The Birthday Party (12)

The staff was preparing for the dinner, and most of the guests were already seated in the hall.

Italian, Chinese, Thai, Spanish there were all kinds of food. The dinner was specially prepared by best sheffs of Paradise hotel and there were a lot of delicacies.

Starters were already served. But everyone was waiting for the toast.

Freddy was extremely busy because all the top notches of D city were present their and they wanted to meet Neil.

Freddy knew because of Angel's presence Neil was overly calm but his patience had a limit, he had been entertaining these people for quite some time and he could explode anytime, so Freddy told everyone to left their cards he would talk to Neil and fix meeting very soon.

Angel was talking to Edward and Sam while Neil was busy with the other guests.

When Angel left for washroom she realised a tall figure also followed her.

When she entered in washroom, she saw some of the girls present their, all of them were dressed in sparkling clothes and heavy make-up, and they were giving glares to her, Angel ignored them and after using the washroom she was about to leave when the tall girl who followed her said " This dress where did you get it from".

Angel turned and saw who was talking, that girl was tall and had a good figure black eyes and very sharp features, she was wearing strapless bodyfit black gown with red lipstick, her hairs were tied in a bun, she was looking very classy from one look anyone could tell she was a supermodel, but she looked quite familiar.

" Are you talking to me" said Angel.

" Yes Miss, I don't know your name but where did you get this dress from" she asked again.

" I am Angel, what's your name" asked Angel.

After listening Angel's question the other 3 girls started laughing and one of them said " like you don't know".

The girl who asked the question was dressed in a gray mini dress, she was also tall ,she had blonde hairs and blue eyes, she had nice legs and she put them on show, Angel looked at her and said " I don't know her and I don't know you too".

" What did you say, you don't know us" the girl with mini dress said in disbelief.

They all were startled from Angel's reply they all were top actresses and supermodels and they were Sonia's besties, Sonia send them to get information from Angel mostly her relationship with Neil but they were amazed with this girl.

" Did you follow entertainment news, Because everyone who follows entertainment news knows us " asked the girl with black dress.

" Well, I didn't follow entertainment news, it has been couple of years, I last read any entertainment magazine" replied Angel honestly.

The girls looked at each other in disbelief.

" I am Tara Flinch, I am a supermodel" said the girl in black.

" I am Alicia Franklin" said the girl in mini dress.

The other two girls also introduced themselves they were Lola and Sara Anderson , they were unidentical twins.

" So where did you get this dress" asked Tara again.

" Oh it's from boutique behind RK mall, Tanya was the designer" Angel replied.

Everyone's mouth were open except for Tara, because she knew.

" So you knew Tanya too " said Alicia.

" No I don't know her , she is Neil's friend. I met her today when I get this dress" Angel replied.

" So where are you from, I mean we never met before are you from D city?" asked Lola.

" No, I am not from here, I shifted here not a long time ago" replied Angel.

" So where did you met Neil" asked Tara.

Angel knew what their intention were from the start but she decided to mix up because her last experience said it's better to keep your friends close and enemy closer. She knew no girl present there would be happy with her but she had to socialize with them, she would not repeat her previous mistakes.

" Me and Neil ran in to an accident together, I was hurt severely, and we were admitted in the same hospital, so we became close" Angel replied. Angel knew what they wanted to know but she would not going to reveal her relationship until it's not necessary and she would not deny either that's why she gave a confusing answer ' yes they were close but as a friend or as a lover she never mentioned'.

After chatting with them Angel came back, Neil was already waiting for Angel.

Sam and Edward left already. When Angel sat beside Neil, he took her hand and said " Angel I went to meet my parents, I told them that I wanted to be with you. My father is supportive but my mother, it will take her sometime to accept you."

When Angel heard that she was not surprised, because she knew from her past experience that it was hard to please women than men. But she wasn't a naive girl who wanted to impress her mother - in- law. She didn't want to impress anyone she would do what she liked to do regardless of what others think about her.

Angel looked at Neil and said " I understand Neil, and we just started dating, things are still complicated with me, it will be better if we take things slow".

Neil " Let's go, my parents are waiting for you".