
Xi Ana turned towards her father and asked, "What was it that you did wrong?"

While waiting she walked around the room, this room was just exactly as she remembered it. This room is her parent's room, even after her mother died her father never changed room nor had ever changed the placements of the furniture.

She looked around a bit more and when her eyes landed on the tea table that her parents usually used in the past, what caught her attention was the black leather-covered notebook on top of the table.

As if her feet has its own mind that they walked towards it. Her hand lifted the notebook and it felt heavy. Literally and figuratively. She is only human and of course she had the urge to open the notebook to see what's inside but she eventually dropped the idea.

Opening it without the owner's permission is basically unethical.She placed the notebook and left it on the table as if she had never opened it in the first place.