I'm okay

Chapter 15 I'm okay

I am safe,

Our plan failed but at least we got out of it safely. We'll have to plan our next step carefully and more cautiously now. Please don't worry about me too much. So far, I'm in good hands.

I want to thank you for being there for me all these years. So much has happened and for some reason talking to you about everything has helped me a lot. It's the feeling of even if the world is against me I can take it because I know you'll have my back no matter what. You are so insightful and wise. I admire you so much for being who you are.

Thank you for being kind,



She was given new clothes the next day along with the embarrassing note from the mafia Lord. She blushed hard when she realized that he was probably teasing her. Z was still asleep when she went to leave for class, not bothering to wake him up. He'd get a scolding from her later.

"In three days I expect you folks to give me your gang name. If I don't see them on my desk by the end of the day then good luck for being called freak or idiot forever," Ms. Fenton threatened then chuckled. "Won't that be sad."

Most of the students groaned along with Sav. She couldn't think of a name yet and she forgot to mention the task to her parents. They must have left with the mafia Lord by now and she'd lost her only chance to ask them because they wouldn't be able to communicate for a while. Stupid Sav.

Unfortunately, Sav didn't see Brielle that day as well. She wanted to ask her for a name advice. Frustrated, she poured her stress by shooting multiple shots per second in the range. She was too tired afterwards and decided to go to her room instead of going back to the mansion.

Walking up the staircase, she noticed the door to her room ajar. She wondered if Brielle was inside and hurried her steps excitedly. However, her expectations were far from what she could ever imagine. Her heart stopped when she saw the disaster in her room.

Her bed was slashed. On the floor, her books, clothes, bags and shoes were cut savagely into pieces. The small picture frame of her parents was broken and the picture scrunched up into a ball. On the wall: Leave or I will kill you, was written in pig's blood. Her bed and pillows were stabbed and sliced by a knife, and so was everything she ever owned.

Sav ran to the side of her bed and looked for her tin can. When she found it, it was dented to the point where she could not close it with the lid. Exasperated, she tipped the lid off and gasped. She could hear her heart breaking into a million pieces as she pulled out the torn up letters of H. and her loved ones' pictures.

Her vision blurred as she got up and aimlessly walked outside, away from everything. She wanted to go far, so far that the pain wouldn't catch up to her. She clutched on her tin can and its contents to her chest, shielding it to the cruel world. It was after all, her heart.

She opened her mouth to scream but no sound came out. Giving up, she continued to trudge on. It must have been hours, she didn't know anymore when it began to rain. She didn't care if she got wet as long as she could protect her treasure. In the end, she found herself in front of Leo's mansion, confused as to what had led her there.

The gates opened for her as men rushed outside in the rain, mumbling in their earpieces.

Why did she come here?

She wondered as she kept walking until she was in front of the porch.

The doors opened and out came Leo with his tie loosened and his eyes a little too worried. Beside him was Z who looked just as concerned and another man wearing glasses.

Sav cleared her throat before looking into Leo's ocean eyes.

"My room was ransacked and everything was slashed cruelly but I'm okay. I don't know why I came here. I—", she showed him a broken tin box. "That's right I need tape. I don't care about my things or my clothes except these. This is where I keep my treasures--pictures of my loved ones and letters from H. These are all very important to me and they make me happy. But I'm okay though, I really am. Just please lend me some ta—"

Leo pulled her in his arms, getting soaked in the rain with her. "If you're fine then why are you shaking?"

Sav wanted to say it was from the rain but her words got stuck in her throat then was formed into a helpless whimper. She vaguely noticed Z and the guy wearing glasses come up next to them with umbrellas. Tom covered her with a blanket as she clutched on Leo's suit with the hand that wasn't holding her precious tin can.

With her knees weakening, she slumped down on the floor and Leo did the same, holding her even closer; his hand from behind stroked her head gently. Being caressed and pampered suddenly overwhelmed her with too much emotions. And then she couldn't help but feel angry. Angry that she was being stalked. Angry that she was being hated on just because of a stupid mistake. Angry that she was being threatened to leave. Angry that she was being targeted on. Angry that people couldn't understand. Angry that her precious things were slashed into pieces like her heart.

What did she ever do to them?

At that moment, she didn't know which was harder; the rain or her tears.