Sensing Spiritual Influence

"I-Im sorry Miss Feng! I was caught up on my own scenarios. I will compensate and buy you a new one."

Feng Long Wan felt it will be ridiculous if he let Hua Zu Ming re-compensate it, since it was his money she bought. "It's okay brother Ming. It's your money anyway… besides there was a saying that 'everything becomes a weapon once in danger'. Please do not think about it."

Hua Zu Ming nodded. But in his heart, he should compensate Miss Feng since it was her defense weapon. Miss Feng's murderer was not yet found and leaving her defenseless is not a good idea. He decided to put it into his little note to buy her a high grade one.

The next day they resume they're job going house to house. This time there were no peculiarities. The issue of every girl's disappearance was not new anymore.

They finishes their job early and went back home. This time they were surprise to saw someone familiar.

Zhan Qing Lei was sipping tea under the shade of a tree. When they approach, he immediately stood up entering the house. Following him, Feng Long Wan sneak a few glimpses of this cultivator's face. Sure enough, no matter how long you'll stare the more this person become beautiful in a person's eyes. He has thin eyebrow curve into a sharp blade. His eyelashes were too long and lips that has a tint of rose. He's definitely the enemy of every woman, yet somehow, they mislook this issue and decided to admire him. If he's become a girl then this world will crumble fighting for his beauty.

"Seems like miss Feng's hobby is to sneak a glance when somebody's not looking." Feng Long Wan was dumbstruck and turn her gaze away. Having caught staring was embarrassing.

"Senior Brother is too beautiful, Miss Feng couldn't help it!" Hua Zu Ming innocently chimed in.

Hey kid. Don't sold me out okay?

"Is that true? ...hmmm The last time I see Miss Feng she was like dirt rag, I was astonish to see her well dress now." Zhan Qing Lei said without care of how his words would influence the other party. Yet his stare was profound. Sending thousands of thoughts to the receiver.

A typical girl will be easily seduce by his look but if one will comprehend closer, it was like he was examining her entire soul, observing her every moves from the tip of his hands. Feng long Wan was long become stiff. Not sure what to do. She felt that anytime, this man can take away her life with a click of his hands.

"You're scared?" he indecisively said.

"Brother Lei! R-rest assured I will not do something that will harm you and brother Ming…Please spare me! I do not want do die yet!"

Heh? Zhang Qing lei's lips curve into a smile.

"You're clever.If your useless I will not hesitate to twist your neck"

Feng Long Wan sweated like bullets. When did this become like a threatening situation? She was just lucky that she didn't become arrogant on their first meeting. She just incessantly ignore her so she returns the favor.

"Senior brother Lei, Miss Feng help me conduct an investigation of every household and in fact we finished it just today. Miss Feng really helps. Plus miss Feng is awesome. She is late bloomer and has spiritual influence!"

'Hua Zu Ming, if you tell him everything what will I gonna report Ah?'

Feng Long Wan was busy rummaging her mind what to say. It seems that her brain abruptly shut down from the intense atmosphere earlier and now she's forcing it to open.

A big warm hands landed on her head and it began to rustle it without care. She look at Zhan Qing Lei's enormous hand in her head and her brain shut down again.

He's not trying to burst her brain right?

Hua Zu Ming who's been accustomed to being patted saw this scene and beam in excitement. Miss Feng always rub his head in acknowledging him. Did this mean that his Brother Lei was acknowledging Miss Feng also?

But in an instant Zhan Qing Lei's face reverted back to being cold and icy again. He pulled something from his robe pocket and handed it to Hua Zu Ming.

It was a Chinese talisman imbued with red ink. No, it was not a red ink but blood. It was not only a single one but it seems that he prepared dozens of it. And whose blood is being used to it?

"Senior brother, this talisman…."

"No one will know"

"Yes Senior brother"

What did just happen? Can someone enlighten her dark mind.

Zhan Qing Lei, "I will be out again be sure to put it on each houses door. Do not skip any houses"

Hua Zu Ming immediately nod without asking. Why do she felt that this kid was born to be natural gofer. Any request of his senior, he will immediately accept without hesitation. Wouldn't he afraid that his senior might have some dealing into the dark side and he will just gonna obey him.

And besides, they did just finished surveying every houses, that does mean that they'll gonna go at it again? Its not that she is feeling lazy, but the suspicious glare of people make her heavy sweat.


Zhan Qing Lei seems to understand her trail of taught .

While going out, he turn to her and chuckle "it seems that Miss Feng will become very busy again."

Feng Long Wan, "hmmp!"

When the two remain, only the sound of the rustling of leaves can be heard outside. Zhan Qing Lei's appearance was like a passing wind and like a wind he was gone again.

Just why did he always leave his junior brother?!!!

"Junior brother can I take a look at the talisman?" She can't take her curiosity anymore and focus her attention now to what his holding.

"Yes Miss Feng" then Hua Zu Ming handed it to her.

Feng Long Wan scrutinize the yellow paper with a weird scribbling. She can't read it so he ask him the meaning of marking and whose blood it was written.

Hua Zu Ming told her that it was only symbols. Creating the heaven and earth. This talisman is used to exterminate evil. From the old times its already been used so one could say that it was one of the ancients artifacts.Though almost all cultivators can use talisman, only a handful can produce hundreds of it since it uses spiritual influence on the owner.

When making a talisman, a persons spiritual influence is needed as well as his blood. This talisman was imbued with blood of Zhan Qing Lei. But seeing him earlier, she doesn't seem to be suffering from anemia. Even his physical physique is incredible. Feng Long Wan didn't know when it started but she could sense the spiritual particles now. His first conscientiousness was awaken by Zhan Qing lei.

When he rub her head earlier, he force to open the weak vein on her head and now it was all flowing throughout her body. She didn't know this happened. The only thing she knew is that she can sense it now. Even Hua Zu Ming's gentle and pure spirit was visible to her. It was like he was coated in a deep blue aura.

However, Zhan Qing Lei's aura was so thick and turbulent. It was warm and aggressive. The suppression she experience earlier might related to it. That is why she felt the domineering aspect of his spiritual influence.

Feng Long Wan,"Senior Brother Ming, your spiritual influence is pure and calming. It really concedes with your personality."

Hua Zu Ming,"Sister Feng can sense it now?"

Feng Long Wan, "I don't know when but somehow"

Hua Zu Ming thought must be because of his Senior Brother. He must have force to open her spiritual vein.

Feng Long Wan, "It's awesome ah. Then that does mean that I am a spirit refiner?" Since she was able to refine her energy with the dagger earlier.

Hua Zu Ming Nod. "Spirit Refiner is rare to come by. So miss Feng must enroll of Immortal Sword Sect so that we can purchase your weapons without hassle"

Feng Long Wan beam in excitement.

She's gonna become a businesswoman in this world and become rich!