Chapter 7:

"Never knew that I would see you here, Mira," I said in a dark tone, listening to the demon scurry inside to get everyone. She watched him carefully as I stepped in her line of vision causing her to look at me with irritation.

Her silver eyes seemed to trace my face with hatred and vile thoughts making me smirk in victory. Our relationship was rocky and we both loathed one another, always trying to kill one another but it always ended up with us injured beyond belief.

People fear our names because we caused such grief and disaster that they avoid our presences at any point. Though I wasn't the one bound to hell.

"Well. Here I am precious, Hrudra." She did a small twirl, the gun blazing in her hands shining when the light hit it. I watched it closely, knowing she had excellent aim and other talents that were foreseen underneath her.

She chose not to hit us before, but I knew she wouldn't decide to be merciful again.

Though I was surprised she didn't hit me, which meant she wanted to talk and taunt me. A classic Mira move.

"What do you want?" I said in a calm tone, not wanting her hounds to be tempted into attacking. Even if I wanted to slaughter her, I needed to remain cool and I needed to place the others safety over my need to kill her.

"Must you be so rude? Can't an old friend visit sometime?" She smiled softly at me while the venom of her words rolled off her tongue. Mira was never one to mask her dislike or loathe.

Freya and Odin had made a mistake in making her a Valkyrie.

Though I was the one who made a mistake on deciding that she was a valuable Valkyrie material. I'd never make another mistake like that.

"It would be different if we were truly friends," I comment with a small shrug, the smile on her face disappearing in an instant causing her hounds to bark and snarl.

Their fangs and horrified faces struck memories of them tearing into my bones and skin. I could still feel the coldness of their jaw clenching down on my stomach while the flicker of their tails burned my back.


When did I start letting those memories affect me in such a way?

"You know what, Hrudra. It does not matter. I am here to take you in. Freya and Odin want you back. Alive or dead." Mira brushed off, her smile coming back and soothing the hounds on her side. Her words had confused me, but I didn't say a word unsure if I wanted to tempt her into a fight we wanted or if I wanted to taunt her more.

I heard the doors open as the demon ushered the Valkyries, Millie-Mae, and Rialta outside. The Valkyries were quick to notice Mira and quickly got into their cars. The demon helped the family inside the car, closing the truck and whistling me to hurry, but I needed to know something from Mira.

Why would Freya and Odin want me?

Why did they send Mira?

Have they been in contact with her all this time?

What was Mira's end goal in all this?

"Why are you working for them? You are a fallen Valkyrie, wife of the god of death... Why put up with them? Surely a woman in your power has better things to do." I manipulate, seeing the hounds bare their fangs at my tone. They were smart dogs, ones I would rather not get involved with again.

Damn, when did I become like this?

"My, you flatter me Hrudra." She waved away with her small hand before grinning evilly. "The thought of taking you, my greatest enemy, down was one I couldn't pass up. Yes, the queen of death was a job I took very seriously, but you. I'd give up everything to return to that day you banished my husband in the pits of hell." Mira snarls making me laugh and shake my head at her.

So this was her real goal. She was going to ignore their orders and kill me so her husband can torture me in hell. Very clever.

"Yes. I should have expected that answer." I admit before sending the demon a mental message to get the car ready. I heard him gasp in shock, but followed my orders and slipped inside the car after starting it up for me. "Though, when you return to your husband. Give my regards." I wink before speeding into the car.

Tearing the door open, I jumped in the front seat and noticed that Millie-Mae held her daughter tightly. Her blue eyes watching me in hope when I caught the demon's eyes and gave him a short nod.

Mira shrieked, her lightning striking down as the demon and Valrun slammed on the brakes and sped away. Her hounds howled into the night when giving into a chase for their queen.

I saw them in the rear view mirror gaining on us, Valrun and the others far ahead of us. I noticed Getha hanging out of the car, though she shook her head and ducked in the car once again.

God damn it!

She had no shot and now I had to deal with the hounds bullshit!

"Hand me a gun!" I snapped at Millie-Mae though she just stared at me completely confused and frightened. "Is there no god damn gun?!" I shout at the demon while he avoided a large boulder in the road and spared me a look.

"Glovebox. Valrun made sure there was-" Not listening to him anymore, I tore the compartment open and grinned evilly at the small semi-automatic gun.

Oh my dear Valrun, I love you.

"Try to remain as straight as you can," I told him, rolling my window down and slipping out of it. Sitting on the window, I pulled the scope into my vision before shooting down an incoming hound. The hellhounds howled in anger, speeding up as I shot another one down.

The wind slapped my hair all around my face but it didn't hide the fact that many more hounds suddenly appeared as well as the flicker of lightning that struck the ground close to the car. The demon swerved to the right nearly causing me to fall though he caught my foot and forced me back up.

Narrowing my eyes at him, I glanced at the scared family and flicked my eyes back. "Keep your heads down, it's gonna get a little bumpy." I smiled at them before sticking my head back out the car and catching sight of Getha and Sevetha gathering something in the car ahead of us.

"Hrudra! Catch!" Getha shouted, throwing something in the air while I leaned back and barely caught it. Grinning at her, I pulled the clip and threw the grenade at the hounds that were getting closer.

"Thank you, dear! Next time, throw a shotgun!" I joked with a loud laugh and turned to the hounds though I didn't realize they were so close.

Before I knew what happened, I felt the hound snatch me out of the car causing me to hit the ground roughly. The air that was in my lungs launched out when I snatched the gun on my side and shot the hound down.

"Hrudra!" The demon roared, slamming on the brakes as I got up from the ground and brushed away the debris that got on me. I noticed both cars stopped, the Valkyrie getting out as well as the demon when the hounds closed in.

My smile seemed to confuse the demon while I tossed the gun towards them and pull my hair out of my face.

"Proximo," I called out to him, his name feeling fluent smile grow across my lips. "Do you want me after what you're about to witness?"

〰 Proximo 〰

Her smile was intoxicating and the way she said my name had me on my knees begging for mercy. Though the words that she said afterward confused me.

What was she going to do?

I watched as the wolves grew closer and closer to her, merely seeing her turn away making me follow after her. If I needed to, I would die for her right here and right now.

"Ah ah. Do not fret." Valrun held me back as Getha picked up her gun from the ground and petted it as if it was living. I glared at Valrun, but the ease within her eyes was almost comforting since she was never at ease.

And I mean never.

"What is sh-"

"Just watch. It's been over a hundred years since she'd done this. So enjoy the show right now because it won't happen again for a long time." Valrun leaned against the car, her silver eyes looking so relaxed that it scared me.

Before I could ask another question, a bright flash of light blinded me making me close my eyes in response. It took a few moments before I could see once again, but when I did look. I was beyond shocked at what I was witnessing.

Hrudra's copper-colored hair shifted into a crystallized white color while a small crowned headpiece materialized within thin air. Her hair braided into small little threads making her look as if an elf took over.

Her pointed ears came into view and with her hair pulled back and the black crown covering her head, the sharp silver of her eyes glowed. The armor she was wearing blended into a different color with a pair of tight leather pants and a tight bloody red corset replacing her Valkyrie outfit.

A mace hung from her belt along with a long chain strapping over her chest, the silver glistening in the moonlight as if she was the devil herself. There was a sword in her hand already, the blade exquisite and crafted beautifully.

Hrudra stood there proud while flaming wolves continued charging for her, a smile stretching on her face. I heard a laugh ripple through her before her unimaginable speed sliced down two wolves that were still charging at us at full speed.

"Close your mouth, Proxi." Valrun chuckled as I slapped my mouth shut and stared at Valrun in bewilderment.

"How...? What...?" I question, needing to look at Hrudra while a spray of blood ran across her face.

"Hrudra is the cold beast. Feared by many for her skill and for her beastly ways." Sevetha answers for me, rocking on the ground and watched Hrudra as if she was a hero. "Many elites know this Hrudra. The one who takes pleasure in killing and showing off her flawless moves." She admits.

"This is why Hrudra is the strongest Valkyrie! She'll slaughter anyone in seconds in this form!" Getha cheers happily and continued petting her gun.

I turned away from the women, staring back out at my mate murdering the wolves as if they were child's play. Her menacing laughter and devilish smile stained my thoughts making me grateful for a woman like her to be mine.

Oh god.

I've got to have her tonight.