Chapter 17

Disclaimer: I do not own Percy Jackson

Beta: Caracac

Warning: Contains blood, gore, sex, possible rape, sword fights, dark shit you will never be unseen, demons, angels, witches, wizards, medieval crap, and finally pure unadulterated badassery.


In my hand blood slowly formed a nearly 25 foot long spear as you could see the defined spiral markings on it. At its thickest the spear was nearly 2 feet thick but the tip remained sharp as ever. I could only grin as I reached out to the spear as my hand as the whole spear shuddered. Thanks to my abilities with water magic, blood could be just as easily as water in this current form. So as I used 0 mana to collect the blood I began to slowly shaped the mass of blood with my [water manipulation].

In seconds the massive 25 foot spear split into four 5 foot long segments as they all began morph into giant swords that were all nearly 1 and ½ foot wide and 2 inches thick. Each one dark read like my skin as they floated around me until I reached up with each hand and gripped the hilt one each one. Just as I did the blood all shuddered and froze in the shape they were in perfectly.

As I gripped my 4 huge ass swords, one in each hand, I slowly felt my body calm down and my muscles tense up. The sounds of the army around me began to fade as I began to focus on using the four arms without hindering one another in my sword play styles. As I did I felt an unending wave of power flow over me as I slowly opened my eyes and focused on the horde in front of me.

"You die first." I said as I looked right at an unsuspecting golem as I charged at it with the speed of lighting.



The golem was at a loss as two 5 foot long swords made of pure blood slashed into its legs like a knife to warm butter. The two swords bisecting the 30 foot golem's leg into three pieces as it began to topple over. However it managed to catch itself as one of its arms slammed into the ground giving it a tripod stance. However in the middle of catching itself an unsuspecting goblin knight got crushed.

However and instant later two more swords bisected its arm that held it up into another three pieces. With a large groan the golem slowly began to fall onto its stomach but the swords were coming back as all four sword were stabbed into the golem's stomach. Not a second later all the swords twisted sending hundreds of cracks through the golem's body until the whole body shattered like a simple rock.

This left a nearly 7 foot tall red demon with 8 inch horns standing in the falling chunks of rock. With that the first enemy was reduced to a pile of drop items that shimmered and began to float up into the air where 4 people were silently flying in place. The drop items flew into a ball of drop items that was silently floating by the eldest women there.

These items were simply several of maybe two to three hundred as they all made a small rotating ball of money. However the four didn't seem to pay attention to the ever growing ball of drop items that were magically liberated from the battlefield below. No their focus was on the blood demon who was currently ripping a fire bear in half as blood covered him in a torrent. Some cracks in the ice blades magically sealing themselves as the blood from the bear regenerated them.

"Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha!" Yelled Percy of the demon as he ribbed through monsters like a storm. Though the monsters were giving up a fight but the attacks that landed on Percy were negligible as he would eat a random part from a random monster and heal himself. He would then kill the monster and then the body would be put in his inventory for later consumption.

Blood and gore rained down around him as he sliced and hacked his way through monsters. Unbenounced to him a hidden question had activated the instant he started attacking the horde.

Alert! Hidden quest found!

Quest name: Kill the monster party!


— Kill all 2500 monsters from monster party

Progress: (0037/2500)

— Kill all monsters in 3 hours

Time left: 2 hours 55 mins

Bonus task:

— Don't let health drop below 50%


100 Skill points

15 Bonus points







Bonus Reward:

Dungeon teleportation stone


Failure to complete task within time limit has no repercussions other than losing rewards.

Do you accept?

Since quest is hidden and has no repercussions it is automatically accepted.

This message was ignored by Percy as he continued on his path of slaughter as he sliced a kobold in half with ease. The spear the monster was carrying spun in the air like a fan but with one simple movement Percy leaped up and kicked the base of the spear as it exploded out with speed. The spear shot towards a rock soldier as the spear struck its chest like a cannon shot. Due to the rock soldier being made of rock the spear only penetrated about a foot in its chest.

However it was the force behind it that sent cracks shuddering through its body as it crumbled like the golem before. This only took a breath as Percy blocked a strike from a two headed bird as it flew down at him. Its talons gripping at the massive blood blades as it tried to wrench them from his grip. The bird seemed to be immensely stronger than most of the others as Percy's arms bulge as he poured his strength through them.

"Bad birdy!" He yelled as his forced all this strength through his arms with a roar. In an instant the blades cut through the bird's talons and into its chest cavity. Ball four blades smashed into the ground causing the ground break as the four blades seemed to crack. However due to the amount of blood on the ground the cracks quickly disappeared as Percy pulled them out of the ground and charged forward.

Overwhelming numbers was something Percy was used to as he fought his battles, like…a demon…he tore monsters apart. His sword play working together with his immense strength that tore through rock and iron like putty. Severed limbs fell to the ground like rain, blood formed and ocean, entrails formed mountains. All of this was new to Percy in one way or another yet he continued forward without batting an eye.

Suddenly around him 8 different colored lights flew from him and formed a large ring floating behind him. The ring began to spin quickly as the colors seemed to blend together to form a solid color right but not enough that the colors all mixed. From this ring suddenly a 4 foot long magical ice arrow shot from it and hit a fire unicorn.

Though the magic arrow seemed to leave no residual damage it was still enough to stop the charge of the unicorn. But then came the storm of arrows, like rainfall magic arrows made of 8 elements began to fly through the sky like rockets. One element arrow was a negligible, two was as well, four was a simple task, 8 was like an itch, 16 was bothersome, 32 was annoying, 64 was worrisome, 128 was trouble, 256 was deadly, and 512 was death itself.

Each magic arrow cost only 25 mana and with Percy's massive stock of mana he almost regained it as fast as it was spent. So the element arrow rained down upon the monsters as they cried out in pain as their bodies were bombarded by hundreds if not thousands. Sometimes all eight arrows would mix together to form a power bolt as Percy called it and slammed into an unsuspecting monster. This, if aimed correctly, could blow open their head like a watermelon to a sledgehammer.

With his ring of death shooting nearly 600 element arrows a minute Percy was like a storm of death as his back held his long range and his front held his close range. Somehow Percy even managed to aim each arrow before shooting as his mind worked perfectly. Nothing stood in his way as he cut his way through another fire unicorn and stabbed a kobold through the face when suddenly he felt a sense of crisis.

Trusting his senses he jumped back as a large explosion erupted right where he had just been standing. He slowly slid back to a stop as all his attacks stop, even the monsters slowly began to back up and form a large ring around Percy as he looked around to see what was causing such a commotion.

"Be careful the leader of the monster party came!" Gaia called out as Percy nodded quickly and focused on the spot of the rising dust. However slowly from the dust emerged a…4 foot high figure. Riding on what looked to be a very angry looking golem that was made to resemble a bear. On the steeds head was a small bristle of flame that was imitating fur the best it could, other than that it looked just like a bear but made of rock. The figure on top looked just like and kobold but instead of simple brown fur this thing was a lot different.

His fur was not brown but was instead pure white and he looked just like any other kobold but one of his ears on top of his head was missing a chunk from it. Also he had an eyepatch that covered his left eye. On his body was much fancier and thicker armor than any of the other kobolds had on as it. This armor looked like it could actually block a strike from any sword. Yet besides his thick armor plating in his hand he held a nearly 9 foot spear.

The spear was easily double his height but the spear looked magnificent to say the least. It was elegantly designed with gold trim and magic stones, the spear head alone made up nearly 2 feet of the spear as it gleamed in the light. No matter how you looked at it this monster was definitely the boss of this monster party as Percy just stared at it. Just then he used [Analysis] and found that he could get the most basic data on the monster, yet no stats.

Kobold King King of the horde

Age: ? Race: Kobold

HP 856,000,000/856,000,000

MP 1,000,000/1,000,000


"Level 856, sounds like you're going to make a great meal." Percy said as he licked his lips. At the same time the Kobold King readied his massive spear as he pointed it at Percy. The tip of the spear glowing white hot as steam ran off of it. The golem bear pawed at the ground as the ground cracked under its strength. Percy slowly exhaled as his two bottom arms slowly bent backwards and then crossed behind his back.

Though seemingly impossible these two arms didn't have shoulder blades and had reversible joints so you could say they could function just like any arms forwards and backwards. So when the two arms crossed behind his back the two blood swords were positioned tip down almost creating a cloak of frozen blood. His other arms both readied their sword as the monster party boss began to charge.

Percy moved like water down a windy creek as his two forward swords struck like a crashing waterfall. As the bear charged Percy's right sword stabbed right at its head while the other deflected the white hot spear. But as the right sword stabbed forwards the bear opened its maw and a spiral of flame crashed towards Percy. He just narrowed his eyes as suddenly all the blood began to melt on the sword.

But without hesitation the 5 foot sword surged as it shrunk in width and thickness as the tip exploded out like a bullet as it elongated. It was like a spear as the tip found the golem bears mouth and pierced right through and into its head. But the torrent of flames still held strong as the sword finally burn away. But Percy wasn't done as his bottom right arm moved like lightning as his second sword made a large sideways chopping motion as his first hand latched onto the bear's muzzle.

In a second the head of the bear was off its body and Percy's left hand sword was finally pushed away as the massive spear melted through the blood sword like a knife through warm butter. With that Percy's bottom arms which wielded his last swords both came up to deflect the blow as the kobolds valiant steed final passed them. Actually this transaction only took less than a second as both passed one another.

But as the transaction ended Percy looked at his two remaining swords to see a 5 inch hole pierced through both of the crossed blades. Then he looked down to see a small stream of blood from an inch deep cauterized wound on his chest. Percy didn't even give the wound a second looked as both his swords slowly crumbled away as the blood could no longer hold its form. As they did Percy also raised the head of the golem which was still in charred hand up to his face.

Due to the fire breath from the bear his hand had sustained major burns but still functioned properly as he raised up the head of the bear and started to eat it. Slowly the burns on his flesh began to heal until they were completely gone as Percy polished off the stone head. He then turned to the kobold which was still sitting on a functioning body of the golem.

"Well you're stronger than I thought." Percy said as the crumbled pieces of blood on the ground began to levitate and dissolve into mist and covered Percy. As this happened any blemishes and wounds quickly healed as all the blood mist was absorbed into him as he healed himself. Still the boss monster sat on his steed and stared at Percy as he began to walk forward.

'Percy do you need help?' Asked Gaia in his head.

'No I am fine.' He mentally sent back as the boss in front of him looked ready to charge again. However Percy slowly moved his body as he seemed to take a fighting stance. Both his right hands however didn't make fists instead they remained open as their palms faced the ground. Both his left arms seemed to hug his stomach as both the palms also faced the ground.

"Come on don't keep me waiting." Said Percy as the monster boss seemed to understand as the headless golem bear rushed him. The white hot spear tip pointed right at his head as well, with that the monster boss was upon him as the bear still retained all its previous speed. Unlike last time Percy didn't move an inch as the monster rushed him.

In a split second the bear was 5 feet in front of him and the spear only 1 foot, this is when Percy began to move. Like water itself his body began to flow as he took one step forward, both his left arms seemed to find the shaft of the spear and redirect its direction by a mere inch as it seemed to leave cook his skin it got so close. But this was only the beginning as he took another step as both his right arms moved.

At the same time his bottom hand rotated up so both his hands met palm to palm and then their fingers intertwined to create one large fist. He then reared both his arms back and then punched the bear right where its head should have been. As the dual fist struck the golem and silent explosion ripped out in a wave. Though no cracks formed in the ground and there was no flashy explosion a silent ripple of air could be seen.

However at the same time the monster king was launched off the golem like a rocket as he flew through the air like a rag doll. But the monster king was able to land on his feet as his spear dug into the ground and drug a long trench in the ground. But as he looked up he was met with the sight of Percy slowly pulling back his fist as and exhaling a long breath that seemed to steam in the air.

"Drop of water crushing rock." Percy said as the bears body began to shake uncontrollably as it began to fall apart as cracks began to spread on its surface. Then like it had just been vaporized it slowly began to turn into dust. But none of it escaped as Percy opened his inventory as it consumed the body of the bear. Like a dust tornado the body of the bear disappeared into an inch wide black hole which lead to Percy inventory.

In a matter of seconds the bear disappeared from existence as all the dust that it had been transformed into was now in Percy's bag. Percy then slowly turned to the monster king as the two began to face off with one another. Percy simply took another stand much like the one before as he began to rush towards the monster king.

In a second he was upon him as both his hands formed the double fist one more and punched right towards the monster king. But the monster king was just as swift as his spear spun and the blunt end smashed into the spear. But the reaction the monster king was looking for never came as his double fist smashed right past his strike. The monster king was quick as he realized his strike was going to have no effect as jumped back.

Percy's fist then met the ground as the same effect as the golem happened as there was a soundless explosion. The ground just tremored as cracks slowly spread out from the impact zone as the effect seemed slow. Then the battle began as the monster king struck at Percy with his profound spear techniques that seemed to be legendary and very close to Ancient level.

But with no weapons aiding him Percy only relied on his firsts as he used his martial arts to the fullest. Blows were exchanged and each of the spear blows Percy deflected but somehow as the battle drew on Percy couldn't manage to land an effective blow. Every time he tried the spear would move in a very fluid manner and block it and even deflect it. But every time the monster king tried to strike Percy it was the same effect, he would deflect the blow or move in time.

Still as the battle continued the tiny kobold began to grow stronger and even his body grew as his muscles began to grow. Soon a minute turned into five minutes and then that turned into ten minutes. At this time Percy's strength was not making up for the gap anymore and every time he blocked a strike he could feel a massive weight behind it. Then the monster king, who now stood nearly 9 feet tall, got off a good blow as the blunt end of the spear moved past Percy's defenses.

Though it wasn't like he let it go through the speed of the strike exceeded his reaction time, which is how fast it was. The blow then hit his chest like a mountain as all the air in his lungs was pushed out. Percy wheezed in pain as her body was flung back yet his feet never left the ground as he slid nearly 50 feet. He then collapsed on the ground as he felt his ribs crack in pain. Though none were broken it sure felt like a few were.

He only had a second to look up from his kneeling position as he saw the now much larger kobold king rushing towards him. He only gritted his teeth and stood up and all four hands had all their fingers pointed outward like knives. In the next second they met in a clash as the monster king stabbed right at him but Percy took a risk and decided to not dodge. Instead he only moved slightly as the white hot spear hit him.

Due to the heat the spear's tip slid through his red flesh like a knife through butter, the spear slid right under his rib cage and right through the area his liver was. The stench of burnt blood and flesh entered his nostrils as his liver was reduced to ash and the spear ripped through him. But Percy only winced in pain as he held back a scream. In the next second both his right arms gripped onto the spear and used [Rend] to keep it in place as his hands turned into vice grips.

Then his two left hands thrust forward like lighting and stabbed into the thick muscle of the kobold. Both hands were like swords as they pierced into his flesh like a hot knife in butter. Both hands sunk all the way up to the middle of his forearms as blood gushed out from the wound. The kobold let out a roar in pain as the air quaked and Percy's ears rung.

Percy then pushed his arms deeper as the kobold king reared his free arm back to punch Percy. Yet his punch stopped as his body seemed to shake and he coughed up blood. But then he reared back again and finally let out a punch on Percy. The force of the punch was massive as it slammed into his chest and it almost seemed to cave in. Yet it resisted the strike but his body was launched away.

His right hands letting go of the spear as the spear itself took the rough way out as it tore through the flesh that was left on his right side. Percy flew through the air as a trail of blood flew with him and scattered on the ground. He tumbled for a few hundred feet before he finally stopped as he laid on his side. Slowly Percy stood up as blood gushed from his now torn open side, what was left of his kidney slowly sagged in the gaping hole along with other organs.

Gaia who was flying above the scene went rigid as her hands began to turn into fists and she began to slowly float down.

"Wait." Said a voice as she turned her head to see Cly watching the scene before them with two somewhat terrified children.

"Wait for what?" She asked in a dead tone as if threatening him.

"Look at his face." He said as she turned to see Percy's face. She suddenly showed a surprised face as instead of a face of pain he had a grin plastered on his face. She recognized that face anywhere. That was the face that he wore to any challenge, which was the face that said he knew he was going to win.

"He seems to believe in himself enough to put on a face like that so let's give him some more time. If things get dangerous then you can intervene, if you intervened each time a deadly situation came into play he would never advance." He said as Gaia found herself at a loss of words.

"Fine but the next heavy attack he gets I am intervening." She said as he nodded. Gaia could only watch as the love of her life slowly stood up as one hand gripped at the hole in with a vicious tear. But as she did she saw his two other hands revealing what looked to be organs. She then realized in one hand he held what looked to be a chunk of a lung and in the other was a 10 foot section of small intestine.

"That hurts." Percy said as he raised the organs up to his mouth and began to devour them. In a matter of second he devoured the section of the lung and was halfway through the small intestine. His mouth was covered in blood as he finished off the intestine not even chewing as his skill made it disappeared as soon as he took a bite.

"That was surprisingly good." Said Percy said as he felt his side being to grow hot as he looked down to see his body begin to mend itself together. It looked like something was weaving together as his flesh began to grown together as you could see his liver regenerate at a startling speed.

But the regeneration stopped short as only about a third had regenerated. But the bleeding did stop as Percy turned towards the Kobold king who was coughing up large amounts of blood. Yet as two large holes in his body bled he didn't seemed phased by them as he wiped his mouth and turned towards Percy. His body even seemed to physically grown in power as the wounds in his chest closed up and he grew another foot. With his blood covered spear in hand as he leveled it with Percy ready to fight again.

"I am going to lose if this keeps up, he only seems to get stronger when I damage him. That ability I would like to get from him, focus Percy. What can I do?" Percy asked himself as he stood there silently as he stared at the kobold as he seemed to be waiting for Percy to strike. The monster horde still keeping eyes on him as he narrowed his and slowly exhaled.

"Looks like I have to give it a shot [True Soul Manifestation]!" Percy yelled as his mana began to gather but as it did the flow suddenly stopped.

Alert! Insufficient mana used to activate skill!

"What?" Percy asked in pure confusion as he tried to use even more than the initial mana cost was. Again his mana began to flow inside him like a river and even caused mana in the environment to stir as it flew in through is mark. Yet again it suddenly stopped.

Alert! Insufficient mana used to activate skill!

"Okay what's wrong?" Percy asked as he pulled up the skill.

Mana skill: (Rank 1) (level 1) True Soul Manifestation lv-1 (0%)

Bring your soul into this world in its one and only true form and let the eyes of this world gaze upon it. With this skill anything is possible as your soul is brought into the fray of life. Be it a blade of grass so sharp metal cannot stand before it or a gentle wind that can increase the fertility of the land! No matter the soul there will always be a purpose! What will yours be?

Stats cannot be listed until soul is brought into this world for every soul is different. An initial mana cost must be given before any stats and abilities are processed. After initial summoning of soul is complete a new mana cost will be listed and stats will be given.

Initial mana cost: 1,000,000 (one time cost) (might go up)

Due to your true soul being so powerful initial mana cost has increased and may increase again.

Percy only read slightly astonished as he somewhat smiled but then looked at the kobold king who stood his ground ready for any attack.

"Alright I will give it all I got." Percy said as he sucked in a large breath as he let out a roar as his mana now began to flow so vigorously it was like a storm as the air began to quake. The mana in the air even began to shake as the air vibrated as Percy let all 12,900,000 points of his mana flow into activating the spell. (A/N: dragon ball anyone? Sorry had to.)

Gaia looked in astonishment as Percy's mana gathered as she could physically see a glow begin to gather above and around him. Percy's mana drained from him quickly but he didn't care as his last resort for any sort of weapon was being to activate. As his mana flew out of him he looked into the air to see globs of pure mana form above him. As he could see there was 10 large ones in total.

But with one final push he felt nearly half of his mana waste away into the balls above him yet it wasn't enough as he gritted his teeth and pushed more out. Using so much mana at once was beyond tiring but Percy pushed on as the kobold king's eyes seemed to flash with intelligence. He slowly began to move towards Percy but he was too late.

Finally Percy felt something click as he couldn't push anymore man into the skill as the air around him suddenly swelled with energy greater than he put in it. A tempest formed around him as the ground shook and all the monsters around him shook in fear as what little instinct they had said whatever was happening was deadly to all life. The tempest grew even more as the globs of pure white mana began to shape themselves.

Unbeknownst to everyone present, even Gaia and Cly, multiple pairs of eyes turned their direction as they to felt the energy waves coming off this skill. It gave off an energy that was invisible to all but these beings could feel it as they turned their attention from around the world to witness this puny mortal.

Even the great Tens sensed it as he stopped eating grapes in his dignified throne room. Around him were walls made of pure gold and art that depicted great demons. Yet from his one armed couch he turned his invisible gaze towards the small human that he gave his blood bestowment. He could feel the other deities also watching the scene before them as this simple mortal gave off a feeling that was not one he should possess.

"How is this possible?" He silently asked himself as he stared at the copy of himself with little variations on the face as above the said mortal began to shape. Yet the energy only continued to grow as its form slowly began to get color to itself.

"How is what possible?" Asked a silk like voice as Tens turned to see a tiny women sitting on the arm of the couch. Her side was only that of a normal mortal but her looks were killer to say the least. Ruby red lips and a face that would make any women jealous, she had black long hair that seemed it would drag on the ground it was so long. Her proportions perfect and the only thing covering her was a body was a purple kimono which was loose at the shoulders.

This made one slip down on one side revealing part of her breast but no nipple. Yet there were other features that would leave one to second guess themselves at this beauty. On her back were 8 long black and slightly hairy spider legs. Each taking a spot on her back from her shoulders to her back. Also on her head were 3 sets of extra eyes that were completely black in color. Yet they seemed to shine as they gave off a soft look.

"Beatrice." Tens said as the women giggle and turned all eight eyes to the demon god. Her smile on her face revealing small spider teeth. Also her long bare legs kicked up in the air as if she was revealing her playful nature. Yet Tens ignored her as he turned his attention back to the scene before him.

"This is interesting." She said as turned her invisible gaze turned to Percy as his true soul took part in the real world.

"This isn't just interesting it is impossible. We both saw his true soul back when I revealed it. Yet here he is using [True Soul Manifestation] that Julius created, what we should be seeing is the one that we saw." He said as Beatrice hummed.

"Maybe his true soul was sealed?" She asked him as he eyes narrowed.

"It is possible but I didn't see any lock on the form that we saw." He said.

"Maybe it was being hidden then?" She asked as he scoffed.

"Like anything can hide from my third eye." He said as she looked back at the scene.

"Actually there is one possibility." She said as he looked down at her.

"What would that be?" He asked her.

"Maybe Opal hid his true soul within his old form." She said as Tens eyes widened at the name.

"That Shinigami should not have the right to alter a soul's appearance." He said

"That is true but maybe…" However she stopped talking as the sound of metal footsteps sounded in the hall. But the almost silent sound was like a mountain of pressure as both of the monster gods slowly turned their heads to see a man with a cane slowly walking towards them. In an instant both gods were kneeling in front of the man. Tens massive form was also kneeling in front of the god as he had one hand on the ground and the other on his knee.

The old man in question wore a simple old pair of clothes nothing that special other than a button up white shirt an old gold cloak on his back that just rested on his shoulders. The cloak was also not special as it has a simple design of a crown on it. He also wore a pair of simple pants and wore a pair of metal boots but the pants covered up the boots so you would only see the metal bottoms.

In one hand he had his cane which had a golden dragon head on the top and the rest was black. His other hand was resting at his side as he walked with a slight lip, but his face was full of wrinkles but it would suggest he was once a looker. But now his hair was all white with age and combed neatly to one side, his eyes seemed closed however.

"King Victor I didn't know you were visiting if I had I would hav-." Yet Tens was silenced by a simple raise of a hand as the man with the cane slowly turned his body to look at the scene with Percy.

"It seems you two discovered a small secret." He said as Beatrice and Tens stiffened.

"So it was my lord then." Beatrice took the chance to speak as the elderly man laughed a small chuckle. Nothing about his laugh was special yet it seemed to lift a small amount of tension on both monster gods' shoulders.

"Indeed I am the one who gave Opal the permission to seal his true soul, you're smarter than your mother gives you credit Beatrice." He said as the spider lady seemed to grimace at the mention of her mother.

"But why sir?" Asked Tens as victor didn't even look at him.

"As of why I wonder that myself Tens." He said as Tens lifted his giant head slightly as if surprised.

"What do you mean sir?" He asked him as victor sighed.

"I don't know why but I did what I did, I should have left his true soul alone yet I made Opal seal it. His soul when I examined it felt off as if something was latching on to it. So I had it sealed." He said as if daydreaming about the event.

"So what about now sir?" Asked Beatrice.

"Now nothing can be done, his true soul will be seen by all gods. The most I can do is prevent them from hunting him down themselves. But for their servants…I can do nothing." He said as the other two nodded.

"Tens my boy." Victor said as Tens looked at him. (A/N: Tens is not his son victor is using the term boy as if he was and elderly person talking to any younger male.)

"You gave him a bloodline bestowment correct?" He asked him as he nodded.

"Then you will keep an eye on him from now on." He said as Tens nodded.

"Am I to report anything?" He asked him.

"Yes if you are but I do not suspect they will move just yet. His true soul has just been activated and as he gets stronger so will it. If you see any servants of other gods you are to report to me." He said as he nodded. It was well know that gods could take True souls of certain mortals and make them into supplements for their godly powers. If a soul as powerful as Percy's fell into their hands that god would become troublesome.

"Beatrice I suspect you to help Tens or do nothing." Victor said as she nodded as she glanced t Tens and then slowly turned back to Percy.

At this moment his soul had finally take its true form. As the air around Percy radiated an intense pressure one so strong the air vibrate with mana. However Percy was completely silent as his mind shook from shock. Because of in front of him was his home.

In the very middle was the star that lit his old solar system as it radiate heat gave off light as it slowly spun. Above the Sun was a see through image of a man who was sitting Indian style and was wearing a toga and had a bow at his side. His eyes remained closed as he sat there in a meditative state. Percy could feel the elements of fire and light embedded in the sun also he felt sight enhancing magic as well.

Next was Mercury which was much smaller than the sun as it slowly orbited around the sun on a thread of light that was in a circle around the sun. It was littered with asteroid craters and even spun around as one side was cooked by the sun. Above this planet was yet another see through figure of a man that also sat in a meditative state. This one still wore a toga but on his feet were shoes with wings. Embedded in this planet was the element of wind and endurance and swiftness magic.

Venus was up next as it was covered in dense clouds which shrouded it in mystery like all women. It too was orbiting around the sun along a line of light. Above this planet was women who was sitting in a large clam as she had her eyes closed, her beauty absolutely breathtaking in all ways. Yet from this planet Percy felt no element inside it only the magic of cleanliness and seduction.

Finally Percy's home was next as Earth silently sat there spinning as its blue oceans and brown land gave off a majestic feeling. Its clouds covering the skis as Percy tiered up a little as he looked at it. However above this planet was not one person but several and instead of sitting on their bums they were sitting in chairs in a circle. Percy was not a fool as he recognized the Olympian gods.

Zeus, Poseidon, Hera, Demeter, Athena, Apollo, Artemis, Ares, Aphrodite, Hephaestus, Hermes, and Dionysus. Each holding their respected symbols of power yet each one wore clothes instead of a toga. But as he looked at all the eye closed gods in their chairs he looked in the middle which held a hearth which had a little girl sitting inside. The flames doing nothing to her as Percy recognized the one and great Hestia. But as then he noticed there was something below the earth as he saw Hades himself in a chair with Persephone beside him. Then things started to change.

Suddenly hundreds of sitting figures began to appear on the top and bottom of the planet. Percy could only stare in awe as he recognized each of the minor or major gods even nature gods such as Iris. Once Percy saw this he started to understand what this True soul of his meant. All of the blessings of the gods he encountered altered his soul and added themselves to it. Each giving him a sliver of their souls and in effect appearing in front of him as nearly 500 gods floated around the earth both below and above it.

Then suddenly a large figure who was sitting Indian style who was large enough to encompass the entire planet and its gods appeared. The earth simply sat in the goddess lap as Percy instantly recognized Gaia. Both her hands placed at the earth's sides as if holding it. But then another figure appeared in the same position as Gaia as his hands over lapped hers. However this figure was wearing evil looking armor. Percy could instantly tell it was Tartarus as his memories stirred of the place.

Yet it still wasn't done as two more figures joined in one male and one female as all figures slowly slid apart so the earth was in-between 8 of their palms creating a square. Percy instantly recognized Pontus primordial of the sea and as he looked at the new women he was surprised to find Ourea the primordial of mountains. He didn't know what to think as he just stared in awe. Then he felt the elements in the earth.

Fire, water, wind, earth, lighting, metal, light, darkness. All eight elements were present and not only that Percy felt hundreds of magic that sometimes overlapped one another but in reality it was like an all status effect enhancement and resistance to everything and the resistance for both body and mind. But there was also one magic he instantly recognize, the magic to torture someone. Recognizing that magic of Tartarus he shivered at the effects the magic had. But he had to move on as he noticed a small moon floating outside the four giant figures surrounding the earth.

Above the moon which was orbiting the earth was the small moon goddess with her bow at her side. The element of light and the magic of enhanced swiftness and sight was embedded in the moon. She was also in a toga unlike everyone surrounding earth which confused him but then he realized something the earth and the planets were different. One was roman or the planets and one was Greek and that was the earth. Recognizing this Percy was surprised. But he moved past Diana and onto the next planet.

Mars was next as he recognized the god of war and ignored him and his sword as he noticed there was the element of fire and the magic of berserk and painlessness in it. However surrounding the planet were two moons with two figures. If Percy remembered correctly the two gods would be Deimos and Phobos. Both having their respective magic's embedded in their moons. One was the magic of fear and the other was or fright, both magic's affecting monsters around him if he guessed right.

Jupiter was next and it didn't take a smart person to see the king of the gods in his toga with his lightning bolt looking smug as ever. The elements of lighting, wind, and light with the magic of strength and mana boosting were all embedded in it. However surrounding the planet was 67 moons as each held a small person above them. But none of them held any elements just simple magic's and that was the simple ones. Percy recognized lovers, children, and random mythological figures in the moons. Not wanting to stay on Jupiter to long he moved on.

Saturn was next and above it was a man in a toga with a scythe at his side. Percy didn't want to remember him and ignored why he was part of Percy's true soul in the first place. But embedded in the planet was the elements that percy had never felt before in this world. Instead of calling it an element it would be proper to call it more of a magic. Time dilation was the magic and from just sensing it he could tell it was by no means a normal magic. Let alone an easy one to use, Percy would leave that alone for now.

However surrounding the planet was 62 moons and each having their own Person. Again it was some mythological figures, lovers, and even the titans. Each of the major titans holding powerful magic and elements. Like Atlas and the element of metal and magic of endurance, Hyperion with the element of fire, or Prometheus and the magic of the mind. Each major titan had a major power as they swirled around Saturn.

Moving on past the treacherous planet and its moons was Uranus but instead of sitting above the planet and its sideways ring Uranus was like Gaia and the Primordials as he was much larger and instead held the planet in his hands. In his toga he held a simple sword on his back and embedded in the planet was the element of wind and lighting there was also a magic but it was flight magic. However all of his 27 moons remained deity less as they silently floated around him. Percy remember Annabeth saying that Uranus's moons were actually named after Shakespeare's character names.

Moving on was a planet that made him smile as Neptune appeared with his father floating above it. Beside his form was the trident of the seas and embedded in the planet were the elements of water and earth with the magic of underwater breathing and sea creature languages. Surrounding the planet was 13 moons each holding a key figure in his life in Atlantis from his stingy step brother triton to his nagging teacher Despina. Each holding the element of water and some magic's.

Looking past his father's planet was the last one and that was the lonely planet of Pluto, above it was the silent king of the underworld and his crown. Let's just say he was not happy when Pluto was not declared a planet anymore. But besides that Pluto had the Elements of darkness, metal, and earth embedded in it with the strange magic of shadow traveling. Its five moons each holding the elements of shadow and one with water thanks Styx. There was even Charon which held the peculiar magic of silence and emotionlessness embedded in his moon.

Suddenly he noticed four figures slowly circling the entire solar system. Two were men and two were women. However after a second of looking at them instantly recognized them as Nyx, Erebus, Hemera, and Aether. The primordials of light, darkness, night, and day. As he looked at them he found each was special. Erebus has only the element of darkness and Aether only had the element of light. While Nyx had the magic of making the sky appear as night around you and Hemera has the opposite making it appear as day around you.

"So this is my true soul." Percy said as he suddenly felt his side turn warm as he looked down as his side began to heal.

Mana skill: (Rank 1) (level 1) True Soul Manifestation lv-1 (0%)

Bring your soul into this world in its one and only true form and let the eyes of this world gaze upon it. Your soul is that of you home and your gods, represent. them and your home every time you use it. With the power of all of them backing you there is nothing that can stop you.


— Elements: Light damage x 50, Fire damage x 50

— Magic: 50 x Dexterity, 50 x Endurance, Healing magic

— Cost: 100,000 MP every 30 mins (1000 MP less every 5 levels)


— Elements: Wind damage x 100

— Magic: 50 x Endurance, 50 x Endurance

— Cost: 100,000 MP every 30 mins (1000 MP less every 5 levels)


— Elements: None

— Magic: 10 x luck, Cleaning magic, seduction x 100%, seduction resistance x 100%

— Cost: 75,000 MP every 30 mins (1000 MP less every 5 levels)


— Elements: All element damage x 1000

— Magic: 1000 x all stats, All resistances x 1000%, Magic effectiveness x 1000%, Torture magic

— Cost: 5,000,000 MP every 30 mins (1000 MP less every 5 levels)


— Elements: Fire damage x 100

— Magic: Berserk magic, 100 x strength, Painlessness

— Cost: 120,000 MP every 30 mins (1000 MP less every 5 levels)


— Elements: lighting damage x 75, wind damage x 75, light damage x 75

— Magic: 200 x strength, 20 x all stats, 100% mana damage

— Cost: 250,000 MP every 30 mins (1000 MP less every 5 levels)


— Elements: Access to the 'Time' element temporally

— Magic: 500x all stats, Time dilation magic

— Cost: 10,000,000 MP every 30 mins (1000 MP less every 5 levels)


— Elements: wind damage x 400, lighting damage x 500

— Magic: 50 x all stats, flight magic

— Cost: 750,000 MP every 30 mins (1000 MP less every 5 levels)


— Elements: Water damage x 75, Earth Damage x75

— Magic: 10 x all stats, underwater breathing, sea creature languages

— Cost: 250,000 MP every 30 mins (1000 MP less every 5 levels)


— Elements: Shadow damage x 75, Earth Damage x 75, Metal damage x 75

— Magic: shadow traveling magic, 10 x all stats

— Cost: 250,000 MP every 30 mins (1000 MP less every 5 levels)

Any Moon (cost is one at a time) (element and magic depend on moon)

— Elements: Element damage x 5, (Major moons) element damage x 15

— Magic: 2 x selected stats, (Major moons) 5 x selected stats

— Cost: 20,000 MP every 30 mins (1000 MP less every 5 levels)

Planet-less Primordial (Cost is one at a time)

— Elements: Light Damage x 400, Darkness damage x 400 (depends on goddess)

— Magic: Night and Day flipping abilities (depends on god)

— Cost: 500,000 MP every 30 mins (1000 MP less every 5 levels)

Percy was in complete awe at the skill before him but he didn't stay like that long as he slowly faced the Kobold king as his hands slowly formed fists. At this all eyes were on him as some showed astonishment, curiosity, power hungriness, and even lust. Tens and Beatrice both stared in slight awe as they felt the power radiate off his true soul.

"I will end this swiftly." Percy said as he stood tall as his body now stood fully healed as all the planets, moons, and see through figures all rotated around the sun which was right above his head. Just then the sun began to glow and the others began to fade until all the planets and moons were gone and only the sun remained.

"Come to me!" Percy said as Apollo who had remained motionless suddenly opened his eyes revealing a bright golden light. In the next second Percy's demonic figure's eye began to glow and his body began to steam. Fire lit in his palms which then threaded up to his shoulders, what seemed like it was causing damage was not doing anything to Percy as the fire seemed calm as it laid on his unburnt skin.

Next was a bow made of pure and dense red fire appeared on his back with a quiver to back it up. However Percy didn't seem to have any interest in it as his glowing eyes showed signs of absolute power.

"Fire arrow." Percy said calmly as he raised his hand silently, just then a small cylinder of flame began to grow in his hand. But it didn't stop growing as it continued to increase in size all the way until it was about the size of a telephone pole. The sharp arrow pointing right at the kobold as he seemed to want to run away.

"Raining sunlight." Said Percy as the massive arrow shot into the air causing a massive updraft as it seemed to pull monsters closer to Percy. He stood there silently as the monsters all seemed confused until small cylinders of light began to appear in the sky. The cylinders were no larger than a finger as they seemed to make a dot like pattern on the monsters and the ground. The monsters all looked up as the silent sky suddenly filled with sharp whistling.

One monster who was looking up was suddenly struck by something at an incredible speed. The other monsters turned to see the monster suddenly collapse and begin to dissolve as in one of the tubes of light was no a red arrow. No flames blistered off it instead it seemed to be simply made of red everything. But its true form as in fact densely packed flames.

In the next instant more whistles began to fill the sky as the monsters began to scatter, yet none were quick enough. Arrow after arrow shot down at incredible speed and went right through the monsters. Some of the golems were embedded with hundreds before finally falling to the ground and dissolving. Some monsters were unlucky and got struck in the head and died instantly. No monsters could escape as Percy didn't even pay attention to them as he focused on the kobold king whose rage began to grow.

After a few seconds the arrows stopped and nearly half the monsters were dead and the other half was wounded. The peering gods and goddess all stared in shock as a mere mortal under the age of 20 fused two magic's into one creating a brand new spell. Yet Percy cared not as he looked towards the kobold king as his body continued to grow.

'Even with the [True soul manifestation] I it does not seem I will be able to harm him if he continues to grow stronger. I need to finish this.' Percy said as the power of the sun began to fuel his body as his whole body was being surrounded by flames. The Kobold king was reaching his maximum potential, even Percy had to admit that this skill of his still managed put Percy at a disadvantage with his two magic's working.

"You survive this and you win." Percy said as the kobold who spoke no words seemed to understand as his spear slammed down into the ground in front of him. Behind it he took a stance and his body began to glow white as a mana barrier was set up between him and Percy. At the same time Percy's body that was surrounded in flames began to grow hotter as did the small sun above his head.

"Sung spot dance!" He said as he took a runner stance and the ground began to crack as and even began to melt a little. In the next second his body pushed off and seemed to disappear in a flash of light. The next second the ground where he used to be all seemed to instantly melt and was pushed back creating a sonic boom and a wave of melted rock. The kobold king however watched as Percy went right towards him.

His speed sending him hurtling right at the kobold king as one of his hands slammed into his stomach. The mana barrier cracked but didn't break all the way as Percy suddenly went past the kobold king as he staggered back from the massive blow. However in the next second he was struck again as he looked down to see two fists punching his back and Percy rush past him again.

Each time Percy went past the kobold he dealt a heavy blow and then proceed past him. Each stop was instant and each time it was the same as he pushed off the ground and right back at the kobold king. The ground melted and then blew apart sending molten rock flying in the air. In a matter of a breath Percy had punched the Kobold hind nearly 360 times as he made a full circle around him.

Finally the barrier broke with the last strike and the two fists ripped out a large chunk of the kobold's side. Though the wound was bad it wasn't fatal as the kobold king staggered to his knees as blood sprayed from him. But as the now perfect lava ring surrounded him Percy jumped up into the air. Inside the lava ring was what was left of the monster part and in the middle was the king as Percy reached the height of his 1000 foot jump.

"Explode!" He yelled as he descended down at a great speed and slammed one last fist through the kobold king's back and the whole level of this dungeon shook. Cracks spread out the whole distance from the middle of the ring of lava as the Kobold king's body shook as he looked behind him to see Percy kneeling on his back.

In the next instant the world began to change as all the lava seemed to be effected by a mysterious force as it began to explode from their ring and fly across the sky in a fascinating design. Each one reaching high up into the sky as lava filled the sky from multiple positions around Percy who remained in the middle.

To Gaia the designs of the lava that was being thrown in the air resembled one thing, solar flares. She suddenly understood why Percy called it the sunspot dance. But in the next instant all the lave that stood majestically in the air like heavenly clouds began to rain down upon everything in the circle that Percy had created. The surviving monsters didn't stand a chance as molten metal rain on them and killed them all one by one. The kobold king however seemed to be struggling.

His heart and lungs were both torn apart by Percy's last punch and he could only cough violently as the lava seemed to have no effect on Percy. Percy only stared down at his felled form as the lava slowly began to rain down. In the next instantly Percy walked forward and grabbed the spear of the monster king. He gave it a small twirl and then put it away in his inventory as he watched the monster king burn alive.

His body not accustomed to this much heat as his flesh scalded but Percy simply walked forward as he thrust out a hand. The king tried his best to move but the hand stabbed two fingers into his eyes and straight into his brain. He only gave a shudder as Percy instantly put away the body and slowly began to walk out of the molten pond. His bodies flames slowly dissipated as did his demon form as he slowly stopped walking.

In the next instantly Gaia was besides his body as his body threatened to collapse, she thankfully led him to a nearby rock and let him sit down as his body recovered.

"Are you alright?" She asked him as he chuckled.

"I am fine my HP is at 100% but I don't think my mind can keep up with such a strenuous activities. I am going to need to rest for a while." He said as she nodded as her gaze lingered on his exhausted face.

"Well if you insis-." But she was cut off by a loud shout.

"Percy!" With the shout came a small he/her as Angel slammed into Percy's side. Yet younger child couldn't seem to move Percy as he just patted the kid's head.

"Quite a show Percy." Said Cly as he and Viola who seemed fidgety as she looked at the hyperactive Angel look over Percy. Unfortunately his clothes and armor was nothing but rags as the small child looked over him for injury. Percy didn't even retaliate as he let Angel do what he must.

"I try my best." Percy said in a tired tone. His mental exhausting feeling kind of like having several finals due in school the same day but even worse.

"Still I must ask what was that?" Asked Cly.

"I will tell you later for now let me rest." Percy said as Cly nodded.

"Still…" Cly said as he glanced at the still molten lade as multiple monster drops flew out of it as Gaia did her job. The monster drop count reaching somewhere in the tens of thousands even maybe even a hundred thousand in total.

"I wonder how the group is going to handle all these drops missing." Said Viola as she showed concerned for the people who caused such a commotion in the first place. Gaia only glanced at the massive floating ball of drop items beside her as she chuckled.

"They can get over it. For now I think we should get Percy to a safe place. That little fountain display of lava could probably be seen by the group you speak of, so let us make haste." Gaia said as Percy nodded as he forced himself to stand.

"Oh crap." Percy said as his world went woozy but he was saved by Viola and Angel as they both took a side and helped him walk. Looking at Percy like this she couldn't help but think that he looked like a small little drunk. Erasing the mind from her head she finished retrieving all the monster drops which now number around 125,000 in total. Also she looked at the current alert that was sitting right in front of her.

Alert! Hidden quest complete!

Quest name: Kill the monster party!


— Kill all 2500 monsters from monster party (complete)

Progress: (2500/2500)

— Kill all monsters in 3 hours (complete)

Time left: 1 hours 35 mins (stopped)

Bonus task:

— Don't let health drop below 50% (achieved)


100 Skill points

15 Bonus points

1 random legendary sword

1 random legendary pair of boots

1 Lv-100 magic scroll

1 fire fruit plant

2 Class 4 puppets

1 block of pure fire ghost metal

Bonus Reward:

Dungeon teleportation stone

Since person who completed quest is currently mentally exhausted all rewards will be held until person is recovered.

Admiring the Quest and its last words she didn't have to worry about Percy freaking out with the sudden appearance of this quest. But she paid it no mind as she looked at the two siblings basically drag Percy as he laughed sometimes and then groaned at jokes. She only silently walked behind them as the monster drops were put in her inventory. Her eyes on Percy's head as worry spread through her body.

She was not dumb and instantly recognized the sight of his true soul which left her astonished. However when she herself searched his true soul she never found any signs of this and in turn was left in confusion. But for now as he thoughts lingered on the possibility of an outside influence she still disregarded the thought. Since it was simply too insane as the gods of this world had a tendency to stay out of worldly affairs.

However she decided to put the thought aside as focused on the task at hand, that being that Percy was in need of new clothes and his 6 pack of abs were slightly…extremely distracting.

'Damn you 16 year old body and your hormones.' She inwardly cursed as she continued on her way behind the four people looking for a place to rest.