Chapter 16:

〰 Hrudra 〰

Pain and misery radiated throughout my body as I groaned out loud and shifted all my weight on my side. My memory was fuzzy from the events that happened making me strain to think. I could feel my head throbbing from the lack of memory as I recalled Mira attacking and shooting me.

The thought made my blood run cold despite the heat and warmth that surrounded me. The heat was nearly unbearable causing me to kick off the blanket covering me, the action instantly shooting nerves up my body.

Trying to think back, I remembered getting shot down by Mira and the fight between us. I wasn't sure who it was that threw me off her, but I was thrown into a house and broke some man's home.

I was close to passing out and the pain had consumed my whole being, but Mira had taunted me and threatened me to throw me into a dungeon in hell.

Though the man, the soothsayer, had done something to prevent me from moving. After that, I don't remember anything.

Did that mean... that Mira had successfully brought me down to hell...?

The color drained from my face before I forced myself off the table and tumbled down onto the ground with a silent wince. The heat made complete sense and I wasn't sure how I would escape, but I had to try.

The wounds felt horrible littering all over my body making me think that I have been here for less than a day. I heal quickly, but the exhaustion and the extent of the wounds will take longer to heal.

This is what I get when I don't take care of myself.

Claus is going to be really pissed at me.

I willed my eyes awake and noticed I was in a dark room with a low bearing window to my right. The soft blanket underneath my fingers felt like on fire, the humidity in the room causing me to sweat uncontrollably.

What the fuck was happening to me?

There were hushed voice outside the door that was feet away from my face. I couldn't make out what the people were saying, but they did not sound very pleased. At that point, I was ready to jump out of the window even if I was to die.

This wasn't good.

Not good at all.

As quietly as I could, I got onto my feet and noticed my shoulder was bandaged and cleaned up. The sight confused me causing me to rethink my original thoughts. I felt my hair shift over my shoulder, feeling yet another bandage wrapped around my head.

What the f-

"My goddess, do not jump out the window. It won't end well." A voice called out from the other side of the door making me jump and slip on the blanket.

"Son of a bitch." I curse angrily, rubbing my head as the door open revealing several shadows. I narrowed my eyes at them, unable to get up quickly since my shoulder burned with agony.

"Why didn't you fucking stop her from hurting herself again?" A dark voice said, coming towards me and pulling me off the ground. I tore away from the person and peeked at the window out of the corner of my eye.

"Technically I am, however, you are mortally messing this up." The soothsayer from before as I backed away and coughed harshly.

"I don't know who you fuckers are, but I'm warning you. I will kill you." I threaten despite the injury on my shoulder starting to bleed again.

"Hrudra. Shut up. I can kick your ass but I've promised the druid I wouldn't. At least not yet." Valrun suddenly says causing me to go rigid and to scan the area around me.

"You asshole... You set me up." I sneered, taking another step but I was roughly pulled away from the window.

"Don't you dare." Proximo snarls at me, his voice menacing and cold as I tried prying his hand away from my arm but it was unenviable.

"Come. We should all talk about the next steps." The soothsayer says, breaking the tension when I was forced into the next room with a hard shove nearly making me fall again.

Before any of them realized, I darted out of the next room and flew down the stairs. There were several curses as the thudding started following after me. My breath was labored just as I reached the door and tore it open.

Sadly, someone barreled into me from behind and caused me to slam on the ground harshly. I tried escaping but the person held onto me as if I was going to disappear causing me to groan and hit my head on the ground.

"Quit fucking running. It's over, we found you." Proximo growls, his breath stretching across the back of my neck when I felt him bonding my wrists behind my back before bringing me back inside the house.


"What were you doing in the Sylph Black Markets?" Valrun questions me while I continued staring forward and ignored her presence. The soothsayer, Fiero, and Proximo spoke on the side in hushed tones though I could catch on that they were speaking about me.

I'd be stupid to assume they weren't talking about me.

"Answer me!" Valrun slammed her fists against the table when I glanced over at her and glared daggers at her.

"It's none of your business." I simply said, venom lacing my words causing her to walk around the table and grab the collar of my shirt.

"It's my fucking business if we were searching for you for so long! Who and where did you get the job from?!" She screams, her fists curling around my shirt and ready to hit me but I didn't care.

"I never requested you to follow me." I snap back before Proximo pulled her off of me. He glared down at me when pulling her away and taking her into another room.

I could hear them arguing in the other room, but decided to ignore them and shift my gaze to Fiero. The man just stared at me with a large grin and what looked to be admiration.

"I never thought you'd sold me out. I don't even know you, but you've made a very bad enemy." I inform him as he walked over to me and sat down in the chair directly in front of me.

"My name is-"

"I know what your name is." I grit out, shifting so my shoulder wasn't pressing against the chair. "You're Fiero the druid's soothsayer. Known to be the best, but the craziest soothsayer there's ever been to live. They say you are in praise of the gods because they gave you your power." I said, recalling all I've learned about the man in the last two millenniums.

I should have realized that this man was the soothsayer from the legends. I didn't even realize that I was closed to Cape Town, it was the man's main place of residence.

"You are correct. I am flattered that Goddess Hrudra knows of my existence." He says with gratitude when I shook my head and leaned forward.

"This Goddess is going to fuck you up," I explain to him making him smile with a small clap.

"Excellent. I'd sure love for you to dominate me. However, your mate would not like that very much." His words caused me to blush horribly as I looked away and at the ground.

"I do not have a mate. Also, do not assume that I would ever do anything to please you." I hiss angrily while Fiero shrugged and leaned against his chair.

"You do indeed, but you both have no been together in a very long time. Remember, I am the soothsayer." He winks making me grow very disgusted within moments as I rolled my eyes and slumped back on the chair again.

I didn't say anything, knowing I couldn't trust a man who left me to the hounds and trapped me within his home. God knows how long I've been out.

After a few more minutes, Valrun and Proximo came back into the room when Fiero stood up and crossed his hands in front of him. It was clear he knew what was happening, but he didn't say a word as Proximo snatched me off the seat.

"We will be leaving for the demon kingdom, you are more than welcome to come with us, Fiero. Mira and Kaden will most likely be after you if you don't come." Valrun offers when I winced from the tight hold, knowing I gave them no other option.

I guess I've been an asshole, but I told them to fuck off.

So I don't feel bad at all.

"I have a relationship with Kaden. He will not harm me, but I will accompany you because I am protecting my Goddess Hrudra." Fiero nodded to me in respect.

"I wouldn't say, Goddess. I'd say more like a monster." Valrun admits making my chest tighten impossibly as I looked away and grit my teeth shut.

How could she say that when everything I've done these past five months? I've only done those things for people, for free at that.

"It's time we go. Sevetha and the others will be waiting for us." Valrun speaks up once again before I was dragged outside with the hopelessness and horror of realizing that I couldn't escape out of this situation.