Adam Smith

In a certain office.

"Master An, won't you visit Miss Ana?" being with An Qi Lu for a long time he knows that only Miss Ana would be able to make him this anxious. Just a few minutes ago they received about the news of her accident.

An Qi Lu, who was holding a glass of wine while observing the night sky from his office tightened his grip of the class. He wanted to, her really wanted to see her but he also knows that he's there and that alone makes everything complicated.

If he could turn back time, he would have opposed to that marriage, he wouldn't have agreed to let her marry someone else. He was so confident that no one would be able to breach her wall, that no one would be able to melt her frozen heart but that man's existence and the way Ana responds to him, his once confident heart is now wavering.

"It's okay. I can visit her later on." though he said he still tasted the bitterness from his own words.

"Alright, Master An. I'll take my leave then." the assistant respectfully exited the office.

If one would ask him why he didn't make a move on Xi Ana when they were clearly together for how many years there is only one answer he could come up with, that is because he knows her very well and he loves her so much that he never wanted to burden her with his feelings.

She'd been through a lot and if confessing to her makes it even harder for her then he wouldn't risk that. He wanted to let her finish everything before pursuing her, but that marriage happened. In all these years, that marriage was the only miscalculation he'd ever done.

After a few minutes of thinking he was interrupted by a light knock on his door and as he turned to look at the person who opened the door it was no other than his friend Li Jingli.

"Sorry to disturb your quiet and peaceful life, Master An. Also, I made quite a ruckus in your company upon my arrival." he smiled innocently as if didn't do anything wrong.

Master An's identity has always been a secret to everyone. What they knew is that he is a very powerful man, as for how he was considered so no one actually knows.

"At best, they would think that the non-existent 'Foreign CEO' is acquainted with City M's Young Master Li." An Qi Lu said and walked over the the sofa where Li Jingli, who helped himself with the wine is seated.

"What brings you here?"personally going here to discuss something, this is a serious matter indeed.

There are things that even their trusted assistant doesn't know and as for those matters they were the ones who are personally handling the transfer of information.

"I already did what you asked of me, and I found traces in Los Angeles and Italy. So far, these were the closest clues we've got after so many years. That man has done so much to hurt Xi Ana yet here we are still clueless about his real identity and the reasons behind his actions."

They tried to investigate all the people who might have a grudge on he but there seems to be none because everything started when she was still a little girl, how would she earn other people's grievances at a young age unless it was actually for someone else.

After so many years the only thing they were able to conclude is that there is a big possibility that the person who is torturing Xi Ana all these years was the same person who ruthlessly murdered her mother.

They've already checked everything about Xi Ana's mother, from those people who were once her classmates, her friends, even those guys who admired here. They've thoroughly checked everyone who could possibly have a motive to kill her.

"We've been working on this man Adam Smith for quite a while, although these leads we managed to acquire from Los Angeles and Italy wasn't a recorded transaction and merely by word it is still best to check on it."

Albeit there's a lot of people named Adam Smith all over the world, there are only few Chinese people who would actually have that name. Also, there was footage that showed his side profile from the one they recovered from the Italy and when they check it with the one in Los Angeles the are quite similar.

"Can't we do a face check and find who this person is?" An Qi Lu asked seriously.

"We've tried to do so, but to no avail. It didn't match anything or anyone." the mere fact that this man was able to fly from Italy to Los Angeles without leaving any records only proves that Adam Smith is not his real name.

An Qi Lu took the envelope that was placed by Li Jingli in front of him and scanned it for a bit before setting it aside, "How about Fang Wenna's matters?"

"She said she will study it for a bit more, I also checked on it and it seems like we can personally handle it in three months' time but since it was a rather sensitive issue I employed for more people to keep her safe, just enough to make us feel at ease."

When it comes to Xi Ana and Fang Wenna these two capable men tend to be very protective towards them, they will do whatever it takes to keep them safe.

They may have different personalities but they have one thing common, they all have pretty messed up lives.

Thinking about their previous topic, Li Jingli was reminded of something about Xi Ana "Qi Lu, I have a question I've been meaning to ask but didn't get the chance to do so."

"What is it"

"I was just wondering if that Lim Yi Sheng already knew?" after all this matter is only known to the four of them but since he was already married to Xi Ana he might already know something, that is if he managed to gain her full trust which by the way is not easy to get.

An Qi Lu gave him a questioning look, "Knew of what?"

"That Xi Ana didn't ever suffer from Cognitive Dissonance and that she could actually remember every single thing that happened that night vividly."