The Ex-Assassin Is A Cultivator! (2)

"As one of the top disciples of Golden Sun Academy, you have been chosen to compete in a competition between the four schools for under 20s"

An old man dressed in full grey robes stood in front of young and gorgeous woman and carefully explaining some rules and advice to her.

Seeing her dazed face he immediately became slightly angry.

"Bai Yimei! Stop daydreaming!" He said whilst rolling his eyes.

Xia Zhilan who was in the middle of sorting out her memories, was suddenly interrupted by a booming voice.

Jumping back, she immediately yelled "What the h*ll, old man! What are you yelling for? Scared the f*cking cr*p outta me!"

After examining the old man's face, her face immediately pales. Using the original Bai Yimei's memories, she realised the man was a pretty distinguished person in the academy.

"Oh shi - I mean... Bai Yimei apologises to Elder Wang!" Xia Zhilan said whilst kneeling down.

"Where did you learn such vulgar words, little Yimei?" Elder Wang said whilst laughing cheerfully at Zhilan's sudden outburst.

Luckily the old man seemed to favour Bai Yimei quite a lot and ignored her cursing at him and daydreaming.

"Stand up, stand up" He said whilst gesturing "As I was saying, the competition is in two months. Remember to train hard and don't embarrass our academy!"

"Thank you for the advice, Elder Wang. Disciple Bai Yimei is grateful.' Xia Zhilan said docily.

Chuckling once more, the old man in green disappeared like smoke. Whilst leaving Xia Zhilan in shock

"Woah! That old man just disappeared! I want to know how to do that!"

"System! What technique was that?" Zhilan asked curiously.

"Vanishing Shadows. It allows you to travel or hide within Shadows" System 005 explained.

"Wait so he just hid? So he's still here?"she asked confusedly.

"No. Depending on mastery and strength of user, you can 'teleport' to far away shadows."

"Oh... Sounds cool! Can I learn that too?"

"Should be found in the academy's library. However the skill is ranked A so it'll be quite difficult to learn" System 005 warned.

"Don't worry, system. I'll definitely master it!" Xia Zhilan said whilst smiling brightly.

After talking to the system, Xia Zhilan ran as fast as she could to the library, ignoring how weird she looked when running in long robes and the strange looks people gave her. The original Bai Yimei was pretty reserved and quiet so this scene was quite strange to the the nearby people.

When she got to the library surprisingly Xia Zhilan wasn't out of breathe which was probaby due to the original Bai Yimei's cultivation.

In all cultivation novels the first level is normally the weakest and the highest normally has the strongest skill books. Since Bai Yimei was one of the most talented in the entire academy, Xia Zhilan assummed she was probably allowed in and directly entered the fourth floor, the highest level.

Xia Zhilan immediately picked up any books she found and quickly memorised every word. After cultivating. their intelligence and memory are increased to unnatural levels owver most people only learnt a couple skills as it's easier to master.

This time even more people gave Zhilan strange looks.

After a couple hours of memorising books Xia Zhilan decided to check her stats

Host Number: 1520

Name: Xia Zhilan

Status: Rookie

Level: 7

Points: 100

Luck: 20

Charm: 20

Mental Strength: 30

Titles: None

Elements: Lightning, Water (Ice), Light, Dark

Skills: Glow of the Sunrise (Cultivation Technique), Snow Lotus Body (Body Cultivation Technique), Snow Lotus Fist (Attack), Tidal Push (Attack), Roaring Thunder Fist (Attack), Thunder and Ice Sword (Attack), Ying Yang Sword (Attack), Call of the Thunder (Attack), Vanishing Shadows (Stealth),Wind Walk (Movement), Ice Wings (Movement), Tranquility (Mental), Holy Light (Healing)

Snow Lotus Body: Catered towards women. Gives user an incredibly strong body and improves complexion.

Snow Lotus Fist: Attack using user's fist which also freezes enemy depending on user's strength and mastery.

Tidal Push: Pushes enemy back. Force depends on users mastery and strength

Roaring Thunder Fist: Attack using user's fist combined with the power of lightning.

Thunder and Ice Sword: Sword skill which fuses with lightning and ice.

Ying Yang Sword: Sword skill which uses the power of ying and yang

Call of the Thunder: Summons thunder to strike at enemy

Vanishing Shadows: Allows user to travel through shadows. Visibility depends on user's mastery and strength.

Wind Walk: Movement skill which increases speed of user on ground using the power of wind.

Ice Wings: Creates wings out of ice and allows user to fly.

Tranquility: Mind skill using power of light. Calms user down or the person user is using skill on.

Holy Light: Healing skill using the power of light.

After learning all the skills, using Bai Yimei's memories, Xia Zhilan went back to her home.


As one of the most talented and strongest students of Golden Sun Academy, Bai Yimei lived in a beautifully decorated chinese styled house with a large space behind for training.

In the middle of the training ground, Xia Zhilan

sat cross-legged with her eyes closed and attempting to use her new cultivation technique.

In this world, each cultivation realm is split into 9 stages.

The realms are called:

Qi Gathering Realm

Foundation Establishment Realm

Core Formation Realm

Nascent Soul Realm

Spirit Realm

Dao Seeking Realm

The original Bai Yimei was already at the 9th stage of Core Formation realm. Using her memories, Xia Zhilan finally figured out how to use the Glow of the Sunrise technique even though it was ranked S.

Closing her eyes she carefully absorbed the surrounding qi into her body through her pores and slowly guided it to her dantian.

'It's much easier than I expected' Xia Zhilan thought to herself.

Xia Zhilan carried on absorbing the surrounding qi at a much quicker speed now that she knew what she was doing.

After a while Zhilan felt a wall in her dantian whilst guided her qi. Xia Zhilan already knew what she was supposed to do. By breaking the wall, you'll break through to Nascent Soul Realm but apparently it was very difficult and painful. To break it, you had a absorb massive amounts of qi and smash it quickly onto the wall until it breaks or cracks.

2 hours later Xia Zhilan finally broke through to Nascent Soul Realm.

"2 hours! That took forever and now I wasted so much training time!" Xia Zhilan immediately started complaining the moment she woke up.

If other people heard that they'd definitely like blood. 2 hours to break through?! Even the top geniuses would need at least 2 days to break through. Of course Xia Zhilan didn't know about this.