Can't Get Enough of Her

It's true that she had something in mind but because she really isn't into business related stuffs when it comes to the execution plan she still doesn't have anything to present! Isn't this a bit too early for this? Lim Shinyi thought to herself.

"What is it mother? As long as I'd be of help I'm more than willing to do so." Lim Yi Sheng held her hand and intertwined their fingers which made Su Nujiao giddy inside, she never thought he would see a day when his boring and cold son would be clingy on a woman.

I think my grandson will be sooner that I think, she thought.

"Our Xiao Shi will soon retire from the entertainment industry, she said that she has something in mind so I was wondering if you could give her any advice that could help her as she prepare for it."

"Well, I could introduce her to my friend in France who is a well known perfumer, though his company wasn't big enough I can vouch for him."

"Is that the one who made my perfume?"