Chapter 6:

〰 Hrudra 〰

I felt something shaking underneath me while a blanket was draped over me. The feeling of my body moving without my consent making me slowly awake from my deep slumber.

It was hard for my body to wake up, feeling a large wave of sleep lift off me as if I was forced to sleep. I would believe that was the case if there was a witch accompanying me to wherever we were or going.

I felt my senses coming back quickly as a low hum of music came from some kind of speaker, the stars from above sparkling in the moonlight making me close my eyes and think back to what I was doing here.

Where the fuck was I?

The last thing I remember was that Millie-Mae and the demon had me drink this disgusting drink that would help the poison leave my system. Which, in that case, it had helped but I felt disoriented that I wasn't sure if I was grateful or annoyed at them.

My broken body felt like I had slept for what felt like days, just slowly repairing itself and regaining all the lost blood. I felt like a million bucks, to be honest.

I felt like I should be freaking out, but if I was truly in any trouble, I knew I'd been tied up and not have a blanket over me. Though that didn't stop the fact that my body grew tense since I had no idea what it was I was doing here.

"Are they still behind us?" Millie-Mae suddenly asks making me rolled my head around and see that I was in what seemed like a car. The cold steal hitting my exposed arm making me recoil slowly and curl underneath the blanket.

Was I in the trunk?

What in the world happened to me?

"Yeah. Even though the twins would rather be on foot, it's faster to drive to my home. Thankfully Valrun knew how to drive, although she isn't the best." The demon spoke up, his tone was tired but not nearly as tired as I remembered it to be. Though his words made me smile a bit since I was the one who taught Valrun how to drive.

Oh, I was totally gonna torture him later for that comment.

"Rialta still asleep?" The demon asks this time when I heard a shuffle and the soft snores of the young girl. She was just in front of me in the backseat, sleeping soundly just as I was moments ago.

"Yeah. She's not used to being woken up so early." Millie-Mae says as I looked at the night in confusion. I thought for a moment, curious on why we left at night before remembering that the girl was part vampire and that the sun still harmed her even being a hybrid.

Plus it was smarter to travel at night so no one saw anything.

"I forget that little chomper wasn't a morning person. She's been moody these past two days about wanting to sleep in." The demon chuckled making me smile slightly at the sound, then quickly scowled myself for softening.

Come on, Hrudra.

I was a cold beast, not a soft saint.

"Don't worry. She'll be up and running around the car in no long." Millie-Mae assures him, their relationship caused me to narrow my eyes at the ceiling. Their tones with one another comfortable and fluent as if the man was never afraid of Lamia in the first place.

When did they get so close?

A burning feeling with me rose up as I allowed it to take over, thoughts of them being with one another hurting me even though I wished it didn't bother me. Ignoring the anger that blossomed within me, I turned on my side and messed with a piece of the blanket.

I continued laying there, in the trunk, unsure of what to do or even what to even comprehend. The demon says we've been on the road for almost more than three days, but I know I wouldn't have slept for so long because my body doesn't allow more than a few hours at a time.

The medicine that Millie-Mae gave me worked wonders on me. It healed all my scars and wounds, also giving me the nourishment that I couldn't produce for myself. All the blood that I lost replaced with shocking speed that it made me wonder what in god's name I had drunk that night.

With my hyper senses back, I could hear the crickets and soft noises of the world around me come alive. It gave me such a serene feeling that I couldn't keep my eyes from closing in content, just enjoying the sound of nature and the soft music coming from the speakers.

With sleep still staining my mind, I started drifting once again to the soft sounds and the warmth from the blanket.


"Go ahead inside. I'm just gonna check on Hrudra and make sure she's okay still." The demon says the door shutting had jolted me awake as I blinked the bright street lights off my eyes. I noticed that we were at a gas station, the Valkyrie, Millie-Mae, and Rialta were walking towards the gas station to do whatever they needed to do.

I turned away from the lights when a shadow walked by and popped the trunk open. Tempted to keep my eyes open, I close them on instinct and keep my heartbeat calm as the trunk opened fully.

"Hey, Proxi!" Rialta yells, her small footsteps coming towards the car. "Mommy asked me to ask you if you want anything." She says out of breath when the demon chuckled.

"Tell your mother I don't wish for anything. Go on. You'll wake her up." He ushered her away as the small girl went running back into the convenient store.

I couldn't help but feel thankful that he wasn't treating the young girl any differently because of what her biological father did to me. Hell, I couldn't handle kids but he was afraid of Lamia.

"Let's check on you." He whispers in a quieter tone while reaching for the coat and revealing my neck to him. "Good. That's still healing properly." The demon covered me up once again while sighing and leaning against the trunk of the car.

He didn't say another word, merely resting against the car as I peeked my eye open and noticed him staring out into the darkness of the road. Even now he continued to keep watch which had made me forgive him a bit since I am paranoid and he knew I'd go crazy knowing they weren't watched over.

There was a soft buzz coming from him as he reached into his pocket and pulled his phone out. The phone call was coming from an unknown phone number when he answered it calmly.

"Hello?" He says in a soft tone, not loud enough to rouse me but not quiet enough for me not to hear. "My king, we will be there in no less than another day..." His words shocked me a bit since I never told him or any of them where I wished to bring them but I was thankful he could see where I was going.

Was this man a mind reader?

"Yes, my king. I also wish to have a meeting with you and your queen asking for permission that the children will remain safe under your watch." He spoke into the phone confidently, never breaking his line of words as I smiled and continued staring at him.

The demon was really risking a lot to do this. Whether he was doing it for me or for Millie-Mae. The thought of his doing this for her angered me, but I remained silent not wanting to say a word.

"Thank you, my king. I will continue to let you know about our journey. Good night." He hung up on the phone with a satisfied expression before I slowly pushed off the trunk of the car.

"You know. Sleeping on this is not very comfortable." I admit to him in a throaty tone causing him to snap his attention to me. "I'm not dead you bastard. Don't look at me like that." I growl at him as he grasped me in a tight hug.

"Thank god. You're awake." He breathed in relief while patting him awkwardly and pushing him away.

"Yeah. Well, I have some questions for you." I confess.

"Of course. What is it?" His black eyes watched mine carefully when I looked to the side and found that I was in different clothes.

"Who changed me into these clothes? And how did I remain asleep?" I ask him, watching as he crossed his legs in front of us and itched his head.

"Valrun and Millie changed you out of the bloody dress, I wanted you to be somewhat comfortable in softer clothes while you slept. As for why you remained asleep for so long, Millie and I gave you some kind of liquid that'll force your body into rest and repair the wounds." He answers easily making me narrow my eyes.

"You guys gave me a sleeping potion," I stated rather than asked causing him to shake his head wildly.

"No! Well... yes. But we had to! Your body was breaking and you didn't even bother to rest yourself. You would have killed yourself if you continued on the way you were going." He defends as I scoffed and threw the blanket off my legs.

"You wonder why I reject this." I snap, pushing past and jumping to the ground. With a wobble in my legs, I pushed past and walked towards the convenient store.

"Hey!" He caught my arm forcing me to spin around and face him. "You can't reject the mate bond merely because I gave you something to help you." He growls at him, the horns mangled in his hairs straightening a bit.

"You forced me to sleep." I bite out, my ear twitching but I ignored it.

"I didn't force you to do anything. We gave you something that helped you heal, gained your powers back. The side effect was that it forced your body into a sleep so it could do its process thoroughly." He grated out when I shoved him away.

"You had no right! I can decide whether I need help or not!" I said, glaring heavily at him. "Also! Why out everyone I knew would I need help from you? You tortured my niece, hurt my pride, and act like I am an object! Who would ask you for help in the first place?" I hiss dangerously at him, his eyes hardening before there was a strike of lightning nearby.

We continued glaring at one another as I heard a deep howl from the left of me, deciding to abandon our heated argument. I turned away and stared out into the darkness.

Lightning spilled from the skies when there were more howls and snarls from what sounded like wolves. I knew the sound all too familiar though.

"Go. I will fend you off until they're in the car. Be quick about it." I told him a low tone, knowing he was still riled up from our argument.

"Who is it?" He asks, his voice still rough from our argument when I saw his horns straightening.

The silver in her eyes pierced the darkness around us as I reached for my weapon but nothing came up. Scowling, I watched as four hounds blended from the dark and watched while they snapped and snarled angrily.

Her long green hair was thrown into a loose bun on top of her head, the emerald dress she was wearing flaring around her while the fire coming from the hounds beside her.

"This is Mira the fallen Valkyrie," I told him, snapping my eyes to him. "Get them in the car, I will hold her back til we can go." I walked away before he could say anything, meeting her halfway and watching her hounds follow the lick of her dress.