Spirit Guide Refiner

Feng Long Wan was led to a secluded room which was guarded by two professional guard in black. She remember one of them that tried to approach her in broad daylight. So they were the guards hire by this Liang Mo!

And what's with trying to approach her?

Liang Mo was sitting on the edge of the table. He was reading a book and didn't even lift his head when he saw her coming. When she enter, the two guards immediately got out leaving them inside.

"You ca not fool me Feng Long Wei. Where did you go all these time?"

As expected, Liang Mo was straight to the point.

But she already resolve herself not to admit that fact.

"Wrong, I am Feng Long Wan. You see it with yourself, I am not like her at all."

"You have the same face yet your character was the polar opposite. WeiWei was never been polite. Her temper was once I hated about her. But you are not. Even now I can see that you are tempering you anger. What I do not know was what happened to you?"

Feng Long Wan,"The only reason for your wondering its because I am not her"

They are back to square one again.

Feng Long Wan,"Besides, why do you need her? You seem to have been satisfied with your life now?" Feng Long Wan couldn't help herself but smirk when he saw the man in blank expression. Somehow she couldn't read what was he thinking while looking at her with a weird look.

Liang Mo,''Your jealous? But even so, my father will marry meto her. You may not now but father has a strong obsession towards female cultivators. He will do everything in order to have a strong lineage"

Whose jealous! Dream on!

Liang Mo,"Jang Ningning is my responsibility you know that"

Yeah she is. She's your girlfriend right?

Seeing that they were talking nonsense Feng Long Wan become bored. She doesn't want to stay in the same air as him.

"This will be the last time I'm gonna ask you. Are you not really her?"

With a firm look. Her eyes fixated on his face. "I am not"

Liang Mo sigh. Then stood up to return the book his reading to the shelf.

"If young master has nothing for me to do, then this servant will excuse myself" Feng Long Wan didn't wait to hear his answer but she immediately storm out of the room. Seriously, that was just a waste of time.

If there's one thing that Feng Long Wan realize. It's that this person Liang Mo is not her killer. She knows that. But somehow something is off. And somehow, she could tell that he knew something.

That night Feng Long Wan couldn't sleep at all. It felt that someone was watching her? She felt uncomfortable that she woke up. Hua Zu Ming was on the other room cultivating. She was using Hua Zu Ming's sleeping quarter for a while. Thought now she has a comfortable place but she couldn't sleep at all. She pulled her dagger under the bed. Looking at it curiously, the blade was rusting. Not to mention it was kind of smelly since who knows how where did this blade came from. She was just only happy that she get it at a cheap price. In case of danger, everything within the vicinity becomes a weapon. But it's better to have an official one, just for being cautious.

Hua Zu Ming knock on the sliding door.

When he enters, he saw her polishing her dagger. She didn't hide to from Hua Zu Ming since there's nothing especial in it.

"You know, for self defense. At least I need these"

Hua Zu Ming, "I understand Miss Feng, I know that you're a magnet of danger. So I'm not going to be suspicious if you possos one. It's just that…"

Feng Long Wan look at him in curiosity.

Hua Zu Ming, "…Miss Feng Do you really not have any Spiritual Influence?"

Feng Long Wan paused for a moment then answered, "I guess I don't?"

Hua Zu Ming pulled his broken sword and wave to directly to his dagger. Feng Long Wan instantly pose in her defensive stance, thinking what was this child doing attacking her so suddenly.Her dagger went on par with the sword with spiritual energy. Hua Zu Ming exerted much more effort this time, forcing her dagger to be pushed back and Feng Long Wan's grip tightens. She felt that if ever she make a move and his sword bypass her, she will be slice into two.

She exerted more energy to push down the sword and in an instant, Hua Zu Ming's sword broke. It shattered even more. Rendering more useless that it was before.

Feng Long Wan was surprised! Surely Hua Zu Ming won't collect for his insurance fee right? She broke his sword and it's not any ordinary sword! It's his immortal sword imbued with spiritual energy!

Wait a minute! His spiritual Sword broke by a sword without any influence. Feng Long Wan Look up to just to see Hua Zu Ming grinning ear to ear.

"Miss Feng your not wasted! At least you have an influence. If not my sword will not be broken. Miss Feng I knew it! Since you didn't die on that miasma you must have an inner influence. Though at the meantime it's not yet powerful tsince you said you didn't have it at birth. There are circumstances of developing it at an later age."

Those who developed at a later stage or the late bloomers tend to be a little special. So Hua Zu Ming taught that his Miss Feng must be one of those cultivators who has a latent talent. His Miss Feng is awesome ah!

He can't wait to tell his senior brother Lei about this awesome development. But then again, his Senior brother must have already know it. He's far more the intelligent and far fetch than any other before.

And why was his Senior Brother taking too long to come back?

"So, does this mean that I can cultivate?"

"Yes miss Feng, you can follow us back to the Sect and have your late registration"

Hehe. So this is great!

"Base on your influence you must be a refiner. Ming Feng you must not forget you broke my sword. So you will need to refine another one for me." Hua Zu Ming let a sinister smile towards her. It was just a whim when he tested her dagger but who would gonna taught that she really has an influence and it broke her weapon into pieces. Beside testing spiritual influence has a specific device. He didn't know her level but he was sure now that she has it.

"Ofcourse ofcourse, Little Ming I will immediately refine you one when I know the right procedure. But then again how do I refine one."

Hua Zu Ming explain that refining a weapon means focusing your internal influence on the device then pour your spiritual influence. A high level and high quality spiritual weapon can be a great tool for a practitioner on battle. It will be his aide aside from his inner strength.

A spiritual refiner only needs to focus his strength. Allowing the flow of his inner influence to travel to the weapon. Then trap it with the kind of seal that will allow the influence and weapon to be bound into one.

To further reiterate to her, Hua Zu Ming held Feng Long Wan's dagger. With the little amount of his influence, her dagger shatters.

Feng Long Wan's eyes were open wide. What the heck! His dagger that shatter his sword was now destroyed by Hua Zu Ming's little energy! His sword that she had bought for a cheap price was destroyed. Her piece of money was turn into a pile of ashes.

"This is where the sealing comes, Miss Feng your influence earlier has been dissapitate from the weapon. When trying to transfer the flow of energy one should now the art of sealing. This is what we offer in the sect in a refiners class. Your weapon will turn like any ordinary one when its out of the spiritual influence. In face with the power, it will just turn into a pile of ashes.

Hua Zu Ming look at her as if he was waiting to be praise by his detailed explanation. But who knows that Feng Long Wan look at him grievely and accusing.

She poited at the pile of shattered pieces on the floor then exclaimed "You broke my weapon!!!"

What? That was her concern?