Seducing The Future CEO! (1)


"Transferring Host 1520 in....




Xia Zhilan felt the entire world spin and as though she was travelling through space and time itself, which technically, she was. She was travelling through the thousand of worlds and dimensions. When the spinning finally stopped she found herself sitting by a desk in a large lecture hall, surrounded by 'her' classmates. Unexpectedly, she also gained Xiao Yingyue's memories.

Although she had gained the original's memories, she was still extremely disorientated from the 'journey'. Even though she was in the middle of some sort of lesson, her head was aching painfully and she needed some time alone to adjust to the situation. Despite the teacher asking her to sit back down and all her classmates staring at her, Zhilan casually stumbled out of class.

'Ugh, my head is killing me! The system didn't tell me it would hurt this bad!'

"Yingyue?" A small and cute girl who was sitting next to her before quickly ran out and followed after her. This was the original's best friend since childhood, Bai Meixiu.

"Yingyue? What's wrong? Are you feeling sick" She asked in concern.

"No, I'm fine. I just had a slight headache." Yingyue replied comfortingly.

"Is it because of Jiangyu? I know you're doing it for your parents but... Isn't this a but too much?"

Since they were best friends, Bai Meixiu knows that the original did not actually love Ye Jiangyu.

"No, of course not. In fact I decided to give up that idea."

'How did the original Xiao Yingyue even come to that idea?' Zhilan thought to herself. There are other ways to make them proud but she decided to marry someone she didn't even like? In the olden times, parents used to arrange their children's marriage but this girl wanted to marry herself off for her parents...?

"Really? You're not just saying that, are you? You've been hell-bent on it before. What changed your mind?" Although Meixiu was relieved she was also slightly concerned about the sudden change. But of course she'd never think that the original Yingyue is dead and that someone else is possessing her body.

"I've just been thinking it over and I realised how embarrassing I was... I can't believe I thought it was a good idea!" Although Xia Zhilan wasn't actually Xiao Yingyue, she couldn't help but be embarrassed on her behalf especially since she has her firsthand memories.

For example, she'd we wait by his class EVERYDAY for a chance to talk to him, get him a drink and a new towel after his EVERY workout sessions and get him his favourite snacks during lunch. No wonder why everyone thought she was in love...

'I thought I was going to be a super cool and aloof school goddess! If I was ugly, I'd definitely be known as the school stalker!' Xia Zhilan secretly cried imaginary tears for the original Xiao Yingyue.

"Yeah...I tried telling you but you wouldn't listen..." Bai Meixiu said sheepishly. "Wait, Yingyue! Where are you going? We're still supposed to be in class!" Whilst they were talking, Xia Zhilan was casually walking to the exit of the university campus.

"I'm kinda tired so I'm gonna go back home. It's not like they can give us detentions anymore"

"Yeah but, school just started a week ago... It's a bit too early to be skipping school isn't it?" Bai Meixiu said, trying to convince Zhilan to come back.

The original Xiao Yingyue had just started her second year in this elite university along with the male lead. Shi Huilang, however transfered here last week and has already met Ye Jiangyu according to System 005. Luckily Xia Zhilan transmigrated early on in the plot otherwise it would of been harder to break the ship... Wait, break the ship?! Whilst they were talking, System 005 decided to give Xia Zhilan a compulsory side mission.

'Compulsory Side Mission:

Break up the the Fl and ML'

Xia Zhilan: ....

'I knew the mission was too simple to be true... How am I supposed to break them up?! The main protagonists always end up together and have a happily ever after. Unless... Unless I kill one of th-"

As someone who's been an assassin, spy and secret agent before, it might have warped her morals slightly...

'Killing the protagonists is not allowed in this world' The system's mechanical voice rang out with a hint of alarm and maybe concern whilst destroying Zhilan's idea.

'Urgh... I knew it wouldn't be that easy...."

'Like killing the protagonists is any easier!'

'Well, duh! Just hide the body and hack into the surveillance camera and destroy the evidence.' Xia Zhilan was extremely experienced.

'I don't even want to ask...' the system said whilst feeling slightly terrified of it's current host.

Bai Meixiu stood there in confusion as she watched a myriad of emotions and eyerolls appear on 'Yingyue's' face and wondering whether she said something weird.

"Well, see ya, Bai Meixui! Tell the professor I'm going home~!" Xia Zhilan said whilst walking away.


As the only daughter of an extremely wealthy family, Xiao Yingyue of course had an luxurious penthouse apartment right next to the school.

Whilst lying on a king sized bed in a beautifully decorated elegant bedroom, Xia Zhilan asked the system about the development between the leads. According to System 005, they have already bumped into each other. Ye Jiangyu currently only has a slight interest towards her whilst Shi Huilang, is still slightly annoyed at him. Even during Xia Zhilan's strange past, she has no experience in scheming against others so she could only resort to the somewhat reliable system for help.

'Seduce the male lead.'

Xia Zhilan: ....

'Is there another plan?'

'Compulsory Side Mission: Seduce the male lead'

Xia Zhilan felt like vomiting blood. Seduce the male lead?! COMPULSORY? Where the heck did that come from?

'What if... I don't?'

'Your soul will be terminated.'

Zhilan secretly cursed the system.

Although she was still extremely pissed at that stupid system she still needed it for information on how to seduce Ye Jiangyu. Xia Zhilan had dated many people before but.... The male protagonist?!

Well, apparently her charm points is 20 so...

'What kind of girls does he like...?" Xia Zhilan said with a sigh.

'The male lead, Ye Jiangyu, likes pure innocent girls who needs protection.' The system said quickly to try to ease it's host's anger.

'Girls who need protection...? What a typical CEO type character.' Xia Zhilan rolled her eyes. Delicate and fragile girls like that annoy her the most. She hates girls who always needs to depend on a man instead of doing things on their own with their own capabilities. Unfortunately for her, she needs to become one now.