Old Acquaintance

The life of a slave is different from a servant. A servant position was much more higher than that of the slave. Aside from salary, servants are granted a lot of privileges. Of course it would be different if a slave will be upgraded to a servant's position. Leila was among the one. She was task to serve the daily needs of the fiancée of the house. Feng Long Wan's bitter luck continue to spiral as she went to her new post. Cleaning the dirty wastes of this nobles house as well as dispatching the unclean garments and tools of every person in the inside. In short, she was everyone's gofer. Even her residence was the abandoned shed on the back garden. But either way, she didn't need to share with a room to those servants, after all she could tell in one glance that they look down on her. Best that she do her investigation and escape this unpleasant manor.

Feng Long Wan couldn't sleep that night. She tried to toss and turn but without any bedding and lots of buzzing bugs, her night was destined to be long. Maybe she only slept a little and when she woke up it was already dawn. Picking up herself to standup, she walk near the well, wash her face and clean her teeth. The idea of having no toothbrush in this era is quite disturbing. Instead of toothbrush, salt was being use.

Even acquiring salt was much difficult since she needed to squeeze her way to the kitchen in which she's pretty much unwelcome. They ended up quarreling for some hours just to end a little amount of salt. If this go on, she wouldn't much time thinking about her other world. Much more Yun Lan. Could it be that it was a blessing that she transmigrated?

Feng Long Wan started her early routine to clean each of this households *wastebowl. The the nobles use at night. The stink caught to her senses and she felt she'll gonna puke anytime. She finishes the first waste bowl but there was still other to follow. Man, why don't these nobles have an inside cr on their room. Well, at least they do not need these things at night. Her hands has become numb due to the numbers she was washing. It took her two hours to finish all of them.

Next she clean the stable, even horses are being difficult to wash. Their quite sensitive and strong and one wrong move these animal might accidentally kick you out. Once she made a mistake and the horse leg kick her on the stomach. She came tumbling the pail of water on the side. Her rugged dress was reduce to its dirtiest state.

She hasn't eaten this morning and her limbs felt weak when she fall. She heard footsteps nearing and she immediately pulled herself up. Making as if she was diligently cleaning the horse. The taught of having someone inspect her would make her cringe. She's not that afraid of being seen but having to confront again someone would make her energy drain. She didn't eat hence she want to spare her energy. The light footsteps stop upon seing her cleaning the horse stable.

"I am going to get the horse. So please move out"

Feng Long Wan hear him talk. But along the way she felt the voice was familiar. But it was different from the cheerful and energetic voice she heard back then.

Hua Zu Ming move to get the horse, not even minding the slave cleaning it. He was already use to it. He knows slaves has the lowest status among the society. He might pity them, but there's nothing he can do about it. The only thing he can make was not to treat them badly. Atleast he knows some respect.

"Bother Ming" Feng Long Wan stare at the well dress cultivator. They only parted a few days yet Hua Zu Ming's face has full of black cirles. Nothing compared to her. Feng long Wan wondered. Did they also mistreat this child? In Feng Long Wan's eyes Hua Zu Ming was still a midget. He's a little head shorter that Zhan Qing Lei and a little taller by inch than her. He was still probably in his puberty stage. Young and ambitious.

Hua Zu Ming darted a side look to her. When her face showed up Hua Zu Ming was shock. He was in dazed for a second then jump out next to her.

"Miss Feng! You're alive… We search the entire forest but we couldn't find you. I taught you really did died. But Senior Brother Lei is right, your still alive. I'm so happy!" Hua Zu Ming hugged her without malice.

Feng long one became conscious of herself. She hasn't taken a bath in days so she might be stinky. Awkwardly breaking from Hua Zu Ming tightly embrace, they went to talk on the stable.

"I'm still alive. Guess I'm really lucky. Escaping hades for the second time it must be my fate"

" Senior brother Lei said that you won't die since you have been inside the forest. I believe him. It's really true"

Feng Long Wan was stunned on how well instinctive this Zhan Lei. "By the way, are you the one staying here? Where's him?"

"Brother Zhan went back to sect to report this matter. He said something that he needed to do. He will come back immediately"

"Did he leave you just like that, are you sleeping enough? They're providing you good hospitality right?"

"No, I have been serve well. It just that I have trouble sleeping. Miss Feng your really kind. Its you who they didn't treat right?"

Feng Long Wan sigh, "no matter, I'm just a slave here"

"Miss feng, come with us on the sect. Every high cultivator has his own home inside and brother lei is no different. You can serve as a servant of Brother Lei. Well, if I become an outstanding cultivator and own my own house, I'll get you back and serve me. it's the only thing I could do when you save me"

Feng Long Wan felt helpless, its not that she was needed at that time right? Seeing her doubtful expression Hua Zu Ming comforted her. "Miss Feng to tell the truth at that time my sword was broken and I'm a new desciple of the sect. I was lucky that senior brother pick me to do this mission in order to grow. I got scared seeing those fangs and I was petrified. I'm really pathetic."

Hua Zu Ming become depressed telling the truth. In front of his savior it really was embarrassing to admit that your pathetic especially when you're a man.

Feng long Wan patted the boys hair. His hair was soft and smell nice. " Its okay, your growing. I'm sure brother Lei whom you always look up has somehow undergone this state where he's also pathetic. Your mistakes will become your stepping stone in becoming strong someday"

'Talk about yourself. She should also live through this life lessons. Her embarrassing past would be her pass in order to be strong in this world.

Not noticing the reaction of the blushing child. Feng Long Wan decided to change their topic.