Miasma on Black Fog Forest

Before Feng Long Wan could even pulled out the unconscious Leila behind the scene, Liang Mo unexpected stumble from this situation. Seeing that he came, Jang Ningning reverted to her sickly and pale appearance while clinging to Liang Mo. "Dear Mo, I made a grave mistake today, as you can see I severely punish a servant. It's my fault I lost my temper with her"

Feng Long Wan would like to applause this actress. She felt the she deserve the Oscar nomination for best actress of the year.

Liang Mo look at her direction then his eyebrow raised.

What what what!, she didn't do anything ah!

Liang Mo,"What is the servant's crime?"

Jang Ningning, "she only coveted my few jewelries. I give her few whips and then she fainted out already.Seriously, its not like I give her permissionn to wear the hundred peach blossom bracelet you have given me"

Liang Mo's face become ugly. " She deserves to be whip out and three days without meals. Anyone who gives him will have a corresponding punishment."

He said that but he was emphasizing every words he said.

Of course Jang Ningning's face brim with satisfaction with the current situation.

Liang Mo turn to Jiang Ningning who was clinging to her. "Just throw that bracelet, I'll give you a new one. But be sure you take care of it now"

Jang Ningning, "Liang Mo dear, your so kind! When we get married I'll definitely be good to you~"

Liang Mo smiled, seeing the cute side of his girlfriend, "okay okay. But for now you should focus on recuperating"

Jang Ningning even beam happily and sneakily glimpse at Feng Long Wan's side hiding a triumphant smirk

Feng Long Wan "…"

The two bypass them. Feng long Wan was having difficulty carrying Leia over her shoulder. Obviously Leila was more bigger than her. She's just an underweight petite woman compared to here.

When Liang Mo almost bypass her, he stop. Looking at Feng Long Wan disgusted, " The manor is huge. Next time, do not let me ever see your face. It makes me sick to see my childhood friend in the face of a mere slave"

'The feelings mutual' Feng Long Wan could not help but only mutter that on her mind.

"your answer?"

"I will surely not show my face to the young master" she said while gnashing her teeth.

Feng Long Wan brought Leila to Hua Zu Ming's residence. Not seeing her for long days, she could determined that Leila lost some weight. She was a little plump back then and now her face has become thin. And just now, Liang Mo declared not having meal to her means she might become bamboo stick anytime.

Well anyway, if there's a way there's a will.




After a while...



When Hua Zu Ming came back what he smell was the aromatic sweet and sour fried fish made by Feng long Wan. Hua Zu Ming's residence has a tiny kitchen at the back with not so many vegetable ingredients yet no meat or chicken. Feng Long Wan decided, as long as there are tomato she can make it. Just like she always used to. Living in an apartment, she came to know the difficulty of living alone. She did all her cooking by herself and in no time it improves a lot. Sometimes, she also invites Yun Lang. His favorites was her home made sweet and sour fish.

She remembers that Yun Lang never loss his state to that dish, no matter it will be serve to him everyday.




On the other hand, the maid in charge of the pond was making a big racket. She only just discovered the his young master's fish pet was missing! His master loves to look at it always every morning since it has a unique golden color. Now it has gone!

Much worse, its not like today was the last incident. The fish on the pond keeps missing for almost three days!


When Leila woke up it was already dusk. Her wounds has been taken cared of. Feng long Wan's face came before her every eyes.

"How are you Leila?"

Stretching out her weak body she replied, "much better"

"have you been mistreated?"

"it nothing new. As a slave I'm use to it"

Feng long Wan interjected, "but you are not a slave now! You have been upgraded to being a servant!"

Leila was dejected while saying, "they are all the same. We still have masters to obey."

Leila was right. As long as they remain powerless, their situation will not improve in this world. She got a little worried of Leila. If she ever enters a sect, will she be okay staying here?Of course not. She needs to bring her.

Feng Long Wan days still continued.

One morning, a portion of the city become chaotic when the miasma on the forest started to leak. Hua Zu Ming immediately flung to that area putting a temporary barrier in order not to spread it . Feng Long Wan nurse those people who was hit by the poison smoke. Treating their wounds with clean cloth and herbal medicine. Thankfully there was only 6 victims this time but soon if the source of miasma cannot be located then it be end of this city.

People are starting to complain.

Whether the two cultivator they hire where credible.

It was already came to it and all they could do was to blame the innocent. Its not like its Hua Zu Ming's fault on the first place.

Grandma Muyang and Leila help in evacuating those people near the forest. Feng long Wan requested Hua Zu Ming to let Leila stay with them. Since she didn't know what evil taught that Jang Ningning will pull to her when she's not around. And she was really sure that she was doing it to her on purpose. In order to get back to her.

For the meantime, they stay at grandma Muyang's house. Its more convenient staying at her house which is nearer at the fog forest.

Later, a pair of white boots enter the door revealing a magnificent aura of a true cultivator. His eyes where deep as the ocean, long lashes and definite face. Everyone stared at him in awe. Even Hua Zu Ming whose close to him couldn't help but became stunned. Its like this man is really blessed by the heaven. His looks where like perfectly carve and no man could compare to the beauty.

Zhan Qing Lei elegantly sat at the table in front of the three jaw dropped person.

"I already knew the source of the miasma"

There trio was even stunned.

Only grandma Muyang stood up and prepare for his newly arrived visitor.

Hua Zu Ming came to his puppy dog ear self again. "Senior brother!"

Zhan Qing Lei look at him in fondness "Ai, I'm back."His words where like the brightest sun in the sky. It was always filled with masculine tone yet warm and secure.

"Tomorrow where going to enter it again. We will purify that forest with a spiritual talisman. That land was filled with bones and ashes of dead people. The miasma came from the toxic limiting by the unsterilized decayed body. Once purifying the air it will turn back to normal."

"Yes Senior brother Lei! I will prepare a talisman to make it…"But Hua Zu Ming eyebrows twitch

"Brother Lei we don't have a spirit refiner who will refine the talisman"

Zhan Qing Lei look at him as if he was forgetting something, "Aren't we have a new one?" with full of confidence she look directly at Feng Long Wan.

Leila also look at her in curiosity.

"Senior Brother lei, Miss Feng hasn't learn the arts of refine sealing yet! Its dangerous to her and what if she accidentally pulled almost all her spiritual influence on the weapon. She might die"

Zhan Qing Lei look at Feng Long Wan. His stare was provocative and alluring. Somehow she was immerse again buy those beautiful eyes of his. "So Miss Feng can't do it? What a pity. Then should I look for the young master's fiancée then?"

Feng Long Wan instinctively stood up. Just hearing the name of that woman rush all the vital energies in her body. "Leave it to me! I Feng long Wan will definitely not die by just a mere exhaustion… it will be a shame to my ancestor to give up this opportunity!" She huffed and puffed and her chest heave high.

Zhan Qing Lei Chuckle, "then that settles it. Hua Zu Ming have a little faith on your Miss Feng okay?"

Hua Zu Ming, "…"