Ruining The No. 1 CEO (8)

After saying that Xia Zhilan practically disappeared from his view.

'System is my mission in this world complete now?' She asked

'No.' It replied in its emotionless voice.

'What?! Why?

'Didn't Xia Zhilan already reach 100% in the side task?

'As I said before, Shi Huilang will ALWAYS get the best or one of the best and currently Ye Jiangyu is the best.' System 005 explained

'Huilang won't do this to a friend, right?'

Shi Huilang already knows that them two had a 'thing' so as the perfect FL she can't do this to a friend, can she?

'Of course she can.' it continued 'The beautiful but poor FL falls in love with the rich but heartbroken ML. However, the one who broke his heart was her best friend! How dramatic.'

'I guess that would be extremely interesting...

So would I end up as the villain?'

'Depends on yourself.' System 005 replied shortly.

'Since Shi Huilang must have the best I guess I have no choice to ruin him because I think she deserves MUCH better than this disrespectful, controlling guy!'' Xia Zhilan said righteously but had a mischievous smile on her face.

System: ....

'You were planning revenge since the beginning! How can you act so righteous now? How shameless.' It thought to itself.

••••••• 2 Months Later ••••••

Xia Zhilan was finally inheriting the family business, the Xiao Group. Of course they had to arrange a ball for her which included many social elites so Ye Jiangyu was of course invited.

Xia Zhilan never told her 'parents' what she really thought about him and he still thought that she was just nervous about the engagment as they were now officially adults. Of course they have spoken a couple times since then but Xia Zhilan just acted with her natural personality - no longer blushing or acting shy around him.

And yes, he just assumed they were engaged just because they graduated even though he never properly asked and Xia Zhilan never gave him her opinion. Maybe he just expected it as the entitled CEO.

Since hse no longer had to act as a pure and untainted flower who only dressed in plain light colours she could finally be herself - extremely dramatic like the Queen she decided she was.

Unlike the delicate but boring dresses and light makeup she used to wear, she picked an extremely glamorous but unconventional dark blue dress with an off-the-shoulder neckline covered in crystals and diamonds going up, which excentuated her perfect figure, paired with dark blue opera gloves with a sparkly ombre going downwards and glittery heels.

Her makeup was also extremely bold.

Thick winged eyeliner, false eyelashes, eyebrows, smokey eyes and dark red lips.

Her entrance was just like her outfit - bold and dramatic. All the guests almost felt like bowing at her feet the moment she entered the hall. Yes, she was that domineering.

In her past lives she's been the girl next door type girl, the sweet and gentle one, the cold and icy beauty, the fierce and overbearing girl and much more.

No, she wasn't forcing herself to be someone she wasn't. All of these 'types' of girls were all just a part of her own personality. Everybody has that inside of themselves but their usual personality is just the most prominent. Everyone is slightly arrogant but everyone can also be kind and sweet.

For Xia Zhilan, she was usually easygoing but slightly mischievous with a smaller than average temper. But now she was letting her inner arrogance and confidence come out.

Of course Ye Jiangyu really disliked the change.

He immediately rushed over to her and bombarded her with questions. He assumed she was just going through a phase since she is now officially a CEO.

"Yingyue! Why are you wearing these things? Look at yourself! I know that becoming the owner of a large company is life changing but why are you doing this? I know it's stressful but what's wrong with you? Don't dress like somebody you're not! Didn't I tell you that you didn't need to change yourself for me? You were perfect before. Come, I'll take you home to change. What were you thinking? You look terrible like this..."

'What the f*ck?! I've literally been here for 5 seconds And what the h*ll is wrong with this guy?!' Xia Zhilan was pretty upset at his words.

"Ye Jiangyu what's wrong with YOU? I think you're the one with a problem" Zhilan said icily. "Who do you think you are to tell me to leave MY party?"

The surrounding guests were shocked at this outburst but most of them, especially the women, thought Zhilan was right.

'Isnt he the new CEO of Ye Coperations?'

'Is he okay? Telling the star of the party to leave!?'

'Arent they engaged? I guess they had a fight...'

'The new CEO is so disrespectful! He seriously told the star of the party to go change? Perfect before? She looks amazing now! Who is he to tell her that?' Other women immediately felt indignant for Zhilan.

Embarrassed at the crowd's words he grabbed her wrist and tried to drag her out.

Xia Zhilan narrowed her eyes at this.

"Ye Jiangyu, let go." she whispered dangerously.

Ignoring her threat, he continued to attempt to pull her away.

"I said let go!" she shouted angrily.

Before he could understand what was happening, he was stumbled backwards and all he could see was Xia Zhilan walking away.

He immediately rushed towards her saying "I know why you're being like this. I understand, Yingyue! I love you but EVEN I can't bare to see you like this. What are your parents going to think? Just come, I'll take you back home to change!"

Without even turning around Xia Zhilan said "Shut up." coldly and continued walking away.

The crowd immediately parted as she walked through