A servant's punishment

Grandma Muyang was the very image of a virtuous wife. Having her husband died, she never marry again. Her life was solely focus on her garden and her consistent not so lavicious lifestyle. Everyday she never skip to visit her daughter and husbands grave. Making sure that they stay clean and out of unnecessary weeds.

Such loyalty and perseverance.

But where are they graves?

Feng Long Wan can't see any tombstone nor grave signs on her backyard. These city doesn't seem to have cementary. She couldn't help but feel curious.

In the end the old lady told her that her child remains at the fog forest. She always go there everyday, no matter what the weather is. but now that the forest is off limits, she can't do but only sigh and look at the distant black forest.

Now she can't seem to go there anyway.Not to mention today was her death anniversary.

The fresh lily flower that was carefully put in a beautiful vase made in bamboo was still standing on the table. The picture emits a gloomy and tragic scene. As if it was colluding with the dark miasma from the forest. One look at it send lonesome solitude to the viewer.

Feng Long Wan decided. She can play a mother Theresa now. This grandma was the only one who help her earlier and she want to give back the favor.

"Grandma, let me bring that flower offering to your daughter" grandma Muyang was stupefied by her suggestion. Without any thinking, she horribly shake her head and slammed the table. She was very angry with her just now.

"It's dangerous! You will die. The dead is already dead. It can wait when the fog subside! You can't be foolish to commit suicide. I know you might be discourage by the tremor earlier but let it slide for a moment, the villagers anger will subside soon."

Feng Long wan knows where her anger coming from. She clearly understood her. But now that she has spiritual influence, she can't die going in there.

Feng Long Wan look sincerely at the old lady.

"Grandma, you won't believe me but I do have an inner cultivation. I will not die entering the forest."

The old lady was surprised hearing what she said. "You can't fool me child! If you really have, your life won't be like this. You wont be just a servant of the Lord's manor…"

"Grandma…" Feng Long Wan interrupted her. "Trust me. I will bring your daughters offering. I will not die in there"

"No!" Grandma was stern in her decision. If she insist going she might killed her by heart attack. Old people's blood pressure is something to look at nowadays.

"Never enter the forest. I don't want to bring it to my daughter now. Besides the miasma will just rot the flower"

Feng long Wan nodded. Seeing that her mother Theresa goodwill was turn down. If the old lady doesn't want to then she can't do anything about it.

The sun was already setting when Feng Long Wan bid her farewell to the old lady. Thanking her for her support and promising that she will visit again if she has time.

Grandma Muyang was looking forward for her visit next time.

When she return inside her eyes widen, on the table the flower offering was gone. Her eyes turn sharp and immediately turn to find that child on the road but she was gone.

The old lady slump on the wooden chair.

'That kid said that she will not die going in there. But if she really did, she will really kill her this time! 'such a disobedient child...' This is her taught but deep inside a warm smile came across the old woman's face. Since when did the last time she smile purely? It was maybe when her sweet daughter and her husband was alive. He's a man who loves to tease her. His jokes might be corny to hear but it will always make him laugh since her daughter was a slow picker. Everyday their house would be filled with laughter and merriment.

Grandma look at the malicious fog circling the forest. She prays that this kid will stay safe.




Feng Long Wan has long enter the forest. Since the old lady briefly instruct her where the tombstone earlier, she didn't have a hard time finding it.

Feng long Wan kneel in front of the tombstone. Sincerely offering her prayers to the two graves.

"May your souls reincarnate and become good citizens on your next life. Please, I hope that you will not be born poor and powerless. Rest in peace"

Feng Long Wan stayed for a couple of hours. Then upon realizing that it was enough she went out.

The sky was already dark and the midnight air was cold and chilly. The fog was so thick the she got lost the track of time.

It was already dark but her task wasn't still finish!

She has still a lot of talisman in her pockets.

Feng Long Wan decided to do a Mother Theresa deed again.

Going back to the place earlier where she didn't have chance putting talisman, she went just to put it secretly. Put it in the most unconspicuous way that they wouldn't notice.

In the cold night she felt like a thief, hiding on the bushes, hiding under the tree finding the safe place to put the talisman and in the end pasting it.

'Feng Long Wan you really deserve the most diligent employee in year. Not having enough salary and doing overtime ah'

But the taught of his Senior brother being satisfied with her work invigorated her!

Feng Long Wan shivered from her taught. Does that mean that she was reduce to the loyal dog type like Hua Zu Ming? No, Hua Zu Ming's obsessive obedience influence her!

Feng Long Wan arrive at night and she was so tired that when her body collapses on the ground her consciousness drop.

At that time, she wasn't able to discern a pair of observative eyes looking at her warmly. Then without making any noises he inch closer ruffling the young girls hair and sending a bit of his spirit influence towards her.

A cold yet magnatic voice was heard whispering, "you did a good job. Sleep well tonight"

On the cold and eerie night that shadow disappeared as if his presence has never been there from the beginning.




Days passed and the only thing Feng Long Wan can do was to idle around the house. Hua Zu Ming was cultivating for who knows how many days without going out. She already knows that cultivator don't need to eat. Must be nice. He not need to worry want to eat next on his meals.

Right now, that was Feng Long Wan's greatest problem. Since Hua Zu Ming enter seclusion. Her food ration stop. Servants didn't go either to bring her food. It's up to her to find something to eat.

"But before that I must find Leila, felt like ages I met her~" she kept mumbling while taking a peek at her quarter.

And there she saw her.

Kneeling in front of Liang Mo's Fiancee. She was bowing her head as if receiving her punishment. The maids where turning their turns whipping her back with a thick bamboo stick. As if these people where disciplining a 5 year old kid for her naughty action ah.

What did she do to suffer this?

Feng Long Wan took a closer look and when she saw Leila fainting she dash in and scoop her on her embrace.

"What is happening here? Why so cruel to punish her up to the point of fainting?" her eyes are bulging while looking at the perpetrator.

"Aiya, the slutty slave who clings to a cultivator is butting in~She's gonna sold me out to her sugar daddy ah"

Who's sugar daddy is who ah?

No wonder servants are full of dirty thoughts. So it was influence by her?

Feng Long Wan pretend that she didn't hear her. "She already fainted. I will bring her to her room now"

Jang Ningning's lively and sweet "okay~" was heard as if the thing just now didn't happen.