The Person Behind Xi Ana's Accident

"It's about An Qi Lu."

"What about him?"

There was a bit of hesitation in his voice because he wasn't sure about how to ask this question. When Lim Yi Sheng became silent for a few seconds, Xi Ana was able to take a guess about what he wanted to ask.

"You wanna ask me whether I had a romantic relationship with him?"

"Cough..cough.." the way Xi Ana was so forward with the question made him choke on his own.

He composed himself and looked seriously at her, "Yeah."

"No, but he is a very important person in my life. I'm not even surprised if he knows me more than I know myself."

- - -

Han Tu Mo turned the car around after glancing one more time, it's not like she was planning to kill her all she did was to follow her and nothing else. Although one thing was bothering her, who was that person? A bystander? A supporting character Or a main character of a different story? Who knows.

She learned that today was the first day of work of the mole she planted on Lim Yi Sheng's side and that there is a possibility that Xi Ana and Lim Yi Sheng went on argument because of it so she decided to take a look at Xi Ana for a while.

After a few minutes of driving she already reached her mole's apartment. Upon reaching her floor, she went straight to her room and with just a few tap on her cellphone she was able to open the door. "This is the downside of having extremely poor security. With this level of hacking, this type of security lock is useless against me."

As long as it is can be hacked it would only take her a while to breach it though Xi Ana and An Qi Lu's protective layer is something she cannot even scratch.

"What are you doing here?" sneered by the woman who owns the apartment.

"Why are you so hostile towards me? Isn't it normal for a creditor to visit the debtor? It's not like I'm already asking for the interest." she grinned at her.

The other woman was clearly irritated by the way she barged in but it's not like this woman would leave just like that. "If you have nothing important to say, just please leave. What if someone sees us together then all our plans would be wasted."

Han Tu Mo rolled her eyes and sat comfortably on the couch. "Don't use that tone with me, I can easily remove you from where you are right now. Do not forget what you owe me, Mo Chuxia."

When she heard her say her name, Mo Chuxia shivered. She knows nothing about the woman's identity, the only things she said was her name which is Han Tu Mo but when she tried to reasearch about it he couldn't find anything so she concluded that Han Tu Mo might not be her real name.

"I would never forget what I owe you but don't you think what I said makes sense? The way you act, it seems like Xi Ana knows who you are as for your relationship with her it is clearly not on good terms if she saw you hanging out with me, won't she suspect something?"

"That is not your concern. Just concentrate on what you are doing."

Clearly, Han Tu Mo still didn't tel her what exactly does she need to do. She paid all her families debt discreetly to avoid the prying eyes of the public and told her to work beside Lim Yi Sheng. So far, the only thing she explicitly told her to do was to ask Grandfather Lim.

"What exactly do I need to do? If it's Xi Ana that you hated then why put me in Lim Corporation and not Xi Corporation?" she knew right from the very start that accepting her help would mean letting herself be shackled to her that's why she wanted to know more about her.

"Stop being nosy, woman. You being there is more than enough for me, if you wanted to win him back then it's on you. I won't interfere with what you wanted to do as long as it didn't affect me. Oh by the way, take this."

Han Tu Mo threw a box to her. Which she managed to catch. She opened it and saw a simple yet elegant wist watch. "What is this for?"

"I installed a GPS tracking device on that watch, wear it everyday. Try running away from me and we'll see what will happen to you and your family. You don't know what I'm capable of." after saying what she came there for she immediately left Mo Chuxia's apartment.

Mo Chuxia stared at the item and laughed mockingly, "It is already too late regret now, Mo Chuxia."

On the other hand, when Han Tu Mo reached her car she felt a rather menacing aura around her. She observed her surroundings but she wasn't able to see who it is so she decided to get inside her car.

Before driving, she took her phone out and dialed someone. It didn't take three rings before the person on the other line answered the call.

"What is the situation about Xi Ana?"

"Ms. Han, it doesn't seem serious. From what I have gathered, Xi Ana only suffered concussion" it's not like her car was hit anyway, she probably hurt herself from the impact of her sudden break.

"Are there any informtation on the man I asked you about? The one who brought Xi Ana on the hospital?" she can't seem to forget about that man so she asked her to find anything about him.

"There was nothing Ms. Han, but I found something else." the tone the person used on the other line alerted Han Tu Mo.

"What is it?"

"I checked the CCTV footages from the parking lot until the the convenience store and I saw that there was someone else lurking around Xi Ana that time aside from you." Mo Chuxia creased her forehead, there was someone else beside her? Who was it?