Her Broken Heart (6)

Finally Neil surrendered, He realised that this man really knew how to make people realise their place.

He drank a glass of water, and took deep breath, Sai was patient as he was busy with the adult megazine.

It kind of bothered Neil, he couldn't control and took that book from him when he opened that book he was surprised, there aren't any pictures of nude models, he was staring at a picture of an old woman with a girl. The girl was quite cute, Neil found the girl familiar for some reason.

He asked "why were you stating this picture? and why pretend to look at adult megazine?"

" It is picture of the two most beautiful females, I just couldn't get enough, I don't want to waste a single second of my life doing something insignificant they are the most important people in my life" Sai replied.

"Where are they now?" Neil asked.

" they are dead" Sai replied.

Neil was stunned when he heard that he asked " how did all this happen?"

" My wife died from heart attack 13 years ago and my granddaughter died last year from an accident" Sai replied.

" It must have been hard for you" Neil said with concern.

" It is hard for me but my work keeps me going, I think it is the only thing that makes me feel content." Sai added.

Neil felt awkward, he could see pain in old man's eyes, he shouldn't have asked him about them.

To change the topic Neil asked him about the weird things on the table " why did you placed all these things here ?"

" Every thing has it's own meaning and significance, you have to find what they meant to you". Sai replied.

" The skeleton was a gift from a patient, she was a girl who was depressed because she thought that she wasn't as beautiful as her friends, and her boyfriend dumped her because she wasn't pretty enough." Sai added.

Neil asked " Why did she gave you skeleton?"

"Because I showed her X-RAY of different parts of body of the girl she used to think is prettiest and her and told her to recognise which was her, she couldn't differenciate and on the last session she gave me this mini skeleton as a gift." Sai told him the story.

Neil looked at him with puzzled looks " But why did you do that"

" Having beautiful body doesn't make you a beautiful person, but how you use that body makes you a beautiful person" Sai explained.

Neil couldn't expect that this mini skeleton could hold that beautiful message. Now he was curious about other things.

He asked "what about this zigsaw puzzle?"

" Try to solve it you will get it on your own" Sai replied.

Neil started solving the puzzle, first he connected all the outer pieces, and then tried to connect the inner part but at the end there were some blank spaces, he said "some of the pieces are missing"

" Nothing is missing, You are doing wrong, try to change your approach, you can solve it" replied Sai.

Neil tried again this time he started with the corner but again the same result, " I am telling you something is missing " he complained.

" Focus!! your focus is missing, try to focus on the things that matters most and try again you will get your answer" Sai explained.

Neil closed his eyes calmed his mind and thought about the thing that matters most, several people came in his mind, several memories but at last he saw something, and he snapped out of his thoughts. this time Neil changed his approach, he observed the pieces carefully and connected them randomly, he didn't follow any strategy he just followed his heart and at the end he completed the puzzle but when he saw what he made, he was surprised it was face of a girl.

He looked at Sai he was busy with his adult megazine. He said " I have solved it look", Neil was very happy that he completed it.

Sai closed the megazine and put that aside and asked " son do you have a girl issue?"

Neil looked at him with much surprise, he nodded in agreement .

" But how can you say that this confidently" Neil asked.

" Because people always focus on their problems and this puzzle highlights one's problems. This puzzle doesn't have any definite solution it has multiple of solutions and it's just depends on your mindset, what solution you got, son I think now you understand what matters most ." Sai replied.

Neil was amazed, this man surely knew what he was doing.

Next Neil asked about Pregnancy kit, that shows positive.

Sai said " this viagra bottle, this whistle and this pregnancy kit shows utmost pleasures of a person's life.

Think about it and answer me, what does each of this shows."

Neil answer quickly " Viagra shows sex, and pregnancy kit shows child"

"And whistle?" asked Sai.

Neil thought for a long time but couldn't get the answer, he said " I don't know what this whistle represents".