I'm Sorry

Xi Ana was busy looking at her tablet monitoring the stock changes in Europe when someone suddenly knocked on her door. Is it already time to go back?

"Come in."

Thinking that Lim Yi Sheng must have been the one that asked to call her, she already started sorting some of the documents she had brought from the office which was on their car earlier, she even turned off her work tablet obviously preparing to leave.

The door opened and the person on the other side of it is actually Auntie Shen, "What's the matter, Auntie Shen did Lim Yi Sheng called for me?"

"Actually, Young Miss.." hearing the uneasiness on her voice Xi Ana raised her head to look at the old woman in front of her.

On the other hand, Auntie was somehow reluctant to call her because of the situation but at the same she also wanted to give this opportunity to them.

"What is it, Auntie Shen? Please tell me."