A Spoiled Brat (2)

When Angel Opened her eyes She found herself in her old bedroom, every thing was white and plain, when she left the bed there were her favourite bunny slippers by the side of bed, she put them on, she walked in front of vanity, she saw herself she was wearing her favourite pink Princess print sleeping gown, she tied her waist length long hairs in a pony and came out of the room.

From the corridor's window she saw her sister Sue and her brother Tim playing, at that moment she heard a soft voice" second miss your mother is calling you, please come with me".

She came down with the helper to the breakfast table, she saw her whole family there were her mother, father ,Elder brother, elder sister, her grandfather. She sat on her usual spot took her plate and started eating.

Her father said " Kate remember you should always maintain your posture". she replied yes dad, then her mother said "eat slowly small bites there should be no noise" , she replied "I will remember that mom."

Suddenly the same helper came and said "Master Marcello has come to visit", When Angel heard his name suddenly her vision started to become blurry, she stand from her chair , her mother said" kate leaving breakfast table in between is bad manners".

Angel sat again then A man came, he was wearing light blue suit, he was tall and handsome, he greeted everyone then he looked at Angel he came towards her and he bend his knees took Angel's hand and kissed and said "how are you my lady?"

When Angel looked at him she saw his evil smile suddenly his eyes turned red,

Angel took her hand back suddenly Morning turned in to night, rain and lighting started Angel ran from there every one shouted Kate where are you going come back but Angel ran and didn't look back.

while running she fell, her hand and knee started bleeding but she stand again and kept running suddenly a biker hit her on the road and she woke up from her dream.

When she opened her eyes she found herself in hospital room, she felt pain on her knees, hand and head her vision was slightly blurry she tried to sit, suddenly she heard the voice look She woke up, call the doctor.

After few minutes doctor and two nurses came Doctor asked Angel how are you feeling Angel replied "my vision is blurry, and my head hurts, I can not move my left hand and knee , And my back is in pain."

The Doctor replied with smile "so there are no signs of paralysis that's a relief."

Angel gave doctor a puzzled look, Doctor replied " you were in coma for three days, that's why it is important to check that every part of your body is working."

Angel was in shock when she heard the word coma, Doctor explained her situation and said "You have to live in hospital for a month to recover completely. And your vision will improve slowly, you have lost a lot of blood in the accedent; it will take time for your body to maintain it. I will come again in next round" then the doctor explained nurses about the medicines and injections.

The nurse gave her a pain relief injection and Angel again fell asleep.

The Doctor left Angel's room and entered the room next to her, The room was exactly like Angel's, but the aura and air was completely different from hers Because of the person admitted in that room.

When doctor reached there The being in that room put his laptop aside and asked" how is she feeling," the Doctor explained her situation to him and left.

The nurse asked the doctor "why did you always explained the girls situation to Mr. Richardson," the doctor replied "she was the person who saved his life that's why he wanted to know everything about her condition."

"What is her name" asked nurse, "I don't know Even Mr. Richardson didn't know who she is.

But it is temporary for a person like him to get information about someone is just a matter of time. They can get anyone's information as long as they want" replied Doctor.

In the hospital room next to Angel's a private ditective and two guards were standing in front of the patient's bed.

The Detective handed some information to him and said " Mr. Richardson I have tried to find as much as I can but I only got her name, address, and the company she worked for. There are no any information about her family at all; she came to D city Nearly ear ago and registered herself as temporary employee in the company.

I tried to find more but nothing was mentioned about her past, where is she from and about her family, we couldn't even found her last name.

I have talked to her landlord she is an old woman she said the girl is orphan.

And her last employer also said that."