earned a moan from her as I continued to wildly thrust into her each time her womb seemed to tremble as I thrust into her. But as I planted my sloppy kissed on her naked body I finally got to her breast. Slowly I took her perky pinky nipple into my mouth as I tasted her sweet skin. However Gaia only gasped as I took her nipple in my mouth and her other breast in my other hand.

"Percy d-don't." She said but as I looked up I saw Gaia hiding her face with her hands as I gave a slow lick to her nipple as I watched her shudder. I could see her lips pressed together hard as she tried to hide her moans but a small gasp escaped as she then bit her lip. I just slowly stopped thrusting as I reached up and grabbed her arms as she seemed to jolt a little.

"Let me see that beautiful face." I said as I slowly pulled back her hands as they gave little resistance as I saw Gaia's face. It was what I called a pure pleasure face. Her eyes were unfocused and her mouth was not panting loudly as she let her face go slack. I guess you could call this beautiful scene a fucked silly face.

I only leaned forward and kissed Gaia as I tasted her sweet silky lips, I remained motionless as we kissed as Gaia's arms slowly wrapped around my neck as my held me up. However our kiss soon turned sloppy as I began to move again as our gasps filled the kiss and soon moans began to fill the air once again. At this point I we were in our own world as we continued to fuck like wild animals.

Each thrust was met with a wet slapping sound that echoed in the room followed by a loud moan. I was growling as her velvety walls clung to my cock for dear life, each and every vein found a place inside her love tunnel as we stayed in missionary position for a bit until the urge to cum overtook me. As it did the tip of my penis pressed hard against Gaia's womb prepared to dump a huge load inside her.

Yet as my body came nothing came out again as it my body begged for release of the constantly building up sperm inside me. So I continued to thrust into Gaia as my body begged for release however before I knew it I felt a splash of hot liquid on my inner thigh as Gaia's whole body convulsed as she came. But I didn't stop in the least as I suddenly moved her legs so she was laying on her side with one leg on my shoulder as I thrust into her a deep as I could.

Her moans turned into screams of pleasure that filled my ears like wave of pleasure and before I knew it I was cumming again. My body felt weak but I continued on through the night eventually the orgasms began to build inside me as 2 turned into 6 and then that turned into 14 and that turned into 19. With only one left I gained some sanity back to myself as I slowly looked down to find an interesting sight.

Before me lay Gaia as she was currently lying face down in the bed as her whole body glistened in a fine sheet of sweat. Her back rose and fell with each breath but her body seemed to be limp as her hands lay palm up and her hair was everywhere on her back and on the bed. Her eyes were open but showed no sign of consciousness but instead pure pleasure as her mouth twitch and drool slowly fell out of it.

My dick looked beyond vicious as the veins on it pulsed as it remained firmly engorged in her still tremoring vaginal walls as her legs lay straight and mine were on the outside of hers. A thick web of vaginal juice covered my crotch area and my aching balls. Slowly I pulled out of her as her body continued to tremble lightly. I don't remember how many orgasm Gaia had but my guess was it was more that I had.

"Gaia?" I asked in my moment of clarity as Gaia didn't respond and remained in her pleasure coma. I didn't wait for a response as I slowly moved her body until she was sitting in my lap with my penis firmly planted within her snatch. Her juices continued to stream out of her as her body moved on its own. Her arms wrapped around me and her mouth found mine in a sloppy kiss as I slowly began to move.

Her pants were like an aphrodisiac as I continued to thrust inside her. Though my body was smaller than hers I still managed to pick her up with ease as my hands held onto her firm as I thrust into her from below. Eventually her head sunk and rested on my shoulder as I continued to for us. Our drenched bodies sliding with ease up against one another as each thrust brought a torrent of juices from her and a moan of pleasure.

At this point I couldn't tell if it was pain from not cumming or the pleasure of fucking Gaia that was keeping me going. However I didn't care as Gaia's arms and legs wrapped around me instinctively as only her drive for pleasure remained. Each thrust only made her arms tighten as I massaged her firm ass in my hands and tried to feel everything.

Each thrust brought me closer to release as I could feel my body reach the limit. But as I closed in on my limit and Gaia was reaching her probably 50th orgasm her arms tightened around me as did her legs as if not to let me escape. Just then I could feel the tip of my cock locked firmly against the entrance to her womb. However as I planned to cum I didn't began to slam her hips into mine harder as I bashed into her trembling womb.

But with one final thrust the tip of my dick slid past her final barrier and enter her small inner room as her back arched. Her head threw back in a silent scream as I felt her body convulse against mine in a mind blowing orgasm as her inner walls clenched at me for dear life. Her nails dragged across my skin drawing lines on my back as her mouth quivered in pleasure. Just then I felt a gush of warmth hit me as I looked down to see her peeing the sensation was so great.

But I paid it no mind as I leaned forward to cup a breast in my mouth and continued to thrust inside her. This only made her love drunk state worse as her moans were even slurred as she seemed to have not bodily function at this point. Her velvety walls no longer still as they contracted and seemed to be trying to squeeze cum from me. I just soaked in this sensation as Gaia seemed to have several orgasms at the same time.

Just then I felt my balls twitch as I was close to cumming due to Gaia's vagina going crazy. But I was not one to disappoint as I thrust in and out of her without remorse as my balls finally gave way and I reached my 20th orgasm. With that I felt the spell snap and a wave of pleasure so immense I nearly fainted right there hit me. Just then 20 orgasms worth of month old cum shot from me and right into Gaia's deepest parts.

Both of us could do nothing as my cum began to fill her delicate women like a firehose. Gaia shuddered at the sensation and brought me closer to her as did eye as we both embraced as hard as we could as pleasure overwhelmed us. I didn't know how long I came for but all I know is that there was so much of my cum that Gaia's womb seemed to inflate slightly and then the rest found what little space Gaia's love tunnel had left to spew out and cover the already cum drenched bed.

The cum was so thick it looked almost like yogurt as it glugged out of Gaia's vagina as both of us collapsed on the bed. Our breaths slowly synced as we cuddled up against one another and shared the afterglow of our long night together. I don't know how long it took but my dick slowly softened inside her and slid out as cum slowly dripped out of Gaia forming a pool around her. But both of us slowly fell asleep right then as we embraced one another and let the dreams guide us.


I had been two days since me and Gaia's night time adventure and thankfully neither Cly nor his kids noticed how awkward we were the day after. Gaia and I shared few words the day after, mostly that my punishment was over and no more using that spell on me. Also she told me that she could choose when to get pregnant so I didn't need to worry. Besides that we were to hide our relationship would be hid from Cly and the kids.

After that due to my body not yet being fully recovered Gaia carried me to level 53 where we rested for the night. During this time I could feel and Gaia growing closer than we had been at the Academy. She even returned to her carrying somewhat loving self in front of me and the others that I suspect was her normal self when she didn't have her guard up. Cly was surprised at first at her change but understood after Gaia told him she was just happy to have me functioning again and could return to her old self.

That leads us today where my body is fully recovered and right now it was monster hunting time with my new form. Currently we were on floor 50 so most monsters levels ranged from 500 to 520. But as I was getting ready for battle a familiar face walked over to me.

"Percy can we help you fight?" Angel asked as her/his eyes sparkled.

"No." Cly instantly said as Angel pouted.

"Why not?" Angel asked.

"Because I said no." He said as Angel looked mad.

"Angel when Percy transforms his stats will grow immensely and if we get in the way there is a possibility we can get hurt." Viola said as Cly nodded as Angel huffed.

"Can we at least watch?" Angel asked as Cly nodded.

"Yes we can." Cly said.

"If you want I cast a flying spell on you." Said Gaia as Cly nodded.

"That would be appreciated." He said as Gaia snapped her fingers as a gust of wind began to flow through the area as it began to wrap around the three. Soon all three were levitating off the ground as the invisible wind held them up in the air.

"Go ahead and transform, but when you do monsters will notice and come in this direction." Gaia said as she began to float into the air with the other three as they flew some odd hundred feet in the air. I just paid them no attention as I slowly exhaled and started to focus on transforming into my demon form but as I did I felt something strange in my chest.

Alert! New ability discovered!

Magic skill: Divine transformation lv-Max (100%)

An ability that only the divine soul humans possess that allows them to transform into any being that they absorb the soul crystal of. Each transformation holds a stat bonus that is different depending on the form transformed into.

Permanent transformation can only be used once a week.

Permanent transformation can only last 24 hours at a time.

Temporary transformations can only be used once every 3 days.

Temporary transformations can only last 12 hours each time.

All XP gained in transformation will be cut in half.

Permanent Transformations: 1/9

-Demon species: Oni God (Bloodline Enhanced)









Cost: None

I glanced at the skill and sighed at the XP having but I guess this form had to have some drawbacks. But I selected the first permanent transformation as I felt my body shudder and then begin to change. A swell of power entered me in a rush as I felt my body beginning to morph. There was no pain only a slight uncomfortable feeling as my body slowly began to shift and change as I grew from my 5 foot 5 to nearly 6 foot 10 and my extra arms slowly sprouted from my sides.

My skin turned blood colored and I felt a slit of my third eye slowly form on my forehead along with my horns that slowly grew to about 8 inches long. Even my armor disappeared and was replaced with a simple loincloth made of black fabric. The transformation only took a matter of seconds as I stood nearly 2 heads taller with another 8 inches added on from my horns. Even my mouth felt different as if felt my canine teeth felt longer as well.

(A/N: I added Health and Mana to the bonuses)

Bonuses activated

Health 64,500/64,500 (Bonus x 100) = 6,450,000/6,450,000

Mana 129,000/129,000 (Bonus x 100) = 12,900,000/12,900,000

STR-206(+129+29+32+19) =415 (Bonus x 10) = 4150

END-60(+129+22+9) =216 (Bonus x 8) = 1728

DEX-42(+129+22+28+17) =238 (Bonus x 4) = 952

VIT-51(+129+39+18+7) =248 (Bonus x 9) = 2232

INT-71(+129+12+9+15) =236 (Bonus x 2) = 472

WIS-71(+129+22+8+5) =235 (Bonus x 4) = 940

FAI-46(+129+12+19+7+7) =220 (Bonus x 3) = 660

LUC-37(+129+17+5) =188 (Bonus x 4) = 752

As I looked down at my impressive form I flexed both sets of arms as I felt a slight gust of wing blow off my as my power exploded forth. I could only grin at that immense strength that this form possessed. Just then I folded my second set of arms across my chest like Tens did as I found it surprisingly comfortable with my second set folded. I then reached up to my head and felt the horns on my head as they felt weird to the touch but I ignored that.

As I tried to figure out my body I discovered I couldn't simply open my third eye without activating my ability [Divine eye]. So I ignored that for the time being as I moved my arms trying to get used to them. But somehow I had no problems with my body as I ran simple tests with my arms and body. Just as I was about to feel up my teeth I heard roar of monsters about 400 feet away as I turned to see a few unicorns shrouded in flames running my way.

"First opponent." I said with a grin as I smashed my fists together. Unfortunately I didn't possess a weapon big enough for this form so I was stuck with my bare hands. But as the fire unicorn rushed me I used [Analyze] yet I still only got questions marks. I guess its level was still too high for me to use it on.

However with my crowd watching I didn't want to wait around as I launched myself forward towards the monster with a grin plastered across my face. With a boom the ground below my feet crack in a 10 foot diameter as I shot at the unicorn with a much faster speed than I predicted. Though it surprised me my body seemed to know what it was doing as I quickly decreased the distance between me and the monster.

The monster seemed surprised but not faze as its horn began to glow and it gave a powerful neigh as its speed increased and shot towards me. I clenched my right fist and reared back my arm in a simple punch as I felt the need to test my power. In a second we met one another as I punched forward as a blast of flame shot from the unicorn's horn. My fist then shot out to meet the horns attack.

Next I saw the flames be blown away from the first wind pressure and clash with the head of the unicorn. My first barely missed the horn as it smashed into the skull in a resounding boom as I watched a ripple spread across the unicorn. My punch completely stopped the monsters momentum and pushed down its head as the best tripped and began to flip from the sudden stop.

14 million damage dealt to fire unicorn

In one long second I watched the unicorn flip over me and crash into the rocky ground behind me. After a few rolls the unicorn slowly stopped rolling but then began to get back up as it swayed lightly from side to side and shook its head as it turned to me and gave and angry snort. It then clapped its hooves against eh rocky ground before charging me again.

But it never managed to build up any speed as I shot towards the monster and punched it again as hard. This time I saw its eye burst from the impact of the punch and its skin tear as I punched it right down into the ground. With a boom the unicorn smashed into the ground creating a 5 foot crater. I only stared down at the twitching unicorn as blood slowly poured from its head.

10 million damage dealt to fire unicorn

Unfortunately I didn't know its max health so I just slowly raised my foot and stomped down as hard as I could on its neck. With a resounding snap from the unicorn's neck the monster's neck bent at an odd angle as its whole body shook before going still. At the same time the ground shook from my stomp as I watched the unicorn slowly begin to dissolve. I only sighed as I had not chance to fully test out my strength now.

'Be careful Percy fire unicorns travel in packs.' I heard Gaia say in my head and just in time the ground began to shake as more monster cries filled the air as I grinned. I wonder if [Fist of Flowing Water Crushing Rock] would in this form? But before I tested that out I glanced at the dead unicorn beneath me as it still slowly dissolved.

With a wave of my hand the body shuddered as the blood from its body slowly began to fly into the air. As I did this the dissolved speed increased before nothing of the monsters body was left other than some drop items on the ground I didn't pay attention to. Gaia said she would be in charge of picking up items for me so right now I focused on the 5 foot blood spear hovering by my side.

-500 MP

I held then grabbed the blood spear and then turned to the pack of nearly 50 fire unicorns charging my way. I just slowly exhaled as my second set of arms slowly unfolded themselves as my second hand also grabbed the spear as I took aim. With a single step both of my arms bulged as veins appeared on the skin as I threw the spear with all my might.

With a boom the spear instantly broke the sound barrier and whistled through the air at a great speed right at the fire unicorns. In an instant the spear had reached and unsuspecting unicorn as it was hit by the spear. I could only watch as the spear hit it dead center in the chest and ripped apart the unicorn. I was in awe as the spear nearly blew apart the unicorn as half its body was thrown into the air like a rag doll as blood and guts flew everywhere.

500 mana x 472 intelligence x 940 wisdom = 221,840,000 damage!

But it wasn't done there as the spear seemed untouched as it ripped right through the monsters like a piece of paper and continued towards the unicorn behind it. The monster didn't have time to dodge as the spear hit its foreleg and ripped right through it with just as little as resistance as the first monster. However this time the spear only ripped off its front foreleg and part of its back one.

This sent it toppling forward in a bloody heap of twitching muscle as the spear continued forward with tremendous force. The third unicorn in the way was ready this time as it met the tip of the spear with the tip of its horn. A magical barrier made of flame exploded forth from the horn as the spiraling blood spear bore into the barrier like a drill. A high pitch whine sounded from the impact point as it slowly pushed the unicorn backwards.

But the barrier only held for about 5 seconds before it shattered into nothing and the spear broke through. In an instant the spear was already halfway through the unicorn as the monster began to fold inwards from the head down. In the next instant the spear was already free off the monster and flying off into the distance where it flew off to who knows where.

However the last monster it had hit had completely folded inside out leaving nothing but a pile of blood, guts, and broken bones. At this point I could only let out a whistle in awe as I looked down at my four hands and clenched them as the horde of unicorns had stopped entirely as they stared at their three massacred brethren. But I didn't give them time to think as I charged forward like a lion on the hunt.

The first unicorn I met didn't see it coming as I reached up with lighting speed and grabbed its 3 foot long horn. The other three hands all shot insides the monsters mouth and began to crank its mouth open. I didn't even need to rely on a skill before I tore the top of the unicorn's head off its body as I extruded and hundred percent of my strength. Blood was like a fountain as it rained over me but I didn't care as I broke the horn off the separated upper head and then began to use it as a weapon.

Though the horn was only a makeshift weapon it still held a deadly sharpness to it as I jabbed it into the nearest unicorn's eye. I could only scream out in pain as the other unicorns seemed to snap out of their trance and looked to find me mid jab. The jab smashed into the horn buried in the unicorn's eye making it go hilt deep and then rupturing out the other end of its skull. Blood continued to cover the area around me.

But I didn't wait to summon a 7 foot blood spear from the two dying monsters around me and behind to use it as a spear as I stabbed it into the nearest fire unicorn. But by this time the others were onto me as they all began to attack me. Some pulling back for a charge attack and others staying close to keep me pinned down. However the one I attacked was still to slowly as the spear found the spine of the one in front of me as it shuddered and collapsed.

But as I pulled out my spear it had increased to 8 feet long. No longer regarding the blood staining the floor around me I swung the spear and deflected a blast of fire from one of them. Though I was a complete amateur with using a spear like this I still had a sharp object so it was enough for me. But as I stabbed at the monsters surrounding me and spilled their blood I heard a thundering sound as I turned to see a charge attack of 10 fire unicorns the others around me backed up just in time.

All of these unicorns were perfectly space so if I threw my spear I couldn't hit more than one in an attempt. All their horns glowing deep red as shrouds of fire covered them creating a wave of pure fire as it rushed at me. But as I looked down at the now 5 corpses underneath me I got an idea as I knelt down and jumped backwards. This rush attack was nearly 200 mph so it was right upon me as I was midair. The 10 fire unicorns in their fire wave were right over their dead brethren when I decided to activate my place.

My second pair of arms moved and in one swift movement crossed one another making and X. In that instant all the dead bodies below the charge exploded forth with nearly 25 one foot long blood spears. The unicorns were not prepared as each one was met with a quick but gruesome death as 25 spears made of blood shot right multiple unicorn as they performed their X pattern and then flew off into the distance.

Each fire unicorn collapsing after a few more steps as all 10 not looked like Swiss cheese as they laid their bodies began to dissolve just as blood began to pool around them. I grinned at the massacre before me but the victory was not long lived as I heard something rushing me before I turned to suddenly see a stray unicorn with its horn inches from me. The horn was red hot as the air sizzled in contact with it as I thrust out one of my hands.



The sound of sizzling flesh entered my ears and the smell of burnt meat did as well as the red hot horn easily penetrated my palm and created a 3 inch hole as my hand reached the base of the horn. But due to my overwhelming strength the charge of the unicorn was cut short as my feet planted themselves in the ground. I could only look at the still red hot horn as it hovered inches from my face as I glared at the beast.

"You just made the worst mistake of your life." I said as I opened my mouth and then took a large bite of the still hot horn. Even though the horn was probably hot enough to melt metal it felt nothing but lukewarm in my mouth as I quickly swallowed that piece. Not even my lips were burnt as I opened my mouth again and took an even larger bite.

While this happened the other unicorns stopped charging at me and formed a circle around me but as they did all three of my good arms latched to the fire unicorns head and neck as it screamed out in pain. Its hooves kicking at the ground and it hind end going crazy yet its struggle led to nothing as I continued to consume the horn in 4 bites. But I wasn't done as I opened my mouth as wide as I could and bit right into the struggling unicorn's skull.

As my teeth sunk into the skull with ease the unicorn gave one last cry before going completely limp as I had bit its head open and eaten a large chunk of its brain. I then swiftly put the corpse in my inventory which thanks to a new feature being level 100 and above could now store full corpses and only take up one slot. No longer dividing up the corpse like it did with the drake still I licked my lips as the horn left a vanilla like flavor in my mouth.

"Who's next?" I asked as I didn't even pay attention to the rapidly healing wound on my hand as I charged the nearest unicorn. But before I could reach the frightened monster I heard a whizzing sound as I quickly jumped back as a javelin suddenly pierced the ground in front of me. I slowly turned my head to see what looked like to be a warrior made stone covered in iron armor.

However this monster hadn't walked over, no this monsters had looked like he was ripping space apart as a slit in the world itself slowly let the monster be birth from it. But as I stared I suddenly heard cracking noises as I turned to look at the area around me to see the same scene with the world happening all around me. Each coming from a slit that had formed in the fabric of this world.

Some coming from the ground, some coming from the open air, and even flying monsters up in the sky. I could see flame unicorns, rock soldiers, kobolds, some golems, two headed birds, and a multiple of other monsters that came out of the cracks not in the dozens but hundreds if not a thousand or two. I was in shock for the most part until I heard a slightly concerned voice in my head.

'Percy be careful, this is what you call a monster party.' Gaia said to me.

'Monster party?' I asked remembering the term used to explain very large groups of monsters that had formed a party like system which proved to be very difficult to deal with. However these only spawned when groups of 500 adventures appeared on the same floors.

'Yes a large adventuring group must have just entered the floor and you just happened to be in the spot the monster party would form. I know you are powerful but this might be too much.' Said Gaia as I looked at the monsters quickly forming ranks around me as a grin of madness slowly grew on my face.

'I will see about that.' I thought back as the grin widened on my face as I stared down the thousand plus monsters. Each of them staring at me like their pray as I slowly raised my hand as the blood of the fire unicorns that was on the ground slowly began to form a spear in my hand. I could only made 3 more for the next 27 mins so I had to make them count. So I decided to go big.

In my hand blood slowly formed a nearly 25 foot long spear as you could see the defined spiral markings on it. At its thickest the spear was nearly 2 feet thick but the tip remained sharp as ever. I could only grin as I reached out to the spear as my hand as the whole spear shuddered. Thanks to my abilities with water magic, blood could be just as easily as water in this current form. So as I used 0 mana to collect the blood I began to slowly shaped the mass of blood with my [water manipulation].

In seconds the massive 25 foot spear split into four 5 foot long segments as they all began morph into giant swords that were all nearly 1 and ½ foot wide and 2 inches thick. Each one dark read like my skin as they floated around me until I reached up with each hand and gripped the hilt one each one. Just as I did the blood all shuddered and froze in the shape they were in perfectly.

As I gripped my 4 huge ass swords, one in each hand, I slowly felt my body calm down and my muscles tense up. The sounds of the army around me began to fade as I began to focus on using the four arms without hindering one another in my sword play styles. As I did I felt an unending wave of power flow over me as I slowly opened my eyes and focused on the horde in front of me.

"You die first." I said as I looked right at a unsuspecting golem as I charged at it with the speed of lighting.