
"Grandfather, we've been waiting for forever that I thought I'd starve to death." Xi Chen said to their grandfather, it's been a few minutes since they sat down but he only came now when his sister has already been him for a while.

"You are usually mature in front of other people but in front of your sister you always act like a spoiled child. When will you start acting your age in front of your sister?" Xi Shendong teased his grandson as he sat at the head seat of the table.

Hearing the teasing remark of his grandfather he only smiled lazily and proclaimed, "Until before I get married."

There is no doubt that in front of his sister he only wanted to be the spoiled younger brother.

"You might not get the chance to get married if you're always clinging to your sister. Your girlfriend might break up with you because you are a siscon."

Siscon? Xi Chen frowned because it is a terminology he didn't know. "What do you mean by siscon, grandfather?"