Ruining The No.1 CEO (9)

Xia Zhilan made her way to the stage whilst the crowded parted in front of her.

Ye Jiangyu kept calling her name angrily and tried to follow her. However the crowd subconsciously closed in front of him, stopping him in his tracks. Even though he was currently the CEO of the no. 1 business of the country, he couldn't push all of them out of the way just to get to her since that would ruin his image as the cold and arrogant CEO and all these guests were potential business partners.

Disrespecting them definitely would affect his business. So he could only helplessly watch Zhilan stride confidently to the stage .

Suddenly an absurd thought popped up in his head

"Oh, she must be announcing our engagement. No wonder she was making such a big scene and dressing like that."

Yes, he was delusional. Like all male leads, he's handsome, arrogant, rich, has an extremely high IQ but non-existent EQ.

"Thank you all for coming! As of today I am now the official CEO of the Xiao group." Xia Zhilan said in a professional voice and announced some other greetings and some of her plans for her company.

"And because of this, I need to address some rumours about me that could potentially affect my reputation" she continued icily.

"I know most of you have heard about my alleged engagement with the current CEO of Ye Coperations." Ye Jiangyu's face immediately brightened at this. "According to the rumours we're 'childhood sweethearts' and you've probably heard about our 'whirlwind romance. However all of these rumours are fake. However we did have a somewhat friendly relationship but that was all. Thank you all for coming and I hope you enjoy your time."

As Xia Zhilan was about to leave the stage, Ye Jiangyu stormed up to her.

'I knew this would happen...' Xia Zhilan thought 'Can't you just leave me alone?'

"Yingyue, why did you say all that?" he said with a mixture of anger, confusion and a bit of sadness. "We ARE getting married. Tell your guests the truth." he commanded and grabbed her wrists, again, and pulled her back to the middle of the stage.

At this point everyone was still listening and the two standing on stage in front of everyone didn't help.

Xia Zhilan laughed coldly to herself and allowed herself to be pulled to the centre of the stage.

'If you want a show, I'll give you one...'

"Xia Zhilan was just joking earlier, weren't you?" he gave an angry look to Zhilan "Of course we're engaged!"

"What is f*cking wrong with you?!" she shouted angrily, slipping out of his hold. "Who said we're engaged, Huh? You psychopath!"

Xia Zhilan turned to the crowd with tears in her eyes and said in an aggrieved voice "Please get him away from me! He's been harassing me since university... He won't leave me alone!"

Although the crowd felt bad for her unfortunately they were too scared to provoke such a powerful man.

'Wow... You guys are so helpful. Won't even save a pitiful damsel in distress, such as I?' Xia Zhilan thought to herself. 'Whatever, his reputation is probably down the drains anyways.'

She was hoping for him to get a public beating.

'I guess I'll have to do it by myself...'

Seeing that the crowd wasn't doing anything, he grabbed her wrist again and tried pulling her away.

"I told you to stop grabbing my wrist, god-damnit!" Xia Zhilan said angrily.

She yanked her arm back and gave him a quick kick to the stomach. He immediately flew backwards and hit the floor with a thud.

As he struggled to get back up, Xia Zhilan calmly walked over, emitting a dangerous and pressurising aura and stepped firmly on his chest with her 4 inch heels.

"I've been meaning to do this for awhile now" Zhilan said casually whilst increasing the strength in her foot "Never mess with me, Xiao Yingyue, ever again." she continued with a dangerous edge to her voice.

Although she wasn't especially loud, all the guests heard her. Despite the huge sudden personality change from a weak and pitiful girl to an overbearing woman, they were trembling from her domineering aura and her seemingly casual words brought shivers down their spine.

Even Yingyue's parents were shocked however they were also secretly proud.

Although they knew she was smart and was perfectly capable of running the Xiao Group, the two had been worried that Xiao Yingyue would be to softhearted with her employees and would allow herself to be bullied by others.

"Who said we were engaged? I never agreed, my family never agreed! No, I don't care if you're the CEO of Ye Coperations. Who are you to force a marriage onto me? Who are you to try and control my life?"

Giving him one last kick, she calmly walked off leaving the entire hall in an uncomfortable silence.

The audience was unsure of what to do now. Should they go help Ye Jiangyu and risk offending Xiao Yingyue?

In the end, they just slowly backed away and resumed their chats. Ignoring him completely in case he got angry at the witnesses.

Meanwhile, Xiao Yingyue was casually talking to other business partners as though the one who was violently kicking Ye Jiangyu wasn't her just now and emitting a dangerous aura wasn't her. Instead she adopted her usual friendly temperament and carried on with the polite conversations ignoring, the slightly disturbed, slightly scared and slightly impressed yet trying to be happy and polite looks on their faces.

At least Xia Zhilan was happy.

She was finally allowed to vent her inner frustrations that she had to keep contained for the past 2 years.

"Host I think next time you should not result to violence to solve these issues" System 005 suggested quietly.

"I have bruises around my wrists from the amount of times he's grabbed my arms and dragged me around! I think the one who needs to tone it down is him." Zhilan responded unhappily.