The Ex-Assassin Is A Cultivator! (1).

One afternoon, Xia Zhilan, the ex-CEO of the Xiao Group, was lazily watching TV on her sofa and blinked. But when she opened her eyes again she found herself in a familiar pure white space.

"System 005, couldn't you have waited until the episode ended?" Xia Zhilan immediately started complaining. "We were just about to find out whether that Max guy was the father of her baby!"

Rolling it's nonexistent eyes, the system said "Host, I've already helped you increase the time limit as much as I could. You were supposed to leave 2 years ago!" in exasperation.

"10 minutes more wouldn't hurt...!" Zhilan snapped back. "Whatever. So what's my new mission?"

"You'll be transmigrating into a cultivation world and the body you'll be taking over is called Bai Yimei."

"Wait - Did you say cultivation?!" Xia Zhilan said excitedly. "The martial arts kind of cultivation?!"

"Yes..." System 005 responded impatiently.

"The magical power type cultivation?!"

"Yes." System 005 said whilst sighing.

"So I can actually learn how to do those kind of things?"

Whilst Xia Zhilan was being excited, System 005 transferred the information about the plot and the familar pain pierced her head.

Liu Chunhua, a 21st century female assassin in the modern world who was betrayed by her lover for a priceless treasure and ended up falling off a cliff with the treasure, was transmigrated into a cultivation world in the body of the eldest miss of the Liu Family with the same name. However she was constantly bullied by her younger siblings and cousins after discovering her terrible innate talent and her engagement to the 5th prince was forcefully broken, causing her to be a laughing stock of the Eastern Snow Empire.

After transmigrating, Liu Chunhua discovered that the treasure she acquired, the Snow Leaf Jade, was absorbed in her dantian which improved her innate talent to supreme grade and tripled her cultivation speed. After that she got revenge for the original Liu Chunhua and humiliated everyone who bullied her and destroyed anyone who dared to mess with her and entered a prestigous academy, Gold Sun Academy.

Along the way, she saved a heavily injured man whilst training in a forest who turned out to be the legendary Shadow King, Yan Qinyu. After falling in love with her because of her ruthless and straightforward personality, he gifted her many heavenly treasures and ruled the entire Canlang Country together.

Bai Yimei however, was one of the most talented disciples of Golden Sun academy, one of the top schools of Eastern Snow Empire, who came from a poor small family. Due to the amount of resources and opportunities the academy had given her, Bai Yimei was extremely loyal to them. So when Golden Sun Academy was attacked by another stronger school due to the female lead, Bai Yimei was furious at her especially when she tried to flee.

At that time Liu Chunhua was much weaker than Yimei, so at the last critical moment her lover, the Shadow King appeared out of nowhere and saved the damsel in distress.

In the end, Bai Yimei died in the battle between the schools and Golden Sun Academy was destroyed. Even after discovering this, Liu Chunhua still felt wronged by Bai Yimei and personally killed her parents and siblings, believing that Bai Yimei in the wong for attempting to kill her, ignoring the fact that Liu Chunhua was the reason of Golden Sun's destruction.

"Mission Rank: A"

"Liu Chunhua has been officially evaluated and declared unfit to be the female lead of this world. This is because she is too bloodthirsty, violent and spares nobody. Also her luck surpassed the limit of this world therefore we have no option but to eliminate her or remove her protagonist halo."

"Therefore your mission will be to eliminate her. In addition you'll have a second mission from the original Bai Yimei: save Golden Sun Academy and protect her family."

"How can her luck surpass the limits of the world? I thought all protagonist are supposed to have that." Zhilan asked in confusion.

"No. Although all protagonists are extremely lucky, all of the have to have setbacks in order to advance the plot. Liu Chunhua however, barely tried. She met Yan Qinyu, the Shadow King, very early on who gifted her tons of treasure which boosted her cultivation by many times. In the end all Liu Chunhua did was face-slap her enemies." it explained.

"But what will happen after the protagonist is dead?"

"The world will reset and choose another protagonist - the world is very big after all. And a new plot will be generated which centers around the new protagonist."

"What about Yan Qinyu? Isn't he also the protagonist?" Zhilan asked

"No. The only reason he was created was to help the female lead. He'll probably end up killed by the new protagonist or someone else who's much stronger."

"Interesting.... Since I'm going into a cultivation world, can I have a cultivation technique or manual?"

"No. You'll aready have one as a student of Golden Sun Academy."

"Yeah, but... How am I supposed to defeat the female lead who has the ultimate backer and is stacked with priceless treasures with a random technique the school gave me?!" Xia Zhilan complained.

"...Fine. Since this is an A rank mission I'll kindly gift you one." After thinking about Xia Zhilan's argument for a while, System 005 admitted that she was correct.

"F*ck yeah! I'm gonna be so powerful and kick that Chunhua girl's *ss!"

Of course Xia Zhilan was excited, she could CULTIVATE and pratically use MAGIC, or whatever they like to call it.


"Transferring cultivation technique to host..."



"Cultivation technique: Glow of the Sunrise transferred."

"Happy now?" System 005 asked in an annoyed tone.

"What about my stats now?" Xia Zhilan asked happily.

Host Number: 1520

Name: Xia Zhilan

Status: Rookie

Level: 7 (5)

Points: 100 (0)

Luck: 20

Charm: 20

Mental Strength: 30 (25)

Titles: None

Skills: Glow of the Sunrise

"Where did I get 100 points from?" she asked after checking her stats.

"From your previous mission. Since it was only a C rank mission you only get this much."

"What are they used for?"

"Host is not qualified to know yet."

"Oh, wow..." Xia Zhilan said whilst rolling her eyes. "Now I'm even more curious! Whatever.... Can we start now?"

"Ready?" System 005 asked.

"Ready!" Zhilan replied.


"Transferring Host 1520 in....


