
The system, although having no physical body, stared scrutinizingly at it's first host, who sat cross-legged in the pure white space. Although she was a beauty, she was perfectly ordinary in every other way which made System 005 confused.

No dramatic love story, no ultimate betrayal by their best friend or anything like that. Her death was not a highly complicated scheme from her enemies, just an unfortunate car accident. Her entire life was as normal as anyone else's, she was not a genius of any sort, definitely not the heir of a world class business or prestigious family, just an ordinary high school graduate who had just been accepted in an average university until she was hit by a car.

Well, that was all the information given to System 005 about its new host. The reason the system was confused is because every host that is chosen to become a task-taker must be special in some way and must have the skills to perform every task given to them. Maybe it was a mistake? Maybe they got her mixed up with someone else who happen to die at the same time? Impossible, the beings higher up would never make such a foolish mistake... The more the system thought, the more confused it got.

'I guess I'll have to wait until she wakes up...'

Xia Zhilan, the seemingly ordinary woman, finally opened her eyes. Although she was confused, she was slightly excited.

'Finally, something different' She thought to herself


"Welcome host 1520, Xia Zhilan, I am your system/guide, 005." A cold mechanical but slightly feminine voice rang out in her head.

"A system? I thought these things only happen in novels!"

"Correct. You have been specially selected to become a task-taker and fulfill wishes of wronged side characters, destroy the protagonist halo of the unfit leads or help the female lead regain her status as the rightful heroine." said the same cold voice.

"A task-taker?"

"Correct." System 005 responded emotionlessly.

"Destroy protagonist halos? How am I supposed to do that?"

"First you must get rid of their halo by making sure their plans fail, and diverting them from the original storyline."

"That sounds kinda fun..."

"Since you're my system, I guess you know about my past?"

"Your past? Weren't you just an average highschooler?"

"No...? I thought you were supposed to know everything about me!"

"That was all the information given to me." The system said in the same mechanical voice whilst trying to defend itself.

Xia Zhilan was a reincarnate.

However instead of becoming someone else, everytime she died she'd go back to the start of her life, from a baby. She could be whatever she wanted to be without the fear of ruining her life since she could just start over if she did.

She lived out her every dreams: movie star, singer, actress, model, chef, spy, secret agent, assassins owner of companies, CEOs, even the president if she really tried, anything, she could be whatever she wanted.

But Xia Zhilan eventually got bored.

She was still herself, her family was still the same, childhood friends were still the same, everything was still the same and stayed the same except what she decided to do this time. However she couldn't change the world for the better or for the worst, she couldn't go to the future or the past. She wanted a change. A completely different life.

System 005 finally understood why she was chosen. Although she was completely different from the other hosts, she was definitely right for the job. Xia Zhilan had perfected hundreds of skills.

However people in the other worlds can be kinda.... Crazy. People don't act like typical people. For example, if someone is in an unrequited love with someone and that person loves someone else, they'll go absolutely crazy and perhaps...

Plan a highly complicated scheme to eleminate their love rival.


"Transferring plot to host..."



Zhilan felt a searing pain through her head which felt as though it would split in two, however it quickly disappeared and a stream of information poured into her brain.

The university this body, who's named Xiao Yingyue, attends is specially catered towards the high-class which, of course, the male lead also goes to.

Due to a stroke of luck, the beautiful and lovely female lead, Shi Huilang, manages to be accepted because of her outstanding grades (and protagonist's halo) managed to earn a scholarship even though she's from a normal working class family. At first she was isolated by her classmates but thanks to her charming and pure personality she was quickly accepted, especially by the male classmates, which lead to some jealousy from the others.

Whilst walking to class the male lead, Ye Jiangyu, bumped into Shi Huilang and almost fell over but due to his cold personality he walk away silently after giving her an annoyed look. Shocked by his impoliteness, Huilang demanded an apology which peaked Ye Jiangyu's interest[1] because due to his powerful background and capabilities, no-one had dared to speak to him like this, much less this ordinary woman. Due to a series of coincidences, they grow closer and eventually fell in love despite the huge status difference and finally got married.

So where did the original Xia Zhilan fit in?

Well, because the heir to the No.1 business in the country, who is also blessed with stunning looks and talent, suddenly fell in love with an ordinary woman who barely has any noteworthy achievements aroused extreme jealousy from other women who came from much nobler backgrounds and who were crazily in love with him. Many of them believed that they deserved to stand next to him instead of a random commoner especially the female lead's traitorous "best friend'.

Xiao Yingyue, who also came from a powerful background which owned a famous business

which was No. 2 in the country, was extremely filial to her parents and did her best to make them proud due to the lack of attention from her childhood because they had to work. Her mother happened to be good friends with the ML's who both hoped that their children would get together in the future. Although there was no offical agreement, both parents wanted them to be together however they weren't as old-fashioned as to to force them. Also most of the high class families had expected them to be together someday.

When Xiao Yingyue learn't of this, she tried her best to chase Ye Jiangyu to please her parents. When one of the school flowers started chasing after the ML everyone naturally believed she fell in love with him.

So when the FL's 'best friend', Cao Lihua, schemed against her, she used Yingyue as her scapegoat. In the end, Xiao Yingyue was blamed for everything and the ML used his power to bankrupt Yingyue and her family. When Cao Lihua was eventually exposed, everyone had long forgotten about poor Yingyue who had to survive in a bankrupt family...

"Wow... How sad..."

Xia Zhilan who was allowed to live carefreely, without being bound to society, families or friend's expectations could never understand why people forced themselves to achieve almost unrealistic expectations as they'll only feel dissappointed in themself. Unlike Xia Zhilan, who could relive her life hundreds of times, others only have one chance so Zhilan believed they should live their lives to the fullest.

She had forgotten that she used to be the same in her very first life...

"How does demanding an apology make someone interested in you?"

"For the plot."

"Wow, what a cliché story. I'm guessing that the jealous girl decides to drug the FL?"


As someone who had lots of free time to spare, Xia Zhilan of course has watched thousands of movies and read thousands of novels and books.

"Of course she does" Xia Zhilan said whilst rolling her eyes. "Who does that in real life!?"

"To excentuate the male leads charm and handsomeness and for him to play the 'hero'."

"Anyways, your mission is to lead a successful life"

"Mission Rank: C"

"There are mission ranks?"

"Every mission is ranked from D to SSS" System 005 explained.

"Oh... Interesting....."

"As this is your first mission it'll be easier."

"Well you also have to manage to family business later so..."

"Oh that's simple. In one of my lives, I don't remember which, I was known as a business legend!" Xia Zhilan immediately boasted

"Good for you. But you still need to attend school." 005 said in a cold voice.

"Oh god! Do you know how many times I've been to school?!" Zhilan said in despair. "So many times that even I don't know!"

"Crying about it won't help." replied the mechanical voice.

Xia Zhilan rolled her eyes.

"So, where are my stats?"

Host Number: 1520

Name: Xia Zhilan

Status: Dead

Level: 5

Points: 000

Luck: 20

Charm: 20

Mental Strength: 25

Titles: None

*10 is average

"I'm already on level 5?"

"It's because of your experience in your original world."

"Only level 5?! Do you know what I've done it my world? They call me a legend!"

For the first time, System 005 felt annoyed at it's narcissistic host.