Chapter 8:

〰 Hrudra 〰

"Holy shit! I haven't felt that alive in such a long time!" I laughed loudly, cleaning my blade on one of the hounds while turning to the crowd of bewildered people. "Enjoy the show, my darlings?" I ask them and slipped my sword into my belt.


"We should leave." Valrun cut off the demon when I nodded and wiped away the blood on my face. Though I only smeared it around my hands and face making me shrug.

"You're right. I kinda went off the rails." I confess with a devious grin in her direction. "Get in. I'm gonna burn off some energy." Her eyes sparkled in interest as she chuckled and pushed away from the car.

"You are truly putting on a show for us today," Valrun says making the twins jump off the ground and scurry to the truck that they were in. The demon, Millie-Mae, and her daughter continued staring at me with questions roaming in the eyes but Valrun ushered them into the car.

Closing my eyes, I turned my head as I forced myself to finish my shift. The searing pain in my back causing the bones to break and the skin to rip apart before I felt them break free from the tight red corset I was wearing.

With a breath of relief, I opened my eyes and saw the demon staring at me with a certain emotion that matched my own. I felt him prodding my mind as I grinned and let him send me a message and opening the mind link so he could ask me the question he had burning on his tongue.

'Does this mean you don't reject us yet?' He questions through the mindlink when I rotated my shoulders and tried the heavy wings out. Feeling the wind picking up behind them, I grinned at him before taking off in the air.

'I'm a cocky bastard. I need someone to tell me how fantastic I am. Don't see this as anything else.' I simply say as Valrun started driving and beeped for the demon to follow along.

The lightning that brewed in the clouds above me, the feeling of electricity warming the coldness within as an ear piercing shriek rang from behind me. A grin rose on my face, knowing that shriek from anywhere and knowing that it wouldn't be the last time I heard it.

'Who was that?' The demon asks me.

'Mira. She must have seen my play pit just now.' I chuckle through the bond not bothering to hide my thoughts of murdering the hounds. It riled me up thinking about killing them again.

'So is this your true form?' He asks in an unknown emotion.

'Why? You don't like me this way?' I pout as I pulled my hair from the loose bun and allowed it to flutter behind me. The feeling of the electric wind blowing through my hair making me crazed and wild.

This was the true feeling of being free.

'I love you that way. If it was only us, I'd take you on the ground here and now.' He admits to me while I grinned and felt his lust through the mindlink. It was almost too much for me to handle.

At that moment, I felt myself growing aroused that he even liked me bloody and dirty from a battle. The fact that he'd still have me after the carnage I caused was almost ravishing.

'You sure know how to make a girl feel special.' I purr through the link between us.

'Just wait. When we stop for the day. I will have you.' He promises the car he was driving speeding up in challenge making me grin.

'My dear, Proximo. Are you challenging me?' I question, my tone excited and lustful due to his promise. The bond between us pushing us together once again, but it's been almost two weeks since I've been with someone. I wasn't going to fight the bond this time.

The car continued to speed up before passing up Valrun. I shriek, lightning flashing above before I dove down and gave into the chase.


I landed on the ground, breathing heavily before my wings retreated within my back. My crystallized hair and shift remained with me making people who were leaving the building look at me confused and attracted to me.

Everyone was attracted to the Valkyrie due to the slow movements of their body and appearance. Hence why I used my appearance to manipulate men and even women at times.

"You openly let men stare at you." The demon growls, shoving a jacket over my shoulders and covering my cleavage. His voice was gruff from our conversation earlier and it was clear he was going to keep that promise.

"You gonna punish me, Demon?" I ask in a sultry voice making him lean down and kiss the side of my neck causing me to shudder.

"Oh. You have no idea." He grounded out before pulling away and catching sight of the Valkyrie getting out of the car. "How many rooms should I get?" He asked them, his grip on my shoulders sliding down to my hips.

"I would love for each of us to get our own room, but I know we shouldn't. The rooms should be the twins, me and Hrudra, you, and Millie-Mae. Just like it was the past few days." Valrun answers him easily, her gaze going down to his hands and the look on our faces. "Or maybe you two could share a room tonight. I don't mind being alone." She corrects making him nod in agreement.

"Alright. I'm gonna go get the rooms." He told them and leaned down to my face. "Just a few more minutes and then I will have you." His words caused me to squirm under his grip before he left and went into the small building. I watched him walk away when someone nudged my arm.

"You and him. Huh?" Getha wiggles her eyebrows making me roll my eyes and shove her away.

"We aren't anything." I remind her once again, knowing she was team demon rather than independence.

"That's not what I saw," Valrun mutters under her breath making Getha point at her frantically.

"See! Even Valrun is saying the same thing! And she never agrees with me!" Getha shouts when I glared at Valrun for encouraging her in this little rant.

"We're nothing. Hear me right." I snap at them while leaning against the car and cooling my sudden embarrassment.

"Ah. She's getting shy." Getha poked at my cheeks as I bated her away with irritation.

"You're right. She is getting redder." Sevetha finally pipped in making the other two Valkyrie crackle in laughter. I narrowed my eyes at her when she shrugged with an innocent look.

God... I was going to kill them all.

I covered my burning face, trying to calm it down as their laughter grew at my reaction. The coolness of my hands making it feel better but I was still humiliated by their teasing and taunting.

"We're only having sex for god's sake! It's not a commitment I am making!" I bark at them once the laughter had died down. They looked at me with red faces but didn't say anything when they all shared a look.

I felt someone staring at me as I glanced and saw his heated look staring me down. Knowing he heard me, he seemed almost pleased that I wanted nothing but sex from him. The realization had hurt me but I ignored it and continued watching him walk up to us.

"Here. These are the room keys for you guys." He handed out each individual card then to me. I looked at him confused as he leaned down to tell me something. "I'm going to help Millie bring her things into their room." The demon's voice sounded dark and luscious making me tilt my head towards him.

"What if I told you that she could carry her own stuff?" I told him defensively causing him to chuckle and lean away.

"Be patient, jealous one. I won't leave my woman waiting for long." He teased as I narrowed my eyes at him.

"I am not your woman." I remind him, brushing my hair from my shoulder.

"But you are jealous." He concluded making me grow beet red again.

"I'm not!" I screeched but he had already walked towards the car to help Millie-Mae with her bags. I could feel him grinning as I huffed and stormed away towards our room.


There was a soft knock on the door while I continued laying on the bed and stared up at the ceiling. The plush bed underneath me was soft as I rolled around and buried my face in a pillow.

"Hrudra. Aren't you going to open the door?" The demon's gruff voice questions, knocking on the door once again.

"Nope! Why don't you go hang out with Millie." I said with more venom than I thought I would but I didn't care. I was still annoyed he chose to be with her instead of me even though I understood why he did.

"Oh. So that's what this is about." He says, breaking the doorknob and walking into the motel room. I peeked from underneath the pillow and saw him placing a chair against the door so no one could come in.

"Don't say it that way," I grumble, turning over and staring at him as he stalked over to the bed.

"There's no need to be embarrassed. I get jealous too." He assures me when climbing onto the bed towards me.

"I wasn't jealous," I growled, sitting up and reaching out to him. He was quick to get underneath my grasp while I brushed my lips against his jaw.

"Then you wouldn't mind if I went to be with her." He taunts as I pulled at his hair and shoved him into the bed. I straddled his hips, staring down at him with shining silver eyes that could burn the bed we were on.

"Go ahead. I don't care." I said in the most indifferent voice and leaned down to kiss his neck. "Just know if you do that, I will find myself a man," I admit, a feral sound coming from him before he spun us around and forced a hard kiss on my lips.

The taste of his musky scent and anger igniting the fire within me. His pouty lips feeling like a cloud against my own making me melt underneath him.

"Tell me your mine and I'll have you in wicked ways." He growls against my lips, the pressure building between us growling as I shook my head and pushed him away.

"This is just casual sex, demon." I breathed when he pressed kisses against my neck in a forceful manner.

"You're right." He growls out, pressing me down into the bed and staring down at me with dark eyes. "We won't ever be anything." He admits before taking my lips in a dominant way and peeling away our clothes.

There was a strange feeling inside of me making me stop for a moment and stare up at him. His eyes were fixed on my corset, trying to figure out how to take it off as I prayed for him to continue trying to convince me that there was something.

I enjoyed his antics to get me to be his, but it was as if... I was a mistress that would never be his.

I knew that this was partly my fault for not saying anything and rejecting the mate bond. I just expected him to fight harder for my affection rather than keeping our heated and angry casual sex relationship.

Shaking my head to rid the thoughts, I lifted my chest and started unlacing the corset. His eyes caught mine in a heated moment as I rose my arms and slipped from the corset.