Not on the Same League

Leila confusedly turn her head towards her. Then upon realizing the idea, she was bummed with excitement. She was very happy for Feng Long Wan. When it seems that she didn't need onto the conversation, she help grandma Muyang into the kitchen while the three of them silently stare at each other in silence.

Later Feng Long Wan couldn't stand the obscure silence in an awkward manner, "…Brother Ming so, What should I do from now?"

It was Zhan Qing Lei who answered her pulling a rusty wind bells on his robe. " refine that one. I will personally see what you can do"

Feng Long Wan didn't know what to feel at the moment. Zhan Qing Lei will be the one mentoring her?!

Hua Zu Ming, "Miss Feng Senior Brother has a good reputation in teaching though he was still not on the level of shifu. But rest assured, he's the number one disciple of master"

Feng Long Wan turning his head towards her mentor, "T-hen I will be in your care…"

Hua Zu Ming stood up leaving the two of them inside.

Zhan Qing Lei without restrain said, "try to pour your spirit influence"

Feng Long Wan followed his instruction. She was ecstatic that she didn't find it difficult channeling her energy from the weapon. It's as if, she was just only pouring water from the pitcher to a glass.

Zhan Qing Lei without expression only take a look at her.

"Master…How long should I pour it?"

Zhan Qing Lei's eyebrow twitch upon hearing her called him master but in the end he focuses his attention to the flow of her spiritual influence. The way she pour it was messy and disorganize. Some fibers were spilling out. It was the most unprofessional way of handling. Considering that this child do not have any experience in this field, it was already a miracle that she knows how to do it.

Pouring the spiritual influence to a weapon takes a lot of control and concentration. It took a year before a certain individual master the art of transferring. In this stage, this child could skip a year ahead.

"Continue to pour until your exhausted and dead"


"Just continue. I'll tell you when it's time."

He said that but it's already been 2 hours since she started pouring and he has not a single intention of stopping her. Her butt has becoming numb for now and its embarrassing to say it in front when the person mentoring her has a straight and serious face.

3 hours has passed. Feng Long Wan's eyelids begun to sting

4 hours… her butt felt itchy

5 hours...she felt she needs to go to the bathroom

6 hours…her bladder's gonna burst and she couldn't take it anymore!

Running like a feral cheetah inside the bathroom she slams her way to anyone who bumps her. If she ever gonna pissed her pants, she swear this is gonna be the most embarrassing thing that happen to her!

But good nature, it didn't happen.

When she goes out, she paled. Thinking how dare she dump her mentor without notice.

Never mind. She'll just apologize sincerely to him.

'Yes, let's just apologize to him!'

She was resolute to do that when Feng Long Wan went back, Zhan Qing Lei was not there anymore.

He must be angry with her! If your student ditches your class in front of your whole face. What kind of teacher are you then if you wont be enrage. Now what she'll do?What if his master won't personally teach her anymore. What if she bears a grudge on her and decided to kill her?

'Hua Zu Ming... Where are you?! You are my only salvation…If ever really I didn't make it…can you at least remember that sometimes once in your lifetime you met a beautiful young lady? ' She taught hile imaging the state of her burial.

"What are you doing, Miss Feng?" Hua Zu Ming saw her banging her head on the table. With a teary eye she look at him. "Brother Ming, what should I do?"

Then she started to explain her situation.

"Miss Feng Senior brother is not like that. His not petty to kill you enough. Although I see Senior brother killed some idiot who don't know their limit, he's far more lenient than you think"

So he does kill people he deems useless! Aiyahhh.

Feng Long Wan began to bang her head again.

"Miss Feng trust me. Senior brother will still teach you."

Leila went over just to see at this scene, then remembering something she spoke nonchalantly, "I just saw Brother Lei went out. It seems he is angry. Did something happening?"

Feng Long Wan, 'oh no I'm done for…'

Hua Zu Ming look at her sympathetically and to change their topic he tried to offer her medicine that helps in restoring her influence.

"Miss Feng, are you not feeling unwell? This medicine has the effect of calming your nerve whenever you refine something. I remember Sister Mei when she's refining weapon. She always look pale and tired. So I always prescribe this medicine to her. Try it"

"many thanks Senior brother, but it seems that I'm still energetic as ever.'

"hey, do you think she needed it? I think this rascal seems fine. She even has the guts to worry for unnecessary thing" Leila told her.

Hu Zu ming observe him. "It seems that Miss Leila is right. Miss Feng, your complexion is still the same as before. Are you sure that your taking this seriously."

"of course I am! Look I even almost peed my pants refining for almost six hours. Geez. My butt got numb just by sitting"

Feng Long Ming couldn't believe it! Six hours and she's still as energetic as a vixen. Just how much spiritual power she pours onto that weapon. This is incredible ah! It seems that she has abundant energy on her body. Was these the result that accumulated for the entire years she didn't use it?

'By the way miss Feng, where's the wind bells you refine?"

"I guess Master took it?'


Zhan Qing Lei brought the Wind Bells with him and sought Jang Ningning. When he came, she dealing with her makeups and inventories of her jewelries while trying to find faults at every servants. He could see her vicious face and horrible temper from afar.

It was night, the wind is strong making the curtains flutter. As it was not expected, a beauty that seems to gone out from a painting enters the room . Everyone become speechless. Seeing that this young and handsome cultivator seeks their young mistress they begun to form their own conclusion. Jang Ningning who was caught offguard begun to frantically prepare herself.

"No need for formal introduction. You're a cultivator right? I need you to seal it!" Handling the wind bell to her, Jang Ningning could see the massive amount of influence escaping the weapon.

Jang Ningning immediately form a hand sign then sealed the weapon then triumphantly look at Zhan Qing Lei. But Zhan Qing Lei was still not satisfied. He gesture her to look more attentively. Sure enough, the seal was not enough to contain the massive amount. It leaks from a certain hole on the seal.

What's happening? These cases only happen when the seal is not enough to trap the energy. So who's influence is this? It's more powerful that her!

A bud of jealousy erupted in her heart. Was there someone whom on their group who's a refiner?

"This… "Jang Ninging was speechless

Zhan Qing Lei grab the wind bell, "Never mind. You are weak. This is out of your own power"

Jang Ningning gritted her teeth. Since when did the last time she heard that critic. Out of all the words, those words are what she hated the most! Who was he to say those things to her!

She must do something!

This arrogant cultivator must be eliminated. Including that wench. All of them should have all die!