Father (2)

"Let's go, Grandfather. The dinner must have been prepared by now."

Before going out of the study Xi Ana reminded her grandfather about the dinner although she one can say that their conversation is not something you would call pleasant, her younger brother and all the other people inside the house was so enthusiastic about this dinner and so she didn't want to ruin the mood.

"You can go first, I'll follow you in a while." there might be smile on his face but Xi Ana knew that he is quite troubled by this situation as well and this made Xi Ana feel guilty. He's not getting younger and Xi Ana doing this might cause him to be stressed.

Xi Ana sighed, "I know that all these years you didn't let him go back for good is because you didn't want to hurt me by doing so, it was me who is selfish for letting you do that. If he comes back then it's okay, it's okay now."