Sleeping Pills

It took them only half an hour before they've finally reached the hospital. With the fruits on their hand, they went straight to the VIP floor and was greeted by an elderly man on the entrance of the floor. "You've arrived, Young Master and Young Miss." he bowed and took the basket of fruits from their hands.

"Butler Han, how's my Mother?" Lim Yi Sheng inquired with a tinge of worry on his face.

"You don't have to worry Young Master, the Madam's condition has stabilized and according to the doctor it must have been due to the weather changes lately." Lim Yi Sheng nodded as they made their way to his mother's room.

As the elderly pushed open the door, the couple entered which made the woman sitting on the bed delighted.

"Mother, we're here." Xi Ana said while smiling and leaned to give her mother-in-law a kiss on the cheeks.

Su Nujiao gestured for the two take a seat, "Butler Han, please pour them a tea."

"Understood, Madam." Butler Han left for the kitchen area of the VIP room.

She knew very well how busy these two were and she felt somehow guilty that they had to alter their schedule just to pay her a visit, "Did I scare the two of you? I'm sorry for bothering you two when you're busy as it is."

"You will never be a bother to us Mother, right Yi Sheng?" Xi Ana squeezed his hand which was rested on her thigh.

"Ana's right Mother, no matter how important the company is you are more important. You don't have to feel burden, we're only doing what a child should do." if they can't be filial to their parents then what's the use of being powerful?

"If that is what the both of you think then I might as well enjoy these time with you, after all this is a very rare opportunity for us to gather.'" Xi Ana chuckled and answered, "Of course, Mother."

Su Nujiao's temperament is akin to that of a noble blood despite having the tendency to be funny at times she can still maintain her elegance and that in itself shows that she is someone who cam from a a powerful and influential family.

The two spent their time talking about random things to which Lim Yi Sheng would sometimes offer his words. Although he was quite he can't help but feel happy seeing how two of the most important women in his life get along very well.

Suddenly, Lim Yi Sheng received a message from Lu Nai He saying that their medical result were out. They do this annually and because Xi Ana is already married to Lim Yi Sheng she also need to undergo the same procedure so they took the chance when she was hospitalized a few days ago.

"Dear, our medical results were out. Accompany Mother for a while and I'll make trip to Nai He's office to get them." he was about to stand but Xi Ana tugged his hand and gestured for him to stay.

"It's okay, I'll get the results myself since I got into an accident recently he might have a few pointers for me." what she said seemed reasonable enough so he just let her.

"Alright, you already know where his office is located right? Be careful."

Hearing his words, Xi Ana laughed heartily, "Dear, what do you think of me? A child? Lu Nai He's office is located on this very same floor. At the very least, I might only trip myself but don't worry I'll be very careful, alright?"

Su Nujiao chuckled, "You can go on dear, and please be very careful." this is a once in a blue moon opportunity to tease her son of course she will not let it pass.

"Okay, Mother." she said in between her smiles before she finally made her way out of the room.

The mother then looked at her son and smiled, "You sure have changed, son."

"I know." he wasn't oblivious to the changes he had the moment Xi Ana entered his life, although he can't exactly pinpoint what changed he knew the fact he changed and that is because of her.

"Anyway son, I've been meaning to ask you this but I felt it was rather inappropriate to do so while my beautiful daughter-in-law is here." she knows the circumstances around the marriage of the two, a typical scenario of rich families that is why she doesn't want to put pressure on Xi Ana.

"What is it?" he asked questioningly.

"When do you plan to give me a grandson?"

Upon hearing the question, Lim Yi Sheng chocked on his tea. "Cough, cough."

He raised his gaze toward his mother which he relied with a stern face, "What?"

Lim Yi Sheng was clueless on how to answer his mother' question and before he could even come up with an answer he was hit my his own mother multiple times.

"Son, I want a grandson."

"I've been waiting for a long time now."

"Mother!" he retaliated with a pout which he wasn't aware of how childish it looked.

On the other hand, his mother seems to enjoy teasing her son.

"As a man, you have to do something about this."

"You're a very reliable son when it comes to everything but.." she didn't finish her sentence and just sighed.

Lim Yi Sheng was shocked, 'Mother did you just sighed?' he wanted to asked but didn't dare to voice it out what he didn't know that the next sentence from his mother is much more lethal than the previous ones.

"Son, you're not working hard." she said while shrugging.

"Cough, cough, cough." he choked really hard.

Lim Yi Sheng was totally flabbergasted, his own mother told him that he's not working hard! If he's not working hard then what has he been doing all this time? Mother this is cruelty!

- - -

Meanwhile, Xi Ana and Lu Nai He had already started their conversation.

"As per Yi Sheng's results they were all normal but I saw something on your results. Can be direct to you?"

With how Lu Nai He looks at her she knew where this conversation is going to.

"Go ahead, I won't hold it against you."

"Have you been taking sleeping pills for a long period of time now?"

Ci Ana sighed before answering.

"I do, it's been years so it is no wonder that you will see traces of sleeping pills on my blood. I've also increased my dosage this year because." it's no use lying to a doctor because once they get their hands on your test result, they can already read your body like the back of their hand.

As he observed Xi Ana, it seems like she doesn't find it troubling as if she is already to used to it. "Being reliant on drugs to make you sleep will make you dependent on it, I bet you already know that."

"Of course, Dr. Lu." she smiled sweetly at him but he doesn't have the heart to return it back.

Having insomnia has a lot of causes and it varies on different people, if Xi Ana has been suffering with it for how many years that it could only mean that the cause was a very serious one.

Thinking about it, Lu Nai He felt his heart breaking because he knows that for all those years she's been relying on the pills just to sleep. "Does Yi Sheng know about this?"

Xi Ana thought for a while and shrugged, "I don't think I've told him about this. It has become a part of my life that I never really thought much about it."

"Ana, as a doctor I would really recommend you to stop taking sleeping pills. The increase in dosage only means that your body has unconsciously created a defense mechanism on it."

If only I could, she thought as she smiled bitterly at Lu Nai He. "Don't worry about it, it's not that I'm tolerating my situation it's just a little bit tricky to cure. I'm actually seeing a doctor, he's a friend of mine in New York and he's also the one who gave me those prescriptions so if one of your worries is that I'm getting them illegally it's not the case."

It did cross his mind so when he heard it, he unconsciously breathed a sigh of relief. "Well, since you're seeing a doctor my heart's at ease but in any case you need my help don't hesitate to give me a call. I may not be well versed in the area of psychology but my position gave me enough connections to find the best one."

Her condition is actually not a secret at all, An Qi Lu, Li Jingli, and Fang Wenna know about it. Though there is a possibility that her Grandfather and Xi Chen might not have any idea about it since she found it bothersome to explain, because telling someone about her condition might require her explaining the reason behind it and that is something she cannot afford.

"Of course, thank you for your concern."

"Also Ana, I would need to explain these matters to Yi Sheng, not because we're brothers but because she is your immediate family."

"No problem at all, now that this matter was raised I would have to explain it to him anyway. I might need to take my leave now, your brother is still waiting for me." the both them stood and Lu Nai He led her out of his office.

"I would have wanted to grab a drink with Yi Sheng tonight as per planned but I had a sudden scheduled surgery tonight so I might have to cancel it, please help me relay this to Yi Sheng."

"Okay, I will." she smiled and left his office.

On the other hand, the man who was still in front of his office door watched the disappearing back of his goddess and muttered to himself, "Lim Yi Sheng must have saved the world in his past life to be able to get married to a goddess like Xi Ana in this lifetime."

He sighed inwardly as he entered his office.

Meanwhile, the mother and son duo who was left inside the hospital room moved onto the topic of his younger sister who just came a few minutes ago.

"What do you plan to do with your life, Xiao Shi? Mother's getting old don't you think its about time you find something that interests you which at the same time makes you stable?" Su Nujiao nagged at her daughter.

They've allowed her to enter the entertainment industry because she wanted to at the expense of climbing the top on her own without any backing from the Lim Family.

Even though she is considered a talent in this industry it is actually not a good long term plan, its not like you can let your children inherit the awards you will receive. When she turned 16, Lim Shinyi and her brother made a truce and which is about her leaving the entertainment industry before she turns 25.

"Mother, I still have three years left on my truce with my Big Brother."

"Good, at least you still remember. I still have the recording unless you forget about it."

"That's why its better to have a plan before that time comes! Don't tell me you will just think about it after you already left the entertainment industry." she eyed her daughter questioningly.

Lim Shinyi frowned, she was on the verge of getting a panic attack when she received the news that her mother was hospitalized but as soon as she entered the hospital room she was immediately put in a tight spot by her own mother!

"I know, I know. I perfectly understand your intentions but please Mother, I came here to visit you not to be nagged by you two! Don't worry, I have something in mind."

"I'm gonna smack you if you're only pulling our legs, you brat!"

In the midst of their conversation, Xi Ana entered the room. Lim Yi Sheng was the one to notice her, "Dear, you're back. How was the result?"

Xi Ana smiled, "There's really nothing to worry about, let's just talk about it at home."

Since there is nothing odd about her reaction he assumed that everything's fine, his wife then at beside him on the couch while Lim Shinyi is still sitting on their mother's side.

"Oh, that's right! Didn't you say you have something in mind? Why don't you share it with your sister-in-law she might be able to give you pointers much better than your brother." she tugged the sleeves of her daughter's clothes excitedly.

On the other hand, Lim Yi Sheng rebutted jokingly, "Mother, are you looking down on me?"

She looked at her son helplessly, "Son, you're good at everything except giving advice so for this matter I have to bother my beautiful daughter-in-law, don't you think so?"

Mother, this daughter-in-law of yours is even colder than your son! Really now, who is it that you've given birth to? He thought playfully.