Li Jingli's Business in City A

After talking to An Qi Lu, he immediately went to the hospital. It was quite frustrating how his subordinates only told him now, if An Qi Lu didn't mention it he wouldn't have known. It's good that he decided to visit Qi Lu now in City A if not then it would have been a bit harder for him to leave City M immediately.

The moment he reached the front desk in the lobby, he immediately asked Xi Ana's wherebouts he was rushing as he left so he forgot to ask An Qi Lu about it.

The woman on the front desk saw him approaching and her eyes looked as though it was twinkling, she felt like she saw her male god descend from heaven. "Excuse me, Miss?"

She snapped back to reality although he is very handsome she wasn't able to recognize him, after all he is known in City M and only people from the upper class society would recognize him in City A. "I'm so sorry sir but we cannot tell you any information regarding our patients."

She felt like she disappointed her male god, but it was better than incurring the wrath of the other male god who owns this hospital.

At least this woman knows how to do her job well, if she gave me Xi Ana's information easily I would have asked them to fire her this instant. "Let me talk to your President, tell him that a person named Li Jingli wanted to talk to him." he said calmly.

The woman was quite surprised with his request, it's not like anyone who is handsome will be able to talk to the President! "I must apologize sir but it is impossible to talk to the president at the moment."

In her two years of working in this hospital she haven't seen the President much more talk to him!

Li Jingli on the other hand seems to have consumed all his patience so he demanded in a full authority to have him connected to the President and added, "If I wasn't able to know where Xi Ana is in 10 minutes I will have you fired this instant, I wouldn't even care if you will call that abusing one's power." If only Qi Lu told him her condition he wouldn't have to be so worried right now.

Scared as she is, with trembling hands she dialed the number that leads to the office of the President's assistant.

"Have you forgotten the protocol?" the man on the other line said the minute he picked up the telephone.

"No, sir but a person named Li Jingli is making quite a ruckus here telling me that he wants to talk to the President I already told -" before she could finish her explanation, she was cut off by a resounding voice on ther other line.

"What? Did you say Li Jingli?" the shocked and nervousness wasn't masked in in his voice.

With stammering voice and confused mind she answered, "Yes..sir."

"Immediately apologize to him and tell him that I will personally go down to receive him.! You don't have any idea just who it is that you might have offended!" the assistant's words scared her. Is it possible that she really did offended a big personality without he knowing?

"I'm so sorry for the inconvenience, sir. Please forgive this ignorant employee. The assistant of the President will personally receive you." she gave the Li Jingli a slight bow as a sign of respect towards the man.

Not long after, the assistant already reached the lobby. He also alerted the President that Young Master Li has come unannounced in their hospital.

"I humbly apologize that our employee wasn't able to recognize you Young Master Li, what can I do for you?"

"I am a friend of Xi Ana and I just heard that she was involved in an accident and was brought here. I want you to bring me to where she is." the way he said it shows that there is no room for any other things.

The mere fact that this man knew of what happened to Xi Ana only means that he is someone who does have a connection with President Xi because this incident wasn't made public at all.

"I will accompany yo u to the VIP floor, Young Master Li. The President specifically arranged the presidential suite for her." with that he guided Li Jingli towards the elevator until they finally reached Xi Ana's room.

The assistant knocked slightly before opening the door and let the man behind him enter the room before him.

Li Jingli entered the room and was greeted with the woman who is smiling brightly on the bed with a bandage on her forehead. "Stop smiling at me woman!" the assistant who just closed the door behind him was shocked when Li Jingli raised his voice towards Xi Ana!

Never in his life did he think that there is someone daring enough to raise their voice towards her. What surprised him even more is when the man sat on her bedside. Just what is the relationship between this young master from City M and this young miss of City A?

Li Jingli felt relieved when he saw that it doesn't seem like a life-threatening accident. Qi Lu could have told him that he didn't need to worry! Is that so hard to say? For a moment he realized the presence of the assistant so he turned and looked at him, "I think you've already done your job. You may go."

That's when the assistant realized that his presence wasn't needed anymore, although he went inside just to make sure that this person won't harm Xi Ana but when he saw he warm smile he knew they are indeed friends.

"I'll excuse myself then, Young Master and President Xi."

When the two were already left alone, Xi Ana was still smiling brightly. "What are you doing here? I didn't expect to see you here."

Li Jingli sighed, "Please, just wear your normal cold and stoic face you're creeping me out with that smile. By the way, where is your husband? I didn't expect to see you here alone."

"I forced him to go home. It's already dawn you know." at first, Lim Yi Sheng was reluctant to leave but after much threatening from Xi Ana he then complied but he still said that he will be back before 6AM.

"Oh, it's already dawn?" he wasn't sure at all. He didn't take notice of time the moment he landed to City A.

His presence in City A means that there is something he needed to personally worked on and this made Xi Ana curious, "Just how important is that business that you have to fly here for that?"

Her accident wasn't even serious and it only happened a few hours ago, for him to be here immediately he must be within the vicinity.