The Ex-Assassin Is A Cultivator! (3)

After changing clothes, Xia Zhilan started train the technique she was most excited about: Ice Wings

"I can't believe I can learn to fly!" Xia Zhilan was naturally extremely excited after all flying was a superpower many wished to have. Having beautiful and elegant wings made out of ice is definitely an added bonus. "I'm really proud of myself and my keen eyes!"

After 5 hours Xia Zhilan finally managed to create a small pair of wings made of ice. However she hadn't learnt how to fly yet as she needed perfect control over them. Despite that, Xia Zhilan was pretty excited. "It's only a matter of time before I can use them after all" she thought to herself.

•••••• Couple Weeks Later ••••••

In these past weeks, the other students of Golden Sun Academy have been extremely excited about the upcoming competition. The competition between the four schools only happens once every 10 years to compare the strength of students in each school however only the top eight students are chosen. Out of the eight students, Jiang Li and Su Mei were voted the most likely to win.

Jiang Li ranked 1st out of the entire academy and is already at the 6th stage of Nascent Soul Realm whilst Su Mei is ranked 2nd and is at the 5th stage.

Meanwhile most people didn't have much expectations for Bai Yimei afterall she didn't have a good background, which meant very little resources, and she's the weakest out of the eight students

Howver in the past month Xia Zhilan had already reached the 3rd stage of Nascent Soul Realm and already mastered ice wings, tranquility and holy light. As for the competition? What competition? Xia Zhilan definitely wasn't listening to whatever that old man was saying.

After locking herself in her home for an entire month, Xia Zhilan felt that it wasn't very healthy and finally decided to go sight-seeing around the empire.

Before leaving Xia Zhilan asked the system about the situation with the female lead.

Currently the female lead, Liu Chunhua has already joined Golden Sun Academy three months ago and met the Shadow King, Yan Qinyu a month ago when she left the school to train in the forest. Unfortunately, Yan Qinyu is already extremely devoted to the female lead and is acting as her bodyguard in the shadows.

"Wait... How did the Shadow King get injured in the first place?"

"For the plot." System 005 responded

"As expected..." Xia Zhilan said "So what level of cultivation is he at?"

"Dao Seeking Realm ." it said emotionlessly

"That strong?" Xia Zhilan said, surprised "Aww... I was planning on robbing him if he was weak..." she said despairingly.

System: ....

"You're supposed to eliminate the female lead! Not steal from her backer!"

"Yeah, but if I steal all his treasures, he can't give her any." Xia Zhilan said in a cunning voice

"Do as you wish... Don't complain if you get hurt and fail the mission!" said the system in an annoyed tone.

"Wait, system? You have emotions?" Xia Zhilan said in shock.

"Of course I do! Your constant bragging and outrageous ideas are even getting me, a system, angry." System 005 said in an offended voice

"Oh hehe... Sorry..." Zhilan said sheepishly "I rarely get a chance to talk to someone about my life so..."

"That's nice, but I don't care." the system said indifferently

"Oh haha... Um, that's cool. You don't have to care about me or anything. I'm not going to force you to listen about my lonely self..." Xia Zhilan said dramatically

System: ....

After laughing at her own joke, Xia Zhilan decided to not try and rob Yan Qinyu... Yet.


After walking around the city and admiring the beautiful Chinese styled buildings, she met some of Bai Yimei's friends.

"Yimei, your finally out of training?" one of them asked.

"Yeah. I finally broke through to Nascent Soul Realm!" Xia Zhilan said in a gentle and soft voice.

The original Bai Yimei was quite reserved and didn't dare to offend others, even if they were much weaker than her in case she gets her entire family in trouble. Although the academy would definitely defend her and her family if anything happened.

"Wow! Nascent Soul Realm!? Congratulations for breaking through, Yimei!" another said happily.

"You'll definitely do well in the competition! But don't push yourself too hard, okay? If your opponent is too strong give up in case you're heavily injured!" they all warned her good-naturedly.

"Don't worry too much about winning for our school, Jiang Li or Su Mei will definitely secure us one of the top positions!"

"Don't worry about me! If their too strong I'll definitely back out but I'll still try my hardest." Xia Zhilan said determinedly.

However on the inside she was extremely confused 'What competition? Am I missing something? The original Bai Yimei's memories doesn't say anything about this!'

"Anyways, Yimei you should be very busy training, right? We won't disturb you any longer."

After saying their goodbyes, the small group of girls left.

"Seems like I'll have to go back to that old man, Elder Wang?" Xia Zhilan thought, sighing to herself.


Xia Zhilan stood at the entrance of the building she first transmigrated at however it seemed like nobody was home.

5 minutes of waiting later, Zhilan started getting impatient and barged in whilst shout "Elder Wang? Anyone home? I'm coming in then, don't blame me for being impolite!"

After barging into the home of an elder of Golden Sun Academy, she found him and another elderly man playing mah-jong together.

Bowing her head slightly, Xia Zhilan greeted the two elders respectfully.

"Ah, one of my favourite students, Bai Yimei!" he said happily to the other elder

"Thank you for the compliment, Elder Wang. Today I've come to ask you some questions" she said well-manneredly.

"Go on, go on!" the elder gestured

"Well, lately I've been hearing some news about a competition and I seem to be involved in it...?"

"WHAT? I LITERALLY spoke to you last month about it!" Elder Wang immediately started scolding Xia Zhilan. Of course it was all in good-nature as Bai Yimei was one of his favourites.

"I seem to have missed that part of you speech. Disciple Yimei apologises" Xia Zhilan said solemnly

"Hmph! I knew you weren't listening to me after seeing your stupid looking dazed face!"

"I don't seem to underatand your previous comment. Stupid looking? I think that I, Bai Yimei, am very no- extremely good looking." Xia Zhilan said with a serious face and of course Zhilan sincerely meant it."

Even the system had to face-palmed it's non-existent face at Xia Zhilan's shameless reply