Everything's Mess Up

Feng Long Wan life as a slave was still continuing. Some of her companions where already sold and a few of them left. When not doing anything, they only hog on their dirty and dark cell. Food is hard to come by while the water has an unpleasant smell.

Feng Long Wan already misses all the high-end foods she ate on a high class restaurant whenever she and Yun Lan on a date. Yun Lan likes to show off his girlfriend whenever he goes and every time they went shopping she always bough her a pile of designer bags. On her birthdays, he personally cook for her. Yun Lan was a dreamboyfriend a girl could get.

Leila snap her out of her daze.

Pulling her along the side and letting her sleep on her lap. In the short time they where together, they become like sisters. Although its always Leila who helps her. Sometimes she was curious why was she so caring to her. But she didn't have the chance to ask her. It seems too personal and their relationship hasn't even reach where they could exchange secrets. Maybe some time in the future she will ask her but not now.

"What are you thinking?"Leila begun to smooth her hair with a wood comb she had pick on the road.

" Nothing…Some distant relative"

"You don't need to think about them. They sold you off for money. They are no good people."

Leila comforted. It was kind of warm.When she was facing her betrayal on her wedding day no one stand to defend on her side. It was the first time she experience the kind of warmth like a family. Ofcourse romantic feeling didn't include. Although Hong Yun Lan showed her his sincerity, it was different from this. Feng Long Wan snuggle more to the warmth side. Leila was like her older sibling. She really hopes that she will never change in the future.

Days went by and yet no one wants to buy them.

On that days she tried to escape but the tight security of the merchants people was heavy. With no solution, she opt to be bought then escape. She can't forget the reason why she went back to the capital.

One day, the slave merchant visited them with a person by his side. He was the one who will bought one of them. The man has a wide shoulder and strong body. His face was smooth with a healthy pair of skin. This man was brought up from a wealthy family. She could tell.

Wait a minute!

Feng Long Wan intently stared at the man. He was familiar with him. He was the person this body occupies all her memories! This man was no other than the hoodlum who cancel his engagement to his fiancé upon finding a better pasture. Aren't they childhood friends! What the heck. He's not different from his slag boyfriend then. Breaking a girls heart just because he found a better one. Truly shameless.

Anger rose from the bottom of her heart. She felt sorry for the occupant of this body. Although they have the same life experience but the situation now is favorable for her. This previous owner might be hesitant to teach this fool a lesson because she totally love him but she was not! It's the same exactly when she can't enact revenge on Yun Lan even if he had hurt her. At least not now. All she could do was to mope and let time heal.

But she is not this owner's soul. She can get revenge and not feeling any guilty. She doesn't care about him. Not anymore on this soul of hers

The fiancee's name was Liang Mo. The Liang clan was known for being the wealthiest clan among the entire whales City. His father being the current mayor has 3 concubines. Liang Mo was born from the lady of the house. Liang Mo was the eldest of his cousins and the next in line to inherit his father's position. He's popular disposition from the city was known. His good appearance contributed to that popularity.

What good appearance!

His far from Yun Lan's Caliber. He might have a good appearance but there are also who top him off. For example, that Zhan Ming Lei who's beauty exceeds the dryads of the forest and the sirens of the ocean. His beauty is devilishly not comparable to anyone. Maybe its because of him that this Liang Mo is not as appealing to her.

Soon the Slave Merchant pointed to Leila, "if you are looking for a competent servant sir, then we have right here." He said while looking at Leila. "She has far the most responsible and good looking among my collection. Surely she will be great asset to you my good sir."

Feng Long Wan snicker. Dare to praise Leila when he doesn't even care at her afterall. Not giving meal at the exact time and sometimes skipping. What kind of employer are you? Though they were slave at least they should have eaten at least 3 times a day right? And what's with this Liang Mo? Surely he's eyes met hers but it didn't felt he recognize her at all! Even though she was reduce to this state should he atleast recognized his childhood friend? Is this the true nature of men. Upon finding an astonishing lover he will leave his past one if she's not good? Haist! the polygamy system in this world was already frightening but what's more that your lover can anytime betray you nonchalantly.

Liang Mo then said "I only want someone who is competent enough to attend to Sister TingXia. Since then she became even sick and weak. i can't let her return to her sect with that constitution" See, everyone I told you, the bastard really didn't care to his fiancée that has gone missing.

Slave merchant, "Good riddance, since it will be the high martial sister who will need a slave I will put down a discounted price. If the good sir can be together with the martial sister, then our city will eventually prosper more!"

Liang Mo's face flush.

Feng Long Wan: 'I really want to pounce at him and strike his face until he's not recognizable

Liang Mo, "I believe it's not appropriate. Right now, the miasma was getting thicker and thicker. Some other residents near the border can already feel the miasma. It getting dangerous. It's not appropriate to push this thing for this time"

Slave merchant, "You truly care for your people sir, whats the purpose of the 2 cultivators who has given mission to deal with that problem? Rest assured if they can not subdue that problem, it will be a shame to their reputable name".

Liang Mo, "your right, but one of them went back to report to their superior. And in these few days, one of them has been idling on the manor. Creating big commotion on the town people. Ai specially women who are obsessed with an immortal"

'The 2 cultivators... they must be talking about must be Hua Zu Ming and Zhan Qing Lei'. Feng Long Wan thought. If one of them went back, it must be that Zhan guy since he's more sensible and quick witted.

So, Hua Zu Ming was on the mayor's manor right now?