Miss Feng is being bullied

"Senior brother decided to go back to get something and report to his shifu about the peculiarities inside the forest'' Hua Zu Ming explained. "Miss Feng we where really shock when you say that you have been there for long days. You know, some people tried to enter and the result their body corroded with rotten wounds that can't be cured. Miss Feng said that she doesn't have spiritual influence but its impossible going there without having none and surviving."

Feng Long Wan, "I was born without" This body of hers has been tested before and resulting to none. " That is why I was thrown inside because I am wasted" Feng Long Wan decided to keep clear. Since the child already told her their mission.

Hua Zu Ming face become distorted and disbelief. He couldn't say anything and her statement was like a dropping bomb.

Feng Long Wan sense his discomfort. "It's okay, I'm used to that fact that I'm always abandon. And besides. What's the reason why I'm alive? It's because I need to get the bottom of those who want to kill me right?"

They where silent for a few seconds then Feng Long Wan broke the awkward atmosphere. "Lets go back to what we are talking. So did you find anything inside the forest?"

Hua Zu Ming shake his head. "We didn't"

The only thing they were so sure was that the miasma was getting thicker and thicker that they couldn't fine the root cause of this. Miasma are the bad energy releases by a low level demon. A single demon cannot gives off that kind of unsual dark energy. Even they search the entire area there was not even a trace of them.

The forest has become a problem now since the miasma is leaking and spreading the entire city. In no time it will eventually spread allover occupying the whole city.and its gotten problematic now.

Hearing Hua Zu Ming talk about demons, Feng Long Wan can't help but think that this world really is a fantasy one. If even one day, she talk about it in her modern world surely they will laugh at her at being ridiculous. Well the ridiculous you say is true.

Hua Zu Ming, "Senior brother leave the task in counting every person in each household on this city. He said he will be asking me this when he get back. Its my third day going around and I haven't make it in half. The city is big and full of people."

Feng Long Wan, "why don't you ask the recent census of the city mayor I'm sure he has the list of people in his office?"

Hua Zu Ming, "Senior brother leave me this task. I don't want to disobey him."

Feng long man could see two puppy ears in this child's head. No wonder he was so adorable. Its like having a little brother. Back in the orphanage she was staying, a lot of children look up to her as their elder sister. The kids there are all so cute and adorable. She wondered how those kids grow now? Did they become upright and good member of the society. She hopes that none of them could suffer like her. She wants them to grow as a healthy and cheerful individual.

Getting back to their current topic...

Feng Long Wan, "Right, how about I help you with that?" Feng Long Wan beam in excitement. Seeing that she could go out once in a while and also she could conduct her schemes one's she out of this place.

Hua Zu Ming was happy. Knowing that someone was willing to help him. And besides if Miss Feng help him, she wouldn't need to do this lowly jobs. She only needs to help and follow him. Looking at the garments feng long wan was wearing, Hua Zu Ming felt depressed. His Miss Feng is beautiful. He can see her definite face when she clean herself. But her current appearance is really uncomfortable to look at.

Hua Zu Ming request a spare of small size clothes to the servants. Also, he allow her to take a clean bath at his own guest house and asking all the attendant to get out.

Feng Long Wan felt that its been years since she came in contact with a clean water. This world has no soap or shampoo and ancient people only put fragrant petals on the water. But there's an oil being put into the hair to make it smooth and soft.

'Having to met a cultivator is quite luxurious. Ai, was this the reason why Leila was so obsessed marrying an immortal.?" Now that she remembered, she didn't see her in the past 2 days. She decided she will make time for her after they finish talking to all the households here.

It only took her 15 minutes before coming out. Dressing herself with the clothes Hua Zu Ming handed. Feng Long Wan look at the unclear mirror on the table. Her face looks soft now and her hair was silky and flowing down. Her smell improve a lot though her wound sting from the water.

When she got out, Hua Zu Ming was not around. But there are two servants who are glaring like daggers to her. if looks could killed, she was long been dead and was rotting now. She even could feel they were gnashing their teeths when they saw her went out of the bath.

"Must be nice seducing an immortal. What a filthy slut!" A girl in bun said. Her face has freckels and his skin has a faint dark. color She was talking to the other one but she directed her insults to her. Feng Long Wan didn't mind her as she walk pass her.

Then the other one fueled the other ones insult, "of course she's filthy, didn't you know her appearance earlier. Aren't she ashame that she smell horse dung while clinging to the young master? The young master must be benevolent that he didn't mind her at all."

"Fitly slut"

"Smelly fox"

These brats…

Feng Long Wan held her temper. They were like these because they felt envious. She was just a mere slave daring to cling to a noble men. But whats more its not a men she's clinging its just a child! How could she have those filthy taught about the child.

Feng Long Wan retorted back, "They say thinkiers are doers. There's nothing much I can say about that"

"You!!!" the two servants eyes bulge. They couldn't believe that they're own word will be thrown out to them. Who knew that it really hit them. Upon the arrival of those two young lords. Even the servants like them tried to pass at them. However, seeing the other was scary and unapproachable they settle to this kid because he seems he's like a soft wannabee. But who knew that he was also hard to approach so they stop their urges and resume to being a maid.

"Miss Feng~" What Hua Zu Ming witness was these heavy atmosphere. It seems that his miss Feng was being bullied again this time. Hua Zu Ming intended to grab Feng Long Wan's hand and rub it as he proclaimed that the young city mayor's son agreed to let her accompany him.

Feng Long Wan was happy for this joyous news. She immediately patted the young kid's head and rub it as if rubbing a dog who made its owner satisfied. Then she eyed the two like 'see I'm not like you?how can I think about that disgusting thing with this kid' then she snickered at them.

The puppy being rub was oblivious of the current situation.

The two obviously felt scared by her glare. Seeing that the young immortal was smoothen by her, there's no way that they could do anything with her now. The just gritted their teeth for this girl's luck.