Chapter 15:

〰 Five Months Later 〰

"Shit!" I scream, diving through the tree line while a series of Sylphs dove after me with their razor sharp fangs. One throwing flames, another flinging hail at me with the other flinging them into my skin and wings.

Their frail bodies spun within the air, trying and attempting to attack me with all their might. Even though they were the size of a nickel, their attacks felt like a giant boulder slamming in me ever second their magic hit me.

Sylphs were very dangerous creatures despite the rumor that they were the guardians of the woods. That was partially right, they did indeed guard the forest, however, they guarded the forest mainly for black markets and large mafia bosses.

Claus had told me over the phone that he'd been trying to take down the market and supplied me the job to kill the leader of the Sylphs that would cause utter chaos. The Sylphs weren't very good at guarding their leader since it took me only a few hours to find and kill him off.

But, they were very quick to find out that it was me who killed them. Now the black market was laying in ruin while the remaining creatures and fiends chased after me in the forest.

Thankfully, not many of them were as quick as I was. Though the ones that could keep up with my speed was almost as deadly as Mira's hell hounds.

That being said, I expected her to rise up and try coming at me again. There had been other Valkyries that tried taking me in, but they were merely playthings for me. It was very entertaining, to be honest.

I felt a sharp pierce dig in my shoulder blades making me snap back to reality and glare back at the dark Sylph that was edging closer and closer to me. The others not far behind the one that had thrown a flurry of hail at me.

Droplets of blood dripped from my cheeks as pieces of ice and rock stuck out of my skin. Gritting my teeth, I twirled within the air before reaching into my trick bag and pulling out a grenade.

I will always love my mafia for giving me all my trinkets and my newly furnished trick bag. Too bad I'm not allowed to go back to the casino without being caught. He already had enough problems fending off Valkyrie and Mira, then there was that ratcheted demon and Valrun.

Oh, don't even get me started on the enemies I've made over the last few months.

With a sinister laugh, I pulled the pin and tossed it back at the evil beings that were trying to murder me. They screeched once the explosion took place, sending me spiraling to the ground as I hit a tree hard enough to knock the wind out of me.

I coughed harshly, the ringing tone in my ears caused me to turn on my back slowly with the sticks and stones digging into my back. My wings smelt burnt and badly injured while my body begged me to remain laying on the ground.

The screams and horror that the Sylphs faced while burning alive brought on new monsters and creatures from the beyond that still felt the need to murder me. I knew that staying here meant that I would no doubt die in the hands of those monsters, so I needed to get up.

With a strangled groan, I pushed off the ground and shoved my hair behind my ear. Scanning the area, I was thankful that no uninvited guests appeared out of nowhere before I turned around and used my strength to get off the ground.

"Oh what the fuck-" A bloody scream rang from a few hundred feet from me making me dart the opposite way and shove past several bushes. I heard the soft and loud footsteps working together, following after me when I willed my wings to begin flapping once again.

I knew damn well who those people were.

There was no way that I was going to be captured.

"Come out, Hrudra! We don't want to hurt you!" The demon roars, despite his words as I shook my head and tightened my trick bag around my chest.

"Not him! But I sure as hell do!" Valrun barked in a pissed voice, growing closer to me while I worked out my shoulders and caught sight of an opening. Without much thought, I dove for the opening and flew into the air catching sight of them before diving away.

"Mother fucker!" The demon howls in fury making me chuckle and reach into the bag. I grasped the masking bomb, pulling at it and throwing it over to them. If I knew the demon, he was using my scent to find me quickly so I'll just fuck that up once again.

I flew high within the sky before beginning my journey back to the town I'd been staying in. There were people who had been affected by the black market and wanted to know when they were destroyed.

Even though my payment was coming from them, Claus always treated me to a new toy every job I did for him. Last time I got several new bombs and detections from him, so I was curious about what I'd received this time.

The cool wind blew over my wounds easily, letting the cold crisp of November heal me. I felt slightly relieved to know I was healing normally, however, I knew that with the rocks and sticks still embedded in my skin, I wouldn't heal properly.

I sighed before glancing up at the sky and seeing that it was growing closer and closer to the blood moon. It was maybe a week or two away and that was the day I needed to find a place to hide and lock myself away.

Immortals get super fucking horny on the blood moon and I won't be able to resist the lust I've felt for the past seven months. I know that I would seek out the demon in order to be fully satisfied, it was dangerous not to be sated on such a day, but I needed to remain true on myself.

And there was no way I could will myself to be with another after he gave me the best sex in my life. I'd always compare men with what we had.

Sad that was the only good the demon could do.

With a sarcastic laugh, I closed my eyes and drifted in the sky letting the cool breeze carry me away.


I peered down at the village below, one that I was familiar with and not remembering on the map. My eyes were a bright silver as well as the wings on my back, the night sky masking me within the clouds.

The temperature was cold and crisp, my body was slowly growing more and more exhausted. It'd been almost six hours since I encountered the demon and Valrun. I knew they were fast at finding me, but not that fast.


A sharp pain ran through my chest before I felt myself falling but I quickly recollected myself despite the burning pain that ripped through me. I clutched onto my chest, scanning the ground and catching sight of the person who shot at me.

"Fucking Mira." I cursed as I sat crossed legged in the center of town with her large gun in her lap. She smiled dangerously, shooting again but I dodged it effortlessly this time.

"Stay still damn it!" She shrieks, lightning flashing near me as I dropped down and dove towards her. Before either of us realized what happened, I barreled into her causing both of us to crash into the ground.

Her gun was tossed far from her when my wings folded within themselves making me curse. I lunged towards her as she dove to grab her gun, making us tumble on the ground again.

"Let me go!" She screamed, her tight clothes hugging her curves while my raggedy clothes hung from me like a blanket.

"You fucking shot me!" I barked in her face, shoving her into the ground and reaching for her gun. "I'm going to send you back to-"

That's when I felt my world flash before me. I was thrown off Mira and broke through a house. Bricks and debris littered around my tattered body when I coughed and struggled to open my eyes.

There was a deep sigh before a chair scraped on the ground followed by footsteps that came towards me. I willed myself to open my eyes and focus on standing up.

"Do not fret, Hrudra. As a soothsayer, I will protect you. I've been expecting you." A man says, kneeling down in front of me as I fell back onto the debris and glared up at him. It was growing harder and harder to remain awake with all the wounds and injuries I'd been collecting over the last five months.

"Hrudra! You filthy bitch! You have no way to get out of this now! You're going down now!" Mira screamed, sounding very energetic all of a sudden when I pushed off the ground with a small sway.

"I don't need anyone's help." I snarl at the man, my vision blurry with the colors of the home once I was standing properly. The man merely sighs when pushing me slightly causing me to tumble back down into the pile of bricks.

"It's a privilege to work with a god, Hrudra the cold beast." The man mysteriously says, holding his hand over me as a wave of exhaustion slammed in me making me pass out without another thought.

〰 Unknown 〰

She was quick to fall under my influence, her enemies beckoning her to reveal herself from my destroyed home. Her limbs were weak and injured against the debris on the ground as I promised to return and heal her damaged body.

It was my mission to protect the gods and their children.

She was one of those.

Stepping away from her, I left the home through the hole in the wall and confronted the goddess's enemies. I knew these people very well already since I was indeed the soothsayer of Cape Town.

The lovely woman in dark attire with dark green hair that was thrown into a ponytail, sticks, and pieces of grass stuck out of the tightness of her hair and boots. The gun shined in the lowering moonlight, flashing brightly and only reminding me of the dangers that she brought.

I've imagined and dreamt of her ways and her husband's ways, the pair was much like a Bonnie and Clyde in the mystical kind of way.

"Greetings King and Queen of Bladeson." I nod my respect to the couple, the man standing beside her was in a fume of black smoke. His unnatural bright red skin flashed brightly as he winced and shook his head slightly, clearly the curse my goddess put on him affecting him terribly.

"Fiero the druid's soothsayer. What are you doing here protecting that skank?" Mira the fallen Valkyrie, questions with a snarl as I crossed my arms with a disapproved frown.

"I will have you both know that she is under my care for now on. The goddess was thrown into my home, by the way, thank you." I bowed at her and Hades the king of darkness. They shared a look while Mira shook her head and narrowed her silver pearls at me.

"I will kill you if you-"

"Kaden the king of Bladeson, I would advise your wife on the promise you made me," I comment, switching my gaze to Hades when he gritted his teeth before nodding in respect.

"I shouldn't have asked for your help many years ago." He grounds out and looked down at Mira, his wife. "But if I didn't, I would have never met her," Kaden admits making Mira look at him confused. "I will let you nurse her back to life, but I can not withhold my hatred. I will not harm you, but she is a different question. Farewell, Fiero." Kaden nods to me before they both vanished with a cloud of black mist.

I remained there for many moments and continued watching the black mist twirl in the air, knowing that the demon and Valkyrie will take this as a sign to come here first. The goddess will be very angry that I will not lift her spell, but in order to protect her, the demon needs to come.