A Maiden's Young Heart

Feng Long Wan was carried by the strong current to an unknown place. Drench with the stream water, her wound begun to throb unbearably. Feng Long Wan laid her back on the ground while panting. Looking at the horrible sky, he couldn't help but ask. 'What kind of grave sin she committed that she was being punish by the heavens? Right, she already remember her past life. But she didn't commit any atrocities on that life. Likewise she was the one being betray.

She remember the times when Hong Yun Lan and her where still good. Hong Yun Lan was his dream guy. A rich and gentle man. Her parents left her in the orphanage so she grew up an independent woman. Having graduated in a not well known college and enter one of the booming business in the S City. Hong Yun Lan personally trained the new hired of their company despite being the highest and powerful one. He was never been arrogant and always down to earth.

She remembers that at that time she was always his favorite since she seldom make a pass on him. Almost all of the women flirt whenever his around and of course Yun Lan knew it. As an independent woman who do not knows how to make a pass to a man, Yu lan notice her and become interest in her.

'Yun Lan… Yun Lan ah! When did he start making not paying attention to her? She felt that on this past few months Yun Lan was keeping something from her. She never paid attention since she was busy on her wedding antics. They seldom talk to each other. When she greeted him he only answer with either yes or no. I'm busy. Talk to you later. His statements are always scripted. Like a dysfunctional machine.

If only she was a little perceptive at that time. If only she realize something was wrong.If only she knew that he was being cold to her. Yet, like a fool, those signs she never realize it.

'Yun Lan….

'I want to talk to you…

'I want to know why you did that…?

'Why do you need to keep it a secret and make me a fool waiting on my wedding day?

'I'm satisfied even if I only need you, I don't need anything in this world…'


Feng Long Wan has woken up.

It seems that she has slept thinking of her misfortune. In a distant, she could perceive a blinding light. If she follows the sunlight it would lead her out right? Half dragging her body, she walk to the path leading out.

Feng Long wan didn't walk long enough to reach the boundary. But before you could enter the city there was a need to check the identity of every passer. Feng Long Wan look at her current state: obviously a beggar. If she insist to go out there now, she will be labeled as a madwoman. Feng Long Wan waited on the shed of a tree for an opportunity.

Not later, she saw a slave merchant going to enter. Yes, this place practice slave trafficking. Wealthy individual who can afford to buy one can have a slave. Most cases slaves are woman who have been born poor. Having nothing to eat, their families sell them at a cheap price.

Dragging her injured leg she lined up next to a small petite woman with rugged clothes. Her face was thin indicating she hasn't even fed enough for many days. Having joined them, she lowly hung herself in an unconspicious way.

When she was finally able to enter the gate, a slave merchant's assistant approach her. She was about to escape since she was not bound but Feng Long Wan was caught by the whip and she sprawled on the ground. "Runaway slave! Impudent! Do you know how much money I paid for your family? Daring to escape in broad day light! No food for three days!" A few slave who was bound look at her in pity. Their gazes saying 'you're doom' 'you'll regret it' 'how stupid'

Now not only her leg that was already rotting but a wounded back from the strike of the whip. She really was stupid to plan this idea.But what could she do? She can't enter the place without identity. Also, she needed to conceal her identity. She didn't know who is her enemy was. Offering oneself to the den of lions is a suicide.

All the slave was brought to a secluded dark room. They all snuggled together sitting on the hard ground. There were some who are sobbing and some are trembling. Only handful can stay emotionless in this situation.

Feng Long Wan belong to the weak. With her back and leg throbbing, she really want now to take a rest. Much more her leg begun to rot and a suspicious smell is lingering the place. She could sense eyes glaring at her and turning their back. Some couldn't stand it and cover their noses.

One woman came to her. She was more mature and her demure was alluring if not of her rugged clothes. She came to her without speaking then grasp her pouch bag then pour a liquid substance to her leg.

It was a smell of liquor. Feng Long Wan look unconsciously and flinch in pain that she flog on the ground. The woman continue to mend her leg and wrapped a clean cloth which came from her inner clothes. Feng Long Wan wants to express her gratitude to this woman but the pain was terribly unbearable.

The next day she experience more terrible treatment. When handing food she was not given one. They truly uphold their punishment to her of no food for three days. Feng Long Wan settled on sleeping all the way. The other slave where sent to a nearby horse cabin to used the remaining water from horse bathing. She naturally didn't know this but somehow the woman who treat her came with her wet hair while explaining things with her. She even urge her to take a bath. But Feng Long Wan's back was still throbbing. She was afraid that the dirty water might infect her open wound.

On the third day, Leila –the woman who's been good to her shared her portion of hard bread. Even though it was bread, it was the first food that Feng Long Wan eaten. She didn't know how she survive without eating for three day but somehow she was still alive

Feng Long Wan and Leila went to the horse cabin to check for leftover water. On their way they heard some whispers among the servants their. Feng Long Wan was no interested and it seems Leila was also. They walk passed through it but they could still hear their voices of excitement.

"hey did you see? Currently there are immortals staying at the mayors manor. Currently there was also someone with ethereal beauty that no one can par. Ai, I wanna see even just a glimpse but its hopeless"

"Really, is he more handsome than our mayor's son?"

"Our mayor's son is not of par with him!"

"Even if we can go, we might drown along the crowd. Right now there are a lot of people there, trying to look at the peerless beauty"


The two gossip girl let out heavy sighs.

"If I met an immortal I will immediately jump him off never letting him go" Leila suddenly make her bold statement "Feng Long Wan was stunned by her boldness. Although she knew with Leila's figure she could seduce a man but she didn't think she was like this. Then again her mind wondered, if Leila was in his position by the time she met an immortal cultivator and which that cultivator was totally handsome she couldn't help to shuddered how unrestrained this would become.

"In this world you need to be shameless. A cultivators standing can uplift our status. If we born them a child surely will become a big madam!"

Feng long Wan was reluctant to answer her. But later she did agree with her. "Considering if we can met one…haha"

Leila tightly grasp her hand promising, " If ever I will find one and bore a child I will also refer you to him. So that our child will become half siblings by the father!"

Feng Long Wan couldn't help but choke. and stumble.